
Caramel Chocolate Kiss

“I’m home.” Joonmyun grumbled as he walked in the front door.


No response.


Was Yixing not home yet? Joonmyun shrugged and threw his bag and jacket on the floor behind the couch and walked around the couch fumbling with his tie about to sit down until he heard movement and breathing. Joonmyun stopped and looked down at the couch to see his younger twin brother cuddled up on the couch sound asleep. He stopped for a moment and looked at him as he slept, his caramel blonde hair was a mess and his mouth was slightly ajar, cute. Joonmyun let out a breath before he moved to sit on one on the other couches and let Yixing sleep, but not without glancing at him occasionally.


It had already been a month a half since he and his dad moved back in with Yixing and his mom and nothing has changed between the two siblings since the first night. Yixing was still scared around Joonmyun but very open and talkative with their parents, he was the good kid as most would say, the first thing he did when he got home was homework then he would do a load of his laundry if it needed to be done, he sometimes would clean the kitchen, while Joonmyun would just go up to their room and lay down and take a nap as soon as he got home and almost always do his homework right the class period before it was due.


Looking at Yixing as he slept, it reminded Joonmyun of the times they used to sleep together before Yixing was afraid of the dark, he was always snuggled right up next to Joonmyun while Joonmyun held his hand as they slept as a silent promise that he would always protect Yixing. Why couldn’t it still be like that? Oh, that’s right, their parents suddenly decided they hated each other one day and ruined it for the two best friends, the hardest thing that Joonmyun has ever gone through in his life thus far was having to wave goodbye to his best friend at the airport when he left for China. Joonmyun hated thinking about it just because he really hated their parents because of it and it makes him upset that his parents decided they liked each other again just like they all of a sudden decided to get a divorce all those years ago, it pisses him off, he hates seeing him hurt and that’s what his parents are best at, as well as hurting the two’s bond that is now almost non existent.


“KIM JOONMYUN!!!!” Joonmyun cast a glance at the front door as Yixing flew up looking around clearly scared to death, Yixing saw Joonmyun and didn’t waste any time getting up and sitting behind him almost scared.


Their father stormed in the front door and for the first time in a very long time, Joonmyun felt the touch he’s always loved, taking a quick glance, Yixing had one hand on his shoulder and the other on his upper arm hiding behind him, Yixing’s hands sent a wave of warmth through Joonmyun. He’d missed that feeling.


“What now?” he asked irritated.


 Jae scoffed and looked over at the two boys “You are grounded until you get your ty grades up, you’re not allowed to go out this weekend or anymore after school, you will come straight home and stay home. Do you understand? Also, give me your cell phone and laptop, you’re not allowed to touch them until you fix your grades, think of it as a little motivation to actually try for once.” He said.


Joonmyun became furious “Why the hell do I have to?! It’s not like I intentionally try to up at school, I’m not some damn know it all who spends all my time reading, you of all people should know how hard middle school was for me, but you didn’t even ing lift a finger to help me!” he shouted standing up, Yixing going with him, still holding onto him “You honestly think that taking away my phone and laptop will motivate me to do things I have no desire to do because I honestly don’t get it? You’re stupider that I thought, I’m done with this !” Joonmyun then stormed off up stairs to their room.


Yixing frowned and turned to their father who had his hands on his hips looking at the stair case before he sighed and shook his head “Why doesn’t he listen to me?” he asked himself.


He then turned to Yixing who flinched a little, scared he would also get yelled at by their dad “Why don’t you help home with his studies?” he asked Yixing “I know how big of a bond you two share, how come you aren’t helping him when I know you’re doing an amazing job at school.”


“I didn’t know he was having a hard time…” Yixing spoke softly.


“You seriously didn’t know?! How could you not? Were you not listening to our past conversations of his terrible grades?!” Yixing flinched, his voice was getting angrier.


“I’m sorry dad, I-I really didn’t know.”


“Bull!” Yixing stared at his father astonished, since when was his dad ever like this? He was always so nice and understanding of everything before.


Yixing frowned feeling tears come to his eyes and he quickly his heel and ran up to his room and threw himself on his bed and started crying startling Joonmyun.


Joonmyun looked over at Yixing as he cried into his pillow on his bed, had their father said something to him?! He quickly got up and went over to sit on the side of the bed, Yixing felt the bed dip and knew exactly who it was and turned sitting up, wrapping his arms around his abdomen burying his face in his shoulder.


“I-I’m so-sorry, I-I di-didn’t kno-know.” Yixing said between sobs.


Joonmyun rubbed his back trying to get him to calm down “What didn’t you know?”


“Da-dad said I-I-I shou-should have hel-helped you st-study, bu-but I-I didn’t kn-know you we-were struggling, I-I’m sorry.” Yixing said slowly.


A sad smile graced his lips slightly as he held Yixing tightly, letting him cry and let it all out “It doesn’t matter Xing, I don’t plan on going to college or anything after high school.”


“No! You have t-to at lea-least try to fin-finish high school with go-good grades and g-go t-to college.” Yixing said backing away looking at Joonmyun with tears still in his eyes.


“Why? I have no potential for such a thing.”  Joonmyun asked.


Yixing looked into Joonmyun’s eyes with tears still rolling down his cheeks “You have potential, you’re the one who always helped me with school in the past, if you don’t mind, I could help you now so dad isn’t always so mad at you.”


Joonmyun smiled slightly and reached up wiping away Yixing’s tears with his thumb “Sure, but don’t tell mom or dad, okay?”


Yixing smiled and nodded “Mm!” he said and then he remembered he still had his arms around Joonmyun “He-Hey…” he then spoke.




Yixing stayed quiet picking his next words carefully but then decided not to say anything and lean back into his brother’s warm embrace that he loved so much. “Nothing.” He said softly closing his eyes.


Joonmyun smiled a little and wrapped his arms around Yixing and then laid them both down “You know,” Joonmyun said moving his hand to play with Yixing’s hair “I find myself thinking what it would be like if we were never separated like we were, I wonder how different things would be?”


Yixing stayed quiet as he laid in Joonmyun’s arms, his head against his chest “Who knows, but it doesn’t matter, we can’t change what happened in the past between our parents.”


“Did you cry a lot?” Joonmyun then asked surprising Yixing.


“Cry? When?”


“When they got divorced and when you moved to China with mom, did you cry a lot?”


Yixing slowly nodded his head “Mm, it was hard leaving.” He felt tears his tears coming again.


Joonmyun must have used some sort of sixth sense of his that Yixing didn’t know about because Joonmyun tightened his arms around Yixing holding him flesh against himself “I…I’m sorry Xing…” he whispered into his hair.


“What are you sorry for?” Yixing asked holding in his tears.


“Everything. I don’t know why I’m like this even, I missed you more than life itself when you left, I hated being alone, there were so many times I asked dad if we could go and see you guys but he always yelled at me saying we couldn’t. I know you cried a lot, you’re my little cry baby Xing, but that’s why you have me to protect you. Always.” Joonmyun spoke softly.


He waited for Yixing to say something, but all he heard were slow and even breaths. Yixing had fallen asleep. Joonmyun smiled softly and slide out of Yixing’s bed and went over to lock the door and turn off the lights before he slid back in next to Yixing who immediately snuggled up to him.


Joonmyun ran his thumb across Yixing’s cheek “Some times I wish you weren’t my little brother… it would make loving you so much easier.”



“Joonie,” Joonmyun turned around and looked at Yixing and smiled his beautiful bright smile.


“What is it love?” Yixing smiled and walked up into his arms.


“I have something special to tell you.”


Joonmyun pressed his forehead to Yixing’s and smiled looking to his eyes “And what is that baby?”


Yixing leaned forward whispering into his ear.



Joonmyun woke with a jump and sighed heavily, it was just a dream. Glancing around attempting to wake up at least a little bit, Joonmyun looked next to him to see Yixing still fast asleep using Joonmyun’s upper arm as his pillow, he had a small and content smile on his lips.


‘So beautiful.’ Joonmyun thought to himself before he carefully lifted Yixing’s head, sliding his arm out from under him and moving a pillow there in his stead and Yixing immediately cuddled into the pillow, his eyebrows furrowing a little before they relaxed.


Joonmyun got up and went into the bathroom to shower, he checked the clock above the desk in their room, it was already eleven fifteen on Saturday, Joonmyun vaguely remembers checking the clock before laying back down with Yixing, the two had went to sleep about five or six last night and slept completely through the night and next morning.


He let the hot water run down his back, water droplets fell from his eye lashes, nose and lips into the shallow pool of water at his feet. He sighed, he’d told Yixing how he really felt after he’d left, but he’d fallen asleep and Joonmyun had no idea if he even heard anything said. “If only I could just make things the way I want them to be…” he whispered to himself before he shut off the water.


After drying off and putting on some sweats and a t-shirt Joonmyun placed a small kiss on Yixing’s cheek and covered him with his blanket before making his way downstairs. The house was silent which was odd, Joonmyun walked into the kitchen expecting to see his mom, but instead found a note on the fridge.



Since both of you fell asleep so early, we didn’t have the chance to discuss with you that both of us are going to Seoul until Tuesday night for your fathers work, please try to behave and not burn down the house.



Joonmyun cocked an eyebrow, who house to themselves for the weekend? That’s never happened before, he rolled his eyes and tossed the note back onto the counter and proceeded to look for something for breakfast.


Suddenly a pair of pale arms wrapped around Joonmyun startling him, since when was Yixing awake?


“I’m still tired…” he whined softly into Joonmyun’s back.


Joonmyun chuckled a little “Then go lay down on the couch, I’ll make us something to eat.”


Yixing simply nodded and let go of Joonmyun and walked into the living room and grabbed the blanket from the back of the chair and wrapped it around himself before he collapsed on the couch with an oof.


‘So easy to please.’ Joonmyun chuckled to himself before he started making a late breakfast for the two of them.


“Mom and dad went on a business trip to Seoul until Tuesday, so we have the house to ourselves until then.” Joonmyun said as he sat across from Yixing eating his breakfast.


Yixing looked up from his plate at Joonmyun, their eyes meeting “Good, I don’t want to even look at dad right now.” He frowned.


Joonmyun cracked a smirk “What did he say to you?”


Yixing glanced down at his food before putting his fork down “He yelled at me for not helping you with school, but I honestly didn’t know.” He said and then leaned back in his chair and looked down as he played with his hands “We don’t talk at school, I’ve never actually seen you talk to anyone at school before, well not an actual conversation, how was I supposed to know?”


“You’re right. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to, I told you to leave when I knew mom and dad were going to lecture me, I just didn’t want you to know.”


Yixing stood up slamming his hands on the table “WHY?! Why Joonmyun?! Why!? What have I ever done to you for you to treat me like a complete ing stranger?! Do you have any idea how scared I am of you now? Do you have any idea how sad it makes me that you aren’t the Joonmyun I remember? What the hell happened to you?! I hate feeling like you hate me! I hate feeling like I’m nothing but a nuisance to you, I hate it, I really hate it.” Yixing was in tears now and collapsed back down in his chair and brought his hands to his face crying.


Joonmyun was at a loss for words, Yixing has never, ever spoken out like this before. He’s normally soft spoken and just does what he’s told. Never once has he lost it like this. Joonmyun stared at Yixing as he cried his eyes out sitting across from him, what was he supposed to do?


Yixing suddenly stood back up and ran to their room leaving Joonmyun even more confused. Should he go after him? A minute later, Yixing came back downstairs still with tears in his eyes and was out of his pajamas and bolted out the door, Joonmyun stood up and ran to the door.


“Yixing?! Where the hell are you going?!?” he shouted, but Yixing just kept running.



He ran. He kept running, he knew where to go, he knew who he wanted to see. He ran up the stairs and pounded on the door a couple times, he heard shuffling behind the door and then it opened.


“Xing?” Kris asked.


Yixing didn’t say anything and kept crying lunging forward throwing himself into Kris, who stumbled back a little as he caught Yixing and shut his apartment door.


“Xing? What’s wrong?” he asked wrapping his arms around the crying smaller.


Yixing was shaking he was crying so hard, Kris frowned, he’d need to let Yixing calm down before he was going to talk. Kris let out a breath before bending down picking Yixing up bridal style, Yixing wrapped his arms around Kris’s neck and buried his face into his shoulder as Kris carried him to his room. Kris laid Yixing gently down on his bed before laying next to him still holding him.


Yixing cried into Kris’s shirt for another good ten minutes before he started to calm down a little, still sniffling a little, Kris placed his hand on the side of Yixing’s face, wiping his stray tears away with his thumb “Have you calmed down?” he asked quietly.


Yixing slowly nodded “Thank you…”


Kris smiled and softly kissed Yixing’s forehead “Of course.”


Yixing smiled a little and snuggled into Kris closing his eyes, Kris was different from Joonmyun. He wasn’t cold and mysterious, he was open and actually talked to Yixing about what was going on in his life. He liked that he didn’t have to be afraid of stepping on boundaries with Kris, he liked that he could openly laugh and talk with Kris about almost everything. Although, Kris still didn’t know that Joonmyun was Yixing’s older brother, he’s talked about Joonmyun to Yixing before, nothing rude, but more of just how indifferent and quiet he is at school.


“Do you want to talk about it?” Kris asked carefully.


Yixing shook his head “Not right now.”


Kris smiled “Whenever you want to, I’ll always listen.” Yixing smiled gratefully and placed a small kiss on Kris’s cheek before laying back down.


“Hey… can I stay here tonight?”


Kris’s eyes widened “Um, sure, go for it.” He stuttered a little.


“Thank you.” Kris nodded wrapping his arms around Yixing hugging him close.


They didn’t talk or move. They didn’t need to, that was the one thing about Kris that Yixing loved, he didn’t pry to know things, he let Yixing tell him when he was ready, he never pushed Yixing away or got angry with him. His hugs were warm and Yixing felt safe being in his arms, he felt like nothing could ever hurt him again, and Kris’s scent was so relaxing to him.



“So I’m sure you want to know what happened for me to suddenly show up here, huh?” Yixing asked as he sat next to Kris on his couch the next morning.


“I would, but if you don’t want to talk about it, I wont push you to tell me.”


Yixing smiled “I’ll tell you,” he said and then looked down at his hands in his lap “Friday after school my dad yelled at me for not helping my brother with school, but I didn’t know he was having troubles, he never tells me anything, so I didn’t really know how to even react, my dad has never yelled at me before and normally he doesn’t get mad at me, so I ended up crying myself to sleep and then yesterday morning I found out that my parents are in Seoul until Tuesday night and I’d have to spend the weekend with my brother, which doesn’t really bother me, he never talks to me so it doesn’t matter to me, but yesterday afternoon when we were eating I asked why he didn’t tell me he was having troubles with school and he told me he didn’t want to me know about it period and then I got really irritated because we used to be really close, we did everything together and he used to always help me at school when we were younger, but I guess he didn’t feel the same I did and so I yelled at him asking him a lot of different questions to the point that I was crying and then yeah, I ran here…”


Kris wrapped him arm around Yixing’s shoulders and hugged him “I’m sorry, I wish there was something I could do to help you with him, but if you’d like, you can stay here while your parents are away, I know your brother scares you and you don’t really want to be around him at all, so you can stay here.”


Yixing smiled it isn’t exactly like that though “Okay, thank you.” He said leaning into Kris.


Kris smiled ‘If only you could stay here forever.’ “So, what would you like to do today?”


“Anything is fine with me.” Yixing said.


“Then how about we go on a date?”


Yixing’s eyes widened “A da-date?” he asked surprised.


Kris nodded his head “Yep, a date, just the two of us, we can do whatever you want.”


‘A date with Kris…?’ “Bu-“ Kris brought his finger up to Yixing’s lips.


“If your going to reject me, I’d rather you not say it.” He frowned and Yixing laughed grabbing his finger with his own finger.


“Silly, I was going to say I don’t have any clothes to wear.”


Kris made on ‘o’ with his mouth “You can borrow some of my clothes, you aren’t that much smaller than I am.” He smiled.


Yixing raised his eye brows “You’re a lot taller than I am there smart one.”


“Alright fine, we can go out and get you some clothes for the day, the first part of our date can be shopping.”


Yixing giggled a little “Well, what about after shopping? Do you have this all planned out?”


Kris smirked “So what if I have?”


“Then let’s stop wasting time and get going?” the two smiled at each other and then Kris let out a small laugh.


“It’ll be fun, why don’t you shower first and I’ll go find some clothes of mine you can wear? I’ll look for the smallest things I own.”


Yixing smiled and nodded “Okay, thank you.” He said and then leaned in giving Kris a small kiss on the cheek.


Yixing stood from the couch and turned to walk back into Kris’s room to the bathroom and shut the door behind him, Kris stayed on the couch watching Yixing before he disappeared into his room. He leaned back on the couch and let out a breath and then smiled.


“This guy.”


As Kris stood up to go get clothes for Yixing, suddenly Yixing’s phone went off and the screen lit up catching Kris’s attention. He stopped and looked at it, he didn’t want to invade Yixing’s privacy by looking at his phone, but what if it was his brother or parents? The shower was still running so Kris leaned down to pick it up, he unlocked it and saw that there were tons of messages and missed calls, did Yixing ignore his phone all night?


Twenty seven new messages from Joonmyun. Joonmyun? Like the Joonmyun in their class?


Where the hell did you go?


Yixing answer me!!!!!!


Yixing?! Where are you?! Please, let me explain!


Yixing? Why are you ignoring my calls and messages, please contact me!!!


Yixing?!?!?! Why won’t you answer your damn phone?!


Please just let me know you’re okay! Yixing!


I’m sorry, okay? I really am, please, just answer me, I need to know you’re okay!


All of the messages and probably calls were from Joonmyun wondering where Yixing was and if he was okay, was Joonmyun Yixing’s twin brother? Kris closed his eyes and put Yixing’s phone back the way he found it and went into his room to find Yixing some clothes.


Kris found some clothes and set them outside the bathroom door just as the shower turned off, he went back to his closet to find some clothes for himself and when he came back out, the pile of clothes was gone, Yixing must have gotten them while he was finding his own clothes. A couple minutes later, Yixing came out dressed in what Kris had brought him, he looked good to say the least. His hair was dripping wet with the towel around his neck, Yixing saw Kris looking at him and he smiled with a slight nod.


“You can shower now, and thank you for letting me borrow your clothes.”


Kris smiled “You’re welcome, you can keep them if you’d like, they look good on you anyway.” He said walking up to him.


Yixing felt his face heat up and his looked down bringing the towel up to his lips while Kris went into the bathroom to shower. After drying his hair, Yixing threw the towel into the laundry basket and then walked out into the living room to see his phone lighting up again. He bent down and grabbed it, he had more messages and calls from Joonmyun.


He sighed looking through all of them, it was funny, Joonmyun didn’t hesitate to push him away, but his texts made it seem like he really needed Yixing. He decided to ignore the messages and calls, today he was going on a date with Kris, he didn’t need his brother ruining it.


“Xing?” Yixing turned to see Kris standing in the doorway of his room, he was all showered up and looked hot, needless to say. “You ready to go?”


Yixing smiled showing his dimples and nodded “Yeah, let’s go.”



 Lay's "borrowed clothes"

 Kris's casual/y look ^^

Another Update~! :)

So the next chapters will probably be coming a little faster so make sure you remember which chapter you finished reading^^ I'll make sure to tell you guys if it a double update or anything as well^^

I really enjoy hearing your thoughts so please comment^^ Thank you!!!

P.S. The description will probably be edited a little, but the story line won't change^^

P.S.S Kray or Sulay? ^.^


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Udating soon~!!!!


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Chapter 14: Love the story
Chapter 14: i always have a thing for mpreg where 'the girl is separated from the boy while expecting and the boy have no idea about the growing fetus till years later', combine it with sulay (my favorite couple along with chenmin and taoris) which yixing is 'the girl'... my life is complete!!

now off to taoris fic to cure kris feeling
Jasgotlucky #3
Chapter 14: I feel legitimately sad for Kris. He loved Yixing without asking in return only to be rejected for last time. Mah man Kris you deserve the world. (Why am I even so affected in the first place? Haha)
Chapter 1: Chapter 1 and I'm already loving it ^_^ And not just because I love Lay. This story is amazing. Good job authornim:)
kenxdesooin #5
Chapter 14: I loved it.........I want a friend like Kris......... at last happy ending............ plz don't get angry but few lines were kind of confusing but I like it...... looking forward for more of your stories
Chapter 14: I love this soooooooo much!!!!
chkhtsuju #7
Chapter 14: You did a great job on this !
liz_lighter #8
Chapter 14: soooo cute loved it :) !!!