Chapter 11


Woohyun hit the ground with a loud thump. Despite his stinging back, he smiled and laughed, meeting eyes with the enraged man towering above him. He knew once Sunggyu got his emotions back they would override his common judgment.


"And now, you have felt anger." The purple haired man giggled as Sunggyu made an attempt to kick him in the stomach. He had rolled away in the nick of time, swiftly standing up in the process. The brown haired man wouldn't be able to lay a finger on Woohyun unless he permitted it, the man was far too inexperienced to actually hurt Woohyun. Sunggyu let out a shaky breath filled with rage. He didn't know why he was angry but the feeling was so powerful it consumed him, drowning him in a pit of violence.


"Get over here." He ordered Woohyun, who was trying to escape to the other side of the room. Something in him needed to hurt someone and the only option was the purple haired man at the moment. Woohyun walked closer, laughing to himself, only making Sunggyu even more riled up.


"I kind of like this new, demanding side of you, Gyugyu." The rebel said, trotting up to the flustered man. Immediately, Woohyun was slapped across his cheek. His natural instinct was to defend himself, thus pinning the attacker to the ground, but Woohyun knew the ex Transparent needed to get it out before they could move on.


"Don't call me that." Sunggyu hissed. It was the first time Woohyun had called him Gyugyu and he hated it. He hated everything right now; his hair, his life, his past owners, his emotions, Woohyun, anything he thought about got him angrier and angrier. How could such a powerful emotion be kept at bay during his whole 23 years of living? It was always there, Sunggyu knew that, but what he had thought he felt back at the auction definitely was not anger.


"Would you like the vinoll?" Woohyun asked, slipping a hand into his pocket to grab the injector. Vinoll was a Dawning Trinity creation that allowed the Transparents to calm down from their newly awoken emotions. It was a light blue liquid inside of a vial that was connected to an injector, which was basically a fancy looking shot. The furious rebel shook his head and stepped back.


" the vinoll." Sunggyu spat, words laced with venom. Woohyun grinned, probably entertained by this whole ordeal. The brown haired man threw another punch, aimed directly at Woohyun's eye. He avoided it easily and tapped his foot on the ground patiently. Sunggyu growled and tried to kick him, but once again, missed.


"Well, I'm sorry to have to do this but," The purple haired man said casually before dropping to the ground, tripping Sunggyu. The man fell down with a grunt, muttering a few choice words directed to the other rebel along the way. "You need to calm down." Woohyun said, piercing the struggling man's skin with the injector. The purple haired rebel had Sunggyu in a tight choke hold, not releasing until he felt the other relax from the vinoll's effects.




"Better." Sunggyu confirmed, moving into a sitting position when Woohyun let go. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. That test was too much." He breathed deeply, lowering his adrenaline. Woohyun gave a small laugh and stood up, offering his hand, which Sunggyu gladly took, completely wiped out from that horrible experience.


"Actually, that test could have gone two ways. It simulated the fight-or-flight response to a situation, to which you chose to fight. The other would have been extreme anxiety, causing you to get paranoid and all that good stuff." The purple haired rebel explained. Sunggyu nodded, catching his breath.


"I think we will be done for today. Want to take a break for the rest of the week or shall we continue tomorrow?" Woohyun asked. Sunggyu really wanted his emotions back, even if it scared him like today did. They started off regaining emotions with happiness and joy since it would cause the least trauma in the beginning. Yesterday, Sunggyu had come to terms with fear upon his request. Ever since that conversation he had had with Woohyun, curiosity kept poking at him, wondering what fear and terror felt like. Now he knew, he knew why Woohyun got so upset over it. It truly was a terrible experience; even the vinoll couldn't calm him down the first time.


"Let's end the session for today and start up again tomorrow." Sunggyu agreed, heading out of the training room. "By the way, are you alright?" He asked Woohyun, who came following after him.


"Yeah, I'm fine. Did you really think I got hurt?" The rebel laughed. "Although, my cheek is a little sore." He squinted as Sunggyu gave it a light jab.


"It looks a bit red but that's all." The brown haired man commented. Woohyun gave him a look and he backed away. They kept walking together down the long corridor to the dinner room, bickering all the way into the line of rebels waiting for food. The purple haired man could have skipped the long wait and moved up to the front because of his status, but remained with his best friend at the end. Over the past couple of months, the time Sunggyu and Woohyun had spent together left them inseparable. The line moved up and it was their turn to order.


"Hey guys, what do you want?" Sungjong asked from behind the counter. Sunggyu order his normal lunch consisting of a sandwich and chocolate milk. Woohyun giggled a bit from his right side.


"I'll have the pasta and wow, you're really rocking the lunch lady look." He smirked at Sungjong, who clicked his tongue angrily. Every month, different squadrons took up the job of cleaning and cooking for the HQ. It was currently squadron three, Sungjong's rank, and next it would be Sunggyu's rank. Woohyun was not required to do any of these things – mostly because he didn't grow up with the skills the Transparents had – but promised to make the brown haired man's life miserable when his time came to clean up. Oh Woohyun, such a kind friend indeed, either way, Sunggyu would be more than comfortable with his presence as he worked.


"I bet you'd make better pasta than this." Woohyun said after a bite of his food. Sunggyu put down his sandwich and opened his mouth, expecting the purple haired man to feed him a noodle. As he thought, Woohyun lifted his fork up to his open mouth and Sunggyu chewed on the noodle, tasting the sauce.


"Yeah, you're right, I could totally make it better." He nodded. Woohyun laughed at the man's not-so-modest comment, Sunggyu was starting to sound like an actual human and he liked it.


"Hey, I'll give you another test right now." Woohyun said, placing his fork down on his plate as he swallowed the last of the pasta. The brown haired man looked at him, confused. He was still worn out from earlier excitement. "It'll just be something called jealousy, nothing too hard on the mind." Woohyun promised, lips forming into a grin like he knew something Sunggyu did not.


"Okay. Well, go ahead." The reluctant rebel said. He didn't learn about jealousy back in Carol and didn't know what to expect. Woohyun mentally laughed at the other's clueless face and stood up, starting the test. Sunggyu watched from his seat at the table as his best friend walked over to an unsuspecting Dongwoo and gave him the shock of his life. Woohyun back hugged the man and kissed him on the cheek, making Dongwoo turn around in surprise and confusion. He hadn't got his emotions back so he didn't know what those actions meant but Sunggyu knew. An unsettling feeling bubbled up in his stomach, growing in strength the longer he looked at Woohyun shower Dongwoo with butterfly kisses.


"I'm sorry for taking your time, Dongwoo. Continue what you were doing." The purple haired man said before trotting back to his seat beside Sunggyu. The other scooted away from him when he sat down, a little saddened and upset at what he just saw. "So, did you feel anything?" Woohyun asked, noticing the large distance between them. Sunggyu looked down at the tablecloth, afraid that the terrible feeling would stir up again if he met eyes with his best friend.


"I felt…angry?" The brown haired man guessed, glancing up at Woohyun, who had a smirk glued to his lips. The look in the other's eyes urged him to continue. "Uh, I felt like I couldn't sit still and wanted to go pull you away from Dongwoo…" He trailed off.


"So, I'm right again with my theories." Woohyun mumbled, gaining Sunggyu's full attention. "You got jealous like I thought you would if I did that action to someone else." He said, smiling at the clueless rebel next to him.


"I don't get it." Woohyun laughed loudly at Sunggyu's simple response. The rest of the rebels in the lunchroom turned to look at them, already concerned as to why they witnessed one of the Nams kissing another man earlier.


"You – you really don't, huh?" Woohyun stuttered, trying to calm his laughter down by in large quantities of air. Sunggyu shook his head, completely lost with what the other was implying. "You only get jealous if another emotion is in play." The purple haired man explained, confusing Sunggyu even more.


"To understand, you need to get back the emotion of love."




I'M SORRY FOR THE LACK OF UPDATES!!!!! I kept putting it off and then a couple of days went by! So so so so sorry~ I have a lot of projects due now that it is getting to the end of the semester in school. Sooooooo Woogyu anybody?? Eh?


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why does this have 300 subs its so bad


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Chapter 22: i read this story since morning.
like i said before, i easily trapped in the story that i read.
this is great.
how you make them,the transparents, emotionless. and gain their own emotion again.
every scenes in each of your chaps are precious. its so detailed.
oohhh i got dizzy so suddenly XDD

And the last chap:')
i got my tears rolled down on my cheek.Its so beautiful yet pain me :')

i hope there are no world like this in the real world. But who knows

Thank you so much for this beautiful story. And dont stop writing please..
Thank you so much /deep bow/
kiba_phoenix #2
Chapter 22: Wow, that was a severe twist. I had a suspicion when Mrs. Nam told Woohyun her story, but didn't think I'd be right lol. Dang, that was sad and beautiful at the same time. I loved it~
Chapter 22: NOOO WHY END IT THERE ㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 22: At first I'm going to like 'Where is Howon??' and yeah finally he's back :D
I'm crying so much when Howon saying goodbye to Sunggyu. It really hurts ㅠㅠ
I'm sorry. I think I just into HoGyu ㅠㅠ

I don't expect Woohyun to be Sunggyu's brother actually. The conversation in the walkie talkie is really obvious but still... ㅠㅠ
Yeah it's kind of sad ending. Too bad WooGyu can't be together.....
Or maybe Sunggyu is the young Holy's destiny? *giggling*

Sorry I'm being biased again ㅠㅠ

I love your story tbh :)
There isn't a lot action fanfics about Infinite I think...?
sha_alina19 #5
Chapter 23: is that it??aww...sunggyu n namu is brother??
idontevenwhatisthis #6
Chapter 23: soooooooo this story started off really good and then just careened to the weirdest and most abrupt ending. i was looking forward to the ending too, but it felt a bit hasty :(. ruined it for me.

and i don't mean the happy ending vs. sad ending. the pacing of the was too harried.
Chapter 22: Just finished reading this awesome fic....
Oh god i can't ..... With the ending ;;;__;;;;
Anyway, i really like your writing styleee
Uh and the story is wonderfull
Hahaha so it all began with beans...
kitamea #8
Chapter 23: I just read all of this and I think I just died a little.