
[Updated w/ side story] Chance

I knew you would make it
I knew you would have the determination to do so
Congratulations & Remember to never give up on what you love.

"Jagiya~" Yunho whined.

"I'm sorry." Jeong-Ah apologized. "I'll make it up to you."

"I wish you weren't so busy with school!" he pouted.

She laughed at his cute expression.

"Yunho, quit being a baby and start being a man." JaeJoong hissed as he glared the younger man. "You're not cute either."

Yunho sent him a deadly glare. " you."

"I dare you." he sneered.

"Yah! You two are acting like kids." Jeong-Ah said, shaking her head. "Look, I need to pass my finals to graduate. You know how important this career is to me. I only have a few weeks left until school ends. I promise that afterwards, we'll go on vacation. Anywhere you want okay? For two weeks before I'm training under YG Entertainment. Deal?"

He sighed. "But I have a whole year off."

Changmin then walked into the living room where the three were and glared at Yunho.

"Quit being a baby." Changmin said. "At least she loves you enough to go on vacation with you."

Yunho scoffed. "Please, I'm pretty sure she loves me more than you."

"Liar!" he retorted. "Right noona, you love me more than your boyfriend right?"

The two men stared at Jeong-Ah who just shrugged.

"I don't know. I love you both equally." she said.

Changmin scoffed. "Lies! You probably love me more but you don't want Yunho-hyung to feel bad."

"Think whatever you want." she replied, grinning. "Anyways, Changmin~ Can you help me review for my chemistry final?"

His eyes sparkled. "My favorite subject! Definitely."

"And you don't ask me?" Yunho asked.

"You told me it was your worst subject." she said. "Sorry Yunho-oppa."

He sighed. "It's alright."


-One Month Later-

"I passed!" Jeong-Ah shouted happily as she walked into DBSK's dorm and saw the five boys sitting in the living room together.

There was a long pause before all of them quickly went up to her and congratulated her.

"Oh my gosh! You're gona be a doctor!" Changmin said and gave a long, tight hug. "My bestfriend is gona be a doctor and an actress!"

"Congratulations!" JaeJoong said, hugging her after she was released from Changmin.

"Good job! Congratulations!" Yoochun and Junsu said to her.

Yunho was the last to congratulate her.

He quickly pulled her into a hug and said. "I knew you would pass all your classes! Congratulations jagiya."

"It's all thanks to everyone's support." she said. "Especially yours Yunho-oppa. Thank you!"


-Graduation Day-

On graduation, DBSK attended the ceremony but couldn't stay long or else they'd be caught by fans. Apologetic, they promised Jeong-Ah that they'd take her out for dinner later in the day along with Sang Hyun.

"Congratulations noona!" Sang Hyun said.

"Congratulations to you too!" she said to her friend and hugged him.

"I swear, once you start your career as a doctor, I want to be one of the first patient of yours!" he said.

She nodded. "Thanks Sang Hyun."



"Congratulations to Sang Hyun to Jeong-Ah!" Changmin said.

"Congratulations!" the rest of DBSK said to the two.

"How does it feel to accomplish your goals?" Junsu asked.

"Great!" Sang Hyun said to him. "I admit, at first I thought it'd be impossible for me to become an optomitrist but with the encouragements of friends and families, I'm glad I was able to reach my goal. Especially with you hyungs around. I know I haven't met you guys for that long but I'm glad Jeong-Ah noona introduced me to all of you. I can definitely see that you're all a family. I'm most thankful that Jeong-Ah is with a man whom she can love and express herself. Yunho-hyung, you have to take good care of Jeong-Ah noona."

"I definitely will." Yunho said, smiling.

"Dude, you make it seem as if Jeong-Ah is getting married." Changmin said to Sang Hyun jokingly.

"You sound like what my cousin would say to me." Jeong-Ah chimed in. "But, thanks Sang Hyun."

He smiled. "No problem noona! I'll miss you when you become an actress!"

"But that doesn't mean you won't see my often." she said. "I recently talked to Mr. Yang and he said I could still work as a doctor as long as I fulfill one drama roll."

"Then you're able to do what you love." Changmin said. "At the same time."

"In a way, yes." she said. "We're in the process of balancing things out. If it doesn't work out, Mr. Yang said I'll be debuting as a singer instead and release at least two full albums but if I really wanted to start my career as a doctor, he'll debut me and see how things go first. Then, we'll go from there."

"Honestly speaking..." JaeJoong began. "I always liked Mr. Yang Hyun Suk more than Mr. Lee Soo Man."

Everyone looked at him.

"I mean, Mr. Lee is pretty cool too! It's just Mr. Yang seems understanding." he explained. "Also, based on what Jeong-Ah is saying, he seems so cool. Letting her be a doctor and a celebrity. You don't see idols or celebrities in general doing such things."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Hyung is right." Junsu said. "Mr. Yang does seem cool."

"I actually don't regret signing a contract with YG Entertainment." Jeong-Ah said. "I'm actually thankful Mr. Yang is understanding enough to even help me out with paying for my tuitions."

"And I'm thankful for meeting the perfect girlfriend." Yunho said and he took Jeong-Ah's hand.


"Our flight is in the afternoon to California." Yunho reminded Jeong-Ah before allowing her to get out of the car.

She nodded. "Don't worry, I already packed everything. You have my passport right?"

He smiled. "Yes~"

"Alright, see you tomorrow." she said, smiling at him.

"Okay. See you!" he replied and quickly kissed her on the cheek. "Good night."

"Good night."

Vispre - They should be more romantic~ LOOL! Don't worry, they will :D && no. Changmin is just... TOO CARING? LOOL! You'll find out more in future chapters [:

baby_Uknow - LOOL. Haha,

QueenB_doll - I should've ]: ! It's okay! I'll add more cute/romantic scenes in upcoming chapters :D ! Look forward to it.

OMG. This story kinda reflects my life. KIND OF. LOOL. I just realized that. It's okay because I find it a lot easier to write since I can relate to it~ && yeah, I wana be a doctor as well as a musician so in the story, Jeong-Ah's personality is like mines, straightforward, determined, etc. Today I got asked by my own grandma about my future career & I said music (musician) and medical (doctor). Fudgers. xD ! Hope you guys like this chapter~

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Awww. I always end up wanting the guy the girl uses to get over the main guy to end up together. Does that make sense?? lol
Anyways this was a really good story!!
lol, it's okay.<br />
but i do like the side stories :]<br />
now i feel bad for jae bcs he sure loves jeong-ah a lot!
it's good that you explain everything in the side story :)<br />
maybe you should just make this before the epilogue, lol.<br />
but well, it's okay.
meeeyi #4
hi there i'm a new reader :))<br />
just finished reading the whole thing (and not working on my 4-paged paper)<br />
thanks so much for a nice story!!<br />
although i have to say... i'd prefer her to end up with jaejoong instead of yunho ._________.<br />
but oh wells. your choice :)<br />
oh and i found it really interesting that you made seohyun portray the antagonist XDD<br />
since normally she'd be the obedient one compared to the rest of SNSD<br />
what if......seohyun suddenly met yunshik? lols that would be a fun sub-story..<br />
anyways. thanks again!
QueenB_doll #5
waaaaaah!! end already.. :( , but still..i love the ending,, what a cute family they are.. i think yunho will ask jeongah to have more children kekekekeke'..
koreankendi #6
Waaaahhhh!!! Hahahahha! It's been a while since i last read a good yunho fic. Thanks! ^_^
wah you did double update and finished this story!<br />
it's a nice ending.<br />
overall, i love it!<br />
thanks for making such a story! <3
blackorchid #8
I just read it all, spent the past 3 hours reading it and it was so nice. I was a little rooting for Jaejoong to end up with Jeong-ah and I'm a little disappointed that they didn't. I'm still curious about how Changhyun handled the whole Yunho thing. And also the ex bf that hurt her that made her hate the river side, still wondering about that. Oh well, I guess like life there has to be some mystery.<br />
<br />
Anyways, awesome fic!
awesome ending :)
Nope i disagree, it was an awesome ending. :)