Step By Step


Throughout the whole day, Jonghyun avoided Key. Even when they had to sit next to each other in art class. When the bell finally rang, signaling the end of the school day, Key pulled Jonghyun into the empty boy's restroom and confronted him.


"Key, if this is about last night then let me tell you, it was mistake, okay? We were both just caught up in the moment and didn't realize what we were doing," Jonghyun said quickly. Key opened his mouth to reply back. "And I'm sorry that I left you alone but when I came back, you were with that Taemin guy so I didn't want to bother you two."

"What the hell, Jonghyun?" Key said annoyed and looked away while crossing his arms. He had been waiting all day to speak with the boy and this is what he gets.


"I was going to say that your shoe's untied but, yeah, thanks for telling me that I'm a mistake. Makes me feel really special." Key lied and puffed his cheeks out in irritation.

"Well what do you want me to say?"

"That you enjoyed it is a start." Jonghyun opened his mouth to object but Key cut him off. "As Taemin said 'You guys were practically shoving your tongues down each other's throat', quote, end-quote."

Jonghyun's mouth fell open as he listened to Key's words.

"That is so not true! And what was that creeper doing out at that time anyways? Was he following us? Why, I oughta-"

"Jonghyun, what are you doing?" Key asked and sighed. Jonghyun looked down at himself and realized that he was cracking his knuckles like he was about to beat someone up.

"Oh," Jonghyun started. "How did that happen?"

"Idiot," Key mumbled and walked up to Jonghyun before leaning down and pecking one on his lips. "It's just a kiss. Nothing wrong about that. Just admit that you liked it." Key smirked and walked out of the restroom, leaving a flabbergasted boy behind.

"What. The. Hell?!"


"So what happened yesterday?" Minho questioned his best friend as they were walking home. Key rolled his eyes and sighed.

"It's nothing. Jonghyun and I just got a little curious and kissed." Minho's eyes got even bigger, if that were possible.

"WHAT?! YOU KISSED THAT DINOSAUR?! WHY?!" Key glared at him for a second before answering.

"Why what? You know I swing both ways."

"I know but..."

"What? Are you jealous?"

"No!" Minho almost yelled causing Key to let out a chuckle. "Besides, you've only met him this year. Are you sure you guys should be moving this fast?" Key only shrugged.

"Like I said, we were just curious."

"Kibum, you know that dude has a girlfriend, right?"

"Yep; she's nice. Oh hey, look! There's Taemin. I have to ask him something. Why don't you go ahead?" Key said and entered the random shop.

"What? Hell no am I leaving you with that red head. Who knows what he'll do to you if you're alone." Minho quickly replied and followed Key into the small restaurant.

Taemin looked up at the bell ringing and was surprised to see Key and his big-eyed friend.

"Hey Taemin." Key waved and sat down at an empty table. Minho gave him a look before sitting down also. Taemin grabbed two menus and walked to the table.

"Here's the menu. Anything sound appealing?" Taemin asked and took out a small note pad and pen from his apron, ready to take orders.

"Uh," Key mumbled and glanced through the menu. "Actually I just came here to talk to you." Taemin looked at Key, shocked for a second before composing himself and turning to Minho.

"What about you?"

"Um, a slice of chocolate cake and hot chocolate!"

"Hot chocolate? Isn't it kinda hot to be drinking that?" Taemin asked but wrote down the order anyways.

"Then why is it on the menu?! I'm the customer, just do as I say!" Minho barked and threw his menu onto the table harshly. Taemin gave him a quick glare before gathering the menus and walking away.

"What's your problem?" Key asked the boy sitting across from him.

"What's my problem?! What's his problem?!" Minho looked at Key incredulously and pointed at the retreating back of Taemin. "I swear, he's on his period or something."


"Shut it, Kibum," Minho said and crossed his arms before turning his attention to the world outside through the glass wall. Key scoffed and pursed his lips.

A few minutes later, Taemin returned with three items. He set Minho's order infront of the boy before placing a cup of iced mocha infront of Key.

"What's this?" Key questioned and looked up at Taemin.

"I can break in five minutes." He simply stated and left the table. Key glanced at the retreating boy and then at the iced mocha and then the chocolate cake that Minho was currently devouring.

"Hey give me some of that." Key grabbed the fork from Minho and scooped a small piece of cake before placing it in his mouth. "Mm, that's good."

"I know right?! I'm ordering me some more of this."

"So what did you want to talk about?" Taemin asked and sat down next to Key.

"Oh, not much," Key started. "Just, why were you at the park last night? It was pretty late."

"I was going home from my aunt's house," Taemin answered. "She had to work overtime yesterday so I was babysitting."

"Oh, okay."

"Is that all?"

"Mm, yeah! Oh and also, if Jonghyun comes up to you, threatening to beat you up, don't worry, he's not that macho." Key joked and Taemin cracked a small smile. "Well, um, I guess that's all. Sorry for bothering you. You didn't really have to use your break and all."

"It's fine."

"Well now that you guys are done talking," Minho said loudly. "I'd like to order take-out, please."

"What do you want?" Taemin asked nonchalantly.

"Can I have a whole chocolate cake? This stuff is good! Who bakes it?" Taemin gave him a weird look.

"Aren't you on the basketball team? Shouldn't you be eating healthy?" Taemin stood up. "Also, I bake it." Minho choked on his drink.


"Here's your bill. You can go pay at the counter over there while I get your cake." Taemin handed Minho the slip of paper and turned to walk away.

"Wait! I don't want it anymore!" Minho yelled. Taemin turned back and grabbed the slip of paper from his hands.

"Fine with me." He said while crossing out the last order before handing the slip back to Minho and walking away.

"Why that ungrateful little bas-"

"Let's go pay for your stinkin' bill and get out of here." Key rolled his eyes and dragged Minho to the counter.


I is in a happy mood right now. :)

Here's chapter two for you guys. Pardon any boringness. All stories must have a boring part, neh?

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shiningstar2 #1
Chapter 30: I read this story a long time ago, I while re-reading it and reading also some of the comments I decided to leave this note... why are some people so mad towards Jjong? Am I the only one who understood what he did? or maybe I'm the only one who didn't understand~

The first time I read this fic I thought: " Poor Jjong, but how could he do something like that", but then the second time I got it "Ok, he made a mistake, but it was because he was so heartbroken thinking he broke up with a girl he loved to start something with Key and he was cheating on him with Taemin that the only thing he could think about was revenge, yes, he did the wrong thing, but I really understand him".

So, author-nim, what were you really thinking about when you wrote the story? were you thinking just like me? Or is Jonghyun really a bastard? I hope you can answer this post ^-^
Believe it or not, I had subscribed to this story for years but only read it all recently. When I subscribed I thought it was jongkey and I don't really like the jongkey here so I stopped reading it.
But when I read it again, OMG it's so funny! Of course now I like the taekey and all the little interactions but the most precious thing about this story is that it's really really funny! What you managed to do with the characers and the dialogue is gorgeous, it's a really bliss to read something like this.
Love it ^^^
Chapter 30: I loved it omG. At first I wanted Jongkey but, ugh, Jjong, I hate u >:(. TaeKey<333
And OnHo/ MinNew is da best <33
Me encanto<3! Sigue practicando el español!
PetitFreak0525 #4
Chapter 30: Oh my gosh so great story *-* I started reading 4hours ago....( It's 4am right now x-x )and now it's'over x-x I want more!!! During all the story I was so frustrated because I wanted so much more Jongkey xDDD and then...Jonghyun messed up..x-x I was so shocked and I wanted to kill him that bastard. At the end I wanted more TaeKey xD but it's not enough x-x you drove me crazy...uff...I also laughed a lot, I love their personnalities xDD! OnHo was the best <3 good job!
Remedy #5
Chapter 30: Haha my feels *~* author... you stomped on my heart (in a good way) haha! I love how you broke the stereotypical Shinee relationships! Onho, and Keytae (even though it felt more like TaeKey hah) and Jonghyun with nobody! Jonghyun was a complete ___hole for doing what he did! That's terrible! However I think he should get back together with Sekyung~ I dislike seeing lonely characters. I envy you for how you can build relationships so well between your characters... I always have a hard time doing that >.< Anyways, I kind of felt bad for Jonghyun, but my TaeKey feels override the sadness hah! I've always loved Taekey/ Keytae~ Thanks for this awesome story! I like how the last chapter tied it all together <3 That last paragraph made me cry haha T^T
Chapter 30: woahhh
*clap* *clap* *clap*
I am a certified JK shipper but TaeKey here is just too adorable..
and OnHo too~ It's fun to read, I can't stop smiling and laughing at the dorky lines... I LIKE IT! :D
This was such a good story..
That was amazing.

I've never read a story with so much meaning. ❤
GaemChau #10
Wow. That. Cried. Last paragraph was amazing.
I really loved the Taekey here^^