Bedtime Tales


So I called my friend for a sleepover and it's teenage years all over again!! :D We have a tradition you can call "Tell Me a Story" which consist in one of us asking the other to 'tell a stoy' (obvisouly) on the spot, with idols and lots of fluff or . It's a little like 'oral' oneshots. Those are my stories :o 

I might post some others next week so I'm not marking it 'complete' for the moment. 

Comments Are Love! Tell me what you think of my tired mind's imagination >__<

Suggestions are appreciated!! Give me a pairing and I'll make a drabble out of it, just for you :3


Enjoy your reading and thanks for inversing time in my modest words~~!!! :D



Tale 1: Of Brooms and Apple Juice

Tale 2: Barista

Tale 3: Baek A Cake

Tale 4: Late Night Boredom

Tale 5: Summer of Steel

Tale 6: Chemistry of out Hearts


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Chapter 6: Awwww sebaek~~ so damn sweetttt
Chapter 6: Well I think more than our Sehunnie, u r the tease...finishing the fic always when the interesting part comes....:P
Can I request for another Kaibaek...????
theperfnerd #3
Chapter 4: The sebaek is so cute omgggggg I hope there will be more sebaek soon *-*
Chapter 4: Awww...that was be honest I also like animes and mangas...which obviously includes death note n soul eater feels...sebaek...<3 thank u so much..*bows 90 degree *

Keep up the good work....:)
Chapter 3: Aww...too short for my liking...their relationship should have blossomed...*pouts*
Well don't mind me, m blabbering as a Kaibaek shipper....
xiuhun shippah arrives !! /waves/
NatureAdvertising #7
i see you are starting this fic. go fighting! :)