Rules & Guidelines

2PM Red Carpet 2015


1. The prompt you are choosing has to be either a movie, an anime or a series.

(With anime we don't just mean animes like 'Bleach' or 'One Piece', but also animated movies like 'Frozen' or 'Ice Age'!)

2. 2PM members have to be the main characters. You guys can add other Kpop artists to your story as long as 2PM are in the main focus.

3. When writing down your prompts, name the one you would LOVE to write about first.

4. It's not really a rule, but we would be happy, if you guys subscribed. Since it's easier for you to get new information and updates. And it's also easier for us to keep track of the people who are interested.

5. We were actually done with the 'real rules' at number 3, because in 'rule' 5 we're asking for your support in spreading the word :)

We would be really happy, if you blogged about the project or if you told your friends about it! Everyone is welcome ♥

6. Last but not least: Have Fun! ^-^





  • It's not a must, but we'd prefer, if you mentioned all 2PM members in your story. Of course, it's not possible in every case, but please try to include as many as you can.
  • You can write , het, combine them, have no romance at all... Whatever rocks your boat is fine with us. ♥
  • The minimum amount of words is set for 1000.
  • You can write one-shots and chaptered stories, whichever you consider easier. (In case of the chaptered ones, it will suffice to have the first chapter finished in time for the posting.)
  • You can either pick a scene from the film/series/anime you've chosen and simply insert 2PM in there to see how it plays out, OR you can go crazy with the theme/basic story of the original and make it your own, add some twists or develop something new out of it. The only limit is your imagination.
  • The main idea behind all of this is that you guys put our boys into the setting of your favourite anime/movie/series, and have them explore the new roles according to your imagination.

==> All in all, we hope your story will bear some resemblance to the original work and will make those who don't know the original yet curious about it, so they might feel like watching it. 

The most important thing about this challenge, however, is that all of us have fun and that we'll be able to add more stories to the 2PM tag. :)



Guidelines for applying


  • Write down at least 3 titles you would like to write about. It doesn't matter, if you write 3 movie titles, or 2 anime titles and one of a series. Pick and mix to your heart's delight. (And please feel free to add more than 3 suggestions, if you want to. )
  • Please list them in order from the one you would love to write about the most to the one you like least.
  • To make it more of a challenge, please give us 1 additional object or picture during the sign ups. (We'll shuffle them and distribute them to the other participants, so everyone gets one thing/picture they have to incorporate in their story.)
  • --> Example: You have Sleeping Beauty as a film and get the additional prompt 'towel', so you have to figure out a way to include said towel in the story. ;)
  • Fill out the Sign Up Form in chapter 4 ^-^
  • After that, all you have to do is wait for the confirmation PM we'll send out on January 15 (Probably even sooner, but January 15 is the latest).
  • To make it fair, Mone (Banana_Dreams) will choose Phia's prompts and Phia (curseofpandora) will choose Mone's~
  • Should there be someone with the same prompt as Phia's or Mone's, we'll give up the prompt, so you guys can have it. :)
  • If there are questions, please don't feel shy! You can always comment or send in PM's :) We're nice! Promise ;)



And with that...

Lights! Camera! ACTION!



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We've posted the list of entries now. Some stories are still missing, but we'll update it of course! Happy reading . :D


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Chapter 11: OMG I'm late to unhide my story! Sorry!
Chapter 11: Wow, there really are a lot of interesting stories, and I like that they are so diverse... all kinds of stories really :)

Maybe you should put all the story names in blue font? Because at first glance it looks like those are not links..

And congratulations on a successful festival!!

2PM yay!!
Chapter 10: Why do people say the 29th is his birthday? I thought today is the 30th?
Chapter 10: Happy Festival!!!!
Chapter 10: Happy festival!!! :D
TOMORROW, right??? =D I'm SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 8: This is so difficult for me to understand
Chapter 8: Dang ~ I really didn't know that I haven't subscribed this even though I signed up already! *silly me* Just want to say I'm still in but there might be a possibility that I will post my fic a bit later T.T Will let you know ~ But till that time, I'll try my best to make it on time! Thanks a lot!
Chapter 8: Yuss mama~
Chapter 7: Hey there, I'dbe willing to be a pinch writer!!! (why do I do this to myself lol)
But definitely, I can write short stories quickly, so whatever you need, let me know. =)