Meeting up

Falling for the school kingka

Luhan had kept his promise about making it up to me.

That lead us to the current situation, inside a cute cafe.

Luhan had scoffed at it, saying it was too girly but I insisted on that specific cafe and won.

Well, of course.

The waitress was shamelessly flirting with me and though she was kinda cute it annoyed me.

Luhan snickered at that and wiggled his eyebrows to which I sent him a glare.

When she left to get our orders he started laughing.

"I thought you liked girls."

I scoffed.

"I do. She's kinda cute as well but... She's so noisy."

I made a disgusted face.

I hated loud girls who talked non stop.

Expect for when they were worshiping me or talking about Gucci of course.

Our orders came quick and she leaned in way too much.

It was so obvious that I had to roll my eyes as Luhan did his best to conceal his laughter.

Failing the second she left with a wink.

I picked up my cappuccino to take a sip and a tiny piece of paper floated from its bottom down on the table.

I smirked.

"She gave you her number?"

I nodded and stuffed it in my pocket.

"So how did you convince Sehun to let you out?"

Luhan pouted.

"You make it sound like he's keeping me as a prisoner."

I gave him a sorry-but-that's-exactly-what-I-was-trying-to-say-look and he pouted even more.

"I just told him I wanted to go out with a friend. A straight friend with a girlfriend."

I raised an eyebrow.

"You lied to him?"

He looked down on his hands guilty.

"Yeah... He isn't that fond of you."

Nice way to say he hated me.

Luhan's face lit up again, though.

"But I will start at the soccer team soon!" He told me excited.

"I never knew you liked soccer."

"Oh, I love it!"

He almost jumped up at that, making me chuckle.

"You have to see me play sometime."

"I will." I promised before remembering that I actually had to ask him something.

"Say, Luhan. Do you perhaps know if Chanyeol is seeing someone?"

He pondered for a while before shaking his head.

"No... I don-- Waaaaait. Do you like him?!"

I almost face-palmed at that.

Then I thought back to Kai's expression as I asked him whether Chanyeol was straight.

Damn, he might think I like Chanyeol now...

"No, I don't. But a friend of mine and it looks like I'm not too bad at match-making." I grinned at him.

Of course he immediately knew what I was talking about.

"Did Kyungsoo tell you anything about what happened?" He suddenly asked.

I shook my head.

Kyungsoo had been way too embarrassed and barely admitted he and Kai were a thing now.

Now it was Luhan's turn to grin.

"Wanna know?"

Without hesitation I nodded.

"And what do I get for telling you."

My jaw dropped.

"You gotta be kidding me?"

But the amused look on his face told me he had been serious.

I groaned.

"What do you want?"

His grin widen as he replied.

"Meet Sehun with me."

"Are you crazy?!"

He pouted.

"Aw, come on! Sehun's a great guy - well, that is when he likes you... - and I don't always want to lie to him to meet up with you!"

I sighed.

He did have a point but I wasn't keen on getting to know Sehun or any of the school-kingkas.

Even though Jongin had been alright...

"Fine... If he's good enough for you I will be as kind as consider trying to like him."

I said, sticking out my tongue.

Luhan shoved me playfully, scoffing

"Thank you. Okay, basically Jongin -ah, I mean Kai--"

I interrupted him.

"Yeah, I know that. He actually told me to call him Jongin as he asked me for the favor of sending Kyung to him."

"He allowed you to call him by his real name?" Luhan asked surprised and I nodded.

"He considers you as a friend then... or at least no enemy and no stranger..." He mumbled but still loud enough for me to catch it.


That was... strange.

But fine, I didn't mind.

"Anyway, Jonin first tired it with his pick-up lines again. It were like ten I believe, you know these stupid cheesy ones like:

Do you have a bandage cause I scabbed my knee falling for you or Do you have a map cause I got lost in your eyes. and so on."

I chuckled.

There was no way Kyungsoo would fall for that.

Crush or not, you couldn't lure him with stupid false statements.

"I guess you figured Kyungsoo didn't fall into his arms saying I love you?"

Luhan chuckled as well.


Then he nodded.

"Well, he turned to leave but Jongin grabbed his wrist. I guess he caught him off guard with that cause his pick-up line

wasn't any better than the ones before. You are so pretty I actually forgot my pick-up line...

But then again knowing Jongin he really could have forgotten it." He laughed, shaking his head.

That fit the image I got of Jongin from that one and only time we talked, too.

A dork.

Nothing bad but rather cute.

"Jongin then gushed about 10 minutes about how cute Kyungsoo had looked then with his red cheeks.

When Sehun snapped at him to go and he pouted and told us Kyungsoo slapped him right across the face for that line.

Sehun has been so cute hearing that! He fell of the chair laughing!" Luhan squealed.

I laughed.

"As funny as it is to see you so happy and girly I'd rather know how Kaisoo ended up being together then."

Gasping Luhan glared at me.

"Don't ever call me a girl again! I-- Wait, Kaisoo?"

I nodded.

"Yup. My new nick-name for them. Damn Baekhyun's rubbing off on me..."

Luhan hummed in approval.

"It fits them. However, after that slap Jongin kinda let his heart speak I guess. He didn't even remember what exactly he said.

Just something about being sorry and having deserved that slap and then something about being sincere.

Well and one lead to another and somehow they ended up together."


A/N: SO! After a looong time (Sorry bout that I'm writing my exams rn so it's a little difficult to find the time to write)

I finally updated! I tired to show you at least parts of Kaisoo's get-together story and I'm sorry if you expected more >-<

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mihawk4 #1
Chapter 13: Please update I really love this story and I'm going to subsribe this story
Chapter 13: Update, please. I am subscribing now. but if I don't see any update from you, I'll be really disappointed. So, please update or at least tell me when you can update again. It will calm me down.
Chapter 13: Update.Update.Update. please I still wanna know what's gonna happen next! :)
apple4 #4
Please update chapter 14 quickly wanna see what will happen between tao and kris
KAI3546 #5
Chapter 13: I can see Sehun slowly going crazy without Lulu haha he will crawl back to Lulu
luv3rsub #6
Luhan2 #7
Chapter 13: Must update! I hope hunhan gets back together in next chapter! Luhan could get sick or something and Sehun might realize how much he loves Luhan! Hunhan❤️ Please Update!
Chapter 13: Noooooo
Chapter 13: At last Luhan manned up against Sehun. Sehun needs to understand Luhan better and stop being over possessive. He is the one who lost a precious gem. Thanks for the nice update. Will wait for more...
Chapter 13: No the hunhan why poor luhan come here