Adventure's End

Descendants and Tribulations

            Water churned and frothed, red and white in its intensity.  A shadow grew from beneath until a draconic head burst forth and screamed only to fall silent as he drew in great gouts of air, tattered wing flaps smacking the water as he clawed reflexively to stay afloat.  Exhausted, flat eyes blinked in the gloom, taking in the beginnings of light at the onset of dawn.  Land was a fair distance off, but he looked at the tiny box in his hand, panting between parted jaws.  “Stupid leviathan,” he swallowed, sinking down to float on the surface so he could use what was left of his tail to help paddle him to shore.

            Rap Monster spat sea water and gasped for breath as he clawed and crawled his way through the sand in his human guise.  The fine substance under his hands and knees drank up the flowing rivulets of red that wound down his limbs and covered his body, a veritable, spindly canvas of cuts and slashes.  Gritted teeth kept his jaw from chattering and he snatched the box hanging around his chest to slam it on the ground in front of him, panting with the effort needed just to accomplish that much.  Even that was not without cost and he collapsed next to it, a growing stain of red blossoming around his body.  “Come back!” Rap Monster wailed into the sand, the side of his face pressed against its rough surface.

            His fingers relaxed around the box as he retracted his hand, grabbing onto sand instead.  Rap Monster scrubbed his face with a gritty hand, the granules scraping ruthlessly against his flesh.  Dark eyes stared at the dim box that had finally stopped giving him guidance just before his fight with the big nasty in the water.  It could mean only one thing.  Or it could mean everything, and he didn’t know what it was.  So he watched the container with narrowed eyes, taking slow breaths as he did so.  He was exhausted and worn out.  His reserves were spent, but if this paid off…

            The box pulsed once, a bright white light that nearly blinded him, and then clicked open, baring a glowing mound of sugar for him to see.  “Yoongi?” Rap Monster whispered, fingers digging into the sand in his desperation as he waited with trembling breaths.

            Before his eyes, he watched as the granules in the box started to jump out, parading in a line to stop a couple feet from the box before they began lining up in formation.  Row by row, a new line of granules emerged, laying the foundation for what looked eerily like a body, the sugar stark and white against the light brown background.  Rap Monster watched in awed fascination and covered his mouth with his hand as a body started to appear.  He kept his hand in place until the last grain of sugar emerged from the box, the lid closing shut behind it, and then forced himself onto his hands and knees to get closer – to see the person who formed under the growing light of the sun.

            White granules adopted color and took on skin tones with vibrant shades for clothes, delineating different segments.  Brown hair fluttered in the breeze and closed eyes blinked open slowly, coming into focus by degrees.  “Wha…” he groaned, raising an arm to shield his eyes from the sun.

            “Yoongi,” Rap Monster whispered, crawling into place above the prone male as he reached a trembling hand to touch Suga’s cheek.

            “Rap Monster?” the other male asked softly, staring up with focused but confused intensity.

            “You’re back!” he gasped, collapsing on top of Suga with his arms wrapped around him and his face buried in the other man’s neck.  “I found you,” he sobbed thickly, voice muffled as he spoke.

            “Found me?  What happened to the monster?”  Then he inhaled sharply at the sight of all the open wounds as he looked down and hugged him in return, cradling the back of his head gently.  “It’s alright.  I’m here,” he promised, confused about what happened but also more than a little worried at the state his companion was in.

            “I fought it off,” he exhaled, still clinging to Suga’s body, reluctant to let go for fear he would disappear again.

            “In the training center?” Suga responded abruptly.

            “The leviathan in the ocean,” he pointed towards the water.

            “A leviathan!  Good gods!  You’re lucky you’re not dead,” he snapped, placing a palm over the nearest wound to let his healing take hold.

            “You don’t remember do you?” Rap Monster murmured, relaxing at the gentle touch, taking a deep breath as the healing took effect.

            He could tell Suga was about to state the obvious, but then he simply shook his head and held Rap Monster tighter.  “No.  But I get the feeling I’m not going to like it.”

            “You fell in the moat.  From the crevasse,” he reminded, finally pulling back to peer into Suga’s eyes, disrupting the healing but he needed to see him.

            “I lost my footing,” Suga frowned thoughtfully, searching Rap Monster’s chest for wounds so he could start addressing those too.  His hand was warm when he placed it over the first one he saw.  “But if I fell in the water…” he trailed off, certainly confounded by his current state.

            “I lost you,” Rap Monster admitted, grabbing his head with both hands, just drinking in the sight of the pale face with tender brown eyes.

            “And I’m right here now,” Suga promised, clasping onto Rap Monster’s hand with one of his, trying to understand everything.

             “I’m sorry I didn’t save you before!  I tried…  By the gods I tried,” he admitted breathlessly, sobbing into Suga’s neck as he collapsed against his once more.

            “Easy, Joonie,” he breathed, petting damp hair without concern as he held Rap Monster close.  “I remember you coming after me, but how did you find me?” he questioned, at a loss for other words.

            Rap Monster felt Suga stop petting his hair to thread their fingers together and he held his hand hard with his face pressed against Suga’s neck.  “J-Hope gave me a chance to find you.”

            Suga glanced around and saw the box J-Hope usually wore.  “This?” he prompted, making Rap Monster look up when he leaned to grab it just within reach.

            “That,” he nodded in agreement, tears quivering on his lashes.

            “But J-Hope needs this.  It’s a part of him,” Suga murmured, holding it and Rap Monster close.

            “I know,” Rap Monster sniffed, still hiding his face.  “He wanted me to find you.  I wanted to find you.”

            “Oh, Joonie.  I’m sorry,” he whispered, hugging Rap Monster back tightly and returning his attention to the wounds littering his body.  Most were quite fresh.  “I’m here,” he murmured again, reaching his hand down to touch upon the open cuts on his back once more, trying to heal what he could.

            Rap Monster sobbed in relief.  He sobbed for the completed job and smiled to feel Suga whole again.  After three months and eighteen days, he’d done it.  Somehow, he had found enough of Suga to bring him back.  And now that same man was healing his hurts like some sort of angel.  He was almost afraid this was just a cruel dream but more words and Suga’s touch helped ground him.

            “What have you been doing while I was out?” he teased gently, cupping Rap Monster’s head against his shoulder.

            “The usual,” Rap Monster sniffed with a broken laugh, holding tighter still.  “Getting into trouble.”

            Suga laughed at the answer and kissed the side of Rap Monster’s head before rubbing his forehead against his head, taking a deep breath.  “Why am I not surprised,” he exhaled, holding them both still for several long moments while he healed and Rap Monster rested.  “But gods you’re hurt,” he bit his lip, tentatively trailing his hand over the other male’s back.

            “It was worth it,” Rap Monster admitted in a breathy whisper.

            “,” Suga swallowed, fighting tears himself.


            “What am I going to do with you?” he laughed, the sound a bit forced.

            “I don’t know, but we should probably get moving.  We need to let the others know you’re alright,” Rap Monster admitted, trying to stir.

            “No.  You need to stay put until I at least take care of the worst of the damage,” he snorted thickly.  “Haven’t you ever heard of dodging?”  Rap Monster knew the humor was only there to keep him from getting more emotional and he nodded.  “Where are we anyway?” he added a moment later when a glance around the seashore gave them nothing familiar.

            “I have no idea,” Rap Monster admitted as he shifted enough to rest his head on Suga’s chest, reaching up to grab the back of his neck as a support.  “I’ve just been following J-Hope’s box.”

            “Okay,” Suga nodded in understanding, petting Rap Monster’s hair.  “Let’s find out and go home then.  Yeah?” he asked, grabbing the sandy chin to make him look up so he could kiss his forehead.

            “Yes please,” Rap Monster mumbled, closing his eyes in pained but happy contentment.


            The trek home was both long and short: they had to hobble to a semblance of civilization which then managed to net them a ride back, courtesy of the serpent tran Rap Monster had heard but never actually been on.  It was a surprisingly pleasant ride with a lot less jostling than he anticipated.  Shamelessly, he enjoyed every minute of resting in Suga’s embrace as the other male kept him steady while they traveled.  It was only partially an act, since he didn’t need as much coddling as he was getting, but he was damnably tired.

            He was scarred all to Tartarus, which Suga said suited him and made him look more roguish, which was a plus overall.  Though… his monstrous form was a wreck.  He honestly wasn’t sure it would recover completely and was almost positive his tail wouldn’t regrow, which was just plain sad.  He rather liked his tail.  But he had Suga back and they were heading home.

            “You know.  I think Aparside’s worked its magic again,” Suga murmured on the last leg of their journey.

            “Oh?” Rap Monster hummed sleepily, eyes still closed as he rested his head in Suga’s lap, catching what sleep he could wherever he was.

            “Yeah.  It’s a retreat for those of us with strange, outlandish, or sought after lineages,” he explained with an amused lilt, carding his fingers through black strands.  “Or a reformation center for troublemakers like you,” Suga jabbed, tapping on Rap Monster’s head playfully.  “Invitation or application only.”

            “I wasn’t that bad,” Rap Monster defended himself, prying open one eye to peer back at his companion.

            “That sounds like something the God of Destruction would say.”

            “Not anymore,” Rap Monster shook his head, squeezing Suga’s knee with his hand.  He smiled when another reached over to lay on top of his, giving quiet support and approval.  Out of habit, he reached to check for J-Hope’s box and bit his lip with worry, praying that he would be alright when they got back.


            As soon as they stepped off the tran, word began to spread very quickly around town.  It started with only a few people at first: they stopped the pair in the street, all smiles and incredulity.  They weren’t kept long though, but a crowd certainly developed with those who knew them coming to exchange happy words and those who were only acquaintances waving form afar.

            Jungsu and Hyoyeon showed up shortly, wings gusting those around them, to offer a guided .  Both Suga and Rap Monster were glad for the interference, the latter still recovering from his adventure and looking worse for wear.  It meant next to nothing when Jimin and Jungkook arrived, shoving their way through the crowd, past the monitors, and promptly threw themselves at both men.

            “You’re back!”

            “You’re okay!”

            Suga and Rap Monster had to struggle to catch both of them, but they managed to stand firm as they hugged the younger boys back.  They tried to give some sort of explanation but were cut off just as fast when the two grabbed their hands and yanked.

            “Come on!” Jungkook gestured frantically, biting his lip.

            “You’ve gotta give it back to J-Hope!” Jimin reminded them, tugging just as hard before he gave up on that and transformed with obvious intent.

            “Might as well,” Jungsu laughed once with a shrug.  “We’ll clear the path,” he nodded at Hyoyeon who pumped her fist in agreement, expression determined.

            Jungkook helped Suga and Rap Monster up before he settled into place behind them and then they were off, galloping down the streets.  People still gathered and waved, including several familiar faces on various teams, but none offered resistance to their path.  And then Jimin was there, transforming again and nearly dropping the trio off without warning.

            Like a stampede, they trampled inside.  “Suga!” Jin cried, catching the shorter male in a huge embrace while Rap Monster continued on.

            “J-Hope,” he whispered, yanking the box free to press it into the diminished male’s hands.  The young man looked so very frail against the covers with V still supporting him, a tense look on his face.  J-Hope was almost skeletal in his appearance with sunken cheeks and dark circles under his eyes.  His hands felt too bony when Rap Monster held them.

            “You did it,” he smiled wanly, looking from Rap Monster to Suga and back again.  “I knew you could.”

            “Not without your help,” he responded, glancing at V in question.

            “Here,” the other male urged, retrieving the box from J-Hope’s hands to loop it around his neck instead, settling it back into its rightful place.  “That’s better,” V nodded, squeezing one bony shoulder in support.

            “J-Hope,” Suga breathed as he settled into place beside Rap Monster, resting his hand on the nearest leg.

            Before their eyes, the box glowed softly and the warmth of the light extended into J-Hope’s body, restoring some of the vigor he had lost.  His deathly pallor was replaced by healthy tones and the circles all but disappeared, though he badly needed a sandwich still.  Rap Monster knew the feeling.  He’d had several already and it still felt like he’d never regain the weight…  He took a deep breath and threw an arm around Suga’s shoulders, pulling him against his body so he could kiss the side of his head.

            “What’s this?” V asked with a gesture between the two of them when he noticed the exchange.

            Suga wrapped an arm around Rap Monster’s waist and hugged him back.  “You’re one to talk,” he commented, raising a brow.

            V then embraced J-Hope possessively and retorted, “Mine.”

            “It’s so beautiful!” Jimin sniffed, leaving everyone to wonder if he was being sincere or just joking.

            Jungkook evidently though the latter and shoved his shoulder.  “Quit messing around.”

            “But Suga’s back, and J-Hope’s better, and Rapmon’s here, and everyone’s so happy, and-”

            “We get the picture,” Jin laughed as he covered Jimin’s mouth with a grin while the shorter male tried to pry it away.  “And we’re all glad you’re back,” he promised with a sincere look at Suga.  “As for you,” he pointed at Rap Monster, finally letting Jimin go.  “I’m sorry I doubted you.”

            When Suga looked confused at the comment, Jungkook leaned in and whispered, “Jin slapped Rap Monster before.”

            “I was angry!” Jin defended himself with a mock glare at Jungkook who edged away.

            “We were all afraid for you, Suga,” J-Hope explained, touching the other male’s hand gently.  A chorus of nods echoed his sentiments and everyone drew closer then, sharing in the returned warmth and camaraderie that had been fractured since Suga’s loss.

            “Oh!  Can we all stay here for the night?!” Jungkook asked with a hopeful look at the rest of his companions.

            They peered around the apartment, trying to figure out where people would sleep, but then shrugged when J-Hope simply smiled, “Sure.”

            “Yes!” Jimin and Jungkook cheered in tandem.  “Slumber party!”

            “I don’t care where I sleep, so long as I get to sleep,” Suga snorted with a roll of his eyes.

            “I’ll agree with you there,” Rap Monster chuckled, still feeling the ache in his body.

            “You would,” his companion shook his head.  “Would you believe he fought a leviathan not that long ago?”

            “Really?” Jin jumped on it first, frowning in concern.

            “No way!” V exclaimed, respectfully surprised.

            “I wanna hear about it!” Jimin added, nearly falling over himself to get closer while Jungkook nodded in enthusiastic agreement.

            “Later!” Rap Monster waved with a perturbed look at Suga who simply smiled back at him, smug as could be.  “Can’t I just rest for a bit?” he asked instead, grabbing one of Suga and J-Hope’s hands and squeezing gratefully.

            “Of course,” Jin promised while he waved Jimin and Jungkook off before he turned a calculating eye on Suga and Rap Monster.  “But no funny business you two.”

            “Hey!” Suga grumbled, raising a brow at the taller male.  “You’re the one that’s been trying to throw us together since he got here.”

            “Eh?” Rap Monster chirped, looking back at Jin who crossed his arms over his chest and declined to answer.

            “Still…” he muttered, lips pursed into a thin line.

            “You are meddlesome,” V pointed out with narrowed eyes.

            “And that’s a bad thing?” J-Hope teased, glancing back at his companion.

            “Definitely not,” Rap Monster laughed under his breath and smiled, resting his forehead against Suga’s, who wrinkled his nose at him.

            “Don’t think this means I’ll go easy on you on the courts,” he reminded him pointedly, one brow raised at the thought.

            “I wouldn’t dream of it,” Rap Monster smirked, finally closing the distance between them to kiss Suga on the lips.  A chorus of cries rose around them, some of which might have been good natured ‘Ews’ while others were cute ‘Aws’ and he was pretty sure Jin gave some sort of bemused groan, but no one complained, least of all Suga who simply kissed him back and smiled.


(a/n: Huzzah!  Task accomplished!  XD  Phew.  lol  Thank you for being patient with me and for your support while I tackled this project.  It has certainly been interesting and I hope you've enjoyed it too!  Good luck to the other participants and Happy Holidays!  ^_^)

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Chapter 8: Such adventure and cute sugamon romance
Chapter 8: Ahh I really loved this, its only eight chapters and yet to be able to create a story with so much beauty, creativity and heartwarming feelings takes true talent. Thank you for creating this story, it was truly entertaining and enjoyable. I look forward to reading more from you! :D
Chapter 8: Finally got time to read another one of your story. Is there a way not to love your writing style, I had only intended to read half of it for now. Not the whole story. I didn't even want to stop to comment in between chapters.

I like that you said what descendant instead of us trying to guess the opponent side. I liked that Rap Mon had to earn all there approval an it took a bit. It seem V's approval was harder to get his over Suga and it was only after saving Suga did everyone give it. Correct me if I'm wrong.
The last 3 chapter were my fav but if I said why, you might start to hate reading my long comments. It's mainly because they were more intense and I as the reader were able to kinda feel the struggle Rap mon had of losing and the having to save Suga and J-hope. Plus the little Vhope fluff near the end :)

I picked this one because I'm seeing BTS on Sunday. So after seeing BTS, I will read From the Shadows. Then I have to go searching which one to read after that.
Chapter 8: Wonderful story! Never really into Sugamon but woah, you managed to hook me into it. Thanks for making my day! Keep up the good work ;)
wow thanks for the nod =)

I loved this story, as I said before. it was beautifully done and honestly a super entertaining read! Thanks for sharing it with us!
Chapter 8: I FINALLY GOT AROUND TO READING THIS! It was so cute I just can't even.
Still though the SugaMon moments were cute and funny. This was not as bad (feels wise) as I thought it was gonna be.
you have a way of blindsiding people with sneak nut-checks. I'm usually left feeling like "it was awesome but WHY WAS IT NECESSARY?!"
and then I get over it lol. still I love this story, and I will probably go read It Begins with Blood next.
AbsoluteHominy #7
Chapter 8: This was really cute. The image of Namjoon being in transformed and protecting Yoongi under his wing is an image that will stick with me. ^^ I really enjoyed reading this and I hope to read more Sugarmon from you. Thanks for sharing.
Chapter 8: WAH~~~~melted into a pile of goo <3 I loved it!!! The FEELS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Chapter 6: OH MY GOSH. You give us the best moment EVER and then follow it with the WORST moment ever OTL. >.<