Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man

That One Fateful Afternoon in Seoul


It was one of those typical afternoons that Yan would hurriedly walked to the subway station after office hour.  She waited for the train together with a handful of passengers inside the station, all looking forward for a relaxing time once they reach home.

 She lightly stomped her foot on the floor as she counted one to ten when she saw the headlights of the train. As soon as the train arrived, she alighted inside and looked around for a vacant seat. When she found one, she sat there peacefully. Her phone rang as shortly as the train starts moving. She fished it out on her bag and answered her call without bothering to look at the LCD screen of her phone to check the number calling her.

“Yes, hello?” she said as soon as she pressed the answer button.

“Miss Cheo…” said the man on the other line.

“Mr. Park?” confirming as she recognized the voice.

“Yeah,” the man said.

Mr. Park Yoochun is a publisher. He owns a big publishing company that caters to teenage girls and young women. She works as an editor for romance novels for his company. Mr. Park is young and really good-looking and also very rich. It was a wonder to her why he’s still single when he had so much in his life that he could offer to any girl he fancies. Though, he had seen him with a few dates, she knew he wasn’t taking the girls seriously. He changes women frequently like how he changes underwear. Typical playboy, he is.

“Oh, what brought you this call, Park-sshi?” she asked.

“I’m just wondering if you’re free tonight…?” he asked, with the sound of his voice she was sure he was very hopeful that she would say “Yes” this time.

She huffed. ‘Here we go again’, she thought as she rolled her eyes in slight irritation.  Yoochun was her boss all right, and they’ve know each other for two years to be exact but ever since the time they got close and became friends he had been setting her up to a date with his best friend that she had never ever met—volunteering as her match-maker.  She was annoyed of course, who wouldn’t be when your boss is Park Yoochun?

She was never interested on blind dates. She had been refusing him for a couple of times already but her boss was really pushy. If only she didn’t love her job a lot, she would have left his company the day he asked her to have a blind date with his friend.

 Well, dating was not her priority.  As of the moment having a boyfriend was none of her concerns. Boys are just distraction from her goals in life. She’s a busy person and all she wanted to do is to earn, save money and travel the world. It’s one of her dreams to visit the countries she had never stepped foot on.  She maybe too uptight on herself but that’s just the way she is.

“Why are you so interested with my love life, Yoochun-ah?” she asked, dropping the formalities.

The train stopped at the next station, a pregnant lady entered, there were no vacant seats on the train coach where she was sitting in, so she stood up and offered her seat.

The pregnant lady murmured her thanks; Yan nodded and smiled a little. She grasped her right hand on the safety handles for the passengers of the train and continued talking to Yoochun.

“Why is it that you’re so damn concern about my love life?” she repeated without hiding her irritation.

Yoochun cleared . “Well, I just want you to meet my friend, that’s all, who knows maybe from there you can make things get to a higher level...” he chuckled.

“Aigoo. How many times will I tell you that I’m not interested in meeting your friend? You know how busy I am. I still have a few things to finish when I get home.” She told him, wishing that this time he would stop bugging her.

“Why are you so uptight, Yan-ah? A single date is no harm. ”

“Why don’t you ask your other female friends instead of me? I’m sure they’re more willing to date this uber-handsome friend of yours.” she suggested nonchalantly.

“But it’s you that he wanted to meet up with,” he sounded serious this time.

“Why me? Why would he be interested in meeting a girl as plain and as boring as me?” her mind was set, no matter how much persistent Yoochun is, asking her for a blind date with his friend, she wouldn’t say yes. Not now, not ever.

“I don’t know. He told me he wanted to meet you.” Yoochun said matter-of-factly.

She straightened her back when she caught sight of the man who entered the coach after the train stopped at the next station before her station. Her stomach begins to churn and her heart beat gets faster than usual. It’s always like that whenever she sees that man. Well, it’s not that she sees him all the time, if her memories served her right, it’s the second time she saw him riding the same train as her.

He was tall, had creamy white skin, dark hair and he must be around Yan’s age. He looked like a sparkling vampire… but much hotter and definitely more dazzling than the other vampire boys she had seen in movies and on TV.

 The man walked near to where she was standing. He’s just a few centimeters away from her now and his scent filled her nostrils. He smelled so clean, so fresh, so good, and so pleasant she couldn’t help her self grinning like silly, glancing sideways pretending she wasn’t staring at the man when his eyes met her for a fleeting moment. She knew she was acting like a ert but she couldn’t help her self. He’s just… he’s just… ahh, she couldn’t find the right words to define what she was feeling right now.

“Cheo Yan-sshi, are you still there?” Yoochun spoke at the other line, catching her attention.

 “Yes, yes. I’m sorry, Yoochun-ah,” she answered, collecting her senses back. “I’m still declining your offer. Ask another female you know and don’t bother me again. Bye!” she said, and pressed the end call button of her phone.

She heaved a sigh as she put her phone inside her bag, “Gaah, that guy never stops.” She complained to no one in particular.

Her balance failed when the train stopped suddenly, she almost tripped but thanks to the man who had an amazing reflex beside her, he caught her in time before she hit the ground. His hands were on her waist and back supporting her.

“Are you all right?” the man asked.

She looked up only to be surprised that the man holding her was non-other than the man who she had erted thoughts with—Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man!

“I’m okay.” She spoke almost in a whisper. Her body tensed up as his hands were still gripping her. And the unfamiliar feeling that goes along with it was beyond her understanding.

 It only happens on romance books which she happens to read most of the time. given her line of work, it never occurred to her that it would happen in real life most especially to her, and it’s kind of funny because she’s not the typical hopeless romantic girl who believes in fairytales and happy endings.

And now that she came face to face with him, she could clearly see how perfectly handsome he is. If truth be told, “Perfect” would be an understatement to describe how flawless… gorgeous this man is in front of him. How could he be so gorgeous like that? It’s unfair! Her mind whined.

He steadied her. “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked again, concern visible in those big chocolate brown eyes of his.

She nodded and fixed her self as soon as he let go of her. “I definitely Am, thank you.” Yan said, feeling embarrassed. She could feel the flushed from her cheeks to the tips of her hair.

The train started moving again when some of the passengers stepped out of the coaches.

“Ugh!” she flicked her forehead. She missed her station. “I’m so stupid. Aish!”

“Problem?” the man beside her asked.

She turned to him and said, “I missed my station!” She decided that she would dropped off to the next station then maybe she would walk by then, good thing, her way home wasn’t that far from where she will be dropping off.

“I’m sorry about that.” Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man said.

Yan shook her head. “Nah, it’s not your fault.” She went back to her own little world, avoiding the piercing gaze the stranger was giving her. It was kind of creepy for she didn’t know him and he’s a stranger for god sake, no matter how good-looking he is… But why Am I not scared of him at all? She thought to her self.

Minutes later, the train stopped on the last station, she got off the train and started walking on the subway exit. She walked and walked until she got to the street of her apartment building. She was stunned to see Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man walking behind her when she halted from her steps when she heard footsteps from behind her. He had earphone stuck to both his ears.

“Do we live in the same apartment building? That’s strange but rather amusing.” Yan thought in silence as she waited for the elevator door to open.

And before she was able to press the “close” button of the elevator, the man who had been filling up her thoughts since a while ago rode the lift together with her. Her heart starts to thumped wildly again and that’s when Yan realized that they live in the same apartment building! And what was even more surprising was that they had the same floor.

It wasn’t the first time that she saw Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man but it really amazed her that he was actually her neighbor. But how could she miss that possibility when Mr. Sparkling Vampire Man is not hard to notice? Remembering the cliché, in deed, life is full of surprises.


Sorry for the grammatical errors. im still looking for a beta-reader~ anyway, whoever you are, thanks for dropping by and reading this fic :) comments would be very much appreciated XD

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aigoo,your story is awesome <3<3
:D ah she finally knows his name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D awesome!! haha XD
@onceUpAtime thanks for reading and commenting :)
interesting! :D update soon!! keke ;P
@zeljun bb ang sipag mong magsubscribe ha~ chos. thanx! im working on the next chapter. this is basically a one shot! XD
zeljun_02 #6
hmm.. looks promising ^^v next chapter please~