Good Night

The Twin Dragons

When Daeryong ran off into the streets of Seoul, Soryong was a little dejected, though he didn't tell his twin that. It was funny, finding out he had a twin was quite a weird experience, though he should have seen it coming what with the dreams of two eggs. Still, the silver eyed twin was jealous of his twin brother's seeming ease of transforming into a dragon and apparent confidence in general, to the point that he had to wonder how they had turned out so different. Soryong still had trouble even striking up a conversation with other people, let alone strut around b with confidence. He guessed that Daeryong's ability to transform had a big impact on that, though. Which brought up another point: how was Soryong still an immature dragon at his age, and why would his captors who only dealt with dragons take the risk of him being unable to mature? Or maybe they just didn't know.

Still feeling a little overwhelmed, Soryong went back to catch his next class, though he had doubts about whether he'd be able to concentrate. That was a beginning to be a big problem. Since Injun had warned him of another possible attack, Soryong had taken to being even less sociable than ever, never daring to look or talk to anyone, and constantly scurrying around with his hood over his head. Speaking of his guest, he was still fighting against his inappropriate thoughts, though he never could stop. Injun was like the perfect combination of cute and cool, though what Soryong had seen last night suggested that Injun was a lot more cool than cute. Shaking his head of such thoughts, the silver eyed student entered his class and firmly resolved to keep his head in the room.

At the end of a vexingly slow day, Soryong packed up his books and went straight back to his apartment, where he was hoping Injun would be waiting. He had stupidly forgotten to tell him to keep himself busy with whatever was lying around the house that morning. Then again, Injun was apparently someone who had taken care of himself for years on end, so he should have been fine. Once again, Soryong was thinking that he wanted to be the one to take care of the lone ranger now, particularly in the nightly aspect that Injun was so willing to with the previous night.

When Soryong made it into his apartment at last, he was quite surprised to find that Injun was gone. He wasn't sure where he could have went, since his guest didn't look like he would have or need any money fending for himself for years. Then again, he probably wasn't used to being so confined into one apartment for too long. Shrugging it off, Soryong decided to fix himself a snack before taking out and working on some of his homework. A little spark of giddiness lit in his stomach when he saw that Injun had already made him a snack, a cold turkey and cranberry sandwich loaded with enough vegetables to feed an army of rabbits. Soryong was doubtful he could eat the entire thing by himself, so he cut it in half and filled himself a glass of milk. Once in his room, he took out his math books and put his nose to the grindstone, though mathematical work had never bothered him much. In fact, he would be a little confused when people said that they hated it.

A good hour passed before Soryong was finally finished with equations and calculations, and his brain was screaming for a break, so he went to go wash his dirty dishes. Though it was enough to satisfy him, Soryong was thinking that he had better get dinner started for Injun. He was wondering what his guest could be doing for this long, but he was trusting that it was either important or a simple trivial indulgence. Whatever Injun was doing, Soryong wanted him to return to a full meal. He was telling himself that it was just hospitality driving him to do it, but as he was reaching for the shrimp, the wine, and the candles, Soryong was admitting to hoping that Injun would appreciate the meal and the company a little more than a regular host and guest would. For once, though, he had some decent inspiration to do his best in the kitchen where he always had a little trouble. Thankfully, he wasn't doing anything too extravagent or complicated, but still something he thought was delicious. The shrimp would be cooked with a lot of vegetables and garlic, topped with a garlic sauce, and served with a salad. He was hoping Injun would enjoy it.

Soryong connected his phone to his speakers and set them to something that would motivate and energize him. So as the driving rock was playing throughout the kitchen, Soryong began to fire up some shellfish and vegetables, rocking his hips side to side in time to the music. In the few far between minutes of waiting, he got to thinking about Injun again, this time his smile and not just his body. There was something about Soryong's rescuer that had him doing heart flips and stomach twists. Injun had some secret way of making him feel like he was actually quite interesting or cool for once. While that should have been an entirely good thing, Soryong began to worry that he wouldn't be as great as Injun made him out to be, what with being raised in such a small village and now being without his source of power. He hoped they could get it back somehow.

"Well well," the familiar voice behind him chuckled, "what have we here?"

"Hey, Injun," Soryong turned back as the sauce was nearly done. "Where were you all day?"

"I was just taking a walk," Injun shrugged. "I lost track of time because I've never really had to work with a clock for years. But anyway, you could've told me if my breakfast was a bust this morning."

"No no," Soryong laughed and raised his hands in a defensive gesture, "I really did like it, but I just wanted you to come home to something. I thought you might be hungry."


When he realized what he had just said, Soryong bit his lips and his eyes grew wide, while Injun coolly smiled. For a moment, the silver eyed immature dragon wanted to disappear, but he was a little surprised when Injun smile only became more devious as he stepped forward. Soryong couldn't move, nor could he utter a word. He felt like the other's gaze was akin to an enchanter's, freezing him on the spot, sending tingles throughout his body. When Injun reached him and brought his hands up to his chest, Soryong wanted nothing more than to push him back and take him on the kitchen table, but he cursed as the timer blared. Both men chuckled as Soryong turned around to get the plates and the food ready.

As they sat down to eat, the atmosphere surprisingly wasn't rendered awkward by their previous act. They talked comfortably, actually, and Soryong was surprised to find out that the ones who had killed Injun's parents were of the same cult as the ones who had kidnapped the silver eyed immature dragon, the RyongHyulDan, or the Dragon's Blood Group. Lee Injun was getting more and more interesting with every conversation.

"You know," the guest continued in his story, "my family always told me that our bloodline has for a long time been of the InGanWoo, the Human Friends. Though we are completely human, we know of the dragons and much of their physiology and biology, though there are few dragons left for us to befriend. The RyongHyulDan have hunted you dragons ever since they found out just how much power you had. They use dark and powerful magic for whatever purposes they can muster, all using the sacred blood of dragons, pouring some into fires, sprinkling some unto the land or people, even drinking it to unleash the power locked inside. That's how Rome became the most successful warfarer, how the Europeans were able to sweep America, and much more. They've nearly exhausted the supply of dragons with their greed, and all of them now live in hiding, rarely turning into their dragon forms unless absolutely necessary. And there used to be dragons flying around freely, walking through the villages, or at least that's what my father always told me before he..."

"I'm sorry for all you've been through," Soryong reached forward to place his hand on the other's as a comforting gesture. "If nothing else, I'm glad you've found me and now you're able to fulfill thousands of years of waiting, right? I'm just sorry there's a risk of me never maturing."

"No, that's okay, Soryong. I do like you, dragon or not, and what a favor fate has done me by bringing us together. It's funny, I always dreamed of befriending my own dragon, but I never would have imagined to feel this way about you." He shoved the last of his meal into his mouth and smiled as he chewed.

The words suggested quite a few things, which made Soryong blush as he too finished his meal. With a word of thanks, Injun stood up from his chair and rounded the table to stand by Soryong, who was bright red by then and breathing quickly. Injun, however, stayed cool as he leaned down and placed a kiss on the dragon's mouth, gently asking with his lips for Soryong to open up, which he did. The dragon brought a hand up and placed it on Injun's neck, the kiss deepening, feeling more and more right. When they finally parted, though, there wasn't much drive to go any further, but the two did smile at each other as Soryong stood up so they could wrap their arms around each other. The two smiled as they pressed their foreheads together and looked right at one another. After that, Soryong asked Injun to come sleep with him, but immediately blushed and rephrased the question. While Injun laughed at first, he took off all of his clothes save for his boxers, moving forward to do the same to Soryong, who was a little nervous about being unclothed and this close to him. The two slid into bed and Injun lay on the dragon's chest, muttering things about finally fulfilling his destiny. Even Soryong himself was so pleased by all of this that he could only smile as he wrapped one arm around the wonderful Injun.

This was but a prequel to quite a few more nights to come.

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Chapter 14: aw cute end. i wonder when the bad guys will com after them tho
Chapter 14: Hmm. Interesting way to tie everything up. No dialogue to speak of and more summarizing than anything but you do well with the overall explanations. I think Soryong's outlook on his love life is a bit bleak at the moment but things are still relatively raw so I'll give him a couple more years. haha Especially because Al is there now. Is Al a shortened version of his name or is his name actually Al? lol

I think it's good you've kept the RHD threat in the back of their minds. Though again, I'll give them a couple years to get over this whole bleak outlook on life thing. Not that they should stop worrying or being concerned but yeah. It's a bittersweet ending of sorts. I will say that. But a good one for the purpose of the story. And you've got plenty of room to do a sequel if you really want to. haha

There's plenty to be said for the ELB and the twins themselves. Well done overall! Quite the enjoyable read. ^_^
Chapter 13: *gives another cheer for Soryong's last, desperate attack* haha

My biggest concern with this chapter was Injun himself. I know he's powerful but is he like super human or something? Or do the dragons just really not move that fast even in dragon form? And how the hell did Injun keep tracking/catching/jumping on them so much? I'm so confused. -_- That ELB (evil little bastard) aside, I quite enjoyed this update.

You definitely maintained a sense of urgency and desperation throughout. Soryong's mad dash to escape was frantic and certainly added to the story. The water dragon explanation felt a little offhand when it was thrown in there, but it does explain what was going on (even if you did have to hit us over the head with the info). Soryong's 'mother' comment after Daeryong spoke made me chuckle and then consider that they have the strangest reaction to the ELB closing in. >.> Eh. I guess everyone is different.

But on to the next update though!
Chapter 12: Yes!!! *cheers enthusiastically* I was wondering. ^_^

First things first because it's fresh in my mind: how big is the tunnel Soryong was in and how big did he become? I'm struggling with that part in my head for imagery but otherwise, I think this was a well done chapter. I would have liked a little more description about the "tools" for the dragons because I have nothing to go on, but otherwise, great character development. I very much liked how the brothers were able to grow closer and I totally laughed at Soryong's response to Injun.

That little bastard is turning into quite the evil little , isn't he? -_- I can just imagine his face at the end too. Hah! Take that .

But you definitely made me feel for Daeryong before the end. And I was surprised that the boys only flinched when their mother was mentioned. I expected anger or horror or something. Their reaction felt tame, but under the circumstances, I can see that too.

Good job overall! I look forward to seeing what else happens. Especially now!
Chapter 14: oh goodness so the last chapter was so EPIC!!! And the water <3<3<3 thank you mother awwwwwwwww
And the end!!! I am so loving Al, that is so adorable, but I can't help but to worry about Dragon's End and what that will entail OTL. Death, I think. >.<
Anyway. Great story and I loved it!!!
Chapter 12: Injun you complete and total piece of . GRRR
BUT WHOA the whispers!!! You get them!!!!
Chapter 14: well fck me. i wasn't expecting that at all! the last line of the second to last chapter was worrysome but is sounds like there will e a sequel and that would be so cool! and then the last bit about soryong and al is adorable but if there is a sequel, that makes me worried for al's life.
this was such a great story! thank you for posting it, reading a tasty 2wins story is rare enough but one that is well written is like, a random gold nugget in a pile. lol. so i really enjoyed this! thanks again and i will have to check out your other work!
Chapter 11: i was not expeting betrayal, so not cool~~~
Chapter 11: UGH! I have to agree with Amalya, the last line made my heart jump into my throat >.<
The hidden tunnel within the hidden room was so clever, I am thoroughly impressed. =D
But UGH!!! Those whispers made me feel sick, and then Aldo's general misguided 'kill the one to save the many' crap is so frustrating!!!! >.< I am so worried for the Twins.
Chapter 11: Ack! That was certainly a heart rending line at the very end there. T_T Poor babies indeed.

It's interesting seeing everything through the eyes of the twins as they're held captive but traveling through a place that must be beautiful in many respects. It's a harsh comparison between what the place actually is most of the time and the potential evil (or at least bad) people it harbors beneath the surface. >.> Even under the circumstances, I think the Cathedral of Saint Agata would have caught my eyes as well. lol And that was a nifty little distraction when they got inside. It's not a ruse I see often so well played. :)

I was certainly frustrated with Injun the entire time because there's a very tiny part of me that is holding out hope he's not a total but it keeps getting harder and harder to maintain with how he continues to act while he's... 'home' as it were. And the way he interacted with Aldo was certainly irritating. There was another moment I wanted to punch him in the face. -_-

And all the while, I just keep feeling worse for our boys. T_T Poor Soryong for being able to hear the whispers of the slain and for Daeryong never having known his mother. And again... that last damn line. *cries a river* The situation continues to remain bleak, though I know all hope can't be lost, but I shall have to wait and see how things pan out from here. Good job. ^_^