I Love You, Forever and Always

Tangled Love

Minho was the first to reach Taemin upon entering the room. Taemin was still unconscious then, lying peacefully on the hospital bed. His face was pale and his hair was slightly ruffled.  Nevertheless, he still looked as beautiful as a sleeping angel.

This sight of Taemin gave Minho an immense heartache. He felt his heart splintered into a million pieces. Taemin shouldn't be here... It is all my fault...I'm so sorry...really so sorry....  , he thought. He could not imagine a life without Taemin. If Taemin decided to never forgive him, he must well die. Life's meaningless without him anyway...He've probably thought about this at least a billion times by now.  Why? Why had I cheated on him? Why? I must have lost my mind... Once again, Minho felt a familiar wave of guilt and remorse overwhelmed him. He regretted not cherishing Taemin. He regretted going out with Yuri. He regretted choosing to leave Taemin... 

He thought about the happy times he once had with Taemin - the first time he had confessed and how adorable Taemin's response was; the times when they would simply spend a whole day fooling around together; and the times when they would just snuggle up against each other, feeling so safe in the touch of one another. All these were such simple yet precious moments. A tear trickled down Minho's face as he relished these blissful memories...

Minho then took Taemin’s cold hands in his and gently his ashen cheeks. “I’m sorry about everything Taemin, please forgive me. I love you. I know I’ve been a jerk. I’m so sorry…really…please forgive me…I can’t live without you…I really can't...” Minho whispered softly into Taemin’s ear, before planting a light kiss on the younger boy’s cheek.

Key just stood at one corner looking the two boys numbly. He wanted to be the one that was holding on to Taemin so badly; the only thing that kept him from doing so had been Taemin’s note.

I love you. Forever and always. It had written.

Taemin’s love for Minho was irreplaceable. It would never be him that Taemin loved. He knew that the first person Taemin would want to see upon waking is Minho. It would never be himself, never.

Indeed, Key’s prediction was proven right. When Taemin’s eyelids finally fluttered and opened, a wide smile instantly spread across his face upon seeing Minho, the love of his life. Minho opened his mouth, trying to explain everything to Taemin once again, but was hushed by a tender kiss from Taemin right on his lips. “Shhh… Please don't explain anymore. I’ve heard every single word of yours just now. I love you hyung.” Taemin whispered, his face turning scarlet. Minho smiled, tears still glistening in his eyes. He then pinched Taemin’s cheeks playfully, and embraced him in a warm loving hug. “ I will never hurt you anymore. Never.”

Key turned away from the blissful reunited couple. He wasn't even sure if Taemin had noticed him standing in that miserable corner. All Taemin saw was Minho. All that he cared about was Minho. All that matters was only Minho. MInho. Minho. Minho. A couple of tears had slid down his face despite his colossal effort at holding them back.

Taemin’s happy. Taemin’s alright. I shouldn’t be crying. I should be happy. I am happy…I am happy…Key tried convincing himself. He quickly wiped off the tears that had streamed down his porcelain cheeks. Unable to continue holding back the hot tears that were constantly forming in his eyes, Key dashed out of the room, away from the two, away from Taemin...




Hey guys! To all of you who wanted a Taekey ending, I'm really sorry! Please forgive me! D: I'll try my best to make things better for Key in the next chapter! (: So yea... do continue subscribing and commenting! I really appreciate your comments and subscriptions! ^^ I promise I'd give you guys a somewhat happy ending in the next chapter! :D

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Chapter 5: JONGKEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY................... FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ...............................................................!!!!!!
2MIN!!!! <3
naznew #3
nice story...
2min and jongkey 4ever..
carrotcake #4
now this is real thing. 2min and jongkey. :"> loved it! <3
Nice story!! :3 I like your prequel too even though poor Taemin almost died :'(
Oh, it's JongKey in the end D: But I enjoyed the story very much <3
AAW~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!! NOW KEY WON'T BE LONELY!!!!!<br />
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I'm glad 2Min got back together T^T
NiaHana #8
OMG! TAEMIN ACCEPTED MINHO JUST LIKE THAT?? WAAAAH~ I THOUGHT THERE WILL BE MORE DRAMA... sheesh, typical Choi Minho; seeing Taemin hurts like that, then he wanted to be together with him again~ well, i wish there are more drama, especially 2min but oh well~ this is fine.. OH GOD!!!!1 KEEEEEEY! YAH! DINO-JJONG!!!! GIVE YOUR SOME HOT LOVE TO THE ALMIGHTY DIVA!!!!! though, im still not satisfied with reunion but thats okay~ wow, Taemin is sooo kind accepting Minho just like that... poor Keeeey!update pleaseeeeee and i already subscribe~ <br />
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hwaiting <3
OnlyHope #9
I love 2min. I've never had any interest in taekey. But please please please give key a happy ending, with taemin. Sniffle. Sniffle.
Awww, Key..:C Give key the hot surgeon xD