Sooner rather than later

Fate will return you what you try to let go

While Yonghwa was busy with the CNBlue members on their new album, Seohyun stayed home to read books. However at times when she got bored, she would play the piano or practice her guitar. Seohyun learnt from books that music is one of the ways she could communicate with the unborn babies. She also hoped that her children would love music as much as Yonghwa and her did. 

One afternoon, Seohyun was having her lunch at home with her mum when suddenly, she felt uncomfortable. She was already 34 weeks into the pregnancy and felt tired and restless easily and so she didn't think much about the discomfort. Seohyun then told her mum that she felt some pressure in the abdomen and wanted to lie down. Seohyun soon fell asleep and slept for a couple of hours before she got woken up by a series of abdominal cramps. She tried to get out of bed but as she attempted to stand up, she felt water leaking from below. Seohyun was confused as she thought that she had urinated but as she took a closer look, it was clear liquid with no smell. She called out to her mum who was in the kitchen preparing dinner. Seohyun's mum further examined her daughter and she was certain that her water bag has broken. Seohyun was then instructed to lie down on the bed while her mum helped to pack clothes for her and the babies, along with other essentials, incase she goes into labour. Seohyun could feel that she's starting to feel feverish and cold while waiting for her mum, she also knew that something wasn't right. So she called Yonghwa. 

SH: "Yong... I think my water bag broke.."

YH: "What?! Isn't it too early? Are you sure?"

SH: "Yes, even my mum confirms it. And Yong, I'm also having fever... I think."

YH: "When did this happen? Can you walk? Will mum-in-law be able to send you to the hospital now?"

SH: "I just woke up and noticed water dripping down my thigh. Yes I can walk but I'm leaking water especially when I stand up."

YH: "Ok, Hyunnie wait for me, I'm on my way home, Jonghyun will drive us to the hospital alright?"

SH: "Come quickly please. Yong, I'm so scared."

YH: "Don't be scared, I'll be there with you shortly, wait for me ok?"

Minhyuk and Jungshin continued with their respective recording while Yonghwa and Jonghyun drove back home to pick up Seohyun and her mum. On the way back, Yonghwa was nervous and worried at the same time as the babies were only 32 weeks old, Although most babies are born full term at about 40 weeks, twins are usually delivered earlier at about 36 weeks. Their doctor has already asked them to be prepared as it was highly probable that the babies would be born preterm but Yonghwa didn't expect it to be so soon. 

Seohyun's mum was also very worried as she didn't recall going through anything like that when she gave birth to Seohyun. She also noticed that Seohyun did not have contractions and her water leaked bit by bit instead of gushing out at once. Seohyun also couldn't relate her symptoms to those stated in the pregnancy guide books and she was feeling weak while holding on to her mother. Both the mum and daughter waited anxiously at the carpark for Yonghwa until a black car showed up finally. Yonghwa was shocked to see Seohyun in that condition as she appeared normal in the morning before he left for work. 

Once Seohyun and her mum got Inside the car, Seohyun rested her head on Yonghwa's chest. Yonghwa was Seohyun's hair gently and holding her hand when he actually felt her rising temperature. 

YH: "Our hyun is having fever now.. Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere now?"

(Seohyun shook her head gently)

YH: "Hyun ah, you'll be fine, I'm here so don't worry."

(Yonghwa then turned to his mum-in-law)

YH: "Mum, thanks for taking care of Hyun, luckily you were with her."

SH's mum: "But why is she having fever out of a sudden? Now I just hope that the babies and her will be fine.." (worried)

JH: "We are reaching already. Hang in there, Seohyun."

It was a relief for the couple when they arrived at the hospital as Dr Yoo happened to be on night duty that day. After a brief conversation and assessment on Seohyun, the doctor ordered immediate blood test and ultrasound scan to check on her and the babies.

While the nurse prepared Seohyun for the scan, Dr Yoo explained to Yonghwa the various test and scans she would carry out to determine the health status of his wife and babies. Yonghwa seemed increasingly worried when the nurse informed Dr Yoo that Seohyun's temperature was 39.1 degrees Celsius but Dr Yoo needed to check on the babies as soon as possible as she feared that Seohyun could be having an infection and if the twins were to get infected as well, it would be complicated and posed threat to the babies.

Dr Yoo: "Baby B ok... But Baby A..." (stares at the monitor with concer)

YH: "Whats wrong with Baby A?" 

Dr Yoo: "Baby B's amniotic fluid level in the sac is normal. But baby A..  amniotic level is very very low. So the water that leaked, must have come from Baby A. We need mummy to stay on complete bed rest, you don't have much amniotic fluid left in there for Baby A so you can't stand up or the fluid will get completely drained."

SH: "What happens if the level remains low or completely dries up? Will this pose any danger to him?"

Dr. Yoo: "We need to look at your blood test results first. If the bag has broken because of infection, you and the baby have a high risk of getting the infection and I may advise you to deliver sooner to prevent this. Meanwhile, Seohyun you should drink more water to hydrate yourself and pump up the amniotic fluid. But remember, don't get up because there's a tear in the sac now."

SH: "The sister is living comfortably inside but the brother is feeling uncomfortable inside? In worst case scenario we have to get both of them out. The sister could have stayed awhile longer till full term but..."

Yonghwa looked at Seohyun, he felt the pain, but he tried to be positive and encouraging so that Seohyun would feel better. Just as he was discussing with Seohyun on the possible scenarios and best actions to take, Seohyun felt the contractions coming, wave after wave. The blood test results later also confirmed Seohyun having bladder infection and Doctor started antibiotics immediately for her. Seohyun has always wanted to give birth naturally without epidural and despite the incredible pain, she refused to take epidural. A few hours later, Dr Yoo was surprised to find Seohyun 7cm dilated and she could start to push once the dilation measures 10cm.  She then attempted to break Baby B's water bag to induce labour as well.

Yonghwa was with Seohyun throughout the labour and whenever he sees Seohyun groaning in pain, his heart ached for her. He tried to comfort her and then distract her by talking about his new album and anything else he could think of. Just then, Dr Yoo came into the room and encouraged Seohyun to push at the count of 3. Every push felt like a hundred needles poking all over her but she never gave up. After 2 hours, Seohyun gathered her strength and tried again, this time with better control of strength and timing. Yonghwa was cheering Seohyun on when he saw the top of a head slowly emerging. Seohyun gave one big push when Dr Yoo said that the baby's head is stuck and she needs to push or the baby won't be able to breathe anymore. Seohyun was in tears as she feared the safety for her baby and finally pushed the baby out with all her might. 

Tears blurred Yonghwa's vision when he saw his little girl out. He kissed on Seohyun's forehead and said to her, "Hyun-Ae is beautiful, just like you.." The nurse then quickly took the baby girl away for immediate assessment. As the baby was born pretermed, the nonatalogist was there on standby too. 

By then, Seohyun was extremely exhausted and after resting for 3 mins, she started pushing again. But just as she stopped to rest to prepare for the next push, the alarm for the heart rate monitoring system was triggered, indicating that the baby is in distress. Dr Yoo immediately ordered her nurses to prepare of emergency c-section as the baby's heart rate was way higher than the normal reading. Dr Yoo told Seohyun that the baby is in critical condition and any delay could be a matter of life and death. Seohyun cried when she understood that she may lose the other baby and she agreed to C-section immediately and begged Dr Yoo to keep Hyun-Ki alive by all means. Dr Yoo then administered general anaesthetic and knocked Seohyun out within minutes. Yonghwa stayed by Seohyun side and prayed for his son's safety. But as the doctor laid his surgery blade on Seohyun, tears began to roll down his cheeks. Though Seohyun couldn't feel anything, Yonghwa's heart was already bleeding seeing the cuts that she had to endure and her going through natural delivery without epidural. There were lots of mixed emotions especially when moments later, Yonghwa saw the most beautiful thing ever right in front of him. Baby Hyun-Ki was almost purplish and did not make any noise like his sister did. The doctor quickly cleared the baby's mouth and slap on his several times before he let out the cutest cry that Yonghwa has ever heard. "Waaaaaa!!!" Baby Hyun-Ki greeted his daddy and by this time his face has recovered to a pinkish tone. Yonghwa was extremely emotional. The nurse showed Baby Hyun-ki to Yonghwa and took him away for the neonatologist to assess his condition. Hyun-Ki weighed only 2.1kg while his sister weighed 2.3kg. Both of them were placed into an incubator each and transferred to the NICU shortly after.

After which, Seohyun was being monitored by the nurses and doctor until the anesthesia wears off. Yonghwa in the mean time, went back to the private suite to wait for his wife. Jonghyun had left a message earlier that he would send Seohyun's mum home and they will visit again the following day as it was already 2am when they left. The babies were born at 4.30am and 4.38am respectively. Dr Yoo came by later on to inform that both babies are doing well except that they were too light and they would need to be kept under observation for the next few days. She also updated him that Seohyun has just gotten up and she should be transferred back to the suite soon. 

While Yonghwa was waiting in the room, he called his parents in Busan to deliver the good news. Although his parents were shocked that Seohyun delivered the babies pretermed, they were glad that the mummy and the babies are all well . The other CNBlue members were also relieved to learn the safe delivery of the babies. They have promised to visit the couple and their babies the following day. 

When Seohyun got transferred back to the room, she appeared weak but managed to smile at her husband.

SH: "You saw them?" (Grins)

YH: "Yes, but only took a quick look as they have to be placed in the incubator immediately."

SH: "Finally... "

YH: "Hyun ah, (holds Seohyun's hands and with tears welling in his eyes) Thank you for delivering Hyun-Ae and Hyun-Ki. You are so brave. I love you."

SH: "Thank you, Yong, I am glad to start a family with you. Let's work harder in future for our children."

YH: "Yes. Fighting! But how do you feel now? Must be in pain all over."

SH: "Still ok as the anaesthesia is still working I guess. I'll be dead tomorrow."

YH: "Why don't you get some sleep first? There will be visitors tomorrow and you won't be able to rest much."

SH: "Right.. You have to sleep too then."

YH: "Ok, will sleep after you, hehe."

Seohyun fell asleep shortly after she shut her eyes. She was completely exhausted. It was a day she couldn't forget, a day when she finally gets to meet her babies although she hasn't even seen Hyun-Ki yet. It wasn't easy, but it was a satisfying journey. 




to be continued..

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Chapter 34: Hyun-ae and hyun-ki are sooo adorable!
Chapter 34: I hope you can update soon
Fmartdia #3
Chapter 33: Waiting for your update huhuhu
SweetPotatoGoguma #4
update the story please author-nim, i miss yongseo family so much huhu T.T
please update your story
munie87 #6
Chapter 34: Kekekeke... they r lucky as hyun ae still a baby n not understand that...
Will d twins get dongsaeng soon?
Thanks for update authornim..
yulka4 #7
Chapter 34: I've read the fanfic in one breath. It's very light, possitive, hilarious and at the same time sweet. I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter. Thank you for your hard work! 감사합니다 (is that the right way to say thank you?)!!!!
Chapter 33: It' funny chapter
Update soon
b_noonna #9
Chapter 33: Omo im lol hyunki gives jungshin xtra hair essence....
mizhielle03 #10
Chapter 33: i also want to have them to be my CNBaby sitter when i have a baby.. :D