Day 4


Jongup ran towards his wife and embraced her into his warmth embrace , soothing her into calm. “Are you okay?"

Instead of answering her husband, Hyunmin only buried her face onto the other’s chest. Jongup became panic when he heard a sudden scream from his wife.

“Is everything okay?” an unknown voice came through the couple sense causing the pair to jump in shock mixed up with fear before Jongup decided to spun around.


Jongup stood up, helping Hyunmin to get on her feet again. He s his arm around the younger’s arm. Hyunmin didn’t dare to look away. She kept her face on her husband’s chest. She hates it! Why that girl had to come to her?

Jongup looked over Namjoon’s back and there is three more man behind him. “Why are you here?” Jongup asked while his hand still drew a circle at Hyunmin’s back, soothing her.

“We’re didn’t know that you guys are here. So, we thought we wanted to have a little stress relief at here,” another guy stepped ahead, explaining to Jongup.

“Plus Chanyeol said he had something to take,” Namjoon added the other’s sentences.

“You should at least call me first Baekhyun,” Jongup replied. “Mian. Well, we could just leave now since… erk… you both…”

“It’s okay Jiho. You guys can stay over.”

Jongup looked down at his wife who suddenly voiced out. “Hun…”

Hyunmin wiped her tears and forcefully put on a smile on her face and said, “It’s late already. You should take a rest after a long driving. Have you had a dinner?”

Bluntly the guys shook their head, leading Hyunmin to leave to the kitchen without any word come out from her. All the men followed her through their gazes, wondering what actually happened to the lover.

“What happened?” Chanyeol asked.

“Nothing,” Jongup replied, sighing a bit. “What’s up with the scream?”

Jongup gritted his teeth. “Nothing. Nothing happened,” he replied coldly, controlling his voice. He doesn’t want his friends to find out that he and his wife bricking because of his past. All of his friends knew about his and Eunseo’s story but after Eunseo’s disappearance, Jongup begged to his friends including all of his six cousins to not bring the story up ever again. He wanted to start over his life when his heart once opened up and decided to fall in love. Jongup didn’t even bother to think twice when he proposed Hyunmin, his used to be co-worker right after their third years friendship anniversary and sixth month of being together as a lover; although for some people six months relationship is too short for knowing each other.

Now, the only thing that in his mind is how Hyunmin find out about Eunseo? He believed that his friends would never open up the story that he already buried deep inside.

“Do any of you ever talk about Eunseo at my wife?” Jongup asked. Namjoon shook his head as Baekhyun and Jiho rose up their eyebrow. Seeing the trio reaction made Jongup sure about his friends keeping their secret. He then plastered his gazes on Chanyeol and the elder seems a little flustered when he heard Jongup.

“Chanyeol? Are you okay?”

Chanyeol nodded his head and said, “Why? She knew about her or something?”

Jongup shrugged his shoulder. “I don’t know how she found out and yes, Hyunmin now knew that about my missing ex girlfriend.”

The elder was about to reply him when Hyunmin came out from the kitchen with her swollen eyes and faint smile. “Dinner is ready,” she stated flatly.

Namjoon, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Jiho nodded their head and made their way to the kitchen. Jongup stood up and slowly followed the rest but stopped his path when he realised that Hyunmin doesn’t go to same destination. Jongup held her wrist smoothly and softly asked, “Where are you going?”

Hyunmin closed her eyes, sighing. “To the room.”

“You want me to come with you?”

Hyunmin smirked, “You don’t mind? I thought you want to ask your friends to keep more secret from me.”

Jongup stood there dumbfounded. “Y…you…”

“I’m might be dumb but I’m not deaf, Moon Jongup.” Hyunmin released Jongup’s grip and went to the top floor.

To be honest, she desperately wanted to stay together with her husband. Who won’t get scared when there’s a dead muddy girl come after you? But when the fact that the girl is actually her husband’s ex girlfriend and her disappearance actually related to Jongup made all the good thought flew away. Some parts of her really want to trust her husband but another part of her really scared with her own husband.

Hyunmin laid herself on the bed, pulling the duvet up to her chest. Her eyes blinks as her gazes focused on the ceiling.


Hyunmin quickly grabbed her phone and the screen and clicked on the upcoming text.


From : Yongguk 

I got the stuffs that you wanted but I’ll email to the evidence tomorrow morning. I hope it will help you. But Hyunmin, I really hope you will put all your trust on Uppie. He’s innocent.


Hyunmin gulped hard when she read the last sentence. He’s innocent.

Hyunmin sighed. Right after she found out about Eunseo, Hyunmin directly called Yongguk, Jongup’s cousin who worked as a violent crimes unit detective at Gangnam Police Station and begged for a little information about the case. Yongguk said that he can’t promise her anything since the case was under a Missing Person Unit. At first, when she mentioned Eunseo’s name, Hyunmin can sensed Yongguk’s shaking voice. He sound surprised when he heard the name. But Hyunmin refused to ask more about it and thank god Yongguk didn’t ask her anything.


To : Yongguk 

Don’t worry. I just wanted to know. That’s all… Thank you. I owned you. :)


Hyunmin put aside her phone and again laid herself on the bed comfortable but this time she laid on her right side, back facing Jongup’s sleep side.

A cracking door sound signalling her that her husband now in the same room with her. Hyunmin closed her eyes, pretending to fall asleep because she really had nothing to talk about. A few seconds later, the bedroom lights were fading off, leaving only the bed lamp to brighten the room.

Jongup laid at his bed side causing the bed to sink a little. Hyumin froze herself when she realised Jongup’s arm was snaking around her waist, pulling her closer until she can felt Jongup’s hot breath on her neck.

“I just hates the fact that you distant away from me. I love you so much and you helped to cure from the deep wound. The moment I recited the word I love you towards you, I swore to myself that I will never say or try to remember anything about her. I just want to have a new life with you. I’m sorry if I hurted you too much. I’m so sorry, baby. I really am.”

Hyunmin listening carefully to the elder and heart swell in guilty. “Give me a little time. That’s all I need,” she whispered.

Jongup sighed and hummed in respond. The moment he found out that his wife doesn’t trust him anymore made half of his soul gone, disappeared to thin air.

“I love you…so much…”

But his confession didn’t receive any reply from the younger made Jongup sighed even heavier.


Jongup ran without knowing where headed to. He frantically looking around and all he can see are tree and more tress. “Hello! Anybody here?!”



Jongup rubbed his sweaty face as his feet kept on circling the spot. ‘How can I get here?’ Jongup wondered.

A sudden movement from the left side of the woods made Jongup’s moved his gazes. His small eyes tried hard to focus on the thing as he slowly talking steps. “Minnie?” he called, trying his luck.

The sound of bushes rustling still clear on his sense, making him surer that there’s a person behind it. “Hello?”

Suddenly the sound went away and silence once again took over the surrounding. Jongup can felt the oxygen became thinner than before, causing him to breathe hard. He can felt his heart pounding fast as his lungs hardly processed the air that he took in. He reached out his hand to touch the bushes but immediately spun around when he felt something dripping on his shoulder.

“Hello?” he called once again. Jongup glanced on his left shoulder and there are a few brown spots on it. He slowly wiped the spot and brought his finger to his eyes level. “Mud?” he mumbled, frowning in confusion.

Suddenly a conscious hit him. “It can’t be true…,” he denied, shaking his head as his feet retreated from the current spot.

“But I saw her! She was in forest, backyards and even in our room! She…she… I don’t know! You didn’t feel what I felt. Like yesterday…”

“The bathtub was suddenly filled up with mud, sand and stone. And something was ing pulled me deep into it! And if you didn’t pull me out, I might die already.”

Filled with mud….

“I think she’s dead.”

Jongup shook his head vigorously as his breathing became unstable and suddenly a few more drops of mud fell down and right it on his face. Jongup instantly wiped it away, gulping hard. “No. This can’t be true. No. No…”

“I trusted you Jonguppie…”

Jongup spun around, looking for the voice which was sound so familiar to his sense.

 But there’s no one there. “What do you want from me?!” he yelled in frustration, falling on his knee. Why now? Why?

“I want you…”

Jongup messed his perfect light brown hair as his mind crazily trying to process his current situation. “Hyumin!” he called his wife’s name again.

“Wrong name my dear….” The whisper came again. “No! Hyumin is my wife and I love her!” he shouted, stating the fact.

“No, you love me…. Remember?”

“I used to! Now, there’s only Hyumin!” he yelled in replied, circling around.

“You lied!” the calm voice now sound blasted in anger. It became more hoarse than before.

“Let me go!”

“No! I want you!”

Right after the words finised, more mud fell on Jongup and the gut inside him had forced Jongup to look upwards.

“You’re mine!”

There’s Eunseo hung upside down on the tree and unexpectedly she went down, straight on Jongup causing Jongup to scream in fear. Eunseo topped him, caressing his face with her muddy hand before her hand moved to the place where Jongup’s heart was.

Jongup struggling to let himself free but his strength is useless. Eunseo smirked at him as she buried her hand into Jongup’s chest causing him to shout in pain. Pain is just unbearable. Tears started to come out accompanied his fear and pain.

Eunseo slowly pushed her hand deeper into the male’s skin, torturing him with her evil smile plastered on her face. Jongup felt himself became weaker causing his struggles became slower and finally unmoved.

His breath became slower as his tears wetting his face. Jongup buried his gazes into Eunseo’s eyes and slowly his view turned to a pitch black view right after a soft whisper was heard.

“I trusted you…..”




“Hey…Hey… Jongup, wake up!” Hyunmin shouted, shaking her husband’s trembling body with her teary eyes.

Hyunmin was finally managed to get a little peaceful night but being disturbed by the sound of Jongup mumbling in sleep. Hyunmin sighed and tried to get herself back to sleep.

But hope remains hope when Jongup suddenly screamed out her name and his body fully trembling in fear. Hyunmin instantly sat herself up, shaking Jongup’s torso to get him out from his nightmare. She kept calling his name but there’s still no sign of him to waking up.

And everything became more chaos when she realised Jongup’s breathing became faint. “Babe! Wake up!” she cried.

Hyunmin jumped out from the bed and ran to the guest room, pounding on the door. “Jiho!” she shouted.

Seconds later, a sleepy Jiho came into her sense. “Hyunmin?”

Hyunmin shook her head, sobbing. “Jongup! Something is wrong! Please help him!”

The moment Jiho heard the younger, he immediately ran towards the master bedroom. He softly slapped Jongup’s cheek but received none as respond. He brought his ear near to Jongup’s nose and his eyes widen in shock when he realised there’s no breathing came out from the younger.

“Call the ambulance!” he shouted, ordering the aghast wife. Hyunmin nodded her head and quickly calling for help. Her hands shaking while brought the phone to her ears.

“119, what is your emergency?”


Hyunmin stared at the hospital floor like it was the most interesting thing. She had been waiting for almost four hours and the clock now already pointed on seven in the morning.

She sighed heavily as the scene where Jiho did a CPR on her husband came through her mind. The moment the ambulance arrived at her house, taking her husband away made all of her spirit flushed away. She still remembered how pale Jongup’s face was.

“Mrs. Moon, you can follow us if you want,” the attendance said. Without thinking twice, Hyunmin jumped into the ambulance. She sat at Jongup’s unconscious body and once again her eyes teary. She softly took a grip with the elder’s palm and kissed his knuckle repeatedly.

“I love you….so much.”

That’s the last thing she heard from her husband and she regretted didn’t reply him before. Carefully she caressed Jongup’s pale cheek and whispered, “I love you too. I love you so much. Please don’t leave me.”

Hyunmin closed her eyes as she wiped the tears away. ‘Why he shouted my name?’

Hyunmin still remembered clearly how Jongup suddenly shouted her name like she was missing or something.

Suddenly, she felt something on her body. She looked up and saw her husband’s friends. Baekhyun took a seat next to her while Chanyeol correcting the jacket that he put on the younger’s shoulder. Baekhyun wrapped his arm around Hyunmin’s shoulder and brought her into his embrace.

“He will be fine,” Namjoon who was sitting across her finally spoke up but the younger only replied him with a faint smile.

Hyunmin leaned her head on Baekhyun’s shoulder, closing her eyes, praying hard so that her husband will be fine.

“Moon Jongup’s family?”

Hyunmin quickly stood and rushed towards the nurse. “How’s my husband? Is he okay? Please tell that he’s okay.”

The nurse smiled lightly at her and said, “Jongup is stable but still unconscious. You can visit him but only one person at a moment.”

Hyunmin replied a quick thank you before rushed to the room where Jongup was placed. She glanced the guys and earning a nod from them. Slowly she twisted the door knob and pushed the door opened.

There are a lot of wires on Jongup’s body and the sound of ECG showing Jongup’s heartbeats rate became the music in the room. Hyunmin pulled the chair the bed and took a seat on it.

“Hey baby…” she said as she taking a grip on Jongup’s hand. “Please open your eyes honey,” she pleaded but there’s the sound of ECG machine was heard.

“Please be awake. I want to see you smile. I’m so sorry for raising my voice at you. I’m such a bad wife,” she mumbled as she brought Jongup’s back hand to her cheek and making a contact on it.

Hyunmin stared at Jongup’s unmoved body and hoping everything is just dream. She tried to close her eyes and opened it back but nothing changed. Her happy virus Jongup is still on the hospital bedroom with eyes closed and his chest waved slowly.

“Mrs. Moon?”

Hyunmin turned to the voice owner and there’s a female doctor stood a side of the door. Hyunmin wiped her tear while responding to her, “Yes?”

The doctor smile lightly and said, “There’s something I need to ask. Can we talk in my office?”

Hyunmin took a deep breath, glancing at Jongup before slowly nodding the other. “Can you follow me?” asked the doctor as she pushed the door a little wide, allowing Hyunmin to come out.




“Take a seat,” the doctor said. Hyunmin did what the doctor said as she followed the doctor’s action with her gaze.

“I’m Dr. Lee Yonhee, your husband’s doctor,” she introduced herself but only earned nods from Hyunmin.

“There’s something I need to ask you and I hope you can give me an answer.”

“Sure.” Hyunmin finally spoke.

“I wanted you to know the causes of your husband admitted here is because of heart attack and his lung collapse.”

Hyunmin frowned. “But Jongup doesn’t…”

“I know because I read his file already.Mr. Moon is totally healthy according to the hospital where he always does his check up,” Dr. Yonhee said.

“But the things that made me don’t understand is that….okay, first I wanted you to know that your husband did woke up in the operation room but only to vomit mud. Like he just swallowed a whole pail of mud. Right after that, he became unconscious again but his heart starting beats again normally but his lungs still didn’t works accurately because the mud probably blocked the air to pass to through.”

“Mud? Like a real mud?”

Dr. Yonhee nodded her head. “Did your husband acted differently before?”

Hyunmin shook her head. “No. He’s fine.”

“But according…”

Hyunmin stood up from her seat. “He’s fine. Trust me. There’s nothing wrong with my husband and if you worried about the mud. I will find out about it myself.”

Hyunmin bowed a little after she finished her words before taking off from the office.

She gritted her teeth, tighten her knuckle as she making her way to Jongup’s room. She opened the door and saw Jiho was sitting next to husband.

“Where are the others?” she asked.

“They went to the café. You want some coffee?” Jiho asked, earning a no from the younger.

“Can you take care of Jongup for awhile? I need to get back home.”

“You want me to…”

Hyunmin shook her head. “No, it’s fine but can I borrow your car?”

Jiho’s hesitantly nodding his head and handed her his car keys. “Thank you and if mom and dad arrive and asking about me. Just tell them that I went home to pick up some stuff.”

“Okay. Take care.”

Hyunmin only smiled at the elder and rushed out to the parking lot before she spotted Jiho’s white BMW X6. She started the engine and gripped on the steering tightly.

“I will find you, Eunseo. I will….”





A short update only..sorry...and im so sorry for the late update...Im super busy nowaday..../sigh/

i hope you enjoy this chapter... ^^  pls drop your comment... :) 

Oh btw, I want to tell you guys that this story will be ended soon...hmmm....2 or 3 more chapters.... 

i hope you guys will stick to the story til the end,,,,

so...i'll you in the nxt update... bye! ^^


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Chapter 8: wow! this is just intense.... such twist! gosh.. every tym i read your horror story it just made my heart jumping all over or make me shiver like crazy.. and having goosebumps ... i really2 like your writing style! just my cup of tea.. <3
ZakhirahMeyh #2
Chapter 8: wow. my guess was right.
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 8: Wow, didn't see that coming! I knew Jongup didn't do it! but that's soooo sad T_T. great job, full of suspense & worth the wait :)
Chapter 8: OH MY GOSH!!!!! Great work author nim!!! OMO CHANYEEEOOOLLLLL HOW COULD YOU DO THAT. WHY DID YOU KILL HER!!! I never thought a cute baby wolf like you would do something like that TT^TT
aina21 #5
Chapter 8: My goshhhh this was freaking amazing!!! good job authornimmmm.. AND CHANYEOL HOW DARE YOU KILL EUNSEO WITH THAT CUTIE LITTLE SMILE!!!!TTTT
ckossi #7
Chapter 6: This is freaking awesome! Cant wait for the next chapter.
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 6: Ooh yea, I think it's either a member of exo w/ a deep voice or.... Yongguk???? hmmm the deep voice?
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 6: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....... What a way to have a freaking cliff hanger >_<!!!! OMG, welcome back! can't wait for the next chapter. thank you for updating!