
You're Only Mine

They just finished their fifth interview ever since they debut in China. Xiumin and Chen were still adjusting but they were doing an excellent job despite the language barrier. But instead of minding the language barrier problem, Chen noticed an entirely different matter which he pointed out to their second oldest, when they were having lunch after the recording.


"Lu-ge! Wah! I'm amazed! You don't hold back at all, do you?" Chen said when he was sure that they were out of earshot from Xiumin, who was on the other table with Kris and Tao.


"What are you talking about?" Luhan muttered while taking a sip from his iced coffee. Lay and Luhan, Kris and Tao, were seated together as a pair but Xiumin and Chen were separated in order to get them used in conversing in Chinese.


"I mean always calling Xiumin-ge "cute" in all our broadcast, and I mean ALL!" Chen motioned a big movement with his arms to emphasize his point. Lay paid them little attention, busy with his food, and overly used to the loud and enthusiastic way Chen tells a story.


"What's wrong with that? Xiumin IS cute; the cutest thing in the world!" Luhan finished the food in his mouth before saying that, just to deliver his point clearly. He then glanced to the other table just in time to meet Xiumin's eyes and he got a dose of that wonderful smile before the older returned to his conversation with the two giants.


"Then whispering to him all the time..." Chen added, pointing his chopsticks at his Lu-ge who's back on attacking his own plate. The younger has a grain of rice stuck around his mouth, but no one bothered to point it out for him.


"I'm translating for him..." Luhan answered back, shoving another mouthful of food.


"And competing with who sits next to him?


"I'm comfortable with Xiumin."


"Dragging him to go shopping when you have time?"


"I want to tour him to China."


"Always treating him when you go out?"


"I want to treat him, he's always the one treating the younger ones."


"You're practically declaring to the whole world how much you l---" 


The quiet Lay who was sitting silently all this time, cut him off by placing his hand on Chen's mouth. He then stood up, wrapped his arm around the younger and dragged him to a corner, away from their table, leaving a very confused Luhan alone.


"Let me call Sehun first..." Lay whispered, now Chen is also confused. The dancer started dialing their maknae's number, then plugged in his earphones and gave one to Chen so they can both talk with the youngest.


"Lay-ge?" Chen whispered, too, riding the atmosphere the older one created. Then Sehun picked up his phone.


Sehun: Hyung? What's up?

Lay: Hey! Just wanna ask something.

Sehun: Yeah. I'm listening.

Lay: How clueless is Lu-ge about... "it".

Sehun: Oh... Clueless as hell, hyung!

Chen: Seriously?!

Sehun: Jongdae-hyung? Yeah. I am dead serious. You don't know how much he's ranting about stuff concerning Minseok-hyung! But when I about it, all he gave me was this blank stare like I'm speaking some kind of alien language.

Chen: Woah! Seriously?! Even though it's THAT freaking obvious?

Sehun: YES!


Lay and Chen both looked back to their table and saw Luhan staring at Xiumin even if the older doesn't seem to notice. But when their oldest turned to look back at his bestfriend, the Chinese boy instantly broke into a wide grin. And when Xiumin withdrew his gaze to resume eating, Luhan's expression is very much like an abandoned puppy.


They both stared at the oldest Chinese member with the same thought in mind, "Is he really THAT stupid?". Luhan, sensing the stare directed at him, looked at the two members that left him alone and flashed them an innocent face. "Yes! He. Is. Stupid." Both Chen and Lay arrived with the same conclusion. 


Together, they walked to the next table, Lay grabbing Kris and Chen grabbing Tao, leaving Xiumin alone this time.


"The guy giving the non-stop glances at Xiumin-ge is clueless as hell." Chen whispered, getting straight to the point. At first, Kris and Tao just gave them blank stares then Lay motioned for them to look at Luhan and they got the message immediately.


"No way!" the two giants exclaimed in unison.


"Yes way!" Chen countered. "Ask Sehun if you want confirmation." They gave the earphones to Tao and Kris who immediately asked the young Korean member.


Tao: Sehunnie! 

Sehun: Tao-yah!

Kris: Is it true, Sehun?

Sehun: That Luhan-hyung is an idiot? Yes.

Kris: But he bought Xiumin that expensive shirt for Christmas.

Tao: He even gave Xiumin-ge chocolates for Valentines.

Kris: Plus that surprise party he organized on his birthday.

Sehun: "But he's my best friend" was all the answer that I got. Trust me. He's as dense as a rock.


Just by watching the expressions on Tao's and Kris' face, Lay and Chen have a rough idea of what Sehun is telling them.


"Let's bet on how long before Lu-ge realizes." Chen offered enthusiastically; a mischevous grin already visible on the young Korean's face. Their leader looked at him with a playful smile and replied an "I'm in!". Lay closed in and said, "No one is allowed to mention the "L" word, okay?", and they all nod in agreement. "Let's keep Xiumin-ge out of this, too." Tao added. While the four was busy talking about the bet, Luhan finally stood up, making his way to Xiumin's table.


"What are they up to?" Xiumin asked after Luhan seated himself right next to the older member.


"Beats me! Looks like we're not included in their conversation." The Chinese member looked at the circle their four members created, wondering what they are talking about. He doesn't mind much anyway, cause their little meeting gave him the chance to sit with Xiumin for lunch.


Luhan directed his gaze back at Xiumin, already resuming with his lunch. The oldest eats so neatly, munching slowly, taking in big bites but still manages to look cute in everything he does. He stuffs his mouth so much that he looks like a little squirrel stuffing his cheeks with all the food. Xiumin have thin small lips, but he can open his mouth really wide when eating. Unconsciously, a smile stretches across Luhan's face while watching the older eat. Anything and everything looks delicious when Xiumin eats it. Quietly, he too resumed his meal.


"Neh, our shedule tomorrow starts at 9 right?" Xiumin broke the silence, putting down his chopsticks, almost finished with his food.


"Yeah. Why?" Luhan put his chopsticks down as well finished with his meal.


"Let's play soccer?" the older offered, looking at Luhan with expectant eyes, like a cat waiting to be petted. Luhan had to hold on to his reasons just to stop himself from Xiumin's head. 'He's too cute, I just want to squeeze him...' Luhan's inner thoughts said as he tried to keep a calm face and just gave a simple nod, not confident if he can hold that little squeal that might escape him if he talks. But when Xiumin broke into a wide grin, obvious happiness on his face when Luhan agreed, the Chinese member just didn't care anymore and threw his arms around his best friend and squeezed the life out of him. Xiumin just giggled with the tight embrace, too used to Luhan always giving him the random hugs.


Finishing the bets, the four looked back at Luhan's table, but now without Luhan. Their eyes automatically wandered to the next table and there they found their two oldest. Tao took his seat back after Chen dragged Luhan away from Xiumin then back to their table. Meanwhile, Lay's phone is taken hostage by Kris who's currently begging Sehun to hand the phone to Suho. Apparently, the Korean leader banned Kris from calling his phone after the Chinese leader spammed Suho's phone with calls and messages on their first few days in China.


"Come on, Sehun-ah. Just let me talk to him for a while." Kris begged. He usually puts up this cool matured image in front of everyone, and he's also a very capable leader to s, but when it comes to Suho... they all know that he turns into this oversized kid.


"Sorry hyung, he still doesn't want to talk with you. By the way, there's this female staff that had been stealing glances at Suho-hyung all day yesterday. Bye." Sehun dropped the call and Kris almost crushed the phone, good thing that Lay stayed there and reminded him that it's his phone.


"Ne hyung. Don't worry I'm keeping Kris-hyung away from them. You take care, too." Tao said through the phone, then he ended the call just in time, before a very irritated Kris seated himself back on their table. 


"Gege?" Tao called for Kris' attention, Xiumin also looking worried at their leader.


"Sehun said that some female staff was stealing glances at Suho yesterday, and he still refuses to talk to me." Kris said with an exhasperated sigh.


'If only he knows that Suho-hyung checks him every time through me.' Tao thought, shaking his head a little. 'These clueless guys.'


Akira: Yeay! After a good 4 hours I finally finished today's chapter hahahahahahah :D Sorry for taking so long to update... I just kinda became preoccupied with the other fics :3 Hope you enjoy the update this time hihi \(^o^)/ Please check out my other stories if you have the time and interest... Thank chu ^o^


P.S. I created this Twitter account recently... Please follow me if it's not too much trouble...



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Chapter 4: Pleaseeeeee update thisss tooo please
Chapter 3: this is so fun to read. Suho and kris are full of fluffy moments while Xiuhan is laugh trip and love
kenny0550 #3
Chapter 4: Xiuhan yeassss
Baekyeol yessssss
My two main ships.... Yeeeaaahsssss
Than you so much for writting this!
Chapter 3: Hahaha very clueless.
Chapter 4: Awww the last sentence heol.
Chapter 4: So wonderful, that there is a new story from my favourite writer!!!!!! Please update as soon as possible....
Chapter 3: Please please update soon
Chapter 3: Yay! <3333
rhapsodyofnothingnes #9
Chapter 3: uuu...i wonder about the other couples...who are they? will it be taohun?
Chapter 3: Oh the xiuhan ~(-v-)~ Please give me more of this cuteness!