Chapter 2


"Wow, that's really you, isn't it?!" Howon exclaimed, looking and the Transparent up and down in shock. It really was a huge change from the man he brought home a couple hours earlier. It was like Sunggyu was a different man, with his new stylish haircut and butler outfit and all. Even his once bare feet were covered with fashionable black leather shoes and his dirt smudged hands now covered with elegant silk gloves.


Sunggyu noticed his master's face burn a bright red but didn't say anything, oblivious to the reason behind it. Howon stepped out of his room, smiling at the man.


"Hey, have you checked out the garden yet?" He asked, taking Sunggyu's hand and leading him down the stairs and out the front door. The Transparent barely had the chance to shake his head before he was pulled along. Howon took a swift turn left, dropping Sunggyu's hand to unlatch the large white gate that stretched out along the house to the end of their property, which was pretty big. He swung the gate wide open, allowing enough space for the two to walk in together.


On the other side of the gate was a long canopy with luscious flowers and vines adorning it, making it feel like an enchanted garden from a fairytale. The path that ran through the beautiful garden was made of dark red bricks with white patterns in the middle. Howon led Sunggyu to a fork in the path, offering him a choice whether to go to the pond or to his mother's section of the garden where she grew sheal, a native plant to Ahdah that was said to reduce wrinkles if the scent of the flower was inhaled.


Sunggyu had no interest in the miracle working plant so they decided to go to the pond. Along the way there, Howon struck up a conversation with the otherwise silent man.


"You don't talk much, huh." He pointed out. Sunggyu nodded as his response, making Howon frown a little. "You can talk around me, it's fine. I dislike the way they teach you at Carol." Sunggyu's instinct was to nod again but stopped himself, instead, he spoke his answer.


"Yes, sir." Howon laughed, he wasn't used to being called sir.


"Just call me Howon." He smiled at the Transparent. Although it broke almost all of the rules he had learned, he had to comply with his master's wishes.


"Yes, Howon." He corrected, feeling a bit strange with the way it rolled off of his tongue so easily. Howon smiled at him, his eyes forming into crescent moons. They continued to walk side by side, enjoying the relaxing atmosphere of the garden for a little while longer before the shady canopy came to a halt, allowing the sun to hit the pond in a breathtaking way. 


Howon and Sunggyu sat down on a white marble garden bench that was long enough for both men to fully stretch out on. They watched as wild birds pecked around at the ground near them in silence before Howon started to get personal.


"So," He started with a nonchalant tone, "how old are you?"


"Twenty three." Sunggyu responded, moving his gaze away from the birds to his master. Howon's mouth opened a little, like he was mouthing the word wow.


"So you are three years older than me." He hummed, taping his finger to his chin. "You really don't look it."


"Thank you." Sunggyu offered a small smile as he accepted the compliment.


"That was the first time I've seen you smile." Howon remarked. "I like it." Sunggyu looked down modestly as the Holy continued to ask about his past.


"I do not have a past worthy of sharing with my master." He said. The training school had very strict rules on what you can and cannot say to your owner, and your life before being bought was definitely forbidden to talk about, even if your master wished to know. Howon looked saddened for a second.




"But, if I may ask, how was your past?" Sunggyu said, attempting to rid the frown on Howon's face. The said man regained control of his expression and laughed a little.


"My past? What makes you think that I'll share my past after you didn't?" Sunggyu looked away from Howon's eyes. He shouldn't have asked. "I'm just kidding. Honestly, I didn't really do much in my life yet. I grew up, was sent off to school for six years, and here I am, back with my family to finally get a Transparent." Howon said, staring at the pond with his hands clasped in front of him.


Sunggyu looked at his master closely, his eyes tracing the man's side profile up to his hair. It was bleach blond and wavy; probably the work of his mother, who he now knew was a fashion expert. His side burns were shaved and kept a dark brown, giving more emphasis to his eyebrows, which also kept their original color. Perhaps they too were once dyed but have since grown out, as the top of his head was starting to show his dark brown roots again.


Howon suddenly shifted his eyes to the Transparent, locking gazes. Neither of them looked away, captivated in each other's dark brown orbs. The light of the setting sun reflected off of Howon's irises, lightening them significantly from their normal midnight brown.


"We should go back inside, it's getting late." The Holy said, getting up from his sitting position. Sunggyu nodded and got up as well; dusting off his outfit to make sure he didn't get it dirty already. Rejoining hands, they strolled out of the garden. As they neared the dinning room, the delicious smell of dinner filled their noses.


"Ah, here they are." Mrs. Lee announced from her spot at the large dark oak dinner table. Mr. Lee grunted audibly at the sight of his only son with the lowly Transparent they had just picked up. "Dinner is served, help yourselves." Mrs. Lee smiled as Howon took his seat near her, leaving Sunggyu standing by himself awkwardly.


"Well? Get out." Mr. Lee barked at the Transparent, who bowed and quickly his heels to exit.


"No, let him stay." Howon said, making Sunggyu halt mid step, confused if he should continue to leave or not.


"What do you mean 'let him stay'? It's a Transparent, it can't eat with us, even if you gave it a haircut." Mr. Lee growled. Howon's expression dropped at his father's choice of words describing Sunggyu. Mrs. Lee intervened before an argument erupted.


"Honey, let him eat with us." She said firmly, aware that the topic of their conversation was still in the room. Her husband made a sound of annoyance but complied, instead, focusing on adding food to his empty plate.


Howon shook the seat next to him, indicating for Sunggyu to sit there. The Transparent hesitantly took his seat, aware of the nasty look that Mr. Lee was giving him. He watched as Howon started picking certain foods onto his plate from the vast variety of dishes in the middle. Sunggyu started to copy, not knowing if he was doing it right because the food at Carol was already plated for him.


After an uncomfortable dinner, the Transparent helped collect dishes and washed them with Mrs. Lee. From her constant chattering, he learned that it was always her job of taking care of the house and cooking. Now that it was passed on to him, she could further commit herself to her job. Sunggyu realized the importance of his presence at that moment. He wasn't only a servant to the Holy sanctum; rather, he was a much-appreciated addition to the family.


It was just turning 7 o'clock pm when Sunggyu had finished drying the dishes. He made it back to his room - after taking a couple wrong turns in the main hallway, that is - and ed his long coat. He didn't have any nightclothes to change into so he decided to leave his button down dress shirt and pants on. After brushing his teeth, one of the few things Transparents were able to do everyday, and using the bathroom, Sunggyu slipped into his makeshift bed of a comforter and a single sheet.


In Ahdah, where there were no seasons, the sun always rose at 4 am and set around 4 pm, thus allowing twelve hours of daylight. In order to wake up at sunrise, Sunggyu would have to go to bed fairly early. After setting his alarm to 3 am, the Transparent closed his tired eyes. A lot of changes had happened that day, leaving him wiped out.




Chapter two done! Woohyun won't be appearing for another chapter or so, I believe, but when he does, I think many of you will be pleased. :D

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why does this have 300 subs its so bad


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Chapter 22: i read this story since morning.
like i said before, i easily trapped in the story that i read.
this is great.
how you make them,the transparents, emotionless. and gain their own emotion again.
every scenes in each of your chaps are precious. its so detailed.
oohhh i got dizzy so suddenly XDD

And the last chap:')
i got my tears rolled down on my cheek.Its so beautiful yet pain me :')

i hope there are no world like this in the real world. But who knows

Thank you so much for this beautiful story. And dont stop writing please..
Thank you so much /deep bow/
kiba_phoenix #2
Chapter 22: Wow, that was a severe twist. I had a suspicion when Mrs. Nam told Woohyun her story, but didn't think I'd be right lol. Dang, that was sad and beautiful at the same time. I loved it~
Chapter 22: NOOO WHY END IT THERE ㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 22: At first I'm going to like 'Where is Howon??' and yeah finally he's back :D
I'm crying so much when Howon saying goodbye to Sunggyu. It really hurts ㅠㅠ
I'm sorry. I think I just into HoGyu ㅠㅠ

I don't expect Woohyun to be Sunggyu's brother actually. The conversation in the walkie talkie is really obvious but still... ㅠㅠ
Yeah it's kind of sad ending. Too bad WooGyu can't be together.....
Or maybe Sunggyu is the young Holy's destiny? *giggling*

Sorry I'm being biased again ㅠㅠ

I love your story tbh :)
There isn't a lot action fanfics about Infinite I think...?
sha_alina19 #5
Chapter 23: is that it??aww...sunggyu n namu is brother??
idontevenwhatisthis #6
Chapter 23: soooooooo this story started off really good and then just careened to the weirdest and most abrupt ending. i was looking forward to the ending too, but it felt a bit hasty :(. ruined it for me.

and i don't mean the happy ending vs. sad ending. the pacing of the was too harried.
Chapter 22: Just finished reading this awesome fic....
Oh god i can't ..... With the ending ;;;__;;;;
Anyway, i really like your writing styleee
Uh and the story is wonderfull
Hahaha so it all began with beans...
kitamea #8
Chapter 23: I just read all of this and I think I just died a little.