Myungsoo's Drama

Why Did I Even Meet You ?

Myungsoo POV

Aishhh ~ !

This is sooo IRRITATING !

Why must I get married to that freaking !

She doesn't even look like a decent woman like my mom described her !

Because of all this drama happening , I can't see my beautiful ~~~ !

*Someone knocks on the door*

"WHO THE HELL IS THAT ?!" I screamed.

Oh ... Its the witch .

"Watch your language young man ! We have guests below ! Now get yourself out of bed this instance and get properly dressed !" the witch glared at me .

AHHHHHH !!!! I wish I could run away from all this drama and lead a normal life with ~~~ .

I dragged myself out of bed and got properly dressed for the guests.

I hope its not that 's family again !

*Prays silently*

I wore this :

*Ignore the shades*

I went down to my living room and a super great surprise person came !

The .

Get your ready for some iness Myungsoo !

*Takes a deep breath*

"Oppaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!" Her screaching voice echoed the whole house .

My ears hurt !

She welcomed me with a hug which I prevented .

Muahahaha ! You will never lay a finger on my body !

"Oh Myungsoo ! You're finally down !" Mrs Go said.

I bowed to Mr and Mrs Go .

I sat down beside my mother .

"So,when are we having the wedding ? Oh wait ! Why not me and your parents discuss about this and you two go and have fun getting to know each other ?" Mr Go beamed.


Mom say NO !!!!

"Oh ! That's a fantastic idea ! Go on you two love birds !" She even smiled !

Smiled ?! OMG . I'm going to die .

"Eeppp ! Oppa ! Where's your room ?" the voiced again .

"Nowhere. And one more thing , get away from me" I stared at me and gave the cold shoulder.

I walked to the garden when I felt someone cling their arms around mine.

What the heck ?! The ?! Didn't I ask her to get away from me ?!

I let go of her hand and walked faster.

"Oppa ! Lets go together ! Aren't we supposed to get married soon ?! We should act like one ! Why are you acting like this ?!" That 's voice rang again !

Urghhhhh . I might officially go crazy if this carry on !

"You wanna know why ? Cause I don't go for plastic es like you . A spoilt like you doesn't deserve me. And keep this in mind ! I WILL NEVER MARRY YOU . " I shouted at her face.

"Psht. So what if I'm a plastic ? I'm still gonna marry you . I have to say , you have the charms that I like. I'm in love with you easy to say . " She smirked .

"Love ? you . You don't know a thing about love ! You just go around ing guys and leaving them . "

"Hey ! I don't just leave them . I leave them with money for them to keep their mouths shut. And I am warning you Kim Myungsoo . You WILL marry me . You WILL fall in love with me . "

"Oh ! I'm soo scared ! That's NEVER going to happen . " And with that I walked into my house to check on my mom .

"Ohh ... You should be scared Kim Myungsoo . You will be mine . Just wait and see ..." She mumbled to herself.

"OH ! You guys are done getting to know each other ? Well,we have fixed your wedding date and it'll be on the first of the month right after Myungsoo graduates ! Isn't that wonderful ?! " My mother clapped her hands joyfully .

"Yes yes ... This will be the best time for them to get married . " My father said , nodding.

"Oh ! We're late for our dinner reservation ! We have to go now ! Goodbye !"

Mr and Mrs Go waved their goodbye's along with that devilish daughter of theirs .

FINALLY ! I have some peace and quiet !

When I was about to go up to my room,my mother called me .

"Myungsoo ! How was Woori ? Isn't she an angel ?! She must really be your soulmate ! "

"She's just a spoilt mom . " I said coolly.

"Myungsoo ! How can you say that ?! She's going to be your future wife ! "

"Who said that I agreed to this stupid marriage ? Not me ."

"Myungsoo ! You will marry her without any excuse !"

"No mom No ! I will NOT marry her ! I don't even know her and not even love her , how am I supposed to marry her ?!"

"No excuses ! You will marry her and thats the end ! I will make sure that this marriage will carry on as planned !"

"No mom ! I am NOT going to let this marriage happen ! I have ~~... "

! I can't let mom know about ~~~ !

"What ? You have who ? "

"Infinite ! I have Infinite ! How am I supposed to break this news to them ?! Their my best friends !"

"Don't lie to me Myungsoo ! I know Infinite very well ! They will support you in anything that you do ! Now who is this person or thing that you are hiding from me ?!"

"Aish ! Forget it ! All I know is that I will NOT marry Woori and that's it !" I ran into my room

Myungsoo's Mom POV

Aishhhh ! This namja !

I need to get to the bottom of this !

"Mr Lee ? Yes . This is Mrs Kim calling . Yes . I am in good health . Thank you . Mr Lee ?  I need you to find out everything that Myungsoo's doing in school . Who his teachers are , What kind of people he's hanging out with and most importantly ! Find out if there's a particular girl that might be important to him ."

Kim Myungsoo . You are hiding something from me . I will get to the bottom of this .



I bet you guys missed me ~ ^^

AWW ~ Don't make me cry :')

A long chapter here !

WOW . Myungsoo , thats a lot of drama man ! ><

Well, what will happen next ? You have to wait ! ^^


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I'm sorry, but I won't be able to update anytime soon, cause me and my co-author are having exams and have been busy the whole year. I'll update by November, ok


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rockUrbody #1
great job !
CassInspirit97 #2
Chapter 26: update soooooooooooon!!!! pleaseeeeeeeeee........
TheKrisWife #3
Kpop32hola #4
I prefer Hoya than Myungsoo.... There's to many ffs about Myungsoo that I'm tired reading them.....
ailisu #6
Oi kaw diam. hahahah.
ayee, sunggyu. you want a girlfriend? you want to do 'it' too? tsk tsk
Hahaha! Nvm. I understand you! I am currently writing a story too but I'm too busy with school that I hardly have time to write! Anw, I will always support you! HWAITING! ^^