Chapter 2

12 Overprotective Seniors

It was of course absolutely hard for you to understand many things for your studies. It’s the 2nd day of school and they had started the lessons. You kept copying down notes from what the lecturer had said. You love to copy notes so that you could understand more. For the day, what you had been looking forward to was the dance class you were going to have later after the lessons end.

You feel like it was a torture for you to study when your mind was filled with the word, ‘dance’. You only had 5 hours of lessons for the day but you felt as though a million years had passed. When the bell of the last class finally rang, you immediately packed your stuff and went down to have your lunch before going for the dance lesson that would starts in an hour time.

“Why are you rushing?” Kai asked, the guy who sat beside her for economics class. Your last lesson was economics. “I’m going for lunch and then I will attend my ECA in an hour time but I tend to reach there early.” Without Kai’s reply, you had already gone out of the class.

You bought a plate of ramen which was easy for you to slurp down the noodles quickly. In less than 30 minutes, you were done. You looked at your timetable which indicated which dancing room you were supposed to go. You walked around the school but had not found the dancing room yet. You left another 15 minutes before the dance lesson starts. You started panicking.

*Eotteohke?* that was what your mind had been repeating while frantically looking for the room. “Oh, mianhaeyo.” your immediately apologized when you bumped into someone. Since it was kind of fate that you bumped into someone, you took the chance to ask that person of the room that you were looking for.

“Oh, dancing room 2. Follow me.” he said and you were really happy that the unknown guy willing to help you. When he finally led you into the destination, you thanked the person profusely. The guy entered the room with you too. You started wondering if the guy had the same ECA as you.

“Class. Let’s gather here to welcome all the year 1s that enrolled for this ECA. They will introduce themselves and after that, we will start doing the freestyles. Remember that we have an upcoming event that we are supposed to perform.” The head of the teacher said. So, from there, one by one, the year 1s start to introduce themselves.

*Her name is Jerelyn.* The guy that helped you here thought.

After everyone had introduced themselves, the seniors went on for their practices while the year 1s will be taught of some basic freestyles dancing. The main focus for current month is freestyle dancing. You took the lesson seriously and focused a lot as the instructor was teaching. You try to learn as much skills as you can. When the instructor shouted for a break time, you went to a corner to rest while having some water.

Well, for the seniors, they could have a break any time they wanted. The guy that helped you went up to you to talk to you.

“Annyeong. You are Jerelyn right?” he asked. You were kind of shy when a senior suddenly came up to you. You nodded your head slowly and looked away to avoid any eye contact. You wanted to get out of the awkward situation as soon as possible.

“Erm… I know this is kind of awkward… but… I am Luhan.” The guy smiled widely and stretched out his hand for a handshake. You were stunned at that moment. You finally realized that you were supposed to have that handshake. A while later, the rest of the seniors went over to crowd her. Not all but those that interacts much with Luhan, the ‘gang’. You then finally recognized them from yesterday. Everyone screamed after seeing them entering the canteen.

“Oh, Kai?” Your eyes fixated on Kai when you saw him. “You know Kai?” Luhan asked. You nodded your head and told them that Kai and you were in the same class for economics. You counted the number of seniors that were surrounding you. 12 of them.

“Anyway, we are known as EXO in the school. You know why? Let me just tell you. You know in chemistry, there’s this term called, exothermic? The meaning for exothermic is to give out heat right? So, that’s why we are called as EXO short term for exothermic. Erm, this group name is named by students in the school. We are not that thick-skinned as you think.” A guy started introducing the whole group.

“Ah, I forgot to tell you about me. I am Baekhyun. This is Chanyeol, *he points to someone with wide smile*, Sehun, *he points to someone with eye-smile*, Tao, *someone with dark eye rings*, Xiumin, *someone who looks really cute, chubby face*, Kris, *another tall guy but he looks cold*, Lay, *a guy with deep dimples at one side*, Chen, *someone with long eye lashes*, Suho, *someone that looks like a leader*, D.O, *a small sized guy*, Luhan and Kai.” He told me everything about them including their actual name and the name that they like to be called as.

After the whole introduction, the instructor started calling the year 1s for another round of practice. You apologized and went to continue for your lesson.

Meanwhile, the EXO members started talking among themselves. They thought that you are a girl that looks like a porcelain glass. Someone that needs to be protected from. You were petite and looks kind of blur. From there, they determined to know more about you and hang out with you. 

Short chapter update! How is it? Hehe. Feel free to comment below! Comments are most welcomed. I love reading comments and will surely try to reply your comments. ^^ 

-Edited (the best I can go)

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 62: Yay for happy ending ^3^
Chapter 62: Nice story ☺
gemmymars #3
Chapter 62: I really enjoyed reading your story~^^
Chapter 58: Lol hunhan just had to happen XD
qilalee #5
Chapter 62: Awwwww i love u
Chapter 62: Awwww this is great chanyeol with Angeline. Hahah all have happy ending.
Winnie362002 #7
Chapter 62: OMG BEST ENDING EVER!!!!! Better late than never :P great work on the ff ^_^
Winnie362002 #8
Chapter 61: LOL CHANYEOL XDDDDDDD aw poor guy. I can't wait for the next chapter. Thank you for the epilogue~ I was really upset when this fanfic was finished but I STILL HAVE SOMETHING AWESOME TO FANTASISE ABOUT. lol Soz I'm a weirdo ^^"
Chapter 61: Omo yeol don't have girlfriend. Awww so sad. Let me be his haha lol.
Chapter 60: So cute one daughter and one son.