We Got Married Global Season 3

Love Marked into Her Heart

Individual Interviews

“Hi, this is your boy, Mark, from Got7, and I am one of the cast members for We Got Married Global Season 3.” *Got7’s Girls Girls Girls plays in the background. Insert introduction about Mark and his engagement with Michelle here*

Q: How do you feel as an engaged man now?

            Mark lets out a nervous laugh and look down at the ground. “I’m extremely happy and blessed to be engaged now… Though I knew that my fiancée is the one for me, it took a while for me to gain the confidence to finally propose to her.”


            “Which camera do I look at? This one?... Hello, everyone. I am Michelle, Got7’s Mark’s fiancée.” Michelle says confidently and gives the audience a beautiful, genuine smile.

            Q: Thoughts on your engagement?

            Michelle smiles and looks at the camera with a meaningful gaze. “I extremely blessed, happy, and thankful for having Mark in my life and for being engaged to him. To be honest, I am a pretty emotional/feeling person, so there were a lot of happy tears when he proposed to me.”

            Q: How did Mark propose to you?

            Michelle laughs. “It was at a fancy, secluded restaurant in Seoul. Sort of your typical proposal setting, but I’m pretty old-fashioned anyways.”

            Q: Mark’s fellow bandmate, Jackson, previously mentioned that Mark is a manly beast. Is that true?

            Michelle’s eyes widen in surprise. “Where did you pull that out from?? Wasn’t that years ago?!” Blush was evident in her cheeks. After a pause to formulate her answer, she replies, “Though Mark is a quiet person at times, he is very manly.” Michelle laughs.


            Q: Thoughts on filming for We Got Married?

            “I was hesitant at first because I was worried that Michelle would get hurt by viewers’ harsh comments as she is a pretty sensitive person. But, she was the one who really wanted to be part of this program, and she assured me that she would be fine. So I am very excited to be part of this reality show since I think that it will help us transition into our marriage. I’m looking forward to the memories we will be making together through this program.”

            “Mark and I asked that we don’t have a lot of lines for our scripts, so this will be more of our true interactions with each other as a couple. Mark was busy for the past three months, and now that he's on break from his normal work routine, he has more time to spend with me. We thought that we might be able to experience more exciting things together on a show like this especially because we’ll be living together and completing the assigned missions, so we decided to take on this offer.”



Couple Interview

Q: How did you two meet?

Mark: We actually knew each other since we were really young. When Michelle’s family moved to LA from Atlanta, both of our parents met each other at church. I guess that it’s sort of natural for parents with the same-aged kids to become friends.


Q: Oh. So you two are the same age (chingus)?

Michelle: *laughing* Yes. Mark was born on September 4, 1993, and I was born exactly one month after, October 4.


Q: How did you feel when Mark went away to become a trainee in Korea?

            “I was sad, no doubt about it,” Michelle replies. She lets out a deep sigh. “I had a bit of a hard time, to be honest. Mark knows… We were good friends since we were young, and he was practically my brother whom I loved very much. We went to elementary school together, but then I went to a different middle school from him. When we started high school, we were going to the same school again.

            “I didn’t have many friends at the time because all of my middle school friends attended a different high school, and my best friend from middle school moved all the way to the other side of the country. Mark was my closest friend for the first two years of high school. When he left, I was pretty lonely. I even cried at one point to my mom…”

            Tears start to form in her eyes, and she looks down and apologizes. “Sorry, I’m a very emotional person.”

            She suddenly laughs at herself and looks up, “Why am I crying about this now? This is not something that I should cry about. There are more serious things to cry about!”

            She pauses for a bit and then continues, “But… back then, I didn’t even have texting… And I knew that he would be busy with training, so we would not be able to contact with each other that much. I think that not having someone who was next to me for almost my whole life and not knowing when I will see him again made me extremely sad.”

            After calming down for a bit, Michelle begins again, “Before Mark left, I was confused about our relationship. It wasn’t anything that he did, but so many of our classmates asked if I liked him because he was very popular and I was his closest girl friend. I always pushed it off saying that we were only childhood friends. But after having so many people ask me that, I started to question myself, ‘Do I really only see him as a brother? Or do I like spending time with him because of other reasons?’

            “I actually prayed to God that I would find the answer soon or that He would take this perturbing thought away from me, and he did fulfill my request and had Mark leave for Korea.” Michelle smiles, “It was probably a good thing though. I think that we both were able to grow more mature individually rather than start a relationship with each other at an immature stage of our lives. And also, it gave me time to understand who I am and for me to gain confidence and independence.

            “Again, I am just so thankful that God brought us back together again. This time, as partners for life.”


Q: How was moving away from home to Korea at such a young age?

            “It was very hard, as you can imagine. I only finished the first couple of months of junior year in high school, and then I left all of my family and friends. I had just gotten my driver’s license, my parents bought me a car. In short, I was living a normal high school student’s life, but I just suddenly gave all of that up for an opportunity that I was still uncertain about at the time.

            “When I was in the States, I had no interest in Korean artists. But after being cast at school, I auditioned and qualified. My friends and parents all told me that this was a good opportunity however, that I had the right to take it if I wanted to or to not do it if I didn’t. I came to Korea with the mentality, ‘Let’s try it.’ I had the opportunity to stand on stage for a showcase as a trainee and my first stage was so fun. Since then, I took my dreams of becoming a singer more seriously."

            “Also, since Michelle and I have missed so many years of being with each other—even as friends—I think that we’ve learned not to take each other for granted, and we’re trying to make up for lost time.”

A/N: Happy New Year to all of my readers!!! Hope that you enjoy this chapter. As you may see, this fic will not be in chronological order. There will be a few flashbacks to Mark's and Michelle's childhood and high school years =P I wish everyone a merry 2015!!! Make the best of it! You have 365 new chances each day =]] Thanks for reading~

*the words in blue are what Mark actually said in a real-life interview x

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kohakuhime #1
Chapter 3: plz update. they are soo cute together ^^