Our Time

[Updated w/ side story] Chance

Let's cherish our time together

"I can't believe it's only been four hours and we went on all the rides, twice." Jeong-Ah said in disbelief. "Man, you ."

Yunho grinned. "Not my fault I haven't been to an amusement park in years."

She sighed. "Let's go to the zoo."

"Why? It's boring."

"It's part of the park."

"But it's boring! Let's just go on the rides again."

Jeong-Ah scoffed. "You go on the rides again while I go see the animal. Yeah?"

Yunho's eyes widened. "What? No! I disagree!"

"Good, then we're going to the zoo."

With that, Jeong-Ah dragged him to Disney's Mini-Park Zoo.


"This is boring." Yunho whined. "We could've just gone on the rides again!"

Jeong-Ah glared at him. "Appreciate nature."

"I appreciate those animals!" he protested. "I just find it boring staring at them."



-After Watching the Animals-

"Three hours left to spare." Yunho said looking at the time on his cellphone.

Jeong-Ah shrugged. "There's a boatride we didn't go on! Do you want to try it?"

"Where does it take you?"

"It goes in a circle but a lot of couples go on there. I've only been on it with a guy friend but never a boyfriend."

"A guy friend?" Yunho asked, a hint of jealousy.

"Let it go. It was years ago. Plus, I have you don't I?" she reasoned.

He nodded. "Okay."


-Boat Ride-

"This is so cute~" Jeong-Ah cried pointing to Micky Mouse & Minnie Mouse who were kissing.

"I thought you went on this before." Yunho said bitterly.

"Yah! It's been years. They changed parts of it." she said. "And quit being jealous."

"Only if you give me a kiss." Yunho said.

She shook her head.



"I'll buy you food."

"Sorry, Changmin is my food buddy."

"Can we please not talk about that monster?"

"Are you jealous?" she asked amused.


"You're jealous of Changmin?" she said. "Of all people, you're jealous of him?"

"Because you both know each other longer." he softly said. "Changmin is protective of you. I feel like he's going to take you away from me."

"Yunho-ah, I won't leave you for Changmin." she said. "Don't worry. I only see him as a best friend, if not, my younger brother."

He nodded. "I'm sorry I just-"

Jeong-Ah cut him off with a kiss. She pulled away, a few seconds later and smiled.

"You owe me food now."

He grinned. "No problem."


[The Others]

"We lost them!" Changmin shrieked. "Way to go hyungs!"

Changmin glared at Junsu and Yoochun. The two left him and JaeJoong for a game stall that was offering a stuffed angry bird.

"What?" Junsu asked. "It's cute!"

Junsu held the bird in front of him only to have Changmin push him.

"Cute my ." Changmin snorted.

"Calm down Min." JaeJoong said. "Yunho wouldn't do anything to Jeong-Ah and you know that!"

"But he's taken all her attention from me to him!" the youngest male retorted. "Before, it was only me & Sang Hyun."

"Changmin-ah, do you like Jeong-Ah?" JaeJoong seriously asked.

Intimidated by JaeJoong's straightforwardness and bluntness, Changmin kept his head down.

"Answer me." JaeJoong softly said.

"Hyung, I don't know." Changmin frowned. "I've known her all my life. Seeing her with hyung, whom I consider a brother, it's just-I-"

"So you're confused about your feelings?" Yoochun asked.

Changmin nodded.

The three males looked at him with pity.

"Changmin-ah." Junsu spoke.

"As much as I trust her with Yunho-hyung, sometimes I wish..."

"Because of what she went through with Yunshik that you feel protective of her. Which also leads to you realizing there may be that tiny part of you that likes her as more than a friend correct?" JaeJoong asked.

He nodded.

"Guys look, we have three hours left before we're heading for dinner. Let's just put this thought aside and enjoy the rest of the day yeah?" Yoochun asked. "C'mon Changmin!"

"I guess you're right hyung." Changmin said.

"Of course I'm right!" Yoochun cried. "Let's go."



"Why is it so quiet?" Jeong-Ah mumbled silently.

Changmin, who's sitting next to her heard her and said, "So noona, how was your day with Yunho-hyung?"

"It's alright." she replied. "How was yours with the others?"

"I won an angry bird!" Junsu happily said.

Changmin glared at him. "We had a great time."

She nodded.


[Yunho & Jeong-Ah]

"Didn't dinner seem awkward?" Jeong-Ah asked Yunho during their ride back to the hotel.

The two were seated on the front with Jeong-Ah driving and Yunho sitting in the passenger seat while the others were in the back seat.

"Yeah, it's weird." Yunho agreed.

"I wonder what actually happened back at Disneyland between them." she softly said and she stared at Changmin's sad expression the mirror.


"Good night jagiya." Yunho said and gave her a peck on the cheek before leaving.

"Good night." she replied.

Sighing, she moved towards the back seat and shook Changmin up.

"Changmin-ah, we're at the hotel." she said.

Changmin groaned.

"Changmin." she said. "Wake up."

"Noona~" he mumbled. "Don't forget me."

She stared at him for awhile before shaking her head.


"Noona, I love you." he cried. "Please don't leave me."

Jeong-Ah stared at her best friend who had tears falling from his eyes.

"Changmin!" she yelled.

Changmin's eyes fluttered opened at the loud noise.

"Finally, you're awake." she said. "We're here. The others already went to their rooms."

He nodded. "Good night noona."

"Good night." she softly said as she stared at his retrieving back. "I'm sorry Changmin. I can't return your feelings."

[Changmin's POV]

I hope I didn't say anything stupid for noona to hear. JaeJoong-hyung says I tend to blurt things out while I'm asleep.

I know I haven't updated in awhile & I'm sorry! Homework is less these days but finals are coming up and my AP class is like rushing on the chapters because of the content in the textbook. Yesterday, I went to pick up my mom from the airport and had no time to update even though I wanted to. On the bright side, my aunt sent my gifts to my mom & I received my Korean CDs :D ! LOOL. Her husband got me JYJ's new album & DBSK's "Keep Your Head Down" and some other CDs so I'm satisfied but I feel kinda bad that my uncle spent his money for like 4CDs & told me not to pay him back ]: ! It must've been expensive l: ! It's cool to have a Korean uncle cuz if you want something, you can just ask him to get you some items them without buying them online but when he tells you not to pay him back you start to feel guilty... ANYWAYS, I'll try to update again whenever I can [:

defyingdestiny - LOL :D

QueenB_doll - I think this is a bit longer :P ! LOOL.

gofanfic - Haha. Here's another update for you [:

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Awww. I always end up wanting the guy the girl uses to get over the main guy to end up together. Does that make sense?? lol
Anyways this was a really good story!!
lol, it's okay.<br />
but i do like the side stories :]<br />
now i feel bad for jae bcs he sure loves jeong-ah a lot!
it's good that you explain everything in the side story :)<br />
maybe you should just make this before the epilogue, lol.<br />
but well, it's okay.
meeeyi #4
hi there i'm a new reader :))<br />
just finished reading the whole thing (and not working on my 4-paged paper)<br />
thanks so much for a nice story!!<br />
although i have to say... i'd prefer her to end up with jaejoong instead of yunho ._________.<br />
but oh wells. your choice :)<br />
oh and i found it really interesting that you made seohyun portray the antagonist XDD<br />
since normally she'd be the obedient one compared to the rest of SNSD<br />
what if......seohyun suddenly met yunshik? lols that would be a fun sub-story..<br />
anyways. thanks again!
QueenB_doll #5
waaaaaah!! end already.. :( , but still..i love the ending,, what a cute family they are.. i think yunho will ask jeongah to have more children kekekekeke'..
koreankendi #6
Waaaahhhh!!! Hahahahha! It's been a while since i last read a good yunho fic. Thanks! ^_^
wah you did double update and finished this story!<br />
it's a nice ending.<br />
overall, i love it!<br />
thanks for making such a story! <3
blackorchid #8
I just read it all, spent the past 3 hours reading it and it was so nice. I was a little rooting for Jaejoong to end up with Jeong-ah and I'm a little disappointed that they didn't. I'm still curious about how Changhyun handled the whole Yunho thing. And also the ex bf that hurt her that made her hate the river side, still wondering about that. Oh well, I guess like life there has to be some mystery.<br />
<br />
Anyways, awesome fic!
awesome ending :)
Nope i disagree, it was an awesome ending. :)