Jung Sanghyuk

It Started With A Contract
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I'm so tired lately. There's a mass hiring in the hospital affiliated with the university I graduated from. The Nursing Service Office told us that they'll accept fresh passers even if we don't have our licenses yet. I was so busy with the requirements for application.

Meanwhile, I tried to submit my resume to an ESL Center for a part time job. Unfortunately, I forgot to indicate my phone number. /face palm/ I'll just resubmit another one on Friday.

I feel like updating so, here's a bonus chapter.



          10 years has passed since Jaehwan and Taekwoon got married, yet it seems like they only got married yesterday. Taekwoon has been the most loving husband and father who treats his family like royalties. Jaehwan never went back to work as Taekwoon's secretary. She's been busying herself with looking after their now 5 kids. Who would've thought that the once innocent couple can have FIVE kids in a span of 10 years? Leo was 5 and Ken was 2 when Jaehwan gave birth to their princess they named Lea. The little girl was a daddy's girl; Taekwoon doted and spoiled her a lot. When the little girl turned 11 months, Jaehwan gave birth to a pair of fraternal twins -- Jenny and Juno. The 10-year old Leo and 7-year old Ken matured drastically and was helping their mother in raising the now 5-year old Lea and 4-year old twins. Everyday is a busy day for the parents, juggling time for work and kids was never easy, but they managed to help them grow up with full of love. The old Jung couple never wanted the young couple to move out; "We'll be lonely if you're not here." Jung Hakyeon reasoned out.



          Weekends are always alotted for family; thus Jung Taekwoon always had weekend offs and takes his family out. It was a Saturday morning when Jaehwan and Taekwoon woke up from their sleep. "Mama! Daddy! Wake up!" Leo was jumping on their bed to wake his parents up. Jaehwan signalled the young man to stop; he did and crawled to his mama. "Mama, Sanghyuk samcheon is being weird! I'm scared!"



          "What did samcheon did to you?" Jaehwan asked softly as she pulled Leo to her chest to cuddle him. Leo was lying on his chest against his mother's chest and lifted his head up, "Samcheon told me to help him. He told me to put him inside a big box! Why would he want to do that mama? He's really weird!"



          "I don't get it, son." Taekwoon murmured as he laid on his side and caressed his son's scalp. "There's a very big box inside Samcheon's room, daddy! I saw it when I passed by his room then he called me. He told me to help him so he can get inside the big box tonight. But I don't want to, daddy. What if someone will take him? I won't have anyone to play with! Or what if he can't breathe inside and he'll die? Daddy oooottokajiiiiiiiiii~" Leo pouted. His daddy cooed at his cute gesture and pecked his pouty lips. "Let daddy take care of samcheon, okay?"



          "You won't let him die daddy right? You won't let anyone take him right??"



          "Daddy won't. Daddy promise." Taekwoon smiled. "Good morning, you two." He pecked Leo's pouty lips again and then Jaehwan's. He stood up and walked out of the room, heading to Sanghyuk's room. Jaehwan on the other hand was still cuddling her first born. "Aren't you hungry baby? Help make mama pancakes?"



          "With a lot of maple syrup mama?"



          "Yes my love."



          "Leo will help!" He excitedly raised his hand and Jaehwan unlatched the kid from her. She stood up and picked Leo up when the door bursted open, revealing Ken with a tear streaked face. "Baby what's wrong?" Jaehwan was worried and put Leo down and rushed to the 7-year old. "Mama, I woke up without Leo hyungie ~" he whined.



          "Awww ~ did my Ken miss his hyungie? Hmm?" Jaehwan cooed. It was really rare to find brother who are as close as his sons. It was Leo's request to have a room with Ken. Ken was more than happy that he'll be sharing a room with his hyung. "Sharing a room with hyungie means more play time with hyungie!"



          Leo went to his brother's side and hugged him. "Mianhae, Ken-ah. Hyung won't leave you again." Ken's eyes lit up and hugged his hyung. "Promise?"






          "Awww. Come on, boys. Let's make breakfast!" Jaehwan said as she took the boys' hands and walked to the kitchen.



          "Jung Sanghyuk what are you doing??" Taekwoon asked furiously as he walked into his brother's room, startling the younger. "You scared Leo!"



          "Hyung, I didn't do it on purpose."


          "then what's the meaning of these?" He pointed at the big box and a bouquet of flowers on his bed.




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Keep going that’s good fic
...when the did that gif happen? I would like to ing know
xxsnowflakesxx #3
Chapter 6: This Hyukbin moments are just to cute for me to handle!
/le dies in happiness/ x___x
Chapter 6: omggggggggggg hyukbin awwwwwwwww tooo cuteeeeeeeee authornim jang
Chapter 5: Awww soo cute and beautıful love this story but ama kında şad i hoped that there would be some hyukbin moments or a sequel i mean a growing up beautıful girl and handsome boy living togetherr aww my thoughts are running wild right now too bas that ı dont seem to posess the ability to write
ghreena #6
Chapter 5: "You are not pregnant", buahahhaa... poor hyukkie, whohooo... I'm Indonesian but, happy with your happiness,, yehehehe... ok, I'll read your other stories. -wink-
xxsnowflakesxx #7
Chapter 4: This is so cute and sweet! *^*
Sweetness overload. And I wonder, have you ever try to make a story? #slapped
And talking about Maldives, Sungmin and Saeun suddenly pop out from my mind, haha.
davidrd #8
Chapter 4: Taekwoon been through a lot of pain in the past.. That's good Ravi and Hakyeon choose Jaehwan to be Taekwoon wife.. SUch a good chapter.
ghreena #9
Chapter 4: Sweet like Kendy, hehehe.... -hug our lion- pukpuk, Kennie always with you, Leo-ya!!
:) I think, the chapter 4 is end story.. but, myb.... you've a long-story so keep writing!!
davidrd #10
Chapter 3: arrrgh the marriage, good to know that taekwoon will start a new with jaehwan.. i hope the next chapter would be longer than this..