Chapter 2

My boyfriend is a Kpop Idol, how cool is that?

Last Chapter:

‘Chaerin dear... Your father and I have to leave Seoul for Canada for work for four years...’ Her mother said.

Hearing that, Chaerin gasped in shock.


Hehe... Dis is my second update today for this story...


‘Four years? Why is it so long?’ Chaerin asked.

‘I’m not so sure dear... But we’ll promise to email and send money over every week.’ Her father assured her.

‘You must be independant, dear...’ Her mother said.

‘Arraso...Promise me that you’ll both be back ok?’ Chaerin sniffed.

‘Ok... We’ll be taking off tomorrow so please take care of yourself.’ Her father said.

The family hugged and Chaerin went to her room to sleep.

The next day, Chaerin woke up but found the house to be awfully quiet. She walked out of her room and saw a note on the fridge.

Dear Chaerin,

By the time you see this, we’re probably on the plane already. Promise me that you’ll be independant arraso?’

Love, Mom and Dad

Chaerin, frowned but quickly got ready for school.

When she reached school, she was greeted by Dara.

‘Omg!! Chaerin! Do you know that the whole school is talking about you?’ She whispered furiously.

‘Wae? What did I do this time?’ Chaerin asked.

‘Do you know that Kwon Jiyong or should I say G Dragon made a Facebook account and everyone is trying to add him but her declines everytime?’

‘Ummm... So?’

‘You’re the only person on his list! How did you do it?’

‘I’m not sure... When I went back home, he already requested me. I thought he was your friend and accepted the request. He later chatted with me-‘

‘What? He chatted with you?’

‘Yeah... But I told him I didn’t really know about Kpop.’

‘Lee Chaerin... I wanna strangle you!!’ Dara and Chaerin heard a voice.

They turned around and realised that Bom and Minzy were running to Chaerin.

‘How on the world-‘

Before they could speak, Chaerin quickly repeated herself.

‘Damn. You’re so lucky...’ They said.

On their way to class, they saw a bunch of girls running towards Chaerin.

‘Chaerin! Those are the mad fangirls! You better run before they kill you!’ Minzy warned.

Without hesitation, Chaerin ran to the classroom.

The next day, during class, the school was called to assemble at the hall as the principal had an announcement.

After everyone settled down, the principal cleared his throat and said,’ Students, I have a big surprise for you. Tomorrow, we have a special guest. And that guest is.... BIG BANG!’

Hearing that, the whole school except Chaerin erupted in cheers.

After the assembly, the principal called out to Chaerin and asked to speak to her.

‘Yes, Principal, why did you call for me?’

‘You see, when I announced that Big Bang was coming, the whole school cheered except for you.’

‘Yes, I’m not really into Kpop...’

‘Really? Then may I ask for a favor?’


‘You see, the founder of YG Entertainment is also our school’s founder. And he hopes that someone from our school can show them around here. And he told me not to get a fangirl. So can you please guide them tomorrow after school?’


Bowing, she quickly ran and joined her friends.




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valleycheergirl21 #1
Chapter 5: i dont know how or where to go to subscribe
i just love this story omg.
please update naeeehhh? \O/
sky_dragon25 #3
Chapter 12: Seriously you make me crazy 'coz your story i love this
Pls update
Chapter 5: Aigoooo~ i thought i already subscribe this story then in turns out , i didn't . XD well i already subscribe your ff. Kkkk~ :)

Anywys. Pleeeease update soon. :D your story is awesome and imma' hardcore SD shipper. >< --Thankyou. ^.^
Pls pls pls....update!! I still curious wat u knw bout me...i'm too exicted u know! >< :)))))))) when its update cn pls tel me by posting on my wall?? ThxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxD neomo kamsamida!!
Omg!! U make me crazy!! How do u knw i'm a crazy skydragon fangirl><
Anyway i will subscribe ur amazing story...
Just let me knw how u knw me and i was shocked to see my name is in chpt 5!!
Do come to my profile and post it there i will me waiting^^
Update soon ! Lo l ! The world has gone mad .. XDD ... Its awesome !! Update ASAP ! =333
thnx 4 da update :D
update soon
FaithAngel #10
oh gosh bomber... thats alright. it would give them more time to practice..hehehehe<br />
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thanks for the update