Epilogue: The Dark Memories & The Bright Future

Broken Heart

It Jinyoung first year in college, he was indeed and excellent student. The first time he met Jaebum was when he cross the road in Jaebum neighbourhood and Jaebum’s motorcycle hitting him. Jaebum took him to clinic and they get to know each other. Jinyoung’s mother working as house keeper in one of the house in Jaebum neighbourhood and Jinyoung will always send his mother to work before went to school and he will accompany her after finish her work.

“Jinyoung-ah, will you date me?” Jaebum was sure that he was attracting toward Jinyoung and he love him a month after the incident.

“Hyung, are you sure you love me?” Jinyoung worried it only a month and they only meeting secretly after school and behind Jaebum’s family knows.

“Yes, I really sure and I cannot live without you.” Jaebum kiss Jinyoung hand, he did think his friends will accept Jinyoung as much he love that man.

“Thanks for love me, hyung.” Jinyoung just 17 but he matured enough to know about love and he kiss Jaebum.

“I love you so much.” Jaebum bring Jinyoung into his hug and they ride along the Seoul city that night.

3 month after their confession, Jinyoung and Jaebum can be seen together in college and because of Jaebum status and Jinyoung popularity as genius in their campus, the story of they were dating reach Jaebum’s parent. Jinyoung was call to Jaebum’s house and they eat dinner together.

“Jinyoung, what your mother doing?” Jaebum’s mom asked.

“She work as housekeeper.” Jinyoung was honest that what Jaebum love about him.

“Housekeeper? Hahaha… Im Jaebum you seriously gonna married him?” Jaebum’s father laugh and it hurt Jinyoung so much.

“Dad, we are too young to talk about marriage.” Jaebum put a cut of beef on Jinyoung plate.

“I know you just enjoy your teenage life but Im Jaebum, make sure put in your mind that I will never approve him to marry you. He not even able to buy us this high class dinner.” Jaebum’s mother was too much but Jinyoung heart was made by steel because this always happen to him. That why Jinyoung always 3 step ahead others.

After hateful dinner, Jaebum hold Jinyoung hand and they seat on the bench in the park near Jaebum’s neighbourhood.

“Hyung, you will not leave me just because I was poor right?” Jinyoung asked while looking at his lover eyes.

“Hey, it okay if you are poor since I will be your saviour and i would not let us live just with 5,000 won a day. Hahaha…it embarrassing to imagine I live like that.” Jaebum kiss the younger. Of course, he would not let that to happen, money is everything for him.

“Hyung, did being poor make you embarrassed?” Jinyoung pouted.

“Aigoo, don’t kill me with your aegyo, it not like embarrassing but it more like downgrade your status.” Jaebum hugged Jinyoung tightly before he pin the younger down on the bench and they ended up being in the hotel.

6 months after their first make out.

“Hyung, I love you.” Jinyoung kiss his space out lover.

“Oh… Jinyoung, I love you too.” Jaebum tapped the space beside him gesture to the younger to sit.

“What you think about?” Jinyoung lean on Jaebum laps.

“Nothing just about the future.” Jaebum Jinyoung hair and look into the sky.

“Did we married that time?” Jinyoung dragged Jaebum collar and kiss him.

“Jinyoung-ah, I miss you.” Jaebum hold Jinyoung hand and he took Jinyoung phone, take a photo of him kiss Jinyoung cheek.

“Hyung, miss you too.” Jinyoung know Jaebum just try to avoid his question maybe because what his mother demand.

“Jinyoung, I hope you will not hate me and wait for me.” Jaebum muttered when Jinyoung sleep on his laps.

A year after dating.

Jinyoung send his mother early in the morning, he bought a cake and waiting for Jaebum outside the older class.

“Yah, Jinyoung why you here?” Suzy asked when she saw Jinyoung with a cake in his hand in front of her class.

“I wait for Jaebum-hyung.” He smile brightly at Suzy.

“Yah, he not told you he leave this school start from today and he will study in London. His family already bankrupt and he was getting support by one of big company.

“Really? Argh… he might afraid to told me.” Jinyoung leave the class and his tears flow.

Jaebum leaving Jinyoung without any word but the younger still deep in love with Jaebum. Jinyoung was hurt that how he ended up told Yugyeom about Jaebum and he cried aloud that night. Yugyeom never thought his brother would break so much, if he know that Im Jaebum was no good he will never support them being together.

“He leave me, yugyeom-ah” Jinyoung was crying while hugging his little brother.

“Hyung, he not love you as much as you love him. Let forget about him..huh.” Yugyeom wipe Jinyoung’s wet cheek.

“He take everything from me and I have nothing left. I gave everything to him and I still hope he will back to me.” Jinyoung really hope Jaebum will be his first and last.

“Hyung, please don’t be like this. Mom will not be happy if she know you was this broken. I will study hard and hyung can do the same too.” Yugyeom know Jinyoung will stop act stupid if their mother come in his mind.

“Yes, I should focus about my study and I will start working.” Jinyoung knows work and study will make him focus.

                After that day, Jinyoung was always study and he start working at one of company it take year for him to understand the company structure and management. He was one of favourite worker and because of his handsome figure, so everyone will definitely notice him including the company CEO. Jinyoung was working hand in hand with the CEO and Jinyoung hire Bambam as his personal assistance. Jinyoung will working while doing online study, he was acting like brother rather than a boss to Bambam. He love Bambam as much as he love Yugyeom. Jackson make a tradition for a year to greet Jinyoung before when to his room. He love when Jinyoung laugh at his morning joke.

“I think I’m in love.” Jackson said one morning that make Jinyoung and Bambam chuckle.

“Wow… seem like we gonna have a grand party end of this year.” Jinyoung tease even he rather worried if he gonna miss Jackson joke.

“Park Jinyoung, I’m in love with you!” Jackson come inside Jinyoung office and one by one deliveryman bring flower enter his office. Bambam was deeply touch and he wish he could be the one for Jackson.

“Jackson, this too much to be a joke!” Jinyoung blushes when a camera and video focus toward him.

“I prepare this for about a month ago, in front of all my staff and my father I want to ask you Park Jinyoung will you marry me. I know us not yet to know each other but I will try to understand you slowly.” Jackson come close to him, kneel down and show him a very beautiful ring.

“I do.” Jinyoung bring Jackson up and hug his waist.

“Dad, he will marry me!” Jackson kiss Jinyoung and all the staffs give blessing to the couple accept someone.

                Jinyoung start to live with Jackson, and they buy Mansion in Jeju design by Jinyoung and paid by his beloved fiancé. Jinyoung start his own company, Jackson was trying to help him but Jinyoung reject his fiancé offer since he do not want people to curse him. Jinyoung handle his company and he let Bambam handle his job in Jackson’s company. Jinyoung never put any doubt toward Bambam even after Jackson said he sometime find Bambam being overly in his skinship.

“Jinyoungie, I think Bambam like me.” Jackson and Jinyoung hug on their bed.

“Babe, you just over think. Bambam is my good dongsaeng, he will surely not do that.” Jinyoung kiss Jackson and his eyes fix at the movie again.

“Jinyoungie, you know one thing?” Jackson caress Jinyoung cheek.

“What?” Jinyoung just let Jackson hand pinch his cheek and kiss it.

“I love you.” Jackson whisper.

“Love you too.” Jinyoung still focus with his movie.

“I love..love..love you.” Jackson start to move his body facing Jinyoung and look at the younger eyes.

“I love..love ..love you too..but please let me watched this movie.” Jinyoung push Jackson head after give him a peck.

“Jinyoungie… I loveeeeeeee…..loveeeeeee you….sooooo much…!!!” Jackson end up tackling the younger and turn off the TV.

“I will never win you.” Jinyoung chuckle and followed his fiancé step, he turn off the light.

“Thanks baby for always let me win.” Jackson love Jinyoung with all his heart.

A month before wedding, Jinyoung know Jackson’s friend force the older to do bachelorette party, so Jinyoung just give him a permission even though Jackson 100 million times said he don’t want it. Of course, Bambam was the one persuade Jinyoung and he was the organiser for the event. Jackson leave Jinyoung that night and that maybe the last time Jinyoung saw the happy and lovable Jackson.

“Jinyoung!” Jinyoung come out from kitchen when he heard Jackson shout.

“What happen babe?” Jinyoung asked when he saw a pile of clothes on the floor.

“Where you put my blue shirt?” Jackson was late for a meeting since he woke up late. Lately Jinyoung always saw a drunk Jackson back home.

“Babe, I already put today outfit on the bed. Why you want to wear the blue shirt that you throw away last night.” Jinyoung was ironing Jackson new clothes this morning because last night Jackson throw his blue shirt in dustbin.

“Now, you blaming me? Why don’t you ing woke me up, see what time now!” Jackson was angry not to Jinyoung but to himself.

“Babe, did I do something wrong? What happen between us?” Jinyoung tearing up. It a day before their married day.

“Argh… !!!” Jackson bring his outfit inside the bathroom unable to face his lover tears.

“Babe, please let me know if anything happen to us so we will able to make up.” Jinyoung was worried and he hate the fact he miss the gentle Jackson.

Jackson come out with new outfit and just leave Jinyoung. The days feel so long for Jinyoung and Jackson. Jinyoung was space out in his office, thinking about what he did wrong last month. Jackson not coming home that night and the next morning people start to come and congratulate him. The event was perfectly fine but the other person yet to come. Jinyoung stand alone in front of the guest, when a flower and a card come he was smiling.

To: Jinyoungie <3

I’m sorry for being your stupid fiancé. I love you, so much. You know right? A month ago, I was drunk and I did something wrong to you. I sleep with Bambam and now he was having a trauma for what I did. I know you will perfectly fine without me but Bambam was sicked. Baby, I do love you not half but all my heart belong to you. I’m sorry for not coming in our wedding day.

From: Jackson <3

“To all guest you can eat now, the wedding was cancel but you can enjoy yourself.” Jinyoung announce.

“Hyung.” Yugyeom run to his brother.

“I’m okay. Don’t worry.” Jinyoung smile, he just get hurt not once but twice. He will never trust love not anymore.

“Jinyoung-ah, don’t stop loving people. You my good son, one day your true love will come.” Jinyoung’s mother and Yugyeom sleep with Jinyoung that night.

“True love, I will never believe it exist anymore.” That night change a kind and lovable Park Jinyoung to someone who just losing his believe in love. He focus in growing his company and busy himself until the weird and blunt man come to Seoul.


                Jinyoung look up to the night sky, he smile that his mother was right and one-day true love will come. Mark hand wrapped around Jinyoung slim waist. Jinyoung let Mark kiss him and make  him when he the younger skin. It his first day as a married man, Paris look very beautiful from his father-in-law honeymoon gift. Jinyoung turn around and face his clingy husband.

“What are you doing to me?” Jinyoung asked and pulling the older closer to him.

“Me?” Mark know nothing to reply Jinyoung.

“How can you heal me?” Jinyoung Mark hair.

“It not me who heal you baby. It was you who choose to accept love again and I was just being lucky that I was the one who open your heart.” Mark touch his husband cheek and smile.

“I’m so happy to marry you, Mark Tuan.” Jinyoung put his head on Mark shoulder and let Mark bring him in tight hug. The older just slowly dance with Jinyoung until they reach their bed.

“I’m lucky to marry you, Park Jinyoung.” Mark lay Jinyoung on the bed.

“I love you.” Jinyoung bring Mark lips to him.

“I love you too.” Mark and Jinyoung sum up their love story that night.


3 years later.

                Mark was playing with one years old boy in their Jeju mansion. Jinyoung prepare family and friends party. Jinyoung happy and bless with all he have today, he still the top of property leader while Mark busy with his foreign investment. Yugyeom was fighting with Yerin about their wedding dress, Yugyeom was being all sappy over Yerin request.

“Yah, all of it look the same. It white and how can I remember which one when you try almost 30 pair of gown.” Yugyeom doing the plates for guest while arguing with Yerin.

“Yah, you said you will remember which one you like!” Yerin was angry and he left Yugyeom.

“Baby, now I was happy I marry you cause we not have to worry about the attire for our wedding.” Mark carry their baby and kiss Jinyoung cheek.

“My love, can you bring our baby to change his new clothes since I busy now.” Jinyoung kiss his son.

“See, your dad love you more than me. I kiss him but he kiss you.” Mark want to leave but he felt hand wrapped around him.

“I love you too.” Jinyoung kiss Mark lips.

“Yah….!!!” Jinyoung and Mark shocked when Yerin kick Yugyeom leg since Yugyeom not even come to convince her.

“That must be hurt.” Mark comment before went inside their house.

“Jackson-hyung!!!” Yugyeom shout and they hugged.

“Kim Yugyeom, you only greet Jackson Hyung? What about me?” Bambam bring his new baby and his daughter happily run toward Jinyoung.

“Jinyoung oppa, will you marry me!” Jackson and Bambam laugh when their daughter asked Jinyoung.

“Hey little princess, nice meeting you again.” Jinyoung caress Jackson daughter.

“Seem like my daughter attract to same thing.” Jackson smile and it was 2 second kill time.

“uhuks..uhuks… it okay for your daughter but sorry you cannot have him, he was mine.” Mark come with his son new suit.

“Don’t worry Bambam was enough trouble.” They laugh and later Jinyoung stop laughing when his son running toward Jaebum’s daughter.

“Ehem, seem like he inherit something from you too.” Mark look at Jinyoung who now blushed.

“It not my fault, Jaebum daughter indeed cute!” Jinyoung now put all food on the table.

“Baby, you know what in my eyes you the cutest one in here.” Mark steal a kiss from Jinyoung.

Jaebum and Youngjae greet Jinyoung and Mark after met Jinyoung’s mother.

“Hey, Im Jaebum wanna play basketball?” Mark and Jackson invite with a full meaning.

“Of course let bet something.” Jaebum gaze toward Jinyoung.

“Wowowowo… not him.” Mark shuttering.

“Why not?” Jackson just pour more oil to Mark anger.

“Hey, you all have your own couple.” Mark bite his lips.

“Hahahaha… what can we do, your man was once ours.” Jaebum took the ball from Mark and it make Mark shout. They run and played together while Bambam, Youngjae and Jinyoung busy with their children.

Forgive and forget will bring a good thing. 

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i wont be updating for a few days since i'm having family vacation.. the latest i can update maybe on 26/12 anyway thanks for comment >.< and subscribe


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moonchildern #1
Chapter 8: awwwww what a heartwarming ending omg i love it! thank you so much for writing this authornim!! <3
moonchildern #2
Chapter 4: ooohhhh wait jinyoungie is acting really strange now. i think he’s not falling for jaebeom’s trap but he’s also playing with jaebeom so it’s a PvP hmm inch resting
moonchildern #3
Chapter 2: JINYOUNGIE WHYYY oh my god he’s really blind. i thought it’ll be mark who’ll hurt jinyoung but it’s actually jinyoung that falls for the damn trap jaebeom set. i am mad rn sbdkahava
moonchildern #4
Chapter 1: please mark if you want to make jinyoung yours, don’t play with his heart. he’s hurting so bad so i just really hope mark will not hurt jinyoung. my baby is already a broken hearted man </3
Chapter 8: Yeayyyy just finished read!! Markjin together again after all the things happen.. Good stories and very good ending.. All together become friend!! I reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy love your stories ♡♡♡♡♡♡
ReLif_53 #6
Ah, i was read this one a month ago..
But here's my comment, not to late right?
Sorry authornim.
aizaza #7
Chapter 8: the ending was so unforgetable..
they just be friend at all..
and love markjin ever..
they're lovely couple i think..
nice shoot in the ending.
love it <3
Chapter 8: The story is great..so happy with the ending,i f i were jinyoung i've never forgive my ex-es like that..lol
Mark_Jinyoung26 #9
Chapter 8: Wow! Beautiful story :) And WTH is this "Your man was once ours" Hahahahaha :D