Halloween Special

[Updated w/ side story] Chance

Note: Everyone is in the states for the Halloween Special. I don't even know if Korea does Halloween... xD !

How the game goes

- Involves 7 Deadly Sins
- 7 puzzles
- To pass, you must solve the puzzle logically
- If you fail a puzzle, you'll have to retry from the beginning

Texts in red are said by props within the maze/puzzle.

"Haunted house tonight?" Changmin asked everyone.

Jeong-Ah took the pamphlet he was reading and her eyes widened.

"We should go~" she cried. "Please?"

"Yeah!" Changmin chimed in. "Please?"

"What's so good about a haunted house?" Junsu asked. "I find it stupid."

"You've never been to one." Yoochun said glaring at him. "I'm in!"

JaeJoong and Yunho shook their heads.

"Lame." JaeJoong said.

"Jagiya, wouldn't you rather stay here and enjoy some time with me?" Yunho asked. "We haven't had a proper date in awhile."

Jeong-Ah shook her head. "No, I'd rather go to the haunted house."

"Fine, while you three stay back." Changmin said. "Me, Yoochun-hyung, and Jeong-Ah noona will go to the haunted house!"

Yunho glared at him. "HELL NO. Fine, I'm going."

"I guess I'll go too then." JaeJoong said, shrugging.

Junsu pouted. "I have no choice do I?"

"Unless you wana be a loner." Changmin grinned.

Junsu glared at him.


-4 Hours Later-

"Yah! Why are you not dressed yet?" Jeong-Ah nagged Yunho.

He groaned. "I thought wives nag husbands. Not girlfriends nag boyfriends."

She glared at him. "Forget you!"

Yunho's eyes widened. "Okay! Okay! I'll go change."


[Great America]

"Let's go to the 7 Deadly Sins one!" Changmin excitedly said and dragged Jeong-Ah with him. Yunho glared at him from behind.

"Chill dude!" JaeJoong said patting Yunho on the back.


"Are you sure about this?" Yunho whispered to Jeong-Ah as he took her hand and intertwined their fingers.

She grinned. "Where's the tiny paper with the instructions?"

Yunho handed her the paper as she smiled.

"Gluttony." she read out loud. "Inordinate desire to eat more than needed. In other words, eating excessive food."

In front lays three different cakes. Pick the correct one and move on. Pick the incorrect one and you'll be chased out.

Yunho groaned.

"Choose one." Jeong-Ah said.

"The small one." Yunho mumbled.

"We'll pick the middle one!" she said pointing to the smallest cake.


Jeong-Ah smiled and led Yunho to the next puzzle.

"Envy." she said. "Desires for others' traits, abilities, status, etc."

You must retrieve the treasure box within the bathtub. Beware, do not touch the lady inside or she will chase you out of the maze. You have 1 minute to retrieve the box.

Jeong-Ah pulled Yunho towards the bathtub and he cringed.

"Grab the treasure box." she whispered to him.

He shook his head. "Y-you do it!"

45 seconds.

"Hurry up!" she hissed.

Yunho closed his eyes and dipped his hand inside retrieving the box and immediately pulled out afterwards. She smiled and opened the box.

"Next." she smiled.


[JaeJoong & Yoochun]

"Gluttony." Yoochun said and stared at the three items in front of him. "I pick the middle one, the smallest one."

You've passed continue on.

JaeJoong scoffed. "This is lame~"

"Say that now and next thing you know, you'll be screaming  for your life." Yoochun chuckled. He casually walked to the next puzzle and looked at it in amazement.

"She's cute." JaeJoong mumbled.

Yoochun read the information given on the tiny piece of paper and grinned. "Hyung, walked towards the bathtub and reach your hand in. There should be treasure box in there."

He smiled. "Okay."

JaeJoong rolled his sleeves up and put his hand in to retrieve the box but touch the girl's thigh in accident. She immediately hissed and jumped out of the bathtub chasing him out of the maze causing Yoochun to laugh as he followed his hyung from behind to start over once more.


[Junsu & Changmin]

"Let's pick the one hyung!" Changmin said to Junsu.

"No, you pick the medium one!" Junsu argued. "Gluttony means excessive amount of food! You're not supposed to have excessive amount of food!"

"Well, you're not supposed to have the right amount of food either!" Changmin said smartly.

"Fine, we'll go with the middle one." Junsu said shaking his head.



"Grab the treasure box without touching the girl." Changmin said to Junsu.

He nodded and retrieved the small box within seconds.


[Yunho & Jeong-Ah]

"Pride." Jeong-Ah said. "Excessive beliefs in one's ability that interferes with individual's recognition of grace of God's."

"What exactly are we supposed to do?" Yunho asked.

Jeong-Ah shrugged.

You have two minutes to find the right entrance to the next puzzle.
There are two doors.
One to your left and one to your right.
Choose the correct one and you'll advance on.
Choose the incorrect one and you'll be led out.

Jeong-Ah nodded. "Left or right?"

"Are you left of right handed?" Yunho asked.

"Right. Why?"

"We pick left!' Yunho yelled.

You pass.

The two advanced onto the fourth puzzle and looked at it quizically.

"Lust." Jeong-Ah read off the tiny paper the two received since the start of the maze. "Inordinate desire for pleasures of the body."

Yunho grinned. "I'm only lustful for you."

She rolled her eyes. "Yah! They gave us a flashlight. Where is it?"

Yunho handed her the tiny flashlight given at the beginning of the maze and she quickly shone it around.

"T-there's a girl!" he cried. "And she's crawling towards us!"

"The exit is near her bed." Jeong-Ah mumbled.

"S-she's moving towards us!" Yunho screamed. "Oh my gosh! Run!"

He quickly tugged on Jeong-Ah's hand and ran towards the exit where the mattress laid avoiding the girl crawling towards them.

"Pass!" Jeong-Ah proudly said then her eyes widened at the view in front of her.

"Sloth." Yunho read. "Avoidence of spiritual and physical work."

To pass this puzzle, you must first retrieve the key to the right.

The two turned to the right and saw a key lying on the ground.

Beware of items on ground that will make noises.
Wake up the girl and you fail the puzzle.
You have two minutes.

Yunho tightly held onto Jeong-Ah's hand as the two made their way towards the key on the ground slowly.

"Watch out." Jeong-Ah whispered to him.

He nodded and looked at the ground afraid he's step onto something. The two then picked up the key and advanced to the exit.



[Junsu & Changmin]

"Changmin-ah, she's hot." Junsu said with envying eyes as he looked at the girl crawling towards them.

A low, hissing noise could be heard.

"What are we supposed to do?" Changmin asked.

Junsu shrugged. The two stood there for awhile longer before realizing the girl was getting closer and closer towards them.

"D-dongsaeng!" Junsu stuttered. "S-she's."

The girl jumped up from the ground and chased the two men around in circles before the two were kicked out of the maze and saw Yoochun and JaeJoong.

"Only Yunho and Jeong-Ah are left." Yoochun said once Junsu and Changmin approached them.


You must decide of all these items, what matters most.
Choose the correct one and move onto the final round.
Choose the incorrect one and you will have to begin from the beginning.
You have two minutes.

Jeong-Ah and Yunho nodded as they made their wat around the area looking at the items carefully.

"I think we need the box." Yunho whispered to Jeong-Ah.

"Why would you need a box?" she asked.

"It has money."

"You're trying to not be greedy." she pointed out.

"Oh." he replied. "The watch?"

1 minute 30 seconds

"That can't be it." she mumbled. "Can you please let go of my hand?"

"No!" he protested.

50 seconds.

"The portrait." Jeong-Ah confidently said. "You'd take a portrait with you."

"Why a portrait?" Yunho asked. "It's useless."

"But it may be important to your family." she said.

20 seconds.

She picked up the portrait and handed it to the person.

You've passed.
Move onto the final stage.



"Do you think they're on the last puzzle?" Changmin asked.

"They should be." Yoochun said. "Considering they're still not out."


[Jeong-Ah & Yunho]

"Anger." Yunho said. "Manifested in individual who spurns love and opts instead for feary. Also known as wrath."

To complete this task you must find a way to free the lady and take her to her son.
You have three minutes to complete the task.


Jeong-Ah and Yunho walked around the box and Yunho jumped when he saw the lady screaming and pounding onto the box.

"Can we just give up and leave?" he asked Jeong-Ah.

"No." she said. "Ah, we need a key!"

"The key's over there." Yunho said pointing to where the kid was sitting, crying for his mom.

Jeong-Ah quickly made her way over and screamed when suddenly one of the props jumped out on her.

"Before you retrieve the key. You must answer my question." he said. "List all the sins in order from when you started until now, with anger as your last one."

"Gluttony." Jeong-Ah began. "Envy. Pride. Lust. Sloth. and finally, Anger."

"Correct." he said and handed her the key.

1 minute 15 seconds

She quickly made her way towards Yunho and unlocked the box. She grabbed the woman's hand and led her to her son with 20 seconds to spare.

Congratulations, you've passed the 7 Deadly Sins challenge.
Here are two free meal passes good for any restaurant at the park.

"Thanks so much!" Jeong-Ah cried in excitement.


"How was it?" Yoochun asked the two when they walked out of the maze.

"We passed!" Jeong-Ah excitedly said. "We got a free meal pass."

Changmin looked at his best friend with shining eyes.

"Noona?" he pouted.

She laughed and handed him the ticket. "Here you go."

"Thank you noona!" he cried and hugged her tightly. "I love you best friend!"


[After the Haunted House]

"The Seven Deadly Sins was stupid." JaeJoong sneered.

"That's cuz we got kicked out after you touched the girl." Yoochun laughed.

"You didn't tell me I wasn't supposed to!" he protested.

Jeong-Ah laughed. "The good thing I got out of this was seeing Yunho scared."

"I was not scared!" he cried. "I just screamed because I wanted to scare you."

"You liar!" she said. "Remember when that bat came out of no where and then the props chased us with plastic knives? You screamed saying that we're all gona get killed!"

"Really?" Changmin asked with wide eyes. "HAHA! What a baby."

Yunho glared at the youngest male. "Halloween is stupid."

Yoochun scoffed. "I haven't had this much fun in years. I wish I could spend Halloween in the states once in awhile. It how Korea doesn't celebrate Halloween."

"If Korea did, Yunho would probably be out of the country." Jeong-Ah joked.

He glared at her.

"We should definitely go back some time." Yoochun said.

"No thanks!" Junsu protested. "I agree with Yunho-hyung. It's stupid."

"You're stupid." Changmin said. "At least our last day in the states was fun. Right?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"We should have a day like this." JaeJoong said. "Not the haunted house thing but just a whole night with all of us like this. It's nice."

"Definitely." Yunho said as he wrapped his arms around Jeong-Ah. "I wouldn't mind such a thing."

She laughed and leaned in towards him giving him a kiss on the lips.

I tried to make it funny but actually, the 7 Deadly Sins maze/puzzle is portrayed after my experience at my friend's school's haunted house last year. Most of these puzzles did happen last year (only 1 or 2 are made-up) and even though Jeong-Ah & Yunho completed it the first time, it took me several times to complete it. We even had to guess the sins! LOOL. But yeah~ I hope you guys liked the Halloween Special though (:

@QueenB_doll - HAHA. Changmin is such a devil! Here's the Halloween special. I tried to make it funny but I couldn't really think of anything funny so I'm sorry ]:

@gofanfic - He's too jealous? HAHA.

@baby_Uknow - Yunho would hate Changmin afterwards~ LOOL!

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Awww. I always end up wanting the guy the girl uses to get over the main guy to end up together. Does that make sense?? lol
Anyways this was a really good story!!
lol, it's okay.<br />
but i do like the side stories :]<br />
now i feel bad for jae bcs he sure loves jeong-ah a lot!
it's good that you explain everything in the side story :)<br />
maybe you should just make this before the epilogue, lol.<br />
but well, it's okay.
meeeyi #4
hi there i'm a new reader :))<br />
just finished reading the whole thing (and not working on my 4-paged paper)<br />
thanks so much for a nice story!!<br />
although i have to say... i'd prefer her to end up with jaejoong instead of yunho ._________.<br />
but oh wells. your choice :)<br />
oh and i found it really interesting that you made seohyun portray the antagonist XDD<br />
since normally she'd be the obedient one compared to the rest of SNSD<br />
what if......seohyun suddenly met yunshik? lols that would be a fun sub-story..<br />
anyways. thanks again!
QueenB_doll #5
waaaaaah!! end already.. :( , but still..i love the ending,, what a cute family they are.. i think yunho will ask jeongah to have more children kekekekeke'..
koreankendi #6
Waaaahhhh!!! Hahahahha! It's been a while since i last read a good yunho fic. Thanks! ^_^
wah you did double update and finished this story!<br />
it's a nice ending.<br />
overall, i love it!<br />
thanks for making such a story! <3
blackorchid #8
I just read it all, spent the past 3 hours reading it and it was so nice. I was a little rooting for Jaejoong to end up with Jeong-ah and I'm a little disappointed that they didn't. I'm still curious about how Changhyun handled the whole Yunho thing. And also the ex bf that hurt her that made her hate the river side, still wondering about that. Oh well, I guess like life there has to be some mystery.<br />
<br />
Anyways, awesome fic!
awesome ending :)
Nope i disagree, it was an awesome ending. :)