Chapter 9 - I'll Protect you my princess

Beautiful Mistake

Kyuhyun sit nervously beside Heechul. Although he has sat beside Heechul before in the school, now its different. Being just the two of them without the others disturbance really makes he sweat. He try to act macho..act coll..act like a prince. But all his magic, charm is useless when he is beside Heechul. Heechul is another level .Its like he is in level five when you are playing starcraft and Heechul is the master of it.

Kyuhyun really like the feeling that Heechul doesn't like him because of what he is. If before people always like him, fall in love with him, admire him because of his look, his brain, his family..with Heechul its all no use. Why Heechul would bother with all that if he's already have it; look, brain, wealth..But sometimes, he wish that it could make Heechul fall in love with him. That way he would have to think of ways to make Heechul fall in love with him.

"Erm..princess..aren't we going to play anymore?"

"Do you want to end up at hospital?"

"I'm ok...really ok."

"You looks like you are going to collapse any minutes. Better sit here and wait for the other."

Kyuhyun smile. "Are you worrying about me princess?"

"I'm just don't want to tire myself dialing for ambulance when you collapse, thats all."

"Auww princess. You really worry about me." Kyuhyun give Heechul a big hug.

"Yah kid! Get of me..Do you want to die?"

"I love you so much" Kyuhyun smile like an idiot."

"You must be deaf. I.."

"Thank you. I am really happy because you are willing to accompany me. Amusement park is the best."

Heechul almost smile at Kyuhyun word.

"The best? You look like a dead corpse and you said its the best?"

"Yes the best because I got to spent it with you. Do you want ice cream I'll buy for you. Whnat you want..Erm..strawberry.."

Kyuhyun get up and went to buy ice cream.

"Such a kid"

Heechul just look at the direction Kyuhyun went to.

Is it ok to love again? Is it ok to accept?

"Hi pretty. Would you like to play with us"

Heechul looks at the two guy that standing in front him.

"I'm a boy. Go flirt other gir"

"Oh a boy..well...well aren't you a pretty cute boy.."

" you.  Go away before I' m piss."

"For a pretty boy like you, you sure have a sharp mouth."

" you think I'm some pretty girl that will blush when you praised me. If you think I'm going to be scare because of you ugly things, then you are wrong mister."

"Whoa..whoa...whoa..relax princess..Your mouth are going to get your pretty face mess up and I really don't want to see it. It will be a waste."

" bring to the word when you said it. It is no wonder when ugly thing said it."

"What did you said?"

"Oh now you became deaf too. Pity you..ugly and deaf"

" such a . I'm going to give you a lesson."

That guy grab Heechul's collar and is going to hit Heechul when Kyuhyun grab his hand from damaging Heechul pretty face.

"Hey..don't you dare hit my princess."

"Oh..oh..oh..what is this? Your knight or maybe your prince?"

"Yes your are right. I'm his prince so go away."

"Is this some fairy tale where you still have prince and princess? What a laugh thing!"

"Why? Are you jealous because you don't get to be with the princess?"

"Who want this brat princess."

"Oh..really..So what did I saw early...oh a fail courting attempt. You better court ordinary girl befire trying to pick for the star. Ordinary suit for you..for your ugly face.."Kyuhyun smirk leaving the two guy more angry than before.

"You two are going to pay"

"Anytime, can find. I'm Cho Kyuhun from SM High School"

The two guy shock. SM High School? Cho Kyuhyun? The prince?"

"And if that enough, you can find me too..I'm Kim HeeChul."

The two guys schock more. Kim Heechul.? The Kim Heechul. The so called most pretty guys that beat all the woman.

"You guys watch out..Today is your is ours."

"Bring it on. I'll wait for that day to come." Kyuhyun said bravely.

Heechul looks at Kyuhyun after the two guys went. Never knew this thin kid is such a brave kid.

"Are you ok? Did they hurt you? Aish those guys..I'm going to make them pay if they lay even one finger at you."

Heechul just stay still while Kyuhyun checked him to make sure he's alright.

Is this guy really love him?
Is this guy really about him..
Could I accept him?

"Princess? Are you ok?", Kyuhyun looks into Heechul's eyes.

"Uh..Yeah, I'm fine." Heechul finally answered after he gained his composure back.

"Ice cream. Kyuhyun give Heechul the ice cream that he bought just now.

"Strawberry for sweet princess like you and chocolate for a prince like me."

Without saying much, Heechul takes the ice cream. He enjoy the ice cream slowly, flavouring its sweetness and taste.

"Erm..can I taste yours? Its look yummy." Without waiting for Heechul's answer, Kyuhyun take a spoonful of the ice cream that Heechul trying to feed to his own mouth.

"Hmm..yummy. Do you want to try mine too?" Kyuhyun takes a spoonful of \his chocolate ice cream and try ti feeed Heechul.


"I don't want your ice cream."

"Arr...", Kyuhyun still insist for Heechul to taste it.

"Aish..I can eat by myself."

"No..Arr..", Kyuhyun still trying to feed Heechul by himself. Finally Heechul give up. He let Kyuhyun fed him. It's a waste to argue with a kid.

"Is it delicious? Do you want some more?", Kyuhyun's eyes glimmetering while saying that to Heechul.


"But..its delicious right. Don't worry. i'm willing to share with you."

Kyuhyun talks and talks. he tries his best to get closer with Heechul. He notices the changes that happened with them. Heechul finally accepted a little bit of him. Finally accepted the way he called him princess and are willing to talk longer with him. Although all of this just a small changes, it really makes him happy. They just sit there while waiting for others.  Doing nothing except talking, although its him that talks much. Never knew the joy of talking with someone that you love.


Dear diary,

Today is just a wonderful day. After the first meeting of him, and then the second and third meeting, this day is the most happy day for myself.
Seeing him, spending time with him, being able to hold him makes my heart almost burst to pieces. Never knew that being in love is just so great. Definitely going to thanks God because create love in this world.
My princess really look likes an angel. Is he an angel sent for me from the heaven? what am I.. a lucky prince who got chosed to be with this angel princess?
The first time I hold his hand it send electric down to my heart. Its just a wonderful feeling. I almost die because of the shock. But to be able to hold his beautiful tiny hands, his long beautiful fingers is an experince that i want to have everyday.
God, if I am given the chance, I'll never let the hands go..
So, please help me! I want to be his prince forever. I want to hold his hands, look at his beautiful big eyes and said plesse be my princess forever.
Cannot wait for tomorrow to come. I miss my princess already....

Hi guys..enjoy the update. I' will not update until this thursday because i am going to someplace and take exam there. So wish me good luck. Thank you
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Kpop__ships #1
Chapter 41: I suddenly wanted to read Kyuchul cause of my dream :) I loved it and ship it
Chapter 41: Awww i like the happy ending but i felt sad For henry to sleep in the same tent
with Kyuhyun and heechul -giggles- I`m a Kyuchul ship fan to =>.<= u should make a
Sequel to this story after Kyuchul kiss
cherryaizawa #3
hi i find your story and already read it.its beautiful story.i really like it.could you make squel from this story authorssi...please...^^
zuzuaikha #4
Chapter 41: Aww what a cute ending ^^.
Chapter 1: Aigo kyu...
You already mistaken heechul as a girl kekekeke...
I love it! I love the ending, so sweet! :))
I hope it was longer though!
OHMYGOD TINGGI! I have been commenting on this since like forever! Also I have been waiting for this kiss! You made me wait for 41 chapters before they got together~! Worth it! Totally worth the wait!
awwwww... ♥^♥ my feels~
Thanks to all my readers that patiently waited for me to update the story... really thank you so much..
firstly, I want to apologize for my bad grammar and spelling... too lazy to edit although i knew there are lots of errors..
If I have the spirit to write another one, next time, I will improve myself and also the vocabulary...
Thanks once again...please to read all of your comments