
[Series] Love? Hate!!




"Wah! Daebak!" Yoseob exclaimed, stepping inside the retreat house.


Doojoon appeared behind Yoseob, backpack slung on his back. He looked at the place and he had to admit that it did look pretty nice. Plus, he was exhausted and he just wanted to go to the rooms already and take a nice, long nap.


"Wahhh!! Doojoonah let's go look around!"


Sigh. So much for that nap he wanted.


The museum tour was... Well like an ordinary museum tour. There will be this really kind lady showing you where to go and where to look at, all the while describing the thing you were looking by telling the full, detailed history and then someone who actually listened would ask one question which would make the lady explain the history all over again. Then they would move on to the next thing they were supposed to marvel at and the whole process would start all over again. The four – Doojoon, Yoseob, Junhyung, and Hyunseung – stayed at the back, occasionally listening but spent most of the time pointing at weird things they found in museum and making some comical remark about it until they finally found Dongwoon and Kikwang doing the same thing from a different class, which then resulted in the six of them staying together once the tour ended to go look around themselves.


For Doojoon it wasn't exactly boring... But it wasn't all that exciting either.


"Wow awesome!" Junhyung said, breaking Doojoon from his thoughts. Junhyung stepped beside him and Hyunseung followed as well. "I heard there's a beach here" Hyunseung said, smiling. "Let's go there!"


"I'll go call Kikwang and Dongwoon to meet us there" Junhyung said, fishing his phone out of his pocket.


"Guys" Doojoon cut in, "Don't you think we should head to the rooms first?"


Sure enough, just as Doojoon finished the sentence their teacher had called all the students to gather. There was a pension for the students to sleep in, and in that pension were 3 floors. The first was the bath houses and the dining areas, while the second floor was the rooms strictly for the girls only and the third floor was strictly for the boys only – not that Doojoon cared about that girls only boys only rule but he could already imagine the looks of disappointment of the couples in school that had hoped to share a room. They all made their way to the pension, and after a few more minutes everyone had finally settled down in their own rooms.


Doojoon yawned, throwing his bag on the floor beside the bed he claimed before throwing himself down on the bed. The bed was really cozy and already he could feel himself drifting off to dreamland when he heard an all-too-familiar laugh come from beside him.


He opened one eye, peeking at Yoseob who was rolling all over the bed beside him. "Yah" he said grumpily – half heartedly because he was already preparing himself to sleep. "Why are you in the bed beside mine?"


Yoseob stopped rolling, his face flat on the bed until he raised his torso up and rested his cheeks on his hands. He smiled at Doojoon. "Junhyung and Hyunseung wanted to be beside each other, so this is the only bed left"


Doojoon sighed, closing his eyes again. "Fine. Just be quiet"


Yoseob chuckled, "Okay~ okay"


A click was heard, and Yoseob looked up again to see Junhyung coming into the room. He was wearing swimming short and a tank top and had a white towel around neck. "Yo guys we're going to head to the beach. Wanna come along?"


"Of course!" Yoseob said, getting up from his bed in a flash. He looked beside him to the figure still in bed. "Yah Doojoonah you come along too"


Doojoon grumbled, bringing his arm up to cover his eyes. "Don't bother me. I'm going to take a nap"


Almost immediately after he said that he felt a hand grab at his arm and started to pull at it, attempting to lift him out of bed. "Come on! You have plenty time to sleep at night"


After a few more whines and tugs at his arms Doojoon figured that Yoseob would not stop until he agreed, which meant that he had a high chance of not getting the nap he wanted. He sat up, tugging his arm away from Yoseob. "Okay fine! I'll come along"


Yoseob threw his arms up happily, "Yay! Let's go!" Yoseob bolted out the room, with Junhyung following from behind with a chuckle and Doojoon leaving the room last with a small frown in place.




"Yeah!! We win again!" Kikwang and Dongwoon high fived each other in a mini celebration, ignoring the glares from Hyunseung and Junhyung.


"It wasn't fair! Tickling shouldn't be allowed" Hyunseung retorted, splashing against the water as he complained.


"Then let's have another go" Dongwoon said, sinking down the water to let Kikwang climb onto his shoulders again. Dongwoon stood up straight and Kikwang went up into the air, the water only up to his ankles. "We're still going to win you know" Kikwang taunted, raising his hand to beckon at Junhyung and Hyunseung, challenging them to another chicken fight.


Junhyung glared at him, lowering down the water to let Hyunseung climb on his shoulders. "Let's see who will be smiling after me and Seungie knock you down"


"Let's go!"




Yoseob laughed as Kikwang and Hyunseung started to push at each other while Dongwoon and Junhyung struggled to keep their balance and not make the person on them fall. Yoseob watched them with a big grin on his face, sitting on the shore with his legs stretched out on damp sand as the waves dispersed at his feet. It was fun watching them play. Seeing four figures laugh as the sky slowly turned orange behind them was a sight that was heartwarming to watch, and seeing them so happy made Yoseob not mind not being able to play with them in the sea at all. Around him were some other students, either playing in the sea as well or lying in the sand relaxing.


"You're not swimming?" Yoseob blinked, looking behind him to see Doojoon making his way towards him. Doojoon sat beside him, stretching his legs as well. Yoseob smiled, "I should ask you the same thing"


Doojoom shrugged. "Submerging yourself in an area surrounded with salt water has never been really that appealing to me" A small yell was heard as Hyunseung fell from Junhyung's shoulders, while Kikwang and Dongwoon were laughing as they did a little victory dance.


Doojoon stole a glance at Yoseob. "And you? You're not swimming because..?"


Yoseob smiled softly, still eyeing the four. He shrugged "It’s cold… and my wound would get all stingy”


Doojoon looked at Yoseob, eyeing the bandage on his face before looking back to the front. "Well I guess it’s just the both of us stuck here in the sand huh?” Yoseob laughed, “Yeah”


"So…" Yoseob started, looking at Doojoon with a smile on his face. "Since it’s probably gonna be a while… Let's talk about you now" Doojoon raised his brows in both shock and confusion. "Me?"


Yoseob nodded happily. He did not forget about his self-proclaimed mission to find Doojoon's ideal type. And now that the both of them were somewhat alone Yoseob thought that he could fish out some information already. "I hardly know anything about you except that everything seems to annoy you to some level"


Yoseob looked at Doojoon, determined smile on his face. "Come on Yoon Doojoon. Likes? Dislikes? Anything?"


Doojoon smiled back softly, only it was more of a doubtful smirk instead of a real smile. "I doubt that you'll find me and my likes and dislikes interesting. Like you said, I'm just a guy who finds some kind of annoyance at everything. There's nothing to take interest in someone like me"


Yoseob raised his brow, smiling back as if challenging Doojoon. "Try me" he said, "Tell me, then I can be the judge on whether I find it interesting or not"


The pair stared at each other, both not wanting the first to break contact. In front of them the sun was already set, and those who were swimming were now making their way out because it was getting too dark to stay in the waters already.


"It's getting dark" Doojoon said, still staring at Yoseob and nothing else. "We should go get inside and have dinner"


Yoseob kept up with Doojoon's stare and did not break contact as well. "Ah yes dinner. But that can wait right? First you can tell me what your favorite food is then let's hope that they're serving that for dinner. Then we can keep talking about you and your interests"


"So persistent" Doojoon raised a brow, smirk on his face. "Yang Yoseob why are you so obsessed with me and my interests?"


"Obsessed? Says who? You're too quick in making conclusions Doojoon. We've barely just started this topic"


Whatever Doojoon was going to say was lost when suddenly a loud bang was heard. Doojoon's head snapped up, looking at the sky just in time to see the remnants of yellow glitters spreading in the sky. Another bang came soon after and again bursts of color scattered across the night sky.


"Wow look!"



Everyone in the beach all stopped to watch the fireworks, while in the pension students quickly made their way outside to get a good view as well. One after the other loud bangs would sound out signaling more and more fireworks hitting the sky. The people around him 'ooh'ed and 'ahh'ed as varieties of vibrant colors filled up the black night. Doojoon leaned back a bit to stare up at the sky, the bright lights flashing across his face every now and then.


All of a sudden Yoseob stood up beside him. Doojoon's eyes followed the other, who now faced away from him. "What's up?" Doojoon asked lightly, not really paying much attention to the other. Doojoon turned back to watch the sky.


"N-nothing. I... I have to go" Yoseob stuttered. There was obvious panic in his voice as his breath started to shorten as he stumbled away, shutting his eyes tight.




He gripped at his arms tightly, trying to stop himself from shaking. His mind was reeling as he panted, looking around frantically as the sound of the fireworks continued to echo in his ears.


Loud. So loud.


Yoseob inhaled sharply, breath shaky. His head started aching, as if a hammer was hitting at it repeatedly. "S... Stop" he whispered to himself.


Help me.


"Yoseob? Yah Yoseobah what's wrong?" He heard footsteps rush to him but then another loud bang sounded of and Yoseob winced, whimpering as he brought his hands up to cover at his ears. He closed his eyes tight as tears started forming in the corners of his eyes.


Loud. Stop it. It's so loud.


"Doojoon? What's wrong with Yoseob? Yoseob!"  More footsteps sounded but it was all a blur to Yoseob. He tried to take a step forward but failed. He fell forward but then a pair of strong arms caught him.


The arms wrapped around him to keep him steady and suddenly the warmth that surrounded him felt so familiar.




Everything turned black.




A/N: //screams IM SORRYYY QAQ I honestly thought I had already updated this like I REMEMBER going to aff to add this chapter but I checked again only now and didnt see any chapter 18??!????? I swear I updated it tho HAHGDSKDJSFHG IM SURREEHHHHH QnQ

In Other news Im sorry for the crappy angst at the end I at writing angst hurhsghdfhj //sobs

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Nimii_K #1
Chapter 24: Update please if you still see this, I'm desperately waiting for moree :'(
Dujunhyung #2
Chapter 24: It's been too long. When will you update and finish the story?
chocokookz #3
Chapter 24: Huaaaaa plz update. I just changed account . I can't forget this FF
Plz update author nim
fatinnazihah #4
Chapter 24: Pleaseeeee dont abandon this fanfic pleaseeeeee
rnh1411 #5
Reread again and still waiting your update authornim.. please update. ~Geumgumhae niga nomu geumgumhae :D
Aj_B2uty #6
Chapter 20: waaah !! filipino ka ??? same tayoooo ! btw, ganda po ng fic mo T^T
Cage_j01 #7
Chapter 24: Can u finish the story?
Chapter 24: OMG this fix is soooo good plz update I can't wait I want dooseob so bad
habine #9
Chapter 24: huaaaaaaaaaaaa T___T i need an udapte of this fic <3
Chapter 1: Cute .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.