#03 - My Life In High School

Sekyung and Pu Ying

Ever since that girl transferred to this school, i’ve had my eyes on her. On her first day, she was already so close with our Taemin oppa. Pfft, nobody besides me can get close to SHINee oppas! Anyway, Pu ying and i took EXTREMELY great pains to stalk her and spy on her.
We even know her schedule :
  1. 7.45 AM – School ( With SHINee, car driven by Onew oppa )
  2. 7.47 AM – Loiter around Taemin’s table
  3. 11.00AM – Lunch ( with SHINee )
  4. 02.00PM – Walk out of school with Taemin, key, jonghyun and minho oppa
See, we took great lengths to save SHINee oppas from harm.
Anyway, after gathering all this information,
we went to befriend her on a morning when she was doing schedule (2). There, we found out what she was actually doing. She was putting chocolates on taemin’s table. That chocolate that made our favourite kid hyper and excited. Pffft, i actually can buy thousands of box for my taemin. What’s the use of a little one !?
Right, so after knowing her secret. We found out that she actually likes taemin. NOBODY MESSES WITH HIM! After befriending her, we made her our best friend. Knowing that she likes taemin (She actually doesn’t know that we are aware), I’ll always talk about him on purpose, saying how much I love taemin and that he does too. For a girl like her, I knew that she values friendship more than love.
So, right after that, I went to brainwash taemin’s brain, telling him that by being with me, NaeRin will fall for him once she gets jealous. Knowing his personality, even if you were to tell him that the world ends tomorrow, he’ll fall for it, i made use of his naivety. (Hello !? I’m doing for an extreme good cause, i’m saving SHINee. Remember that!). Everything was going my way, I got my two girls to wait by the toilet, for her appearance during lunchtime. After the round of feast in the toilet for her, i added to her devastated state, i dragged taemin near the toilet and confessed to him. ( I knew she’ll be able to see us, and stopped to listen our conversation ) After she left, i told him the truth. (It’s anact).
Oh yeah! About the 'feast' in the toilet. HAH! It’s all planned by ME, the almighty me. During the day when i decided to befriend her, i called my two girls  to fix her in the toilet. That’s for fun.
Yeah anyway, back to taemin. I think that’s all about it.
Don’t hate me neither dislike me. I’m just saving mankind, especially SHINee.
Key oppa and Jonghyun oppa came to see me yesterday. Pfft, the both of them came to me and throw a somewhat stupid liquid on me. Alright Fine, so it’s just key oppa. Never mind, i’m a kind hearted soul with a extremely forgiving heart.
I’ll make them FALL FOR ME, all of them. That’s for sure.
I'm done!
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ilabya47 #1
ImWeird #3
o0o0o0o0 this is the ending?? hehehe so sweet of taemin!^^
ShineeRocksForever #4
IHeartYoga #5
so sweet!!!! everything's pink...<br />
ahhhhhhh, taemin, sweet boy.
ShineeRocksForever #6
Naykka22 - Heello! Sorry, i think it 's a typo mistake :)<br />
& it means after jonghyun :)
whats aftr jjong?
ShineeRocksForever #8
IHeartYoga #9