Chapter 2

It all started with a misunderstanding, but ended as love instead


Hami was startled for a bit when her phone vibrated, it was already 7 pm but she was still in the school, waiting for Hiro to pick him up. She looked at her phone happily looking at what her brother said but she frowned after reading it.

“To: my weird sister

From: your gorgeous brother

Mianhe for not picking you up early, something happened and they called me back here at Key East and told me that I got picked to be in a new group called  Super Stars 5 forever as 1 or SS501 for short . The man saying that he’s our manager told a guy who he said was a member of our group to pick you up. I really really wanted to pick you up but they won’t let me go, jeongmal mianhe Hami.


Hami sat while hugging her knees while looking at the message, she sighed and looked at the stars instead. Not noticing a guy walking towards her who was wearing a black hoodie and brown pants, holding something in his hand.


“Oh Hami?”


Hami looked upwards and saw a guy wearing a hoodie and was holding a knife standing in front of her. Hami tried to scream but the guy quickly put a handkerchief on her, covering her nose and mouth and in a second, she was asleep. He picked her up and entered the car he used to go there and drove away.


Hiro’s POV


“Jeongmal mianhe Hami…” I mumbled to myself as I watch the guy our manager said who will pick up Hami from her school leave the building. Inside I was really angry about another guy picking up my little sister from her school and it’s not me. And what’s making me angrier is that I don’t know that guy, what if he hurts Hami?!




I looked at the person who called me and it was our manager, he was holding some papers and a pen. I took them and read them one by one, thinking they are some papers I need to sign to actually be in the group. But I was shocked when it was about some weird thing indicating me to change my name and be with another family.


“Ma-manager ssi, what is the meaning of this?” I asked while I hold our manager’s shoulder trying to shake him up, in case he is dreaming or something. What he said is not acceptable, is he trying to make me change my name and leave my family? Moreover, my precious little sister?


“I’m so sorry Hiro, but when I told the president that your will be the leader of the new group he established but he immediately disapprove you being the leader. He told me to end the idea of being the manager of the new group or find a new guy instead. But since you are the only one I know who is capable of being the leader of this group, I decided to ask you to change your name instead. So that he can not know that Oh Hiro and this new guy called Kim Hyun Joong is the same person.”


I can only shake my head while he said that. He is telling me to change my name and leave my family so that I can become the leader of this group? I know it’s been my dream to be in a group but this is unacceptable!


“I’m sorry manager, but I can’t do this…” I said as I take back my belongings and exited the door. He tried to stop me but I still said no. He even threatened me by saying that the guy he told to pick my little sister was actually a guy kidnapping her. I smirked at him and left the building, Hami knows martial arts so she is not that easy to kidnap. But I felt something was wrong so I ran back to my car and quickly drove back at her school.


“Hami, please be safe...”




Hami’s POV




I looked at where I was and I noticed that I was inside a house, but it wasn’t ours. I tried to stand up but I saw that my hands and feet are tied by a rope, and my mouth was covered by a piece of cloth. I wanted to cry but I know it’s not the time to cry, and when I was about to scream for help, someone knocked on the door in front of me. I looked at the guy who entered the room and he was holding a tray of food, smiling.




He quickly put down the tray of food and removed the cloth tied on my mouth and tapped my head. He smiled at me but what he didn’t know is that I already untied one of my hands and quickly hit his face with it. He dodged and smirked at me, making me angrier. But after that, he smiled at me sweetly, sat on the floor in front of me and laughed.


“You are really stupid aren’t you?”

I looked at him and tried to hit him again but he quickly stood up and untied my other hand and my feet. I just stood there letting him untie me, I didn’t know why but I felt safe with him beside me. I didn’t even move an inch when his face was right in front of me. Is this an effect of what my brother does to me everyday or what?!


“Go-Gomawo…” I said after he freed me from the ropes and handed me a tray of food, and its ramen. I was a little confused because why did he give me food? Didn’t he kidnap me? But why did he untie me and gave me food? But that didn’t matter, I was already hungry so I took it with gratitude and ate it. It was surprisingly delicious, and… familiar.




While Hami was somewhere with a guy, Hiro who was driving back to Hami’s school to check on her.  He quickly looked everywhere when he arrived there trying to find Hami but she was nowhere to be seen. He ran towards the school but the gates were already closed so she is not there. He tried calling her but she’s not answering, he was really worried.




“Who are you? Why are you helping me? And moreover, why are you looking at me eating?! ” Hami asked the guy in front of her who was watching her eat. He smiled and shook his head and told her to eat.


“Weirdo…” she mumbled to herself why the guy left to get something for her to drink. But what he didn’t know is that while he was looking some water, she was already making her pose on how to drop from the window. And when he finally enters the room, she was already dropping down from the window.


“A-aahh!! Don’t drop from there!!” he screamed as he ran towards the window trying to catch her. “This is the THIRD FLOOR!!”


“Eeh? AAHHHHHH!!!”

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Chapter 3: oh i like this. it is good ! i like the characters. they feel so real to me !
nicki minaj looks like hyorin
luhans-vaqina #4
i'd like to apply? :D
so adorable~! update!
joongkatsaeng #6
please update it excited for the next episode...
pinkypn #7
i hope u update soon
Azninvasion1002 #8
awwwwwww so cute! i wish i was surrounded with hot boys too :D
MightyMaknae #9
Unnie... When will you update this?? I really wanna know huaaaaaa~
awesome_501 #10
it's a great story! i wonder what'll happen next... so excited for ur next update:)