Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man now has a name

That One Fateful Afternoon in Seoul

been a long time since I last updated this story~ for those who are checking this out, thank you.  for those who reads, subscribe and commenting thank you thank you so much ~ ^___^




Yan had been thinking ways on how to get Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man’s name after a talk with Park Yoochun. So that particular Wednesday afternoon while waiting for the train to arrive, she decided that she has to know it. It’s now or never! She encouraged her self.

Yan took a couple of breaths before she managed to say, “Hi!”

Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man glanced at her with a smile on his face. “Hi!”

And with that simple smile and reply from him was all Yan needed to confirm that she was totally in love.

“`Been seeing you a lot here on the subway lately,” she told him, starting a conversation. She wanted to praise her self for not stammering. Good job, Yan, good job.

            “Oh yes. I like riding the train more than the bus,” He said. “How about you, Trains or buses?” his eyes were sparkling and Yan’s heartbeat raced.

            She tucked a few strands of her hair behind her ear before answering. “I actually like both. But it depends on the days. If I want to avoid traffic I’d take the train.”

            The train finally arrived and they both alighted, and sat on the same bench together. Yan wanted to faint right then and there from their proximity.

            A smile appeared on his lips as he looked at her for a few good minutes. “`Nice hair, it suits you well.” he complimented.

            Yan did not expect Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man was going to say those words to her and with that it’s as if her heart was going to burst out of her chest any minute. He knows! He noticed! Finally! She wanted to jump up and down from joy!

            Yan touched her hair and gave him a smile of gratitude for the compliment. “Thanks….Thanks for the compliment… by the way…” her voice trailed off when the man put on earphones to his ears and started pressing some buttons from his iPod. “My na—”

            Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man was now humming to whatever song he was listening to over his iPod and all she could do was sigh over and over again for losing the opportunity to know his name.   

She stared at her shoes and mumbled to herself, “My name’s Yan… and I want to know your name Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man…”


“You live in the same floor as mine, right?” said Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man as they ride the lift of their apartment building.

            She nodded. “Yes.” She answered, clutching her bag tighter to her body. “8th floor.”

            They stood in silence, side by side as they waited for the lift to land on their floor, Yan keep on stealing glances at Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man. He had the whitest skin for a man she had ever seen in Korea, it was so smooth she kind of envied him for that. His dark hair looked so soft, she had been longing to touch it ever since the day she first saw him. He has the kind of face that every man and woman alike would wish they had it instead. He was definitely gorgeous she could cry from his overflowing beauty.

            Then they finally heard ‘Ding!’ the elevator door opened and Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man let her get off first.

            “See… see you around.” Yan said and slightly bowed at him. She pressed her pass code in her electronic locked apartment.

            “Ne…” her eyes flew to Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man immediately as she heard his voice.

            “Yes?” she asked, anticipating for his next words.

            He grinned at her. “It’s Jaejoong.”

            She blinked three times for she wasn’t able to digest what he said. “Pardon?”

            “I’m Jaejoong. Kim Jaejoong… you said you wanted to know my name…?” Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man cocked his head sideways.

            He was looking oh-so-hot with that gesture and once again her heart did a sommersault. “Kim Jaejoong…” she tried his name for the first time and she liked the sound of it. She smiled.

            He walked over her and took her hand on his and gave it a squeeze. “It’s nice to finally meet you Cheo Yan.”

            She blinked her eyes in disbelief. “Yo-you know my name?”

            He nodded. “Long enough, actually.” Rubbing the back of his neck, he was smiling awkwardly. She saw a tint of blush on his cheeks and Yan found it really cute. Who would have thought that a guy as hot and gorgeous as him would flush in front of a girl?

            The feel of Jaejoong’s warm hand against hers was sending electricity through her whole body. And it was enough to make her system go haywire. It was familiar. She could remember the first time she felt that kind of feeling with him. And she liked it. She really liked it.

            “Nice to meet you too, Jaejoong-sshi.”

            So after a few conversations with Jaejoong she entered her apartment and let herself squeal to her heart’s content like a fangirl! The happiness she was feeling right now, knowing that Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man, err, Jaejoong knows her name was nothing compared to how happy she was back then when she was accepted as editor for Yoochun’s company.

            She finally knew his name! Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man wasn’t nameless now. His name is Jaejoong! And He knows my name!

            Yan dialled Yoochun’s number. She can’t wait to tell him the good news!

            A few rings before Yoochun took her call. “Yes, Yan-ah?” his voice was kind of grumpy. But she ignored it. She was too excited to tell him about Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man.

            She squealed for a few seconds before she calmed her self. “I finally know his name!” she excitedly told his boss-slash-friend.

            “You’re talking about…?” Yoochun asked not a bit interested of what she was about to say.

            “Come on, Chunnie, don’t be a party popper. Could you at least pretend to be interested in what I’m going to tell you?” she stomped her foot on her carpeted floor.

            “But I’m not interested.” He chuckled.

            “Some friend you are!” she hissed.

            “Okay, okay. So let me guess… is this about your ‘Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man?’”

            “Uh-huh! His name is Kim Jaejoong!” she wailed once again.

            “Oh, please woman! You’re going to make me deaf! Seriously!” Yoochun complained. “Kim Jaejoong? What kind of name is that?”

            “Can I smack you for being an ?” she retorted.

            “Go ahead.” He laughed like an idiot.

            “Yes, I’ll do when I see you!” she warned but chuckling along with him. No one can burst her bubble that night.

            “Now that you know his name, why don’t you ask him out?” Yoochun told her. She knew she was happy for her too. In the first place it was his idea to ask for Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man’s name.

            “That fast?”

            “After stalking him and all and finally knowing his name you won’t go to the next level?”

            “Well… don’t you think that’s fast?”

            “It’s up to you then.”

            Yan contemplated at Yoochun’s final words to her before he hunged up that night. It left her wondering if she can.

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aigoo,your story is awesome <3<3
:D ah she finally knows his name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D awesome!! haha XD
@onceUpAtime thanks for reading and commenting :)
interesting! :D update soon!! keke ;P
@zeljun bb ang sipag mong magsubscribe ha~ chos. thanx! im working on the next chapter. this is basically a one shot! XD
zeljun_02 #6
hmm.. looks promising ^^v next chapter please~