zero three point two.

Mission 101: Kidnap Min Yoongi



", , " Seokjin hyung walks in circles as he cursed repeatedly, "Jimin! What did your mom cook?" He finally stops walking and bites his finger, waiting for Jimin's answer. "Bacon, eggs, and pancake?" I went to Jimin's side to look at the dishes, "Ooh. They smell good. Fresh and hot. I think it's enough" I said, sniffing the food. "Enough? Enough?! Do you think this is enough?!" Seokjin hyung neared his face to mine. I can feel his saliva all over me. "It's Yoongi! The Min Yoongi!"

"Okay! Okay! It's not enough! Stop it! I'm drowning! But it really smells so freaking good!" We all jumped in surprise as someone knocked on the door. "! He's here! Let's hide and burn the house down!" I think all of us were thinking the same thing.



"Milkman's at the door~ Open up~"

Jungkook walked to the door and opened it. I saw him grab the bottle of milk the milkman was holding. "Get out of my sight before I break every bone in your body" The milkman almost tripped while running away. Poor him. Oh well, we can't blame Jungkook. That man made us nervous as hell, we thought he was Yoongi. Jungkook walked up to us then threw the bottle at Jimin. "There's your milk, dip" Jimin only frowned. "I almost dropped it"

The telephone rang and I'm not gonna lie, it scared the out of me. Hoseok hyung answered it with a grin in his face. "Hello? We are all busy right now. Please try again later. Or else I'll track you down and--" his smile faded and his face almost fell to the floor. "Y-yes, of course" he began to smile again. "W-what time are you coming?" Namjoon walked to him, "Hey. Who the --" Hoseok hyung covered Namjoon's whole face abruptly and it made a sound. "O-okay. Goodbye" he ended the call and released Namjoon. "YOONGI'S COMING IN FIVE MINUTES, ES. GET READY. 'S ABOUT TO GET DOWN" he announced and I really don't know what to do next. We are all over the place. They raced to the bathrooms and locked themselves there. I smelled myself. . I quickly searched for a bathroom and, thank god, I found one.

Dude, they have six bathrooms. Six ing bathrooms.


All of us are gathered in the dining area in our uniforms, hair neatly combed and sitting properly at our chairs. This is the first time I look so neat and I think I really, really, REALLY smell good. Even though I washed for only 0.00000123789. The food is already prepared neatly at the table, thanks to Seokjin hyung.

"Okay... What to do now? Are you sure he's coming, Hoseok? We've been waiting for five minutes and," Namjoon looked at his watch, "Oh wait. We got ready for only two minutes? And only a minute just passed, Wow. We're disgusting" Hoseok clicked his tongue, "He's coming, alright. And I can still hear his voice" He closed his eyes, "Hoseok ssi, this is Min Yoongi" He started speaking in a sickening voice. I think he's trying to imitate Yoongi's oh so sweet voice. "Mrs. Park invited-- AH! My precious ribs!" Well, he was getting annoying so I decided and tried to break a rib or two. "Why are you so lucky?! Die already!" I said, trying to strangle him. "Taehyung, stop it. And you, Hoseok hyung, why don't you just keep those to yourself?" Wow. Jungkook sounded so 'not violent'. "Oh, and by the way, don't try to imitate Yoongi again. You sounded like a dying pig" Hoseok hyung only rolled his eyes. 

"Hey, guys, I made strawberry milk. Do you want some?" I didn't even notice that Jimin left. He was holding a tray of glasses. "Get that disgusting thing away from me" Hoseok hyung tried to shoo him away. "Dude, strawberry milk is 'ma life" Namjoon tried to grab a glass but Seokjin hyung slapped his hand. "No. We must wait for Yoongi" 

"But, strawberry milk" Namjoon said, rubbing his hand and pouting. "No means no. And stop that. It makes me sick" Seokjin hyung gagged. He took the tray from Jimin then arranged the glasses properly. "My god. I really have skilled hands" he said, looking proudly at his work. "Psh. Skilled. My hair is straighter than your fingers" Namjoon said bitterly. "Why you--" A knock interrupted him. "I got it!" I said quickly then headed to the door. I opened it and...

Just one day, if I can be with you

Just one day, if I can hold your hands

Just one day, if I can be with you

Just one day (Just one day)

If only we can be--


"Taehyung ssi, are you gonna answer that?"

"I love you, to-- I mean, yes. P-please excuse me" Nice, Taehyung, nice. So smooth. I looked at the screen and it was Seokjin hyung calling. I looked at him and he was giving me the '-dont-you-dare-touch-him' look. I looked at Yoongi again and, wow. Heaven is real. He looks better up close. Not that he doesn't look good from afar. He's like an angel. His skin is really pale, like really, really pale. If you place him in a white box you might not see him any more. I moved to looking at his lips. Emerged. They look so pink and squishy. "Taehyung, aren't you gonna let Yoongi in?" Seokjin hyung popped out of nowhere, saying every syllable between his gritted teeth. "A-ah. Please come in, Y-Yoongi" he smiled at me before coming in. Spell gorgeous?



Lol. I did not expect that this will have a part three. I have this thing that I follow- every time I update, it must be 800 words or more, but not over 1000. Lol Idk where did that came from. I'm sorry for not updating for soooooooooo long. Please comment~ I'm craving for your comments. And I know what you're thinking right now, 'ew. it's not funny anymore. you're ugly, author' I'm sorry(ToT) I've been so stressed out lately. But whew, 90 subscribers? 11 votes? DUDES, ILYSM. 

I'll update as soon as I can. Please comment:)

(p.s. if you read this and the other notes from the past updates, please comment 'STRAWBERRY MARSHMALLOWZZ' it's okay if you don't. I'm weird anyways)




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kfeels #1
Chapter 11: I laughed so hard everytime jungkook fainted.
Chapter 11: This is funny
Chapter 11: Oh my gosh!!! Pfffhahahaha. Kookie tied them to a tree? XD I can't XDD
This story was gold! It was so funny and I still can't stop smiling >u< Thanks for making me laugh so much! I had a lot of fun while reading this story~! <3
Chapter 10: Ow, I'm a big Yoonmin shipper! But SugaKookie is, well, sweet (pun intended) as well? What about other boys though!? Ahh, I need to read the epilogue ASAP!!!
Chapter 8: I wonder if Yoongi is on a date with someone. Maybe he just eats a lot? No? Okay haha But Jungkook is seriously scary. The girls were more scary though. Marriage certificate? A strand of her? What the hell, girls? XD Kookie's heart and soul is already taken by Min Yoongi~! :3
Chapter 7: Someone take back the swiss knife from Jungkook! Why does he even still have it? XD But I guess that Kookie would be as dangerous without a knife >.< Pls someone save Namjoon hahhaha
Chapter 6: Lmao, Hoseok, Seokjin, and Jungkook didn't act weird, NOT AT ALL! XD Hopefully, they didn't freak Yoongi out too much - just the contrary, I hope he appreciated their compliments! But I wish the boys would stop fighting over Yoongi so much, sharing is caring, right? :D
Chapter 5: Wow, the boys are seriously whipped with Yoongi XD It's so funny to see all of them trying to impress Yoongi so much haha It's also kinda cute tho :D
Chapter 4: The boys are so violent and curse so much O.O Typical boys >.< I'm looking forward to the breakfast! Hopefully, Yoongi will be able to survive it, and there won't be any dead birds, threatening with a knife and choking haha
Chapter 2: What the- hahahah Tae's hands being binoculars for all the boys was so funny! XD And then Namjoon and his no jam lmaooo I hope that the boys won't kidnap Yoongi for real. I won't be surprised if they do kidnap him though XD