Day 5


Hyunmin drove back to the vacation house, determined to end conflict. “You want me to find you right? I will Eunseo. I will. You can have my words.”

It’s around eleven o’clock in the morning when Hyunmin finally reached on the road that heading to the house. The house was quite far from the town makes the road felt nothing but empty. Sometimes Hyunmin will tighten her grip on the steering when Jongup’s unconscious image made away into her mind. She’s trying so hard to control her tear from coming out.


Hyunmin glanced at her buzzing phone which was placed on the seat next to her.


1 New Email (Yongguk_Bang)


Hyunmin reached out for her phone and used her right hand to turn the screen on. Her eyes took turned watching the road in front of her and the new email that she just received. She clicked on the icon and a new email popped out on the screen.

As Hyunmin carefully reading the file that Yongguk sent to her while her eyes continuously looking on the road.

As she driving forward, unexpectedly there’s a lady stood at the middle of the front with her hand pointing out at Hyunmin’s car. Hyunmin screamed in fear, stepping hard on the break until her body leaned forward, making a contact to the steering.

Hyunmin’s chest unstable waving as her breathing became inaccurate. Slowly she looked up, throwing her gaze on the road in front her.

“Oh my god, where is she?” Hyunmin mumbled in worried as she unbuckled her seatbelt before went out from the car.

Carefully she walked to place where the girl used to stand and frowned a little. ‘She can’t be missing.’ Hyunmin couched down a bit, taking a look under her car when something making a contact on her shoulder, leading a scream escaped from her.

She spun around and her eyes met an elder man who’s actually her weird neighbour. “Mister…”

The man’s expression still tense when he looked at Hyunmin but his mouth slowly opened up, mumbling something, “What are you doing here?”

“There’s a lady suddenly standing here in the middle of the road, stopping my car,” she tried to explain as her eyes still wandering around.

The old man shook his head and gestured her to go back to her car. “What?”

“Go to your car. You’re not supposed to come here,” the old man stated firmly. He then turned around and got into his truck again and drove away, leaving Hyunmin dumbfounded. “I don’t get it.”

Hyunmin raised an eyebrow in wonder before softly shaking her head. She sighed a little and got back into her car and drove towards the house.

Once she arrived, Hyunmin bluntly grabbed her phone that fell down from the passage seat and entered the house. She took a seat on the couch and again started to read back the file.

The moment she the screen, Hyunmin gasped in shock when an image came out, displaying on it.

“That old man…”

That’s right, the image was a picture of Eunseo with her father who actually her next door neighbour. “That’s impossible.”

After she found out about Eunseo went missing, there are two suspects in her mind. Jongup and the next door weird and mysterious old man but now…

“That’s impossible. He won’t kill his own daughter. And if he’s not the one, then the person who…..” She let the sentences hung there as she slowly shaking her eyes and tears started to come out. “It can’t be Jongup. Uppie would never kill her.”


Hyunmin jumped in shock from her spot when the sound of something breaking came through her sense. She gulped hard as slowly she taking steps to the top floor. Hyunmin can felt her heart beat crazily when her feet took step by steps towards the source.

The house was currently empty since everyone was at the hospital. So, it’s impossible that the sound is created by someone else.

Hyunmin’s path stopped in front of her bedroom where the sound of breaking still can be heard clearly in her sense. Doubtly she twisted the door knob and made herself inside the room before the door  room suddenly being smacked closed from the outside.

Hyunmin ran back to the door, trying hard to open it but nothing changed. The door won’t move, not even an inch. “Oh .”

She unwontedly letting go the knob, closing her eyes and spun her body around. Although the only thing that she can see is darkness but there’s something that was standing near her that can manage to get her hair to stand up straight.

Hyunmin gulped until she felt the lump in . “1…” she counted for herself. “2….”

“3…..” a sudden husky voice came into her hearing, continuing her counting.

Hyunmin opened her eyes only to see Eunseo standing in front of her but this time even horrible that before.

Her eyes were bloody red and her body full of cuts. The side of her lips had be tore apart while both of her arms almost detached from her body.

Hyunmin froze as her gaze still plastered at the creature in front of her. Eunseo took steps closer towards her, titling her head to side causing the minor cut on her neck became wide as the blood gushed out from it.

A wave of nausea came and hit her as the smell of blood starting to fulfil the room. The closer she got, the clear Hyunmin heard her heavy breath. She tried to move but it felt like her feet already had been nailed to the ground.

Eunseo leaned herself towards Hyunmin causing the girl to shut her eyes immediately but then shivering in fear when a cold, wet skin making a contact with her. The smell of blood was really making Hyunmin sick. “You…should…know….”

“What?” Hyunmin mentioned, opening her eyes and be caught by Eunseo’s dark orbs.


“He lied to you…”

“Why do you have to do this?”

“Let me go!”

“Oh my god! Eunseo!”

“I’m sorry. I never meant to.”


Hyunmin’s eyes widen when the vision played in her mind. Hardly had she gulped the lump in , speechless.


The word hung there when Eunseo’s figure no longer in front of her. “….you didn’t show me who the person is,” she mumbled.

She saw things but not everything. She can’t see who the culprit is; she can’t see where the place is. She didn’t receive anything in detail, just a flash of vision. “I need to find where she is.”


Jongup tried hard to open his eyes and quickly blinks when a very bright light greeted his sense. Slowly he pushed himself up, holding his head and groaned in pain. “Where am I?” he mumbled as he tried to identify his surroundings.

He tried to stand up, pushing himself for his spot and frowned in confusion when he felt something wet and rugged. He glanced at his palm. “Mud?”

Jongup looked around and realised he still in the middle of the wood with half of his body covered with mud. Slowly he brought his hand to his chest and sighed heavily.

“What the hell is going on?”

He gulped a little and started to make a move. Sometimes he will supported himself by leaned himself at the big trees. His head was so heavy and dizziness really took over him. His whole body was sore and numb and sometimes he can even tasted the muddy things in his mouth leading Jongup to spit out his saliva that had nothing related to mud at all.


Jongup immediately turned around looking for the source of the sound. “Somebody help me,” he whispered.

From far, a figure of a lady walking came into his view. “Help me please,” he called again, trying to throw his voice out. But the lady kept on walking and it seems like she didn’t heard him at all. But Jongup’s then sighed in relief when he realised the lady was heading towards him.

Silently he thankful to god and tried hard to raise his hand high and waved towards the other. The closer she gets, the wider a smile formed on his face.

“Over here!” he finally shouted when the excitement took over him.

But slowly he put his hand down when he finally recognized who the lady was. His mouth opened mumbling something but remain unheard until the lady was just a few steps in front of him.


But the younger just walked passed him like she didn’t even see the elder. Jongup reached out his hand, trying to grab Hyunmin’s wrist but it felt like impossible. “Honey…”

Jongup forced himself to follow the younger, wondering where she’s heading to. He pants as he felt his legs getting tired than before.

“Where are you going Hyunmin ah?”

Finally he stopped, taking a break at one of the trees as his eyes gazes followed Hyunmin’s figure from the back until the younger disappeared deeper into the woods.

Forcefully taking a breath, Jongup pushed he moved and tried to follow the younger’s tracks. “Where are you?”

Suddenly Jongup felt something weird. Weird as he felt his legs sank into the soil. “What the…”

He tried to grab any branches near him but fail. As more he struggles, the deeper he sank down. “Help!”

He still tried to push himself out but there’s no used. Finally Jongup gave up, letting himself sank into the soil and let the fate decide for his life until his view finally became dark and no more oxygen came into his sense.



Jiho who was asleep beside Jongup’s bedr woke up due to the noise. He rubbed his sleepy eyes, trying gets a clearer view.

He glanced at Jongup and saw the younger’s body trembled. “Oh god. Doctor!” Jiho shouted for help as his hand pressing the red button repeatedly.

“Yah Moon Jongup. This is not funny.”



A huge amount of oxygen finally entered Jongup’s lungs as his body reacted forward. He blinked his eyes, looking the surrounding and frowned.

“What am I doing here?”

He gulped hardly, sitting himself up. He observed the surrounding and finally a hint hit him. “Wait… this is…”

“Our tree house…..”

Jongup turned around before screamed loudly.




The doctor shouted as the defibrillator made a contact to Jongup’s chest causing his body to jump forward a little before lying back on the bed.

“150. Clear!”

Jiho walked back and fro in front of the door while Baekhyun and Namjoon sitting on the waiting chair, anxiously waiting for the new. Chanyeol already went back to the house since there’s something he needs to take.

“Baek, have you tried to call Hyunmin?” Namjoon asked, earning a soft no from the other. “Engage. I can’t reach her. Geez, I’m getting worry right now.”

“Jiho, I thought she said their parents will come over.”

Jiho sighed. “I called them already and both of their parents were not in the country right now but they tried to get here as soon as possible.”



“No… it can’t be.”

A soft pleading voice brought Jongup to reality. He immediately stood up when he saw a two familiar figure standing in front of him.

“I told that he’s cheating on you…”

“No you lyiing!”

Jongup hid himself behind of a mini book shelf that was placed at the edge of the tree house as he tried his best to get a better look of the situation.

The two persons seem didn’t notice about his existence and kept arguing.

“These pictures proved everything!”

“No! You’re wrong! I’m getting out of here!”



Jongup’s eyes widen as he covering his mouth in shock. “No…no…”



“Doctor, his heart beats…”

The doctor glanced at the monitor and quickly rushed his helper to raise the joules. “Clear!”



“I’m so sorry…. I really am…”

Jongup watched the sobbing man as his body shaking in fear. A sudden tickles on his neck causing him to turn around.

“Please Jongup…”



“Clear!” again the defibrillator against Jongup’s body.


The ECG machine finally produced a sound that leads to a relief sigh escaped from the doctor and the helpers.



Jongup groaned a little when a bright light entered his sight. “Jongup?” a male voice called his name.


“You’re awake?” Namjoon asked softly, earning a hum from the younger. “Do you want some water?”

“Sure,” Jongup replied as he sat himself up. “Here. Drink it slowly,” Namjoon passed the glass at him.

Slowly he gulped the water, drying his throat. He glanced around and softly asked the elder. "What time is it?"

Namjoon glanced at his watch and answered, "9:30 P.M."

“Where’s Minnie?”

Namjoon smiled faintly as he answered, “She went back to the house.”


“Nah. At first, yes. But Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Jiho also went back there one hour before you're awake. He said he left something important.”

Jongup’s eyes widen in shock and he quickly tried to get himself out from the bed. Namjoon became panic when he saw Jongup was trying to pull off the IV out from his vein and stood himself up.

“Yah! What are you doing?” asked Namjoon, taking a hold on the younger’s wrist. Jongup released himself from the elder’s grip and said, “I need to go. She’s in danger.”

“What are you talking about?” Namjoon asked totally confused with the younger’s statements. “I don’t have time to explain. I need to go. Where’s your car key?”

“I don’t drive my car remember? I came here with….”

Jongup shook his head and without waiting for Namjoon to finish his words, he quickly stomped out from his room.

“Yah Moon Jongup!” Namjoon shouted but Jongup ignored him.

‘Hyunmin please be safe…’ he prayed as he making his way to the nearest taxi station without bother with the looks that he received from other people. Who won't give him a weird looks when he was running, forcing himself to move, in only his hospital gown.



Hyunmin tapped her feet on the wooden floor, waiting impatiently for the house owner to answer the door. “Aishh…”

She knocked again and finally the knocks became a loud bump sound as she started to bang the door. “Hey mister! Open the door please! I know you’re inside. I need to talk to you.”

“Go away,” a deep voice came, answering her from behind the door. Hyunmin sighed heavily, messing with her hair until her perfect brunette volume up hair became as messy as possible. “But I want to talk you. I need too and it’s related to your daughter.”

“My daughter? I don’t have a daughter!”

“Yes you do! Eunseo and you’re her father. Please! I need to know the truth.”

Hyunmin panted a little as silence took over the surrounding. After a few moments, Hyunmin sighed in defeat.

“Fine! I will figure out by myself.”

She spun around and started to make her way to the stairs. But a cracking sound making her stop right away.

“What do you want to know?”

Hyunmin titled her head a bit, taking a deep breath and gave him a firm answer, “Everything about Eunseo….and my husband.”


Jongup paid the taxi driver and quickly got himself out from the car. He watched the taxi leaving the house compound before plastered his gaze at the house. The house seems quite like there’s nobody in it. Jongup glanced at the surrounding and noticed there are two cars available, telling him that Hyunmin and the rest supposed to be in there.

 He took a deep breath and carefully made a way into the house. Slowly he pushed the door open and pecked his head in. He looked around the living room before making himself fully inside the house. A frown formed on his face as he wonder where are the people.

“Honey?” he called, trying his luck but the house still remained the same. “Guys!”


Jongup titled up in shock to view stairs since the voice came from the upper floor and he recognised the voice. It’s belongs to Baekhyun. ‘Why is he screaming?’

“Baekhyun?” he called as he stepping on the first fleet of the stairs. His body still sore but Jongup kept pushing himself to climb up the stairs. He was going to step on the another fleet when a soft voice made his steps stopped.


He turned around and saw a confused Hyunmin. He quickly went down and brought the younger into his embrace. He kissed Hyunmin’s top head repeatedly, chanting how grateful he was. But he was then realised that the younger didn’t responded to him. Hyunmin remained statue in his embrace and he can sensed how tensed the younger was.

Slowly he loosens his grip and held Hyunmin’s shoulders and asked, “Are you okay?”

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you suppose in the hospital right now?” she asked him back as she released the elder’s grip.

“I was looking for you and thank god you’re okay.”

Hyunmin shook her head, stepping back until her body made a contact to the cold concrete. “No, you’re not.”

Jongup raised an eyebrow. He totally don’t understand what the younger had been talking about. “Me not? What do you mean? I’m here because I’m looking for you.”

“Tell me the truth Jongup. Where were you on the night when Eunseo went missing?”


“Answer me Moon Jongup!”

“I was here! Here in this house!” Jongup firmly stated. “No. You’re lied. There’s not what I found out about.”

Jongup shook his head in frustration, making himself closer to his wife. “I’m not lying okay. That’s the truth. You can ask my cousins, my friends.”

“But she went missing when both of you were on a date. At the tree house!”

Jongup chuckled darkly. “Are you kidding me? It was Youngjae’s bachelor party. Why would I go and have a date? It doesn’t make any sense. You know how important my family to me, Hyunmin. I even once cancelled our date when Daehyun need me to watch over his son. I could just say no but that’s not me.”

“But he said she went out to meet you,” she mentioned. “He?”

“Eunseo’s father.”

“Well, I’m not. I didn’t contacted her on that day because I was so busy arranging my cousin's party. I just wished her good morning. That’s all. I swear to god!” he explained as he messed his hair in frustration.

“Then who ask her to go the tree house...”

“I don’t know okay. Nobody knows! Okay I admitted that the tree house was the place where we usually hanging out but I swear for sake of our marriage, I do not meet her on the night she went missing!”

Hyunmin stared at her husband’s fuming figure. She can notice how weak her husband was but all the evidences are pointed to Jongup. She just wants to find Eunseo’s body so that she can live back normally.

“If it wasn’t you then who?”

Jongup was about to open his mouth when a deep voice interrupted them.

“It was me….”




HEY GUYS!!! YAHOO!! ITS UPDATED /happy dance/ 

The next chapter will the final chapter i guess... hmm....

it was me... woww...

Why dont you guys drop a comment down there and let me know who do you think the killer is? 

I'll see you guys in the next update... BYE! ^^






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Chapter 8: wow! this is just intense.... such twist! gosh.. every tym i read your horror story it just made my heart jumping all over or make me shiver like crazy.. and having goosebumps ... i really2 like your writing style! just my cup of tea.. <3
ZakhirahMeyh #2
Chapter 8: wow. my guess was right.
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 8: Wow, didn't see that coming! I knew Jongup didn't do it! but that's soooo sad T_T. great job, full of suspense & worth the wait :)
Chapter 8: OH MY GOSH!!!!! Great work author nim!!! OMO CHANYEEEOOOLLLLL HOW COULD YOU DO THAT. WHY DID YOU KILL HER!!! I never thought a cute baby wolf like you would do something like that TT^TT
aina21 #5
Chapter 8: My goshhhh this was freaking amazing!!! good job authornimmmm.. AND CHANYEOL HOW DARE YOU KILL EUNSEO WITH THAT CUTIE LITTLE SMILE!!!!TTTT
ckossi #7
Chapter 6: This is freaking awesome! Cant wait for the next chapter.
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 6: Ooh yea, I think it's either a member of exo w/ a deep voice or.... Yongguk???? hmmm the deep voice?
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 6: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....... What a way to have a freaking cliff hanger >_<!!!! OMG, welcome back! can't wait for the next chapter. thank you for updating!