Chapter 7


Outside, there was a van waiting at the front of the house. A few of the Unholies and Transparents had taken up the seats but Woohyun and Sunggyu were able to fit in. The red head scanned the car for the Transparent that helped tend to his wounds last night. If he knew Sunggyu then he should recognize him too, right?


"Looks like you're doing better already." A voice said behind him as more people got into the car heading to HQ. Sunggyu looked up, locking gazes with his old lunch buddy from back in Carol. The man smiled and sat down in the seat across of him.


"Dongwoo. You escaped too?" The man laughed and patted Sunggyu on the knee.


"It's Jang Dongwoo now. Wow, it looks like you bruises are gone." Dongwoo said after closely inspecting his friend. "My master was a doctor so he taught me a few tricks on how to get rid of my bruises quickly." He admitted, still smiling. Sunggyu felt guilty that he didn't have the same rough time has most of the other Transparents did. It was common to be beaten by masters – which was why they prepared them in training school to be abused. Sunggyu had only been physically hurt once while staying with the Lees.


The two Transparents chatted the whole way to the Unholy HQ. Woohyun gave Sunggyu's arm a light smack, breaking the conversation between him and Dongwoo. The rebel didn't say anything but rather tried to get his message across through his eyes. Sunggyu nodded in understanding before looking back to his old friend.


"Dongwoo, this is Woohyun, the one who saved me." He introduced, gesturing to the Unholy next to him. The said man gave a light bow; still shocked that Sunggyu understood the request he sent through his gaze. He didn't even side eye Dongwoo yet the red head knew what he had meant. The talkative Transparent bowed back and did the same for his rescuer.


"This is Sungjong. I actually don't know how he did it, but he managed to pull me out of a market in broad daylight and walk me to the base." Dongwoo said. Sunggyu looked at the boy who looked no older than sixteen. Even at his age, Sungjong's dark brown eyes bore holes into the Transparent's soul and his face was permanently indifferent. Woohyun noticed Sunggyu's uncomfortable expression and laughed.


"Sungjong's our youngest member. Don't worry, he only does that when he wants to be treated as an adult." He said, patting the younger man's shoulder from across the car. Sungjong's expressionless face cracked and he smacked Woohyun hard.


"I was trying to be cool for once!" He whined, attempting to jab the older rebel in the side but was blocked by the man's quick reflexes. Sunggyu let out a sigh of relief. He wondered if Sungjong looked at Dongwoo like that when they first met. He definitely wouldn't have followed him out of the store if he were in his friend's place.


"Yeah, yeah. Look, we're home." Woohyun announced as the van pulled up at a large factory. The Unholies in the car seemed to all get fidgety as they waited to exit. "We haven't been home for months." Woohyun explained to Sunggyu, who looked just as confused as the other Transparents in the van. The doors slid open and everyone rushed out. The cold country air hit Sunggyu in the face and he let out a gasp, cracking his lip open again. He tried to wipe some of the blood off with his sleeve. It was black and no one would notice, right?


"How is your lip bleeding again?" Woohyun asked when he turned to look at his Transparent. "Are you trying to tell me to do something in your lip's general area?" He raised a brow suggestively. Sunggyu stared at him dully, not understanding what he was implying.


"He's asking to kiss you." Sungjong stated, clapping the elder rebel on the shoulder from behind. Woohyun groaned in distaste when the red head finally caught on, looking rather disgusted. "Let's just go in, yeah?" Sungjong said, ignoring the grumbling Woohyun and pulling Sunggyu inside the HQ building.


If the base near the Lee's mansion was beautiful then the Unholy HQ was gorgeous. Sunggyu had imagined it to be a filthy dump of a mixture of trash and bodies. Instead, he saw grand entranceways and organized shelters for Transparents and Unholies alike. Sungjong led him further into the room the other rebels had gathered in. It looked much like a theatre – with a stage adorned with curtains and spotlights and the dozens of seats all lined up in rows – except there was a podium in the front. Somewhat behind it were three fancy golden chairs; the middle one, which was the tallest and most extravagant, was probably for the leader of the Unholies. The second one on the left was not as large, but equally decorated, probably for the second higher-up. Lastly, on the right, was a leaner chair fit for none other than a prince.


"They are going to call the meeting soon to celebrate the freeing of the Transparents." Sungjong explained to both Sunggyu and Dongwoo, who sat next to him on either side. Dongwoo nodded and let his eyes wander around the room as if he was looking for someone.


"Hey," Dongwoo said, catching the young rebel and Transparent's attention, "Where did Woohyun go?" Sunggyu glanced around. His rebel was nowhere in sight. He suddenly felt lost without the other's presence.


"Oh, don't worry." Sungjong laughed, "He'll be around shortly." He said knowingly, his eyes trailing back up to the stage when a speaker walked on. As if on cue, the lights in the room dimmed and the subtle chat subsided, leaving the room in an eerie silence. The man tapped the microphone on the podium on before introducing someone Sunggyu had only heard about in Carol guard's gossip. A middle-aged woman walked onto stage, wearing an exact copy of clothing everyone else in the room was wearing but in a shimmering white. She stopped at the podium, gazing around the crowd, staring into each and every soul in the first couple of rows before beginning her speech.


"Good morning. As you might know, I am Nam Seungah, founder and leader of the Dawning Trinity, or as it is more commonly known for Transparents, the Unholy class." She introduced. It was the first time Sunggyu had ever heard the Unholy class's real name. He knew it was a nickname given by the Holy Sanctum families because the rebel group opposed of their ways of tyranny but he had never knew it was actually called the Dawning Trinity. He liked the ring of it much more than Unholy.


"You may be wondering why we are called a trinity." She continued. Dongwoo let out a muffled giggle.


"She read my mind!" He whispered in an excited tone. Sunggyu noticed Sungjong cracked a smile before refocusing his attention to the stage.


"Well, I shall start with my story. I was born and raised as a Transparent. Sold at 23, I began serving a well-known archeologist. A few months went by smoothly, then a whole year past. Everything was perfect, well, until I accidentally broke one of his newest discoveries while cleaning his room. After countless nights of terror, his son took me and escaped out to the countryside. He his people to protect me – a worthless and unemotional wreck of a human being. It was beyond shameful but he cared for me, loved me. He was a Nam. And soon, I was a Nam, and later so became my son." She said. Her words were filled with so much passion that it moved the entire room.


Although she was so far away from where they were seated, Sunggyu swore he saw the lighting hit her eyes in a way that made them shine like no other. He squinted to get a clearer view but to no avail. He needed to find the exact angle he had seen the light reflect off of her eyes again. Sunggyu's head bobbed to one side and then another, trying to fix the spotlight in his view. There, he saw it again. It was undoubtedly there the second time. This couldn't be just a coincidence. Nam Seungah and Nam Woohyun. Woohyun was missing and nowhere to be seen and their eyes, their eyes were both pale and light in color. Sunggyu focused in on the speech again.


"My son went out a couple of months back, aiding the rescuing of Transparents. He has returned today unharmed and happier than ever. I would like to welcome my one and only son, Nam Woohyun, to the stage." The leader announced, looking to the right of the stage when the handsome rebel walked out, bowing to her politely before taking his seat on the stage. Sunggyu's heat skipped a beat upon laying eyes on his rebel.


"Now, I would like to finally congratulate all Transparents who escaped successfully. Today we shall start the training. No, it won't be like back in Carol. This training will bring out the true human abilities you all were deprived of. Assembly dismissed." Seungah concluded, taking her son's hand in hers and raising them above their heads. The entire building erupted in cheers as the Dawning Trinity rebels led their Transparents out of the room.


Sunggyu sat in his seat as he watched the crowded room filled to the brim slowly decrease in volume. Sungjong and Dongwoo had taken off with the rest of the pairs. Woohyun hopped off the stage gracefully and made his way over to one of the back rows, where his Transparent had been waiting for him. He took a seat next to the red haired man and slung his arm around the back confidently.






Training starts next chapter! Woohoo! I'm sorry I took a couple days to write this short chapter but oh well, Assassin's Creed happened again. Now, like Woohyun asked, are you guys surprised with the outcome? ^^ I don't know why a lot of people thought it was Sungyeol but I guess it makes sense. 

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why does this have 300 subs its so bad


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Chapter 22: i read this story since morning.
like i said before, i easily trapped in the story that i read.
this is great.
how you make them,the transparents, emotionless. and gain their own emotion again.
every scenes in each of your chaps are precious. its so detailed.
oohhh i got dizzy so suddenly XDD

And the last chap:')
i got my tears rolled down on my cheek.Its so beautiful yet pain me :')

i hope there are no world like this in the real world. But who knows

Thank you so much for this beautiful story. And dont stop writing please..
Thank you so much /deep bow/
kiba_phoenix #2
Chapter 22: Wow, that was a severe twist. I had a suspicion when Mrs. Nam told Woohyun her story, but didn't think I'd be right lol. Dang, that was sad and beautiful at the same time. I loved it~
Chapter 22: NOOO WHY END IT THERE ㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 22: At first I'm going to like 'Where is Howon??' and yeah finally he's back :D
I'm crying so much when Howon saying goodbye to Sunggyu. It really hurts ㅠㅠ
I'm sorry. I think I just into HoGyu ㅠㅠ

I don't expect Woohyun to be Sunggyu's brother actually. The conversation in the walkie talkie is really obvious but still... ㅠㅠ
Yeah it's kind of sad ending. Too bad WooGyu can't be together.....
Or maybe Sunggyu is the young Holy's destiny? *giggling*

Sorry I'm being biased again ㅠㅠ

I love your story tbh :)
There isn't a lot action fanfics about Infinite I think...?
sha_alina19 #5
Chapter 23: is that it??aww...sunggyu n namu is brother??
idontevenwhatisthis #6
Chapter 23: soooooooo this story started off really good and then just careened to the weirdest and most abrupt ending. i was looking forward to the ending too, but it felt a bit hasty :(. ruined it for me.

and i don't mean the happy ending vs. sad ending. the pacing of the was too harried.
Chapter 22: Just finished reading this awesome fic....
Oh god i can't ..... With the ending ;;;__;;;;
Anyway, i really like your writing styleee
Uh and the story is wonderfull
Hahaha so it all began with beans...
kitamea #8
Chapter 23: I just read all of this and I think I just died a little.