Personal Message

I love talking about K-pop so feel free to leave a post on my wall.

That being said, I will not accept friend requests from people I haven't talked to. Cause if you haven't chatted with me or read my fics, I really have no clue why you would want to be my friend.

About Me

I've been a fan for more years then I like to admit to, and have written several horrible anime fanfics over the years. I never really shipped real people until a friend got me into k-pop a little over 2 years ago and I discovered BigBang and the undeniable OTP of Kpop: GTOP. I find GTOP so funny because they really don't do fanservice, but it's just their everyday interactions that speak volumes. I like shipping SunDae as well, but it is so hard to find fanfiction about them that sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who ships them. :(

So one day as a joke I started writing this Sundae vampire/priest fic for a friend, which inevitably consumed my life. It was supposed to be of oneshot, then a 2shot, but then I had to add a G-TOP bonus which turned out to have more plot then the original SunDae. Now it's currently still incomplete 6 chapters (with a scene in every chapter ^^,). Anyway after I started writing again, I found this site and started reading a ton of GTOP and all of the minute a amount of SunDae fics on this site (I still can't believe there are more BaeRi fics then BaeDae, but to each their own) and ended up joining. Eventually I plan to post that fic,  'Forever A Fool's Only Candle' ^^, but the sundae part was hand written so it needs to be typed up and most likely edited quite a bit before uploading.


I am also a part of The K-Pop Corn Patch, so for some GTOP and SunDae fun please check us out at