
Sketch of Love

Chapter 2...



Jimin and Taehyung were in the room talking about the girls they just met the other night at their BTS party. Chungae managed to walk past the room and over heard their conversation, she stopped and listened for a bit. "I think that one girl who was sitting next to me in the red color dress looked ok, the others didn't really catch my attention." said Taehyung. 

Chungae had the "No, no way ..." look on her face. She lean onto the wall and tried to have a better view of their conversation. Jimin looked out into the hall and kind of knew that Chungae was sneaking on them. Jimin smiled and slowly got up and told Taehyung to be quiet. For a while Chungae didn't hear anything, she plan to take a peek into the room and saw no one. She stood infront of the room and wondered where did Jimin and Taehyung went. Jimin jumped right infront of Chungae and scared her, she flinch and punched Jimin on the arm.

"What the heck !" shouted Chungae

"You what the heck ! Why were you stalking me and V for the hell ... " 

Taehyung appeared beside Jimin and smiled at Chungae which melted her heart. "Oh my gosh ~ Taehyung oppa is so adorable." Chungae thought. Jimin snap his finger infront of Chungae who couldn't stop staring at Taehyung. 

"Snap out of it Chung-ah!" said Jimin. 

He pushed her out of the way and closed the door on her. "Tss~ I hate you Jimin >.< " Jimin opened the door and glared at her. " What did you say?" Chungae ran into her room. Jimin laughed and closed the door. Taehyung laughed along. 

"Chungae is gorgeous Jimin." Said Taehyung. 

"Eh, she's not your type dude." said Jimin who is walking towards his bed. 

"Maybe she is.... if you don't mind." 

Jimin looked over to Taehyung. 


Chungae laid on her bed and thought of Taehyung cute smile which made her smile. "He is soo, cute compare to all the other members .... " suddenly their door bell rung. 

"I GOT IT!" Shout Jimin. 

Chungae walked out of her room and followed Jimin to the door. "Hm, who could i be." thought Chungae. 

As Jimin opened the door, they found Jungkook standing infront of their door. 

"Oh, hi ... " Said Jimin. 

"Oppa~ Who is it?" said Chungae as she appear walking towards them, Jungkook stared at Chungae and didn't take his eyes away. He looked quite shock and surprised to the look of Chungae. Jimin looked at Jungkook and turned to Chungae, he closed the door half way to block Chungae and made eye contact with Jungkook, "How may i help you ?" 

"Ah, uh ... i uh ... well , me and my family just moved into the house next to yours annd ... my mom made some kimbap ... she wanted me to give them to you as a greet..." Said Jungkook

Chungae pushed Jimin out of the way and appeared infront of Jungkook, he couldn't believe what he saw, the girl that's standing infront of him is the girl that looks just like his drawing. 

"Did you say kimbap?! Oh my gosh! I LOVE KIMBAP! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I'll eat these deliciously." said Chungae as she bow to Jungkook and snatch the kimbap away. 

Jimin pulled Chungae away and glare at Jungkook. "Thanks, you can leave now." Said Jimin as he closed the door infront of Jungkook. 

Jungkook had a slight smile on his face but put it back to a frown and walked away. 

Jimin walked towards CHungae who sat on the couch eating the kimbap deliciously, " Chungae-ah ... did you see the way that guy looked at you." asked Jimin.

"Nope, and i don't want to see or know because i'm all set for Taehyung oppa only." said Chungae. 

Taehyung laughed and sat next to Chungae. 

"Can you say that again." said Taehyung. 

Chungae choked on the kimbap and looked right at Taehyung .... Jimin pulled Taehyung up and smack his head. 

"Yah, i don't allow ok ..." Said Jimin. 

Taehyung laughed and joked with Jimin.

"Chill, chill, chill.... Jimin, i know, she's you sister, and you're protective over her. I will be protective over her too ok." Taehyung said as he hit Jimin on the arm and walked out of the door. 

"Taehyung oppa, you're leaving?!" Shout Chungae. 

"Yea, one day i would love to hear those words again Chungae-ah!" Taehyung said teasing. 

"HEY!" Shout Jimin. 


Jungkook walked into the new house and went right into helping his mother clean. 

"Did the neighbor like the kimbap?" his mother asked. 

"Yea ... " 

Jungkook raise up the drawing he drew, "She liked the kimbap alot .... " his mother looked at the drawing and it was the girl that he wish to meet. 

Jungkook carreid it into his room and hanged it on across from his bed, so that every morning he wakes up the first thing he sees his that sketch. "I think i found her." He said. 

"Oppa~" Shout Jinji. 

Jungkook walked out from his room and found his little sister with a box of his drawings. "Oppa, mom said for you to go eat." Jungkook kneel down and rub his Jinji's head. 

"I'll be right down ok? You go first." He said while smiling. 

His little sister ran down stairs first and he followed. His mother was setting the table with delicious foods, "My dears son and daughter, come eat, you two have been starving every since this morning." Jungkook and Jinji sat next to each other and eat their food. 

"Mom .... i think .. i found that girl ... the girl that i drew." said Jungkook while he's focus on eating. His mother looked at him and touch his hands. "Are you sure? Because the picture you drew is just a random girl that you never met." Jungkook pause for a bit and moved his mothers hand away from his and continue eating. He didn't answer back, his mother lwatched as he eat and decided to just tag along eating quietly. 

"Oppa, i want to see her." Said Jinji.

Jungkook looked over to Jinji and smiled. "You will ... "


Chapter 2, sorry if it's too short ! I'll try to make it longer :D Thank you for supporting and subscribing, please comment.  

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Chapter 4: Ohhhh!!! Love it! Nice nice! Update more! Love the moves! Haha so cute how he just stopped and blanks out before realizing he's late. Haha then it was even more cute when they realized they were all late! Lol. Love their chemistry and all of BTS. Keep it up! Don't delete! XD
yeahgottaproblem #2
Chapter 4: It was really cute.Haha jungkook got to show his move.Friend plz tag JunkookxOc and jungkook and other characters in the fic.More people will subscribe to the story.^__^
yeahgottaproblem #3
Chapter 3: They're cute..cnungae and jungkook.
Chapter 3: Too short!!!!!! Update! Update! Update!!!!!!!!!!
Girl it was good. I liked it. Should've been longer!
Chapter 3: oh my- the part at the store was so cute! they're already stealing glances at each other hehehe. Jimin and chungae are so funny LOL. thank you for the update author-nim! update soon !
yeahgottaproblem #6
Chapter 2: Oho..jungkook finally :) Thanks for the update
Chapter 2: oh my gah author-nim ! I love the chemistry between chungae and jimin it's so cute w eeps. and I see something going on between taehyung and chungae? this is interesting ohohoho. I'm so glad jongkook and her finally met though < 3 i can't wait on how the story will be developed in the next chapters.
thank you for the update author-nim and update when you can ! : )
Chapter 1: Update!!! New chapters please!!! >.<