Chapter 34

12 Overprotective Seniors

Although the camp was over, that doesn’t Kai had stopped concerning about you. There was another 2 weeks of holiday before school starts again for the major examinations. You started preparing for your examination in your room since you had been off-minded in class quite a number of times when Jun Young and you were still together.

It’s afternoon for the day and you were studying. You know that Kai was also studying at the same time. Lunch time is almost over but you hadn’t eaten anything yet. Slowly, you started being distracted from your studies. You decided to stop studying for now and have lunch. You went over to Kai’s room and knocked onto his door.

“Oppa, do you want to eat anything?” You asked after you got his permission to go in.

Kai looked at his clock to check the time. To his horror, it was already past lunch time. He had not been keeping track of the time since he started studying. He put away his books and looked back at you.

“Sure. Do you want to go out for lunch?” He asked back. You nodded your head since it was the only way that you are going to get lunch because you were too tired to cook. Kai then shooed you out of the room as he had to change. You too, went back to your room to get a change. You wear a sleeveless shirt with shorts since it was summer. Kai got a shock when he saw how you wear.

“Isn’t that a little revealing?” Kai asked in hesitant. It wasn’t revealing to you. And maybe not revealing to everyone because the sleeveless shirt that you wore weren’t that thin clothing and it covered everything well. You shook your head while looking at your own fashion wear.

“Alright, never mind then. Let’s go.” Kai continued and both of you went off after wearing your shoes and taking necessary stuff.


Kai and you went to the nearest mall to have lunch. Both of you entered a Chinese restaurant since you were craving for Jjajangmyeon. It wasn’t that crowded since it had past the lunch time. After ordering, you remained silent as you had nothing much to talk about with Kai.

On the other hand, Kai wanted to talk to you but he was feeling awkward. The silence remained till the bowl of Jjajangmyeon that the both of you had ordered, arrived.

“Have a great meal.” Said the waitress when she served the bowl of Jjajangmyeon.

You started picking up the chopsticks and ate the first few strands of noodles.

“Hmm. It tastes great.” You complimented the food.

“I love this Chinese restaurant because they serve the best Chinese food.” Kai continued the conversation. But the conversation ceased after it because you couldn’t find other words to continue.

Just when you were almost finished with the food, you heard a familiar voice from the entrance. You looked up and saw Luhan with his other own friends that you don’t recognize who they are.

“Look, Luhan is here.” You told Kai and he looked towards the entrance.

Luhan was walking towards his table that the waiter got for them. When he walked towards both of your direction, he immediately saw Kai. He looked at Kai before looking who was sitting opposite Kai which was you.

“Omo. Both of you are here for lunch and did not ask us along?” Luhan pouted.

“We were studying just now and studied past time. So we are here for our late lunch before heading back home to study again.” Kai explained but it leads Luhan to have a smirk on his face. Kai shook his head knowing what Luhan was thinking about.

“Anyway, we have to go soon. We are done eating. Have a great lunch ahead.” Kai told Luhan before you stood up to leave together with Kai. “Yes sure. Have a great time studying together too.” Luhan teased.

When you got back home, you changed out to your comfortable clothes again before studying. However, the deeper the chapter you were at, the more difficult it seemed for you to understand. You may understand it at first when the lecturer was teaching but at this moment, you couldn’t remember anything about it. It was economics. You wondered if Kai actually paid attention during that lecture.

You tried your luck by knocking on Kai’s room door to check whether if he remembers about it. After entering to his room, you told him that you were stuck at a chapter for economics. Kai put away his books and took out the economic book to go on par with the chapter you were stuck at.

“Ah, this.” Kai remembers about it. He knew that it wasn’t easy for you to understand. Hence, he took a chair for you to sit beside him before he explains the concept to you.

After hours of trying to understand the concept, you made it. You finally understand the chapter. You wanted to go out of the room to take a cup of water but Kai stopped you as he said that he will get it. You agreed to him and started laying your head on his study table.

However, you were just too tired because you had wasted your brain cells and energy to concentrate studying. It was almost the full whole day that you use for studying excluding going out for lunch. When Kai came back with 2 cups of water, he wasn’t surprised that you had fallen asleep.

“I guess she’s really tired.” Kai mumbled to himself. He put down the cups of water and went to his bed to get his blanket. He uses the blanket to cover over you as he didn’t wish to wake you up.


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 62: Yay for happy ending ^3^
Chapter 62: Nice story ☺
gemmymars #3
Chapter 62: I really enjoyed reading your story~^^
Chapter 58: Lol hunhan just had to happen XD
qilalee #5
Chapter 62: Awwwww i love u
Chapter 62: Awwww this is great chanyeol with Angeline. Hahah all have happy ending.
Winnie362002 #7
Chapter 62: OMG BEST ENDING EVER!!!!! Better late than never :P great work on the ff ^_^
Winnie362002 #8
Chapter 61: LOL CHANYEOL XDDDDDDD aw poor guy. I can't wait for the next chapter. Thank you for the epilogue~ I was really upset when this fanfic was finished but I STILL HAVE SOMETHING AWESOME TO FANTASISE ABOUT. lol Soz I'm a weirdo ^^"
Chapter 61: Omo yeol don't have girlfriend. Awww so sad. Let me be his haha lol.
Chapter 60: So cute one daughter and one son.