Destiny of My Love
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Baekhyun shrouded with guilty. What have he done? He can’t accept her and he need to tell her the truth. “I’m not sick, I’m not crazy but I just telling her the truth.” He whispers as Tiffany disappear by the taxi.


“Whatever they say, I’ll never break up with her. Soo Jinah is only my girl.” By that, he walked direct to the home, not in mood to stopover. It was his very first time not visiting her grave, after the day she dead.




As usual he woke up on seven to go Uncle Park’s studio. Yesterday incident made him get little sleep. Baekhyun keep thinking what gonna happen with his relationship between he and Tiffany. He’s like her but not in that way.

‘Recalled yesterday event really make me sick.’ He thought loud.


He was rolling on the bed, indolent to get his off the bed. “Son, are you awake?” Mrs Byun knocks the door twice. Too otiose to speak he hums as the answer. “Okay then. Faster, or you gonna be late.”


He get off, heading to washroom and take a long shower. As done he put on a black long sleeve shirt and a pair of black jeans. Match with his mood right now he walked downstairs, eats her mother cooked and murmured goodbye.


He walks passed the letter box then make an emergency stop. He take few steps back and stood in front of the box. He wonders if Jinah has sent him letter because yesterday he not write her letter. He open the box and what he found only a few bills in it.


Gotcha! Deep in the box he found a strange envelope like he usually got. He ripped the envelope.


It’s from her, but the contents really make his eyes rounded bigger than Kyungsoo shock eyes. Too big until his eyeballs almost jolt out. How could she do this to me? The letter said;


My dearest boyfriend Byun Baekhyun, to be honest I really disappointed with you, hun. I know..I know you do love me so much but you can’t do that to her. She’s our friend. You suppose to make her happy not give her sadness.

Baek, actually she already loved you since we built this friendship. I knew she going mad when you confessed me. I wanted to say no when you asked me to go on date but I’d love you too. So now, I’ve already gone...

Open your heart to another woman. You cannot be like this forever, you will get married someday. And that person wasn’t me. I hope you understand now. Give her a chance, try to love her and…try to forget me in your life.

I believe with you, honey. Love, Jinah..



“No! This can’t be happen. How can she know about yesterday? Huh…Oh Lord..” he mutters. He loved her. So much but why she asked him to move on. “Does she hate me?” Baekhyun shook his head. No! Her last word she said she love me.


He stood there like someone who already lost their soul. Eyes open, mind flying to somewhere but for sure not in his brain now. He back to his sense when his dad honking at him.


“Hey son why are you still here? You was late 20minutes already. Want me to hop on you?” his dad offers.


“H-huh? O-oh it’s okay..I’m not feeling to work today. E-em, I need to go somewhere. Bye!” Last words from him before he run out the house.




“Oh my…darling is you really fine?” her mother worriedly knocks her room. She really doesn’t have any idea why her daughter suddenly behaves strangely. “Honey, answered me you worry me.” still no answer from inside the room. “Tiff─”


“M-mom, I’m o-okay just leave me alone.” She replied in sob. Her eyes were sore and puffy. Her face looks pale. She was cried all night along. After she run away, she start crying and crying until now. She also missed her dinner which makes his mother completely worried to her condition.


“If you fine okay then but please eat your breakfast honey. You’ll get sick because not eating from last night.” Too bad Tiffany not gives her response. “Huh..what had happened to you hun? You never act like this..If you feeling well come down okay and then eat.” With that, Tiffany’s mom circulate leave her alone.


Tiffany lay on her bed, cover all part of her body with blanket. Cries a lot until the bed sheet soaked with tears. She really stupid because did the confession. She embarrassed herself in front of him, demanded his love. He reason was extremely implausible.


‘What? He wants me to believe that Jinah is still ing alive? you Baek, I’m saw with my eyes that her corpse was buried.’ She thought loud.


She do love Baekhyun sincerely but if this what he paid for her love, she will move on. She will not waiting for someone who not respects her. She vowed to not keep feelings to him anymore.




He reached her grave. He was staring quietly to the grave like excavate the soil with his mind. If he can, he wanted to dig it and pull her out. He wants to speak directly to her.


“How could you do this to me!” he screamed aloud. Ignore the pilgrims who put annoy and disgust face. Baekhyun don’t know why people want him to move on. He does love her but why she wanted him to let her go. He kept played the words, irritated.


Without he realize, it already night. He fell asleep beside her grave. He opened his eyes and see moon was direct on top of him. The stars are blinking light up the darkness of sky. How he hope he is one of them.


The stars which always blinks shiny and light up the sky that full with dark in night. He really wish someone will come to his hapless life and illuminate his life. And someone he wants is Jinah.


He stand up, dusted his outfit and about to leave the place. Then, something caught his eyes. Though the moonlight not so bright right now, Baekhyun can see that has something on tombstone. It’s a envelope.


Surprised, because Baekhyun never put a letter on it before. His hands voluntarily took the envelope. He opened it and inside there was a photograph of him and Jinah the day Baekhyun confessed. He

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diajengftr #1
Chapter 5: Nice story author!:)
jungnae #2
Chapter 5: pity baekhyun >o< i hope he was happy with Tiffany. authornim jjang!
bangtanboysarmy__ #3
Chapter 4: tsk.tsk. i cried a lot TT.TT lol
oohlina #4
Chapter 4: YASS BAEK . i hope jinah is alive but was like hiding .. or something aha .
i still ship baek & jinah~~
xianeily #5
Chapter 4: Poor tiffany ㅠㅠ but i like your story it nice :))
mrtomatoes #6
OMG THIS IS CRAZY XD!! but its okay i like crazy |3
gerillaaawufan #7
Chapter 2: Awesome !!
durudu93 #8
Chapter 3: Daebakk author-nim!!