Not Mine

You're Only Mine

*Beep *Beep* *Beep*


Chanyeol woke up sheepishly to the faint sound of his alarm. He struggled to open his heavy eyelids, and the darkness of the room didn't help to snap him awake. He tried to shake off the exhaustion that still lingered in his tired muscles after their tight schedule yesterday and the few hours of extra practice they did afterwards.


He heard a slight creak together with a light movement that travelled from the upper deck, down to his part of the bed. This isn't the first time he felt movement from the bed right above his, after all, Baekhyun isn't the quiet sleeper.


Thinking about the early start of their day and the crowd they'll be making in front of the washroom in a few minutes if he doesn't get up now, convinced Chanyeol to wake up and get himself washed up before the other members do. He rubbed his eyes and yawn once more before he stood up and checked Baekhyun from the upper bunk. His co-member was still fast asleep, his handphone clutched in his hand, the alarm killed before it even had a chance to make a sound. Chanyeol just smiled as he looked at Baekhyun's curled up figure, not so different from a little puppy. He fixed his blanket and lightly brushed his cheeks with his fingers before grabbing a towel and making his way to the washroom.


He washed up quickly and brushed his teeth just in time before D.O. appeared outside the door.


"Morning..." D.O. greeted, still with half-opened eyes.


"Morning." Chanyeol greeted back. "How's Jongin?" he asked before D.O. could close the door.


"He's fine now. Just a bit feverish." he answered, then finally shut the door to wash up, too.


Their main dancer was running a fever last night and D.O. being his roommate and his pair, meant that the older member will take care of the younger one, it's the normal thing to do. But in D.O. and Kai's case, the short member pays extra attention to the dancer when he gets sick, giving him lesser the amount of sleep they all get, and it's not much to begin with. Well, it comes as no surprise anymore since they've been dating for almost a year now. What a perfect way to prevent their pair from dating someone else, date each other. Of course, it's a secret from anyone outside the group since technically they are banned from dating, co-member or not, and they currently have two official couples.


He made his way back to their room and before changing his clothes, he went close to the bed to wake Baekhyun up. He was about to, when he decided to stare at his sleeping face first. Baekhyun possess such girlish features, especially his face; angular eyes, small nose and thin pink lips, let's not mention his hands that look way too beautiful even for a girl, and he's not a girl. Chanyeol let his fingers brush Baekhyun's hair, tracing the light curls of his brown hair. He was lost in his thoughts when the sleeping member made movement and let out his puppy-like whines. His whines bothered him before because it made him unable to get any sleep unless Baekhyun manages to fall asleep completely, but Chanyeol grew to adore this little habit and now he has nothing but endearment towards it. Chanyeol let out a big smile as he ruffled Baekhyun's hair hard to wake him up.


"Wake up. Wake up. Wash up now. We have to leave in a while." he said with his cave-like voice.


Baekhyun got up, still half-asleep and yawning. He tried to get down from the upper bunk, like how he does every morning, and if it wasn't for Chanyeol standing guard and helping him get down safely every single time, Baekhyun might've fallen not just once. Once he was safely down, Chanyeol grabbed the towel and handed it to the still-sleepy member then guided him out of the room. He needs to be done getting ready before Baekhyun comes back from the washroom so he can help him get dressed.


Quickly, he finished changing then opened Baekhyun's closet and scanned the hanged clothes. His roommate came back in the room all washed up and is now wide awake. He approched Chanyeol who was still in front of the closet holding a shirt and pants.


"Thanks." Baekhyun said as his roommate handed the clothes to him. 


"Do you want to eat first?" Chanyeol asked while rummaging through the drawers to get Baekhyun's socks.


"Sure. Do we still have time?" he answered, pulling down his t-shirt through his head.


"Yeah. I can still make french toast." the tall member replied and handed Baekhyun a pair of white socks.


"Then let's have that." he said as he put on his pants.


Chanyeol made his way out of the room and straight to the kitchen where he found D.O. already there, cooking some soup and making french toast.


"Chanyeolie. Could you make the rest? I have to feed Jongin and make him drink his meds and he's still asleep." D.O. said exhasperatedly when he saw the tall member.


"I was planning to. Just go and take care of him." he said, sending the short member out of the kitchen and D.O. was more than happy to comply. He hurried off with a tray containing a bowl of soup, some of the toast, a glass of water and cold medicine.


Chanyeol wore the extra apron in the kitchen, since D.O. forgot to remove the one he was wearing before he left, and took over with the cooking. He got a few slices of bread on the pan when he heard Baekhyun call out for him.




"Yes?" he answered back, not bothering to tone down his voice because everyone needs to wake up, if they are still asleep.


"Do you know where my shoes are?" Baekhyun yelled back from their room.


"Which one?" Chanyeol asked, unable to leave the kitchen to help his pair look for the said shoes.


"The white one! With the red stripes!" 


'White one. White one. Red stripes' he was thinking of all the possible places the shoes may be and he finally remembered where he put it after Baekhyun left it lying around at the hallway.


"It's in my shoe drawer! At the top most shelf!" he answered back, taking out the toast out of the pan and putting them on a plate.


Chanyeol quickly left the kitchen and rushed back to their room and found the scene he was expecting. Baekhyun was in front of the shoe drawer and cutely gazing up at the top most shelf where the shoes are. He stood on his tiptoes and tried to reach for it when Chanyeol approached from behind and reached it for him. Chanyeol's chest touching Baekhyun's back as he grabbed the white pair of footwear. Baekhyun wasn't short, but he is next to Chanyeol and it is strikingly obvious when they are in a position where the tall member reaches for stuff easily while he struggles to do it even while on his toes.


"Here!" Chanyeol handed him the pair of shoes. He looked at Baekhyun's unflustered expression. Chanyeol intentionally made the contact between them when he reached for the shoes just to see if it will draw out a reaction from his pair but apparently it didn't... as expected.


Baekhyun caught him staring and asked "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"


"No. Nothing. When you're done, get to the kitchen. Breakfast is ready." he said before leaving the room again to get back to what he was doing. 


He finished making the last pieces of toast just before Baekhyun showed up in the kitchen. 


"Chanyeol! I want mine sweeter." the puppy-eyed member said, all too used to boldly saying his request out loud to the tall member.


"Done. Yours is the one on the smaller plate." Chanyeol replied while removing the apron so he can sit for breakfast with Baekhyun.


"Are they all awake?" Baekhyun said while munching on the bread, giving a casual glance to the direction of their rooms.


"Kyungsoo's already up. He's taking care of Jongin." Chanyeol replied. He stood up and grabbed a couple of glasses of water. He handed the other glass to Baekhyun as he sat back down.


"And Sehun and Joon Myeon-hyung?" 


"Joon Myeon-hyung set his alarm. They'll be up sooner or later." 


"Looks like Joon Myeon-hyung's alarm died again though. Kris-hyung is so going to be in trouble if he keeps this up. He keeps on calling Joon Myeon-hyung's phone at night." Baekhyun said, shaking his head.


"I wonder if Joon Myeon-hyung's battery died again because of the spam calls and texts." Chanyeol added.


"He already put it in silent mode, too. How many calls does it take to kill the battery of a silent phone?" disbelief visible in Baekhyun's words.


"I don't know, but Joon Myeon-hyung is unlucky that he got our maknae as his pair. That kid doesn't even bother to set an alarm." Chanyeol said as he munched on another toast.


"I am so lucky I got you as my pair, Chanyeol." Baekhyun suddenly said, smiling to the giant eating with him.


Chanyeol just gave a wide smile as he continued munching, his cheeks slightly flushing at the sight of Baekhyun's smile towards him.


It was calmly quiet in the house with just the sound of them eating, the casual clanking of fork with the plate and the sound of water when they drink. But it didn't last for long when the door of their leader and their maknae's room burst open revealing two panicked guys.


"What time is it?" Suho quickly asked Chanyeol.


He looked at his handphone and answered, "In ten minutes, manager-hyung will come knocking at our door." 


"Stupid Kris! Spammed me with calls! Spammed my inbox, too. Phone battery dead. Alarm died, too. Three days straight now..." Suho murmured irritably as he looked for his phone's charger.


"I'm washing up first." Sehun said, running for the bathroom ahead of their leader. But when he did reach the doors, it was already locked with the sound of water running from the inside. With D.O. strolling at the hallway and heading for the kitchen, it's pretty obvious who's currently occupying the washroom.


"Kim Jongin! Hurry up!" Sehun said as he banged the door.


The three people in the kitchen, already washed up and prepared to head out, just shook their head at the commotion happening in front of the washroom. Especially now that Suho also joined Sehun at  the door.


The two of them have finished eating and D.O. is now the only one on the table, eating a bit of breakfast, too. Chanyeol collected their plates and made his way to the sink and started washing the dishes. Baekhyun remained at his side but didn't help with the dishes, knowing full well that he'll be more trouble than help if he gives a hand in the kitchen. He leaned on to Chanyeol, letting their arms touch and rested his head on him. It was one of the things Baekhyun got used to doing whenever he's near Chanyeol and with his best friend letting him get away with anything, it became a natural thing for the two of them.


When their front door opened, and their managers came in, Baekhyun left Chanyeol's side and went to their room to grab the few other things he'll need when they head out. The tall member watched Baekhyun's back as he enetered their room and waited.


"Chanyeol?" he heard Baekhyun call from the inside, as expected.


"Your handphone, mp3 and earphones are on top of the drawers." he answered.


"Thanks." Baekhyun answered back.


He was about to get back to washing the dishes when he saw D.O. already there.


"I'll take over from here." he said as he nudged Chanyeol away from the sink. "You..." D.O. stared at him, letting the words he was about to say fade with the atmosphere. Chanyeol knew full well what D.O. meant to say to him, with that exhasperated expression on his face, it's not that hard to guess.


Chanyeol just smiled at him, then looked at the direction of their room with Baekhyun coming out of the doors, then said in a quiet voice, just enough for D.O. to hear.


"He's not mine... not yet."

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Chapter 4: Pleaseeeeee update thisss tooo please
Chapter 3: this is so fun to read. Suho and kris are full of fluffy moments while Xiuhan is laugh trip and love
kenny0550 #3
Chapter 4: Xiuhan yeassss
Baekyeol yessssss
My two main ships.... Yeeeaaahsssss
Than you so much for writting this!
Chapter 3: Hahaha very clueless.
Chapter 4: Awww the last sentence heol.
Chapter 4: So wonderful, that there is a new story from my favourite writer!!!!!! Please update as soon as possible....
Chapter 3: Please please update soon
Chapter 3: Yay! <3333
rhapsodyofnothingnes #9
Chapter 3: uuu...i wonder about the other couples...who are they? will it be taohun?
Chapter 3: Oh the xiuhan ~(-v-)~ Please give me more of this cuteness!