Chapter 17


It was as Woohyun thought. The clock in Sunggyu's room showed that it was nearing ten in the morning and the brown haired man was back to being gloomy. The three other rebels who shared the room had gotten up went out for breakfast but Sunggyu remained sitting on his bed. He looked down at himself and sighed. He was dressed in a formal tuxedo that the Dawning Trinity provided for each member. As much as he didn't want to admit at a time like this, he couldn't help but enjoy wearing a tuxedo again.


Back when he was a Transparent, it was the traditional uniform so he had to wear one daily. Since he had been freed from the Lee household, the only thing Sunggyu wore was his rebel uniform. He didn't have feelings back then, but now that he did he realized he liked the way it looked on him. Thinking of the time he spent as a servant for the Lees made him remember his young master, Howon. Sunggyu had ran away with Woohyun when Howon was out on a business trip so he never got to say a final goodbye of some sort. Sunggyu wondered how he was doing.


A knock at the door pulled himself out of his thoughts. He got up and opened it to reveal one of his friends who dressed similarly to him. Dongwoo looked him up and down before whistling.


"You look good. It's been a while since we've worn this." He said, taking Sunggyu's gloved hands and leading him out of the room. The brown haired man shrugged slightly and gave Dongwoo a once over as they walked down the corridor.


"You don't look bad yourself." He tried to smile but his mouth refused to obey. Dongwoo noticed the man's odd behavior and sighed.


"Hey, don't force yourself to do anything you don't want to." He said wisely. Dongwoo had a way with words. Even if he just wanted to say something simple, it usually could be interpreted with a deeper meaning. Sunggyu thought about that statement for a moment before nodding.


"Thanks, Dongwoo. By the way, have you seen Woohyun?" He asked. Dongwoo looked around the crowded hall for the said man but couldn't spot him.


"No. He probably sits with his mother for things like these so he's most likely there already." He said after a while. Sunggyu sighed as he remembered what they were about to go to. In the short time he knew Minho, the rebel had already developed a strong trust with him due to the fact they were partners for the day. When Minho couldn't get away in time, it broke Sunggyu's heart.


Feeling more depressed than before, the brown haired man walked down the hall in silence. Dongwoo knew now wasn't the time to joke around so he kept quiet himself. Soon they made it to the funeral room where many rebels were standing around. The inside was filled to the brim with mourning people. Sunggyu felt out of place when he and Dongwoo walked in. These members of the Trinity had probably known Minho a lot longer than he had.


"Look, there is Woohyun." Dongwoo broke the gloomy silence they shared. Sunggyu's eyes followed his finger and met up with the familiar man. Woohyun was sitting in the front with his mother. The face he wore was uncharacteristic compared to his usual cheery self. He wore a white tuxedo that stood out in the ocean of black. If it weren't for the circumstances, Sunggyu would have thought he looked like an angel. He had a question, though.


It was tradition to wear black at a funeral, yet Woohyun defied that with his pristine white tuxedo. Surprisingly, the other rebels didn't give him second glances, as if it was normal. Sunggyu made a mental note to ask about that later. A soothing piano piece rang throughout the room, snapping the brown haired man from his thoughts. Dongwoo led him to the corner of the great hall as a rebel who took on the role of a priest walked to the front.


"Choi Minho, our beloved member of the Dawning Trinity, has passed away." The woman's voice echoed through the speakers. "Although we could not retrieve his body, today will be dedicated to his passing."


Sunggyu stiffened as he took in that statement. They couldn't get Minho out of the house. He gasped as a thousand and one scenarios played in his mind simultaneously. What if Daecheol had thrown Minho's rotting corpse into the trash to be discarded and burned in the landfill? What if he had dismembered all of his limbs and fed them to a pet? Sunggyu felt his heartbeat grow faster in speed as he thought of all the outcomes. A fresh batch of tears dared to escape as he tried to stop the horrifying thoughts.


Dongwoo pat him on the back solemnly as he himself held back tears. The rebel had also regained his emotions and to everyone's surprise, became one of the most emotional members of the Trinity. Sunggyu gave him a thankful smile before scanning the crowed for Woohyun's figure. Strangely, the light in the darkness had vanished and the purple haired man was nowhere to be seen. Sunggyu felt his eyes glass over as a few tears slowly made their way down his cheeks.


"Let us take a moment of silence to remember Minho's bravery." The woman announced. The sound of sobbing had died down as they started the moment of silence. Sunggyu heard each and everybody's ragged breath as he closed his eyes and focused on his own. While his eyes remained closed, a soft hand s into his. Sunggyu bit his lip but didn't dare open his eyes, red from crying.


The hand gently entwined their fingers and began tracing Sunggyu's skin with a thumb. The brown haired man accidentally let a sob escape and the hand gave a little squeeze. Before long, the woman announced the end of the silence. Sunggyu slowly opened his eyes and looked down at his hand, which was wrapped around slender fingers. From there, his gaze traveled past the white cuff and up the sleeve of the blazer before landing on Woohyun's calm face.


They stared at each other for a while before Dongwoo awkwardly coughed in between them. Sunggyu averted his gaze and reluctantly released Woohyun's warm hand. The purple haired man offered a smile to the Transparent turned rebels and made his way back to his original seat. Sunggyu looked down at his palm and repeated Woohyun's message in his mind.


"Are you okay? Wait in the training room when this is over. We can talk if you want."


It had been a while since they communicated only by looking into each other's eyes. Sunggyu wasn't sure if he got the message right but decided to go with it. The ceremony went on for another half hour. The brown haired man paid his respects at the front and moved on to burn a stick of incense. There wasn't even a picture of Minho to pray to, which was actually good for Sunggyu, otherwise he would have broke down on the spot.


Soon the final prayers were said and the rebels started to file out of the room. Sunggyu had lost Dongwoo in the crowd but he wasn't fazed by his absence. A rebel accidentally pushed him forward and he stumbled to catch his footing. An arm shot out to grab Sunggyu's blazer and pulled him up right again. The brown haired man looked to his left and met eyes with Sungjong, who looked just as broken as he did. They exchanged quick smiles before they were pushed apart from each other.


After walking down the long halls, Sunggyu finally made it to their makeshift training room, where he sat down and waited for Woohyun to arrive. He looked around the dusty space and decided to clean up while he waited. Might as well put his Transparent skills to use. Sunggyu slipped his gloves off and began to move some woodpiles to the side of the room, where he would leave them for the time being.


Woohyun walked in not long after and silently watched Sunggyu's back as he pushed a few boxes to the side. He glanced around and noticed that the room looked a lot less cluttered than before.


"I guess some habits never die." He mused out loud, startling Sunggyu. Woohyun took off his blazer and slung it over his shoulder before sitting on one of the boxes the brown haired man left in the middle of the room. "So," He started when Sunggyu took a seat next to him, staring at the wall. The training room was almost like a second home for the both of them. It felt like they could talk about anything in there without having to worry about being interrupted.


"I have been thinking." Sunggyu said as he started to his blazer as well. "About being a rebel, about Minho, about us-"


"Do you want to go for a walk? You haven't been outside much, right?" Woohyun spoke over Sunggyu suddenly. His face was all smiles but his voice didn't express the same cheery mood. It was if he wanted to avoid the topic of their relationship. Without having any say in the matter, the brown haired man was dragged into the garden behind the main building, where no one was hanging around. The two stayed silent as they walked down the gravel path.


The garden was beautiful; with freshly cut grass lining the paved road and perfectly rounded bushes filled with red and blue berries. As they walked further down the path, Sunggyu spotted a pond out of the corner of his eye. Without knowing, he strayed from Woohyun's side and headed for the small pond. The purple haired man let out a hum as he watched Sunggyu sit down near the water.


A wave of déjà vu hit the Transparent turned rebel as he admired the gleam of sun reflecting off the water. Sudden memories of Howon flooded back into his mind and he gripped his head as it started pulsing. Woohyun walked over when he noticed the pained expression on his best friend's face.


"Hey, Sunggyu, are you all right?" He asked as he approached. The brown haired man could hardly hear the question due to the ringing in his ears that soon became deafening. He felt light headed the more he thought about his time in the Lee's home. "Sunggyu!" Was the last thing he heard before his vision blurred into black.





Oh no what happened to gyu? ^^ I guess we'll find out in the next chapter haha~ I'm just going to say it here but the story is ending soon~ 




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why does this have 300 subs its so bad


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Chapter 22: i read this story since morning.
like i said before, i easily trapped in the story that i read.
this is great.
how you make them,the transparents, emotionless. and gain their own emotion again.
every scenes in each of your chaps are precious. its so detailed.
oohhh i got dizzy so suddenly XDD

And the last chap:')
i got my tears rolled down on my cheek.Its so beautiful yet pain me :')

i hope there are no world like this in the real world. But who knows

Thank you so much for this beautiful story. And dont stop writing please..
Thank you so much /deep bow/
kiba_phoenix #2
Chapter 22: Wow, that was a severe twist. I had a suspicion when Mrs. Nam told Woohyun her story, but didn't think I'd be right lol. Dang, that was sad and beautiful at the same time. I loved it~
Chapter 22: NOOO WHY END IT THERE ㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 22: At first I'm going to like 'Where is Howon??' and yeah finally he's back :D
I'm crying so much when Howon saying goodbye to Sunggyu. It really hurts ㅠㅠ
I'm sorry. I think I just into HoGyu ㅠㅠ

I don't expect Woohyun to be Sunggyu's brother actually. The conversation in the walkie talkie is really obvious but still... ㅠㅠ
Yeah it's kind of sad ending. Too bad WooGyu can't be together.....
Or maybe Sunggyu is the young Holy's destiny? *giggling*

Sorry I'm being biased again ㅠㅠ

I love your story tbh :)
There isn't a lot action fanfics about Infinite I think...?
sha_alina19 #5
Chapter 23: is that it??aww...sunggyu n namu is brother??
idontevenwhatisthis #6
Chapter 23: soooooooo this story started off really good and then just careened to the weirdest and most abrupt ending. i was looking forward to the ending too, but it felt a bit hasty :(. ruined it for me.

and i don't mean the happy ending vs. sad ending. the pacing of the was too harried.
Chapter 22: Just finished reading this awesome fic....
Oh god i can't ..... With the ending ;;;__;;;;
Anyway, i really like your writing styleee
Uh and the story is wonderfull
Hahaha so it all began with beans...
kitamea #8
Chapter 23: I just read all of this and I think I just died a little.