Lunch Together

Caramel Chocolate Kiss

“Xing!” Yixing stopped and turned to see Kris jogging up to him with a smile. “Good morning.” He said as he reached him.


Yixing smiled “Good morning to you too.” He said and the two started walking towards the building.


“So how was your night, is everything okay with your mom?” Kris asked as they entered the classroom and went to Yixing’s desk.


Yixing looked at him “How did you know I was talking to my mom?”


Kris smiled “I’m Chinese too, remember?” he said.


Yixing smiled and then giggled a little “I remember now, I forget things easily, but yes, everything is okay, my mom just had some news.” He said.


“News? Like, she’s pregnant news?” Kris asked with an almost scared yet serious face and Yixing started laughing shaking his head and his hands.


“No, no, no, not that kind of news!” he said between laughs.


Kris smiled brightly “That’s good then, although, I think a mini you would be kinda cute.” He said resting his chin his hand as he looked at Yixing whose cheeks turned a light pink color.


“I think my brother and I are enough to drive my parents insane.” Yixing said smiling.


“So, last night, you seemed a little off, can I ask what happened?”


Yixing’s eyes widened, how would he be able to tell something like that? “Um, well, remember how I told you about my brother?”  Kris nodded “Well, our parents divorced when we were seven and my mom got me while my dad got my brother and I ended up going to China with my mom to where my grandparents lived until this past summer when we moved back into our old house and uh last night my dad and my brother were over at our house, I wasn’t sure why, but my dad made an announcement that he and my mom would be getting back together, so probably, they’ll be getting married again soon.” Yixing explained intentionally leaving out the part of him and Joonmyun sharing a room.


Kris kept looking at him before he ruffled Yixing’s hair and smiled a little “Aren’t you a little happy about that though? You sound like you love both of your parents a lot, if I were you I’d be happy about them getting back together, and about your brother, I don’t know him and you don’t talk about him to me, but I can feel that there’s some sibling conflict between you two, if you need anything or someone to talk to, you can come to me, I have two sisters and believe me, brothers are better than sisters.” Kris smiled making Yixing laugh and nod his head.


“I will, thank you Kris, I’m glad to have you as a friend.”


Classes started and lessons were lessons just like the day before, the teacher decided to read a passage out of a book for their lesson and the twins ended up getting called to read, Joonmyun first and then Yixing and then Kris got called to summarize or paraphrase what the two read. Lunch thankfully rolled around quickly and Kris and Yixing went to the same spot as yesterday.


The two sat down and Yixing pulled out a bag out of his out lunch bag and handed it to Kris “Here, lunch for you.” He smiled.


Kris looked at him like you remembered? And then smiled taking it “Thank you.”


Lay returned the smile “You’re welcome, I hope you like it.”


Kris opened the lunch and started eating, a smile instantly forming on his lips “So good.” He whispered as he continued to eat.


“Don’t eat so fast, you’ll give yourself a tummy ache.” Yixing giggled as he watched Kris inhale the sandwich.


Kris simply shrugged with a smile and continued to eat his lunch and Yixing turned his attention to his own and started eating. He felt good inside, this was the first time he ever made lunch for someone else, he was very happy that Kris liked it.


Once the two were done eating, Yixing set his empty lunch sac on the side and put his chin in his hands and looked at the ground with no expression. Kris looked at him for a minute before placing a hand on his back and rubbing small circles.


“You doing okay?”


Yixing didn’t answer, he simply continued to look at the tiled floor of the hallway.


“Xing, what’ wrong?” Kris asked.


Still no answer. Kris frowned and scooted to sit right next to Yixing and Kris gently pulled him so Yixing was leaning against him with his head on his shoulder “I’m going to get an answer out of you whether you like it or not.”


Yixing sighed “It’s just my family, I don’t know what to do, I’m not sure if I want my parents living together, and you were right by the way, my brother and I…. we don’t get along, I don’t think he even likes me anymore, he never talks to me, he always talks to my parents about things that also involve me like I’m not even there. It’s like he completely hates me and I don’t even know what I’ve done.” he said slowly.


Kris thought for a moment “Well, has it ever occurred to you that maybe he’s jealous? I mean, from the way you’ve spoken about your mom between classes and the home you two have, she seems very proud of you. My sisters went through that sort of thing many times, my younger sister was always the goody two shoes, she did everything she was told without another word while my older sister was a little rebellious, she did what she was told, on occasion, I think that maybe, if you can, you should try talking to him, see what his deal actually is, there’s got to be a reason for him to treat you the way he does.” Kris said as he slowly rubbed Yixing’s arm trying to keep him calm.


Yixing smiled “You’re right, I’ll have to try that.” Kris smiled and nodded. “Can we hang out again after school?” Yixing then asked.


Kris chuckled “Took the words right out of my mouth.”


As the two talked, they were both completely unaware of the presence that stood just around the corner from the stairwell, a presence that was rather pissed.




“Are you hungry by any chance?” Kris asked as he walked next to Yixing down the sidewalk.


Yixing thought for a second “A little, why?”


Kris smiled “Well, last night, my neighbor made this amazing kimchi soup and brought some over for me, but she gave me way too much and well, would you like to come over to my place and have some?”


Yixing smiled “Sure, that sounds really good actually.”


Kris fist pumped with a smile “Sweet.”  Kris then lead the way to his apartment.



“Um, yeah, so just make yourself at home.” Kris said as he nervously scratched the back of his neck.


Nodding, Yixing took his shoes off and set his bag down on the small table by the door and took his jacket off hanging it on one of the hooks on the wall above his bag.  Kris smiled at how cautious he was and simply tossed his bag and jacket on the couch earning himself a look from Yixing.


“What?” he asked as he stood in the small kitchen.


Yixing shook his head with a smile and picked up his bag and jacket and did the same that he did with his own, hanging up his jacket and setting his bag on the table.


“It helps to be organized.” Yixing said and Kris simply stared at him in amusement. Yixing then stood up and placed a hand on his hip and gave Kris a look “What? Are you making fun of me?” he asked with a little sass making Kris laugh.


“No, no, no, not at all your majesty.” He said trying to hold his laugh best he could to start heating up the soup.


Yixing started to laugh as well as he walked over to the kitchen where Kris was currently heating up the stove.


“Say, how do you even eat?” Yixing asked and Kris turned to see him looking in his fridge “There’s literally nothing to eat in here.”


Kris laughed guilty “I uh, usually go out to eat if I’m hungry.”


“Hopeless.” Yixing sighed shaking his head with a smile.


“Okay, should only take about fifteen or so minutes to heat up and then we can eat!” Kris said happily as he placed the pot of soup on the hot stove. Yixing smiled, he was like a child sometimes.



“You were right, this is really good.” Yixing smiled as he ate the soup sitting across from Kris at the small dinner table.


“I told ya!” Kris laughed.


Yixing’s phone then started ringing again, Yixing got up and went over and grabbed it out of his jacket pocket “Hello?”


“Oh yeah, I forgot about that.” Yixing frowned.


“Okay, I’m leaving now, I’ll be home soon.” He said and hung up.


“Your mom again?” Yixing nodded.


“She seems to like to call you.” Yixing cracked a smile “So you need to go home?”


“Yeah, I forgot about something I had to do tonight.” He lied.


Kris nodded understanding “Then let me walk you home, it’s getting late.”


“No, you don’t have to do that, I can go home by myself just fine.” Yixing said standing up.


“I know,” Kris smiled “But, I want to take you home, so instead of making me look like an idiot, accept my offer and make me happy.” He said.


Yixing just looked at him in disbelief with a smile before he shook his head “If you insist then, I suppose I’ll accept your company.”


The two left Kris’s apartment and made their way to Yixing’s house, Kris was in very high spirits as of now as well and it was making Yixing laugh. “Next time you get to invite me over.” Kris said.


Yixing smiled and sighed “I don’t know when and if that will be, my mom’s always at home and I’d really you rather not meet my brother, he’s rude and doesn’t have many manners anymore.”


“I’ll kick his then.” Kris said simply as he shrugged his shoulders making Yixing laugh.


“You make dealing with him sound so simple.”


“I can only say it so simply because I don’t actually know him, while for you, you’ve been stuck with him your whole life so you can’t say it the way I can.”


“True enough.” Yixing agreed.


A couple minutes later the two arrived in front of Yixing’s house that seemed full of energy “Yeah, this is my house.” He said.


Kris smiled looking at it “It looks so warm, I’m jealous, my house never looked this lively even from the outside.”


Yixing giggled a little “Well, thank you for taking me home, I really appreciate it.”


“And here you were saying a little while ago that you didn’t want me to come.” Kris narrowed his eyes at Yixing who just smiled.


“Pretty much.” He said and Kris laughed. “So, I’ll see you tomorrow at school then?”


“With bells on.” Kris smiled and leaned in placing a small kiss on Yixing’s cheek surprising him. “Goodnight Xing, I’ll text you later.” Kris smiled and turned around walking back towards his house.


Yixing stood frozen for a minute and then brought his hand up to his cheek and he smiled a little biting his bottom lip. He then shook his head and turned to walk inside where he found many boxes in his house. That’s right, the move in.


Then he remembered him room and ran up to his room at lightening speed to find Joonmyun relaxing on another bed in the room that seemed to be his as Yixing has never seen it before. Joonmyun narrowed his eyes when he saw Yixing standing in the doorway.


Everything of Joonmyun’s was unpacked and there were no boxes in their room, although Joonmyun had kind of over run his boundaries and moved quite a few things of Yixing’s to make room for things of his own ‘I guess it can’t be helped.’ He sighed and set his bag down on his desk and went out of the room and grabbed one of the small boxes and brought it back up to his room where he silently put his things inside the box and then slid it under his bed. Yixing then proceeded to move his things to his small corner of the room that consisted of his bed, dresser, and desk. He then grabbed his bag and went and sat down at his desk and got started on his homework, he was thankful Joonmyun hadn’t said a word to him, he was already a little on edge and it didn’t need to be made worse.


Within fifteen minutes Yixing was done with his homework and he turned and put it back into his backpack and got up and pushed in his desk chair and laid his bag on the desk, grabbed his phone from his bed and turned to Joonmyun who was reading a comic.


“Have you eaten already?”




“Are you hungry?”


“Not for your food.”


Yixing frowned “Then I guess you won’t be eating tonight.” He said and walked out of the room his heart racing a million miles an hour.


‘Did I really just say something like that to him? Oh , he’s probably going to kill me in my sleep now.’ Yixing internally cried leaning against the wall in the hallway clamping shut his eyes.


Yixing found his parents back in the living room as they were picking up and stacking the boxes “Yixing, your home.” His dad smiled.


Yixing nodded “Have either of you eaten yet?” he asked.


His parents smiled and shook their heads “Joonmyun hasn’t either.”


Yixing frowned “He told me he wasn’t hungry.” He lied as he the walked into the kitchen and started making some dinner for his family.


Within forty five minutes, there was a nice hot pot of kimchi stew, rice, fish, and noodles. Something simply that everyone could have a few options to choose from for dinner.


“Joonmyun! Dinner’s ready, come eat!” their dad shouted before he took his seat at the table and their mom sat across from him while Yixing sat to the side and Joonmyun came slowly down mumbling some incoherent words that Yixing was glad he couldn’t understand.


Joonmyun sat down across from Yixing and looked at the food “Who cooked?” he asked even though he was pretty sure he already knew the answer.


“I did, I thought you weren’t hungry.” Yixing said as he looked at Joonmyun.


Joonmyun then while their parents were busy digging in glared at Yixing “So Yixing, who was the guy at the gate with you a little while ago?” their mom then asked.


“Jai Hua, don’t be so straightforward.” Their dad laughed.


Jai simply smiled and shrugged “I want to know if my boy has a boyfriend or not?” she said.


“He’s not my boyfriend, he’s just a friend of mine.” Yixing said as he looked down at his food.


“A friend?” Jai frowned “Well what’s his name, what’s he like?”


Yixing gulped, Joonmyun was still staring hard at him and he reluctantly ate the food which was actually really good, not that he would ever admit it of course.


“His name is Kris, he’s really nice and fun to talk to and hang out with.”


“Kris? Is he American?” their dad asked.


“No, he’s Chinese.”


“Chinese, huh?” Jai smiled and then turned to Joonmyun “Well what about you? Do you have a boyfriend or anything?”


Joonmyun looked at her “No.” and then continued eating.


“Well, what about a crush or something?”


Joonmyun stopped eating and sat back and sighed “Yes.”


Jai smiled “Who is it, a friend? Someone you just met? Who?!” she asked.


“Someone I can never have.” He said and got up and walked away back up to his room.


Jai frowned “That’s depressing, don’t you agree Yoon Jae?”


Jae looked at her and then to Yixing “Some times love isn’t always fair darling.”  He said.


Yixing frowned and stood up “I’m done.” He said and then made his way up to his room to find Joonmyun back laying on his bed with his headphones in and his eyes closed.


He stood there for a moment looking at his brother, he couldn’t help but love him. He closed his eyes and sighed looking down before laying down on his bed himself and snuggling into a ball under the blankets. He took his phone out of his pocket and checked it, Kris hadn’t texted him yet, knowing him and his habit of almost falling asleep during class, he was probably already passed out, Yixing frowned a little before deciding to text him himself.


You hadn’t texted yet so I had a sneaky suspicion that you might have fallen asleep, you ate a lot more today than you usual do, which is good by the way ^.^ I’ll see you tomorrow, sweet dreams and….. thank you…. For that… Goodnight : )


Yixing didn’t wait for a reply and turned placing his phone the his nightstand that now had more of Joonmyun’s stuff than his own as it rested right in between their beds that sat against opposite walls, both boys ended up losing their queen sized beds and were now stuck with twin beds. Yixing couldn’t help but glance at Joonmyun, he was laying on his side facing him with his eyes closed, he was sound asleep, Yixing smiled, Joonmyun was very handsome when he was awake, but he looked almost like a child when he slept.


“Goodnight Joonmyun.” He whispered softly before getting comfortable and closing his eyes falling asleep almost immediately.



“XingXing, I’m sorry.” He spoke softly as he planted a small  kiss on the youngers sleeping forehead “I hope it’s not too late to fix my mistakes, you mean so much to me.”


Yixing stirred slightly in his sleep, moving towards the man that was sitting on the side of his bed, snuggling into his warmth unconsciously. He smiled as he watched Yixing sleep so peacefully, envious that he could still do such a thing so easily even at his age. He placed a hand softly on the side of Yixing’s face, his thumb gliding gently over his cheek.


“I love you so much it hurts, please don’t replace me with him.” He said leaning down kissing his cheek softly, lingering for a moment.



Yixing woke up the next morning before his alarm went off, he figured Joonmyun had alarms of his own set so Yixing turned his off. He sat up in bed and stretched out, his back popping a few times.


“Ow..” he said softly before he got up and made his way to his dresser to grab some socks and underwear and then his uniform from his desk and headed into the bathroom to take a shower.


He the hot water and stripped from his pajamas and stepped in letting the hot water run down his pale body, it felt good, the hot water was the one thing that always seemed to stay at his side throughout life so far, he never went a shower without some nice hot water.


After washing his hair and body, Yixing got out of the shower and proceeded to get dressed, keeping his towel on his head. Once he was dressed in his white button up shirt and pants, Yixing grabbed his pajamas from the previous night and walked back into his room throwing his pajamas into the hamper next to his dresser and then he sat down on his bed and put his socks on, glancing at Joonmyun, he was still sound asleep. There was still time before the two had to be ready for school so Yixing figured he’d let Joonmyun continue to sleep and if his alarm didn’t go off before six thirty, he would make sure to wake Joonmyun up.


Yixing gathered all his things he would need for school and quietly left the room and made his way downstairs, Jai was already in the kitchen making breakfast happily humming a song.


“Good morning mother.” Yixing said as he set his stuff down on the living room chair by the front door and walked into the kitchen “Need any help?”


Jai smiled “Good morning Yixing, did you sleep well?” she asked and Yixing nodded “That’s good then, and no I don’t need any help, I’ve got it, don’t worry, but is Joonmyun awake?”


“No, he’s still sleeping.”


“Why don’t you go wake him up then, make sure he has plenty of time to get ready for school and eat some breakfast as well.”


Yixing internally frowned, he didn’t want to though. Sighing in defeat, he walked back upstairs to his room, Joonmyun was still silently sleeping. He cautiously walked to the side of his bed and placed a hand lightly on his shoulder and shook him a little “Hyung, it’s time for school.” He said.


Joonmyun groaned a little and turned to his other side, Yixing couldn’t help but smile a little “Hyung, you have to get up now.” He said again and Joonmyun scrunched his eyes a little before slowly opening them and looking around. He turned and his eyes met a warm pair of chocolate ones.


Yixing smiled a little “Good morning, breakfast is downstairs when you’re done getting ready.” He said simply before leaving the room.


Joonmyun sat up and sighed raking a hand through his hair “Damnit all.” he groaned.



So here's the next chapter :) Sorry for the wait, I just finished my semester final exams this past week so it wasn't exactly easy to update ^^ Anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter :)

We get to see some into the twins relationship^^ And Kris also steps in^^

Thanks for your support so far, please comment and subscribe^^


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Chapter 14: Love the story
Chapter 14: i always have a thing for mpreg where 'the girl is separated from the boy while expecting and the boy have no idea about the growing fetus till years later', combine it with sulay (my favorite couple along with chenmin and taoris) which yixing is 'the girl'... my life is complete!!

now off to taoris fic to cure kris feeling
Jasgotlucky #3
Chapter 14: I feel legitimately sad for Kris. He loved Yixing without asking in return only to be rejected for last time. Mah man Kris you deserve the world. (Why am I even so affected in the first place? Haha)
Chapter 1: Chapter 1 and I'm already loving it ^_^ And not just because I love Lay. This story is amazing. Good job authornim:)
kenxdesooin #5
Chapter 14: I loved it.........I want a friend like Kris......... at last happy ending............ plz don't get angry but few lines were kind of confusing but I like it...... looking forward for more of your stories
Chapter 14: I love this soooooooo much!!!!
chkhtsuju #7
Chapter 14: You did a great job on this !
liz_lighter #8
Chapter 14: soooo cute loved it :) !!!