Wasted Cupids

No Strings Attached: Fate and Faith Side Story [Chansoo]
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Chapter 2: Wasted Cupids


It has been a week since the phone call with Chanyeol. Kyungsoo was preparing meals that have been ordered by the customers. Baekhyun hasn’t been attending the cafe lately. He says something about his father in law got some kid to baby sit and passed the responsibilities to the couple. So yeah, he was stuck babysitting a child now. To make up for Baekhyun’s absence, Daehyun’s dad employed another two workers into the cafe, Jongdae and Minseok. Minseok will help Kyungsoo with the cooking part while Jongdae was placed as the cafe’s barista.


The bell rang as the entrance door was pushed opened, revealing two handsome young lads, naming Kris and Chanyeol. Kris eyes darted around the cafe until it stopped upon a figure who was busily typing something on his notebook. A smile crept up his lips. Guess his husband’s deadline was getting nearer. Oh didn’t I tell you guys that Junmyeon is an author? Well, my bad. He is an author. Kris padded his way towards the younger guy and stealthily snaking his arms around Junmyeon, startling the younger boy. Junmyeon faced his side to see his husband cheekily smiled at him. Junmyeon’s face lit up and smiled sweetly at his husband. Kris gave his husband a small peck on the cheeks and proceeded to sit beside the younger. Both of them eventually lost in their world.


Chanyeol, who was being ditched by his best friend, went his way towards the cash counter, where Tao is.


“Hey, is Kyung here?”


The younger boy lifted his face up from whatever he was working on.


“Oh, hey hyung. Kyungsoo-hyung is inside. Wanna me to call him?” Tao asked.


“Yes please.”


The younger boy went into the kitchen to call Kyungsoo. Seconds later the panda went out of the kitchen with the wide-eyed boy trailing behind him. Kyungsoo’s eyes lit up seeing the flappy ears presence.


“Hey Chan! Good to see you here. How’s Japan?” Kyungsoo greeted Chanyeol with his trademark heart-shaped smile.


“Well, it should be good if Kris didn’t decide to put me to be scrutinized under those strict, big people.” Chanyeol grunted, earning a hearty laugh from the wide-eyed boy.


“So, how’s the mission in France? I’ve waited long enough to hear some juicy info from you.” Kyungsoo wiggled his eyebrows playfully.


Chanyeol grinned widely.


“And that’s why Cupid Yoda is here! Let’s talk later. I’ll wait for you at the usual.”


“Okay. What you wanna eat?” Kyungsoo asked.


“The usual.”


“Alright, coming right up!” Kyungsoo shouted excitedly and made his way back into his sanctuary, the kitchen.


Chanyeol chuckled seeing his silly friend. He then made his way to one of the empty tables, away from Krisho couple to wait for his orders. Nope, wouldn’t want a cheesy drama laid in front of him.



It was 10.30 p.m., the time to close the cafe. Baekhyun gave the responsibility to Kyungsoo to close the shop since he wouldn’t be around. Kyungsoo locked the entrance door and walked slowly towards the promised place. There’s a pub near Baekkie’s Cafe where they usually met, gossiping about their friends’ life of course. Usually three of them, consisting of Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo would hang out there after work, but since Baekhyun got married, the two bachelors were the only left to hang out with each other.


Kyungsoo entered the pub and searched for his friend. He then heard his name was called by a loud bass voice.


“Hey Kyung! Here!” Chanyeol shouted while waving his gangly arms towards the owl. Kyungsoo chuckled and shook his head at the older’s antics.


Kyungsoo padded his way towards Chanyeol. He then plopped himself on the chair, opposite to Chanyeol.


“Here. I’ve got you the usual.” Chanyeol pushed the foamy beer towards Kyungsoo.


“Thanks.” Kyungsoo smiled warmly.


Kyungsoo took a sip on the alcoholic beverages. Then he decided to go straight to the point.


“So, what happened to your mission in France?” Kyungsoo raised his eyebrows.


Chanyeol who was drinking his beverages, almost spurted out the drinks and started laughing hysterically. Okay, something good might had happened.


“Oh gosh! You should see- HAHAHA! It was damn hilarious! HAHAHA!” Chanyeol wheezed from too much laughter.


But then Kyungsoo knocked the older’s head.


“Oi! What happened dude?! Don’t leave me hanging here!” Kyungsoo whined.


Chanyeol tried to control his laughing fit. Once he got a hold of himself, he

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naughty_me #1
Chapter 3: What happened next??? What's changed??? Continue PLEASE.... I'M DYING TO KNOW IT PLEASEEEEEE.
Chapter 3: I want a friend like kyungsoo.
Someone who'll cook me food ;^;
Chapter 3: This sounds good! I like it! I like the writing, the situation, the characters and of course the relationship between Chanyeol and Kyungsoo :D
Aaaah! I want to know what will happen ><
Thank you for choose this couple!!!! ^^ See you~
sehuneth #4
Chapter 2: Continue this
Umm, sorry.
Is this chansoo or other?
'cause I didn't read exo couple fic other than chansoo LOL
Sorry if I sound weird and disturbing you OTL