Fate or Coincidence?

That One Fateful Afternoon in Seoul


Yan was reminded of the film “Serendipity” the moment she saw Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man again. It wasn’t in the same place and time and same ride though, but it still surprised her nonetheless.

The next day, Yan chose to take the bus on her way home instead of riding the subway train. She had a lot of novels to finish editing that day and Mr. Park gave her a deadline. She went out of her office at 7:30 PM as soon as she finished those and it was quite dark outside already.

She couldn’t control her gasp when she saw that familiar face who stepped in inside the same bus she was riding in. “Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man…” she mumbled as the man strides on the walkway and sat on the vacant seat, opposite Yan.

Yan caught the curiosity that passed across Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man eyes when their eyes met.  She glanced away quickly as she felt that familiar chill up and down her spine.

Is this what they called fate? Or it’s just a random coincidence?She laughed a little inside. Maybe it was the latter. This is not the movies or a scene in a romance novel. This is real life.

Yan’s head turned hastily to Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man’s side when she heard him talking with someone on the phone.

“I’m riding the bus right now not the train, Junsu-ah… yes for a change. I don’t want to use the car.” Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man told to whoever is on the line. “Really? Have you told the guys already? Not yet? Ok, ok. Hahaha-haha~~” He chuckled.

A smirk was painted on Yan’s lips when she heard Mr. Sparkling Vampire’s laugh. The “hahaha” sound of his laughter was kind of unique. And it’s the first time she saw a man who covers their mouth when they laugh. The act was certainly weird… weird in a cute kind of way.

The man kept on talking over the phone and Yan can’t help but to stare and observe his every actions. The way he speak, the way he laugh, the way he brushed off his bangs away from his eyes, the way he twitch his lips were the things that made Yan to think that Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man is very interesting.

Just when Yan was about to take her gaze off from him, Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man turned to her, caught her staring and gave her a lopsided grin. Her heart leaped with that gesture and her cheeks started to burn, feeling embarrased the second time around.

But before she completely looked away, the last thought on her mind was: his smile reminded her of those beautiful and breathtaking sunrises and sunsets in Seoul.

Later that night, while lying on her comfy bed, Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man once again popped in Yan’s mind.  He’s more than just a pretty face… Yan burbled with a deep thought. She might sound like a ert but she could still remember how he smelled when he stood beside her in the elevators of their apartment building—and it’s now forever embedded on her brain.

“Ugh! This is stupid!” she cried out in frustration, rolled over repeatedly on either side of her bed, and then wiggled her legs up towards the ceiling. Why is she wasting her time thinking about a man whose name she doesn’t even know and vice versa?

After a couple of sighs, she finally admitted to her self that there was something about him that made her feel oh-so-giddy inside and that the single smile she received from him was something she won’t forget soon. She couldn’t explain it but she was really curious about him and maybe that curiosity was the explanation she can’t stop thinking about him— and she knew she broke her own rules.




Days… weeks had passed and Yan was starting to get more frustrated with her self for being so obsessed with a man who doesn’t even know a certain Cheo Yan exists in this world. She had been riding both the trains and buses just to have a glimpse of Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man, even if she wasn’t sure if she would see him, she’d like to take chances. Some days were lucky for her but sometimes she would sigh in disappointment when she didn’t see him in those days.

She might’ve called a stalker for staring at Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man’s back whenever they had the same ride on buses or glancing sideways at him when she gets to see him riding the same train as her, and sometimes she would wait in their apartment building’s lobby just to catch sight of Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man.

Yan even went as far as changing the color of her hair from naturally black to light brown and cut a few inches of her waist-long locks just because she heard Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man talking to a certain “Junsu-ah” over the phone that he likes girls with lighter hair color and hair that goes until the shoulders. She even started wearing skirts and dresses because he likes girls wearing girly clothes.

She knew she’s gone crazy doing those things, stalking and acting like an obsessed fangirl. It isn’t right but she can’t help it.

“This is crazy!” Yan muttered to Yoochun as she stirred her coffee on her cup. They were in the café near Yoochun’s office building.

“Yes you are crazy but come on, it’s normal.” Yoochun commented with a snigger.

“This is normal?” she picked her cup and brought to her lips, then placing it down after taking a sip. “This is normal for you?” she asked incredulously.

“To tell you honestly, Yan-ah, I’m really happy that you’ve finally in love. We’ve known each other for quite a long time and I haven’t seen you going out with guys and I know that you never had a boyfriend before. I’ve been asking you a lot of times to date my best friend but you keep on rejecting him…” he paused for a moment and then looked at her directly in the eyes. “You were never interested in boys but this ‘Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man’ of yours must be really something to catch the attention of a girl as elusive as you are.” Yoochun added.

“I’m not in love, okay?!” Yan exclaimed, disagreeing with what Yoochun said.

Yoochun rolled his eyes. “Oh yeah, and the sky is Pink!” and Yan have to smacked her friend’s head with her fork in annoyance.

 “How can I be in love with a man who don’t give a damn care about me and doesn’t even know that someone like me exists?” Yan complained desperately. How hard it is to like someone so much and yet your feelings would never be reciprocated.

Yoochun shook his head but was amused at how cute her friend Yan was acting. “If you’re not in love with him, then why are you doing the things you feel he likes in a girl?”

“I don’t know… I really don’t know! Gosh, this is making me insane!” she said in defeat and covered her face with her palms.

“You know, all you have to do is to stop the denial, admit that you’re in love with this certain Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man.” Yoochun advised to her and patted her head.

Stop the denial and admit you’re in love with this certain Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man…Yoochun’s words keep ringing to her head for a long moment.

Love is without a doubt complicated and mysterious. They say it doesn’t take years, months, weeks and days for one to realize that you’ve fallen in love with someone… And love… it happens when you least expect it—at any given time and place.

“But I don’t even know his name!” she pouted.

“Chicken feed,” Yoochun cocked his head sideways as he put down his cup of coffee. “Ask him.” he suggested, feeling smug because he thought his idea was brilliant.

She blinked her eyes in disbelief. “Are you okay? I’m the girl here and I should be the one to ask for his name?”

“Either do that or you’re never going to get to know his name.” Yoochun said with a wink.

It’s tough but… she will never win in this battle called love if she wouldn’t dare make a move and take Yoochun’s advice.

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aigoo,your story is awesome <3<3
:D ah she finally knows his name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D awesome!! haha XD
@onceUpAtime thanks for reading and commenting :)
interesting! :D update soon!! keke ;P
@zeljun bb ang sipag mong magsubscribe ha~ chos. thanx! im working on the next chapter. this is basically a one shot! XD
zeljun_02 #6
hmm.. looks promising ^^v next chapter please~