Chapter 7

Somewhere Only We Know

Isabel POV


I woke up to realise that I was hugging Kris as I was sleeping. I let go of his waist and tried to get up but he just held onto me tighter. 

“Let’s just stay like this a little longer.” His voice was so comforting I stopped fighting him and leaned into him. 


The sky looked so different from the city at home. When it gets to sunset like this, the sky just turns black; but here everything is gradual and alluring. The sky being painted with orange, pink and purple brought a warm feeling inside which made this moment absolute. Nothing could be more perfect. 


- - -


Kris offered to walk me back to my hut and not wanting to come off rude, I let him. 

“Um… Kris, when are you going back to Korea?”

He couldn’t look me in the eyes and I was starting to worry, was everything a mistake?

“I’m not sure yet. Why?”

“I’m going back to Sydney, to see some old friends before I go to New York. Did you… maybe… want to come with me?”

“Uhh, yea sure. But I didn’t really bring much with me.”

“That’s okay. We can figure that out once we get home.”

He finally looked up from the ground and my nervousness and embarrassment vanished as he showed his adorable smile. 

“I’ll see you later then.”

“Yea, see you.”


He turned his heels to leave and just before he walked off I stopped him. “Kris!”


I walked up to him and embraced him. I don’t know how I became so bold in the span of less than 30 seconds but it felt like the right thing to do. 

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For everything” I whispered. 


- - -

To my readers, thank you for reading this crappy writing I called a fanfic and sorry for taking so long.

I've decided to end it here (I know, it's a ending) because of a couple things that have occupied all my time, but I intend to come back to writing improved.

Again, thank you for reading this and I hope to see you guys soon <3

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qinmad #1
Chapter 5: Am I the first one to comment? :O Well, good for me! :D I am soooooo looking forward to the updates bc even tho I found your story today, I already like it! :) How could Kris say that "That doesn't mean I'm not your friend"

UGH NOPE NOPE NOPE YOU ED UP THAT ONE CHANCE BRO >.< But lemme tell you something - I really hope the story will end happily, they both need it :) Well, update soon! Good luck! :) xx