
[Series] Love? Hate!!




Doojoon stared at the book on his table, face wearing a frown as countless thoughts went through his mind.



He couldn't sleep last night, and even though how hard he tried to deny it, how hard he tried to believe it isn't true, it still was the truth. And he had to accept that fact. The fact that the reason he couldn't sleep was because of the guilt eating at him whenever he remembered a certain boy.



"Aishh I'm going crazy!" Doojoon exclaimed to himself, scratching his head frustratingly.



"What's your problem?"



Doojoon looked up to see Junhyung walking towards him with an amused smirk on his face. He stopped just in front of his desk and leaned on the wall. "It's rare seeing you this worked up... Anything bothering you?"



Doojoon was silent for a while, mulling over the thought of whether he should tell Junhyung or not. In the end he gave out a heavy breath, looking up at the younger. "Can I ask you something?"



Junhyung raised a brow. "Sure, ask away."



"What if... And I'm saying if okay what if... well what if you said something really harsh to someone and like I don't know... What if they got really hurt by that but all they were trying to do was help and yeah you did know that they just wanted to help but you didn’t want their help so you ended up saying stupid things so now what if you suddenly felt guilty about it and well... You wanted to apologize to that person... What would you say.. Or er.. Do?"



Junhyung blinked, staring at Doojoon with wide, confused eyes. He was not a genius, but he wasn't stupid enough to not know that those 'what if's were actually reality and that Doojoon must have done – or said – something really harsh to the point that he actually felt guilty. Yoon Doojoon. Feeling guilty. Actually feeling guilt over something he said. Doojoon was overly harsh all the time so the fact that he felt guilty was either that he has finally turned into this heartless person who crossed over the line of harsh to evil –



– or maybe after all these years Doojoon has finally learned to feel again.



Junhyung smiled. "Okay... So what if those happened... What would I say? I don't think I'd have to do anything big or fancy... Just talk to them in private, explain why yo—I said or did those things... And above all I would apologize, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart"



Doojoon nodded slowly. "That's all..?"



"Yup!" Junhyung gave a thumbs up. "Oh, and..." He suddenly had a feeling that he somehow knew who Doojoon was in rocky terms with at the moment. He smirked



"Good luck apologizing to Yoseob! He's coming now"



Doojoon's eyes widened. "Yah! Jun– what no– I– no" he glared at Junhyung as the latter smiled in return as he went back to his seat. And at that moment Yoseob came in the classroom – in his usual get up with the over sized hoodie – making his way to his seat.



"I hate those people"



Doojoon tensed up, feeling anxious as Yoseob came closer and closer and –



"Good morning Doojoonah!" Yoseob said his usual cheery voice, placing his things down and sitting down beside him.



Doojoon blinked. What...? He turned his head to the one beside him, brows knotted in confusion. He watched as Yoseob took out a couple of notebooks, flipping through pages while humming a happy tune, a smile on his face. He turned back to look down at his desk.



He isn't mad...? He isn't mad or butthurt or even a bit sad or anything...?



For the rest of the period Doojoon wasn't able to concentrate on anything.




"Have you apologized yet?" Junhyung asked, sitting beside Doojoon. "Huh?" Doojoon blinked, finally coming back to reality as he stared at his lunch on the floor which remained untouched.



"Have you apologized yet? To Yoseob?" 



"Shh!!! Dammit Jun you're too loud!!" Doojoon hit the other's shoulder, harshly before he looked at everyone else in front of him, who was chatting happily as they ate their lunch. He looked at Yoseob for a moment before he turned back to Junhyung, letting out a heavy sigh.



"Not yet..." Doojoon trailed off., scratching his head. "I just can't find the right moment"



Junhyung stared at his friend, his friend who was stoned hearted yet here he was asking him what to do, trying to apologize to someone, and for a minute he was confused – confused because the whole time he and Doojoon we're friends he never saw Doojoon apologize, Yoon Doojoon was never nervous and never sorry – not even the time he accidentally burned his seatmate's hair during chemistry or the time he talked back to a teacher or the time he knocked over this guy's drink at a restaurant by accident. But now...



It was a first.



Junhyung smiled. "Yoon Doojoon is that really you?"



Doojoon rolled his eyes. "Stop that. Just tell me what to do already."



Junhyung chuckled, "Fine" he checked his watch, then looked at the group in front of him. "Lunch break is almost over. When we go back down you can call him behind from the rest of us then just tell him. You know, that way you're alone. I'll make the others move faster so you can apologize okay?" Junhyung patted the older on the back. "It's not hard to do you know... I don't get why you're so worked up over it"



"Tch" Doojoon looked away, his lunch still untouched beside him.



I don't get it either...






"Come on guys we'll be late" Junhyung urged as he stood by the doorway, waiting for the others. Lunch break was over. He looked at Doojoon and gave him a smile – who of course replied with a glare. Doojoon purposely packed up his lunch slower than everyone else, staring at someone else from the corner of his eye.



"Okay okay we get it no need to hurry Jun" Gikwang said as he and the others made their way to Junhyung. Once everyone was on their way only did Yoseob stand, to which Doojoon stood up as well but tried to make it as casual as possible and not as if he was currently thinking of a hundred ways to say sorry. Yoseob was a few steps in front of him when he opened his mouth to finally say something when suddenly Yoseob stopped and turned, making Doojoon stop abruptly – and a bit awkwardly too.



"Ummm.. Ahju— Doojoonah?" Yoseob asked, looking at the ground.






"Are you free later after class...?"



Doojoon raised a brow. "For the project?"



A shake of the head. "No... But it's... kinda important? So can we meet after class?"



Doojoon was about to decline – something he normally does – when a thought flashed his mind. This could be the perfect time to apologize!



"...Yeah sure... Have nothing else to do anyways" he shrugged, trying to look as if he didn't care. Yoseob grinned. " Thank you so much Doojoonah!! See you later!" The younger then spun on his heels, doing a little jog back down to class, leaving a confused Doojoon.



"...Aish.." He sighed, shaking his head as he went down the stairs.






Yoseob stared at the mini calendar he sketched up on his notebook, all messy with lines uneven and numbers and dates hurriedly drawn on each box.






"E-eh" Yoseob opened his eyes, looking at the source of the voice. Doojoon was standing in front of his desk, looking at him with a blank face.



"... What?..." He stared back confusingly. The two didn't talk for a while, both only staring at each other.









Yoseob smiled a bit, brows knotted. "Is anything wro– Ah!!!!! I'm sorry!" He stood up abruptly, finally remembering the reason Doojoon was in front of him.  He placed his arms behind his back, biting his lip slightly. Aish Yoseobah you pabo... how could you forget??



"Anyway" Yoseob said aloud, hurriedly fixing his things while Doojoon just stood there staring at him with a bored face. He slapped his cheek a little, why was he so nervous all of a sudden?? When his bag was finally fixed, he stood up straight, slinging the bag over his shoulder. He looked at the other. "Could you come with me somewhere?"



He held his breath as he watched the other raise his brow a little, contemplating over his request.






Yoseob grinned. "Let's go!"






"I'm really glad" Yoseob piped up as he walked on the sidewalk. The sun was setting and soon night was about to fall, the street lights were starting to open and the small shops started lighting up. It was quiet, a comfortable kind of peace as nothing was heard except the rustling of trees and the occasional sounds of cars passing by.



"I'm glad.." He repeated, ".. that you said yes today" he smiled, although Doojoon couldn't see it since the older was behind him. He smiled anyway, but he didn't see Doojoon shake his head nervously behind him before shrugging it off.



"I just had the time, that's all" Yoseob chuckled slightly at the older's response.



It was quiet again after that, not until a few more minutes until Doojoon spoke up again.



"Yah, where are we going anyway? What's taking so long?"



Yoseob stopped, making Doojoon come to a halt behind him as well. "Don't worry" Yoseob said. "We're here." Yoseob turned to face the other, who was looking around questionably.



They were facing this old, shabby shop that looked run down. The sign above was faded and crooked and he couldn't even read what was on it – The C... ......T…. something. The walls needed a new coat of paint, because currently it was turning grey and was uneven all over, and the inside had very very dim yellow lights.

"Um... Wha–" Doojoon was cut short with Yoseob climbing up the steps to the shop – the boards made a creak with every step – and made his way to the door. He opened it halfway – which also creaked – before looking at Doojoon expectantly. "You coming?"



Doojoon was silent for a while before he as well made his way to the door. He was here anyway so why not.



Yoseob opened the door all the way and the tinkling of a bell was heard, and inside was a mini cafe. The tables all looked dainty with cream colored tablecloths on them complete with little swirls on the corners, and in the middle were odd and tony ornaments – a little drummer boy, a small teddy bear, some antiques. The chairs were small and dainty and were placed neatly beside the tables. On the walls were light brown shelves that lined up to the wall that was filled up the most random objects – there were books here and there but there were also some toys, some glass ornaments of birds and other small animals were neatly displayed, clocks, there were also picture frames that was scattered along the shelves, which had either a quote on it or an actual picture.



Overall the cafe was odd, but it looked comfy, very different from the outside perspective.



Another tinkle of a bell was heard and both of their heads turned to the source of the sound. From the opposite side of the room a woman came out of the door – who was probably the same age as well. She looked just as dainty as the café did with her small, pretty face and her light brown hair tied up in a tight bun with a light blue ribbon on it. She looked warm and cozy just as the cafe did. She looked up to them and suddenly she smiled.




"Gina noona, it's been a while" Yoseob smiled back, going over to hug the other, while Doojoon stood in his place awkwardly, not knowing what to do or what to react.



The two released in their warm hug and that was the time when Doojoon was finally noticed by the lady. Gina looked at him for a while. "Oh? Yoseob who's this? A friend?"



Yoseob nodded. "We're just gonna go to the back"



"Ah I see, well then feel free to go. Have fun" A last quick hug between the two and Gina went back to the door she came from, not before greeting Doojoon as well.



"This way" When the door closed Yoseob made his way to the back of the cafe, where there was a wooden door. It had a small window in the middle of the door, which showed the dark night sky outside.



Yoseob opened the door and stepped forward onto the grass, smiling softly. In front of them was a garden, big but not too big. On the sides of the garden were bushes with beautiful flowers on them – there were daisys, roses, daffodils, and lots of exotic flowers that he didn't know the names to. But in the middle of the garden was a small pond, with water lilies scattered all around. The way the moonlight hit the garden made it look like it shone – it hit the water so perfectly so that it reflected on to the surroundings.



"This..." Yoseob started as he made his way to the pond. Behind him Doojoon could only stare at awe – he did not know that there was a place like this here.




"This is my most favorite place in the world" Yoseob said softly, stopping just in front of the pond and looking down at his own reflection. "Ever since I was a kid I visited this place, back then I used to play with ahjumma and Gina noona a lot" Yoseob chuckled a bit, reminiscing the time when he and his mom used to visit this place all the time, playing in the garden with ahjumma all day then taking naps there when they got tired. “But nowadays ahjumma is getting too old, so it’s Gina noona who takes care of the shop”



"Up till now, everytime I feel... Lonely or sad or stressed, I go here. The aura here, it's just so warm and comforting..."



Doojoon didn't respond. All he did was stare at the back in front of him because why was he suddenly saying all this?



Yoseob turned around, facing Doojoon. He took a deep breath before bowing, a full 90 degree bow.



"I'm sorry"



Doojoon raised a brow. Eh?



"The other day.. I'm really sorry. I was insensitive and it's true that I'll never know how you understand, but despite that.. Please accept my apology." Yoseob kept his tone calm and straight, he tried to keep it steady as possible despite how nervous he felt because at that moment his heart was threatening to burst out of his chest because of how nervous he felt.






Yoseob froze. He looked up and he saw Doojoon with his head down, hands balled into fists. "Why are you the one saying sorry?"



Yoseob's eyes widened, "What do you –"



Doojoon looked away. "Idiot. I'm the one who should apologize. I was a jerk that day... I'm... I'm sorry" Doojoon had trouble saying the last few words...



After all it was his first time saying those words to someone.



Yoseob was taken aback – he was shocked and right now he couldn't comprehend what was going on. "Doojoonah?"



"Yah I said I'm sorry! I'm trying my best here so you should at least listen!" Doojoon nagged, looking at Yoseob with a glare. Yoseob stared for a while, not replying, mainly because he did not know what to reply.



He noticed it. The whole day. He noticed how Doojoon was avoiding him, he noticed how Doojoon stopped barking or nagging at him, he noticed how Doojoon seemed so quiet today. But now – just now, receiving that icy glare from the other, Yoseob smiled.



Looks like its all okay after all.



Yoseob smiled, then he grinned, then he laughed. He was happy. He was so happy that he wasn't thinking straight that he lunged forward to the other.



"Yah wha–" Doojoon's eyes widened as he felt two arms wrap around him.



"I forgive you, Doojoonah!!" Yoseob laughed as he hugged Doojoon tight. "Does that mean we're friends?"



Doojoon blinked before looking to the side, glaring at the ground (since he had nothing else to glare at). He tried wiggling out of the younger's tight hold but it was useless.



"Yeah... I guess...but you're still annoying to me..."



Yoseob laughed. "Okay! Grumpy Ahjussi!"




A/N: Hi-yeom ^-^ I was originally gonna split this chapter into two since it's kinda long but I decided not too XD And yaayyyy DooSeob finally getting even a little bit of skinship heereeee *dances around* Anyway Im sorry if I dont update quickly *bows* I've been through a looottttt of stress lately and thinking about updating rarely comes to my mind //weeps

Anyway I hpe you like this chappy and please comment too if you have time! I love all your comments ; u ;


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Nimii_K #1
Chapter 24: Update please if you still see this, I'm desperately waiting for moree :'(
Dujunhyung #2
Chapter 24: It's been too long. When will you update and finish the story?
chocokookz #3
Chapter 24: Huaaaaa plz update. I just changed account . I can't forget this FF
Plz update author nim
fatinnazihah #4
Chapter 24: Pleaseeeee dont abandon this fanfic pleaseeeeee
rnh1411 #5
Reread again and still waiting your update authornim.. please update. ~Geumgumhae niga nomu geumgumhae :D
Aj_B2uty #6
Chapter 20: waaah !! filipino ka ??? same tayoooo ! btw, ganda po ng fic mo T^T
Cage_j01 #7
Chapter 24: Can u finish the story?
Chapter 24: OMG this fix is soooo good plz update I can't wait I want dooseob so bad
habine #9
Chapter 24: huaaaaaaaaaaaa T___T i need an udapte of this fic <3
Chapter 1: Cute .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.