
The Twin Dragons

As soon as the sun was getting low on the horizon, Daeryong came back to Soryong's apartment to regroup. The three of them talked over their plans, Injun and Daeryong worrying over Soryong again, but the silver eyed immature dragon simply shook them off and insisted that he was going. All that was really left to do after putting on their black clothes and packing some random beating rods to aid their fighting was to wait until it got darker. It only took about an hour or so until it got dark enough to start, but it seemed longer since they were holding their breaths. But as soon as they were sure of the concealing darkness, the three men set out for the warehouse where Soryong was held.

The walk over to the creepy part of Seoul was mostly quiet, save for the occasional tips from Daeryong on kicking as he called it. Even Injun seemed apprehensive, though he probably wouldn't have seemed so if the silver eyed twin weren't putting himself into the face of danger so easily. Soryong's was adament to a fault in this, but neither of his companions was going to say that. After all, if he were still able to mature as a dragon once he got his earring, who knows what he might have done to them, though Soryong knew it would be just a lot of intimidation. The mere thought of transforming into a dragon made the silver eyed man even more determined to fight for his jade earring. He would have loved to fly around the world with Daeryong and Injun both by his side. It was funny, though he had really only known both of these men for a week at most, he already felt they were inseperable, as if they were only destined to be with each other.

Injun hushed the other two, quite a needless act, when they were nearing the warehouse, and all three were completely focused then. Every sound was magnified, and no movement went unnoticed as they started sneaking. Though the warehouse was surrounded by other, their target was the only one with any activity apparent inside, doubtless the RyongHyulDan inside pondering how to get their dragon back. And they were going to get two. Soryong bid his companions good luck as he went to the rear of the warehouse where there was no entrance so he could sneak in hopefully unnoticed when the guards were drawn away. Now all he had to do was wait.

Approaching the front side of the warehouse, Daeryong and Injun walked as if they were a couple of punks looking for a place to get wasted. The three guards were of course wary of anyone passing by, but they seemed to ignore the two. That is, until one of them recognized Injun as the one who helped the dragon escape, at which point the intruders were close enough to land their first punches, momentarily disabling their enemies. Daeryong and Injun took this chance to come forward to kick the guards in the stomach, making them fall over on the ground, though not enough to take them out. In the next several seconds, four more of the Dragon's Blood Group burst out of the warehouse after hearing the commotion. The fallen three RyongHyulDan stood up with their comrades, and the group looked at the two intruders. After a moment, Injun and Daeryong turned back and ran for a bit to take the fight farther from there.

As soon as Soryong saw his twin and his lover running away chased by a group of surly men, he ungraciously climed over the fence on the side of the building and scurried to the street. Although he was the worst spy ever, his companions had takent he fight far enough to guarantee his safety. Still, Soryong went into the building as quickly as he could to start looking for his earring. Between the stacks of boxes and the cage with the amulets, there wasn't really a place to hide an earring safely; there was really nothing about this place that suggested it was going to be used long term. As he was sneaking around the warehouse, he couldn't help but wonder if he was the sole reason the RyongHyulDan were using it.

While deep in his thoughts, Soryong was on the verge of giving up on finding his earring, a sound from behind him startled him. He turned around to see the interrogator from the day he was captured holding his earring in one hand and an amulet in the other. With a curse, Soryong already felt some of his strength leaving him, but he felt the rolling pin under his shirt and hoped that would offer enough leverage should they fight. The problem was that the Dragon's Blood man looked older and unable to fight, though his amulet spell would help him a lot.

"Hello again, dragon," the RyongHyulDan member smiled. "Are you looking for this, perchance?" He dug something out of this pocket and held up a single jade earring.

Soryong heard himself growl before he realized it, and he got ready to lunge, though the Dragon's Blood man merely chuckled before putting the earring back into his pocket. The two looked at each other without saying a word, but the tension was very near breaking point.

"How rude of me," the creepy man shook his head, still holding up the glowing amulet, "I didn't introduce myself, did I? My name is Andy Lee, and I'm head of the Korean faction of the RyongHyulDan, the Dragon's Blood Group. I recieved a report concerning your mother-" the word drew all of Soryong's attention "-who ran away from our grasp in Italy. She made it through to America, then started crossing over towards China, but we apprehended her. Though regrettably not before she threw you and your brother to safety."

"Her sacrifice was not in vain," Soryong's eyes filled with a fire of defiance. "You're not going to get me. Ever. The same goes for my brother."

With that, Soryong gathered his strength and charged forward to attack Andy, leaping forward with his arms outstretched despite the proximity to the cursed amulet making him feel weaker than usual. Despite all of that, Andy was actually easy to take down, though he got the feeling that it wouldn't end like this. As if to confirm the very notion, Andy flung him to the side with a strength he didn't even seem to possess, but Soryong was beginning to feel a little dizzy with the amulet's effect. If the immature dragon was going to take his earring back, he had to do it soon. Though he was already weakened, Soryong was absolutely stubborn, and he refused to come out of this fight as a failure. He just hoped that Injun and Daeryong would be able to hold of the party of RyongHyulDan just a little longer.

Getting up unsteadily, Soryong tried to think of a way to get the amulet out of Andy's grasp and get his earring back. There had to be a way to defeat the man before him without too much force. Then he remembered the rolling pin that had flown from inside his shirt when he got thrown and went to go pick it up, which made Andy chuckle. Soryong was a little anxious about using it since he had never really fought before, but no better time than the present, right? A part of him felt bad at intending to hurt another human being with a rolling pin, then he remembered the fear of being kidnapped, and all of his hestitation was replaced with determination.

"What do you think you can do, dragon?" Andy shook his head as he lowered the amulet in his hand for the first time since Soryong came in. "Why don't you just go ahead and try to strike me? You're just a student and haven't got it in you to hurt me."

Though he would have hated to admit it, Soryong knew he was listening to the truth. He had never had to fight before in his life, and pounding this man with a rolling pin was something no amount of rage could make him do. For a moment, Soryong was thinking of closing his eyes and throwing the pin in Andy's direction, but it passed. Instead, his stance became relaxed as he looked down on the ground, the RyongHyulDan man laughing scornfully at the immature dragon's unwillingness to fight. But suddenly, something did strike Andy's head from behind, and when his body fell, Soryong was ever so glad to see Daeryong with his own weapon and Injun behind him. The immature dragon went to Andy and dug in his pockets for his earring, finding it soon after.

As soon as the intruders got what they came for, they headed for the door and started running away from the warehouse before any of the RyongHyulDan could come to. Daeryong was whooping at their victory, though Injun was obviously a little doubtful. Soryong too was wondering if it was already too late, though he decided that he just better put on the earring and wait for something or nothing to happen.

For the time being, all they could do was wait.

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Chapter 14: aw cute end. i wonder when the bad guys will com after them tho
Chapter 14: Hmm. Interesting way to tie everything up. No dialogue to speak of and more summarizing than anything but you do well with the overall explanations. I think Soryong's outlook on his love life is a bit bleak at the moment but things are still relatively raw so I'll give him a couple more years. haha Especially because Al is there now. Is Al a shortened version of his name or is his name actually Al? lol

I think it's good you've kept the RHD threat in the back of their minds. Though again, I'll give them a couple years to get over this whole bleak outlook on life thing. Not that they should stop worrying or being concerned but yeah. It's a bittersweet ending of sorts. I will say that. But a good one for the purpose of the story. And you've got plenty of room to do a sequel if you really want to. haha

There's plenty to be said for the ELB and the twins themselves. Well done overall! Quite the enjoyable read. ^_^
Chapter 13: *gives another cheer for Soryong's last, desperate attack* haha

My biggest concern with this chapter was Injun himself. I know he's powerful but is he like super human or something? Or do the dragons just really not move that fast even in dragon form? And how the hell did Injun keep tracking/catching/jumping on them so much? I'm so confused. -_- That ELB (evil little bastard) aside, I quite enjoyed this update.

You definitely maintained a sense of urgency and desperation throughout. Soryong's mad dash to escape was frantic and certainly added to the story. The water dragon explanation felt a little offhand when it was thrown in there, but it does explain what was going on (even if you did have to hit us over the head with the info). Soryong's 'mother' comment after Daeryong spoke made me chuckle and then consider that they have the strangest reaction to the ELB closing in. >.> Eh. I guess everyone is different.

But on to the next update though!
Chapter 12: Yes!!! *cheers enthusiastically* I was wondering. ^_^

First things first because it's fresh in my mind: how big is the tunnel Soryong was in and how big did he become? I'm struggling with that part in my head for imagery but otherwise, I think this was a well done chapter. I would have liked a little more description about the "tools" for the dragons because I have nothing to go on, but otherwise, great character development. I very much liked how the brothers were able to grow closer and I totally laughed at Soryong's response to Injun.

That little bastard is turning into quite the evil little , isn't he? -_- I can just imagine his face at the end too. Hah! Take that .

But you definitely made me feel for Daeryong before the end. And I was surprised that the boys only flinched when their mother was mentioned. I expected anger or horror or something. Their reaction felt tame, but under the circumstances, I can see that too.

Good job overall! I look forward to seeing what else happens. Especially now!
Chapter 14: oh goodness so the last chapter was so EPIC!!! And the water <3<3<3 thank you mother awwwwwwwww
And the end!!! I am so loving Al, that is so adorable, but I can't help but to worry about Dragon's End and what that will entail OTL. Death, I think. >.<
Anyway. Great story and I loved it!!!
Chapter 12: Injun you complete and total piece of . GRRR
BUT WHOA the whispers!!! You get them!!!!
Chapter 14: well fck me. i wasn't expecting that at all! the last line of the second to last chapter was worrysome but is sounds like there will e a sequel and that would be so cool! and then the last bit about soryong and al is adorable but if there is a sequel, that makes me worried for al's life.
this was such a great story! thank you for posting it, reading a tasty 2wins story is rare enough but one that is well written is like, a random gold nugget in a pile. lol. so i really enjoyed this! thanks again and i will have to check out your other work!
Chapter 11: i was not expeting betrayal, so not cool~~~
Chapter 11: UGH! I have to agree with Amalya, the last line made my heart jump into my throat >.<
The hidden tunnel within the hidden room was so clever, I am thoroughly impressed. =D
But UGH!!! Those whispers made me feel sick, and then Aldo's general misguided 'kill the one to save the many' crap is so frustrating!!!! >.< I am so worried for the Twins.
Chapter 11: Ack! That was certainly a heart rending line at the very end there. T_T Poor babies indeed.

It's interesting seeing everything through the eyes of the twins as they're held captive but traveling through a place that must be beautiful in many respects. It's a harsh comparison between what the place actually is most of the time and the potential evil (or at least bad) people it harbors beneath the surface. >.> Even under the circumstances, I think the Cathedral of Saint Agata would have caught my eyes as well. lol And that was a nifty little distraction when they got inside. It's not a ruse I see often so well played. :)

I was certainly frustrated with Injun the entire time because there's a very tiny part of me that is holding out hope he's not a total but it keeps getting harder and harder to maintain with how he continues to act while he's... 'home' as it were. And the way he interacted with Aldo was certainly irritating. There was another moment I wanted to punch him in the face. -_-

And all the while, I just keep feeling worse for our boys. T_T Poor Soryong for being able to hear the whispers of the slain and for Daeryong never having known his mother. And again... that last damn line. *cries a river* The situation continues to remain bleak, though I know all hope can't be lost, but I shall have to wait and see how things pan out from here. Good job. ^_^