Heo Gayoon

[Series] Love? Hate!!

Heo Gayoon



"Yoon Doojoon, this is Heo Gayoon"

"Heo Gayoon, meet Yoon Doojoon"

Yoseob smiled brightly as he stood beside Doojoon and Gayoon, who we're facing each other. It was obvious that the two we're uncomfortable, after all they were complete strangers to each other. Yang Yoseob did not seem to notice any of this; instead he urged the both of them to talk to each other.

Gayoon eyes widened a bit, cheeks flushing to a light shade of red as she bowed – all polite and classy as her soft-looking hair fell over her shoulders. Her voice was soft and melodious. "Hello Doojoon-sshi... It's nice to meet you"

Doojoon blinked, still not able to grasp the situation firmly in his mind. "Yeah... Nice to meet you too"

Gayoon stood up straight and smiled shyly, and from there Doojoon was able to look at her properly. She was pretty. Doojoon thought she looked pretty. Her brown hair curled in the prettiest way in the ends of it. She was wearing makeup too but it was light, and it wasn't overpowering, instead it brought out only more how natural and pretty she looked. She looked dainty and feminine yet almost chic and classy in the way she stood, and the way her small lips would curve up when she smiled at Doojoon was very pretty. Overall Doojoon simply thought that she was a pretty girl.

Gayoon didn't talk, instead she kept staring at Doojoon with a slight blush to her cheeks and a small smile on her face until Yoseob nudged her gently, making her finally come back to her senses. Gayoon squealed in the slightest way to herself, flustering a bit as she spoke to Doojoon again. "I... I hope we can be good friends in the future!"

Doojoon smiled back, his smile warm and friendly. "Yeah. I hope so too"

Beside the both of them Yoseob stood there with a victorious grin to his face as he watched the two introduce themselves. He remembered how he just met Gayoon a while ago, asking him for a weird favor.

"Yang Yoseob-sshi...?"

Yoseob stopped, turning around ad seeing someone he did not know standing before him. Yoseob smiled.



The girl in front of him blinked nervously and bowed, obviously flustered. Yoseob gave her a small overlook and decided that one: she was probably in the same year as he was and was probably in a different class, and two: he thought that she was really pretty. "Um... My name is Heo Gayoon"


Yoseob titled his head before smiling. "Hello Gayoonah~ I'm Yang Yoseob. What's up?"

Gayoon seemed to be taken aback, probably because Yoseob seemed to warm up to her so fast. Yoseob raised his brow when he saw a look of determination sweep across Gayoon's face.

"Please introduce me to Yoon Doojoon"

Yoseob blinked. Then he blinked some more. Then a little bit more. "Huh?"

Gayoon bit her lip. "Please. You're... friends with Doojoon-sshi right? Please, it would be great if I could meet him"

Yoseob stood up straight to face her fully without him having to turn his head to see her. "Why do you want to meet him?" Suddenly another girl popped into view, making Yoseob wonder how long was she there with Gayoon without him noticing.

"Because Gayoon unnie likes him!"

Yoseob's eyes widened.

He watched as Gayoon blushed a deep shade of red before hitting the girl – along with a soft whine of 'Hyuna!!', making the other pout at her and rub her arms ('It hurts Gayoon unnie'). Yoseob watched but only one thing entered his mind. There was only one thing that his mind was able to process at that moment.

This girl - Gayoon likes Doojoonah. Heo Gayoon likes Yoon Doojoon.


He couldn’t understand why he felt a slight ache at his chest.


"Okay" Yoseob suddenly said, making the two girls stop fighting and look at him. Yoseob smiled softly, "I'll introduce you to him"

He grabbed Gayoon's hand and started leading – dragging – her to his classroom. "Come on. Doojoonah's probably there already."

Gayoon's eyes widened. "E-eh? Now?! But I'm not ready!"

"That's alright! I'm sure you'll be fine"

Once Gayoon left for class Yoseob took her place in front of Doojoon almost immediately, going forward to look up eagerly at Doojoon. "So?" Yoseob asked, grin in place.

Doojoon raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean 'so'?"

"Eeyyyy you know what I mean" Yoseob said, playfulness lacing at his voice. "How was she? Gayoon?"


Doojoon peered at him confusingly. "No I don't know what you mean. I don't even know what you're supposed to mean by that question" Doojoon raised his hand and pushed Yoseob aside gently so he could get to his seat. "Yah! Don't ignore my question" Yoseob whined and followed him to his seat. He sat at Doojoon's table, glaring at him. Doojoon stared back at him, "I don't even know how to answer your question"

"Gayoon" Yoseob tried again, not leaving Doojoon's table. "What do you think of her? First impression?"

Doojoon looked down, staring at the floor. First Impression...?

Doojoon shrugged. "I dunno... She's got a pretty face I guess."



"Doojoonah, are you doing anything tomorrow after school?" Yoseob asked into his phone, supporting it between his ear and his shoulder since his hands we're preoccupied with something else. He was in the bathroom, facing the mirror. In the table in front of him we're different kinds of medicine and ointments and lots of band-aids and bandages, along with cotton balls and strips scattered everywhere. In Yoseob's hands he held a cotton ball, softly applying medicine to his cut on his face. Thank goodness the cut was starting to heal already, he hated having to wear a bandage on his cheek.

"Hmm? Tomorrow? I'm free... I think"


Yoseob smiled. He threw away the cotton ball – it was slightly red – and took a new one, pouring a few drops of medicine on it. "Great. Let's meet up"

"Sure. The usual place?"

Yoseob tried not to make a sound as he winced, wiping the cotton along the cut. He hummed in reply, placing the cotton away and taking a band aid from the table. "Yeah. The usual" Slowly he peeled out the sticky side of the band aid, and proceeded to press it to his cheek.

"Okay. Bye then"

"Yeah. Bye"

The phone beeped and Yoseob took the phone from his shoulder, placing it on the table along with everything else. He looked at himself in the mirror.

He sighed softly, smiling to himself. It was a smile, but at the same time it wasn't a smile. He picked up the cotton ball again. "Next..."



Doojoon supped a little more aggressively into his iced Americano while he tapped his fingers on the table, starting to get a little bit impatient now that 30 minutes had past and there was still no sign of the other.

'Ahh—Sorry! I forgot something! You go ahead and I'll catch up'


Doojoon checked the time on his phone. That was what Yoseob said while they we're both walking out the school. And since they didn't reach that far yet Doojoon figured he wouldn't take that long to show up. That was what Yoseob said yet where the heck is he?

"Still not here?" Doojoon look behind him and he saw Gina cleaning up some of the tables, wiping them with a small towel.

Doojoon shook his head. "No. That kid sure takes his time" he muttered under breath, obviously irritated.

"Don't worry. He'll arrive. Just wait"

Sure enough, the moment Gina had finished saying that his phone vibrated, telling him there was a new message. Doojoon immediately opened the message, eyes scanning over eery letter carefully.

From: Yoseoppu

I'm sorry Doojoon~ Looks like I can't meet up with you after all...

Sorry (>~<)v

Doojoon stared.

And stared some more.

He stared at the message he received, comprehending the words just for a few more seconds—

"He even sent an emoticon..." Doojoon muttered, voice dangerously low as he smiled at the text – his lips were smiling but his eyes looked ready to burst into flames any moment.

Behind him Gina backtracked her way behind the counter because Doojoonah looks scary.

The iced Americano he was holding suddenly burst – he'd apparently squeezed it the moment he read through Yoseob's text. He grit his teeth.

"Yang Yoseob!!!!"


"Are you sure it’s okay to leave Doojoon like that?" Junhyung suddenly piped up, looking at Yoseob who was busy playing with his phone. He and Hyunseung we're already out the school gates when they saw Yoseob standing by himself. Junhyung was not sure if Yoseob's explanation made everything more clear or even more confusing because according to Yoseob, he was going somewhere with Doojoon when halfway Yoseob suddenly decided to ditch him and head back, and only decided to text him about it after half an hour had past. Hyunseung chuckled beside him. "Doojoon's going to be really mad"

Yoseob shrugged indifferently, paying more attention to his phone rather than his two friends. "No he won't. He'll get over it in a few days."

Junhyung flashed him an incredulous look. "Still, you should have told him earlier so he could have gone home by now. I mean, why make him wait for half an hour?"

"Because he's an and a cheater and he deserves it"

Junhyung and Hyunseung both snapped their heads at Yoseob – making sure what they heard right. But still Yoseob kept his eyes glued to the phone, face deep in concentration as he played a game in his phone. Junhyung and Hyunseung then looked at each other, both exchanging looks of bewilderment. "Besides," Yoseob suddenly continued, and a small mischievous smile appeared in his face.

"I've got this all figured out, don't worry"



Gina looked around her, looking at different street signs and different shops that would tell her where she was and if she was even close to where she was supposed to be. She sighed and checked her phone again; scanning through the message Yoseob had sent her a while ago.

From: Yang Yoseob

Hi Gayoonah! Thanks so much for agreeing to hang out with me and Doojoon~ anyway it's a way for you to get closer right?

Anyway I sent a picture of where you need to go.. It's a bit hard to find but I hope you'll be here with us!! ^^

Gayoon stared at the picture again, wondering where on earth this place was because she's been through every part of the city and she's pretty sure – kinda sure? – that she hasn't seen a cafe that looked like this. When she asked Yoseob where it was the other just said 'just around the corner! :)' and honestly that did not help at all – if it did anything at all it just made Gayoon more flustered and more lost because who in the world says that when they were asked for directions and what if she's spent too much time looking for the place that she was late and the two would have probably left by now and she should have never agreed to meet up with her crush and a person she's barely met because now she has been walking at random places at random turns and she's probably lost by now and—

Gayoon suddenly stopped in her tracks, turning and looking at the small cafe in front of her. She tilted her head, eyeing it curiously because it looked kinda familiar like she had seen it before. "Ah!" She said to herself, whipping out her phone and checking the picture Yoseob sent her.

"I found it finally" She said to herself, voice more tired than excited. But then in an instant all the tiredness flew away and nervousness creeped up to her instead, feeling anxious as to what to do when she finally goes inside with Doojoon inside.

She took a deep breath. "Heo Gayoon you can do this" She went foward and pushed the door open, hearing a small bell tinkling when he did.




Doojoon heard a tinkle of a bell, followed by Gina's warm voice which meant that there was a new customer. Doojoon did not bother to see who it was – because whoever it was, it was definitely not Yang Yoseob who was a freaking bastard for letting him wait for half an hour for nothing. He heard light footsteps, just a few though because after around four or five steps the person stopped.


Doojoon's brows knotted. That voice was somehow familiar. He turned his head and blinked in surprise because suddenly that girl he just met a few days ago – er.. Gayoon, right? – was here facing him and he did not know if it was coincidence that Gayoon knew this place too or there was some other weird reason as to why Gayoon was here now.

Gayoon seemed to be just as confused as he was though. "Umm... Where's Yoseob...?"


Doojoon frowned a little in annoyance. "He's not here. Probably at home already."

"Oh" Gayoon bit her lip, shifting uncomfortably on her feet. "Then, I guess I should go...?"

Doojoon did not understand what Gayoon was talking about – he did not understand the conversation at all actually. But he knew it was rude to just let Gayoon go after she had just arrived to do whatever she was going to do – not that he was never rude before which was clearly not the case. Gayoon just looked like the kind of girl that anyone would want to be nice to.

"No wait." Doojoon said, "You just came here. Wanna sit here and talk for a while?"

Gayoon's eyes sparkled a little and her cheeks reddened a little, because at that she wondered why her friends told her that it was hopeless to like someone like Doojoon – someone who (according to her friends) was mean and cold and hardly ever talks to anyone. She wondered why because right now – with Doojoon facing her offering her to stay with him, all the while a small smile on his face – it didn't seem like it at all.

Gayoon smiled back. Maybe this could work out after all.


A/N: Hello. I'm alive? idk are you guys still alive? probably not? ; v ;

Im sorry for abandoning this for wuite some time, ever since I started college life has been far too busy ; - ;

But hey update: If you want to keep in touch my twitter account is @fii_byut

don't worry its all beast I swear lol-- oh and tell me who you are too! It's always fun to talk <3

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Nimii_K #1
Chapter 24: Update please if you still see this, I'm desperately waiting for moree :'(
Dujunhyung #2
Chapter 24: It's been too long. When will you update and finish the story?
chocokookz #3
Chapter 24: Huaaaaa plz update. I just changed account . I can't forget this FF
Plz update author nim
fatinnazihah #4
Chapter 24: Pleaseeeee dont abandon this fanfic pleaseeeeee
rnh1411 #5
Reread again and still waiting your update authornim.. please update. ~Geumgumhae niga nomu geumgumhae :D
Aj_B2uty #6
Chapter 20: waaah !! filipino ka ??? same tayoooo ! btw, ganda po ng fic mo T^T
Cage_j01 #7
Chapter 24: Can u finish the story?
Chapter 24: OMG this fix is soooo good plz update I can't wait I want dooseob so bad
habine #9
Chapter 24: huaaaaaaaaaaaa T___T i need an udapte of this fic <3
Chapter 1: Cute .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.