
18 vs 27
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“BYUN BAEKHYUN!” It was Yixing’s voice. Baekhyun turned and saw Yixing with Jongin behind the furious looked male, walking over to him. Yixing looks so pissed, Baekhyun could tell. “You didn’t pick me up. How could you?” he complained, crossing arms as a pout formed on his lips.


Now he remembered. “I forgot okay. I just got this shocking news. Even I don’t know it’s bad or good.” He explained, sighing.


“Well, at least you gave me a call.” Yixing said, calmer this time. Then he paused, unmoving like a stone. “Oh. My phone! Where is my phone? I have phone right?” he frowned.


Baekhyun shrugged. “I don’t know. Um maybe it’s still in your car.”


“My car of course. I don’t even know I have a car! I can be here now by Jongin’s sport car.” The frowns disappeared as his eyes widened, looked terribly confused.


Baekhyun tilted his head, turned to Jongin who was talking with someone in the phone. “Jongin-ah.” He called but no response from the actor. Still, he didn’t buy it, so he continued asking the handsome male. “Where is Yixing’s phone and car? Is his car still repaired?”


 “I can’t be there now hyung. I promise will go there right after finishing my business here.” Jongin said through the phone. It must be his director.


“You’re not supposed to be here. Just go to work. Don’t worry about Yixing.” Baekhyun said to him once the younger ended the work call.


Jongin looked at him in the eyes. “I want to be here.” And with that Baekhyun gave up. It was final. There was no room to against his will. Stubborn like always. Baekhyun scoffed internally. “Where is Yixing?”


Right. Where is the pregnant male? Baekhyun’s black lined eyes started to look around and there, in the doorway of one of the lifts, Yixing was hugging tightly onto the tall man who clearly looked uneasy.


Baekhyun was about to call his best friend when the latter’s husband stormed toward them. Yixing gasped as the younger pulled him harshly off the taller man.


“What the-“


“No skinship.” Jongin cutted his husband’s words, eyes coldly fixed onto Yifan’s eyes. “We need to talk.”


Yifan, who was still in confused mode, walked after the famous actor who skipped away first to other side of building.


“The hell Kim Jongin! Why you take away Yifan from me! I just met him for a second and you steal him! Bastard!” Yixing yelled to Jongin’s back, didn’t care what the others thought when he yell like that, like always. For this, Baekhyun had to be the one who gave a sorry smile to other workers in the building who kept their eyes on Yixing. “He always takes the important person of mine.” He mumbled once Baekhyun stood before him.




Library was not an interesting place for Yixing. Library was not his place. It was not his friend. Maybe for a sleep lover like him, it was a perfect place to take a nap. But not when he needed to talk to his best friend who currently was madly in anger to him. He sighed tiredly, glancing to a library staff who kept watching him in suspicion as if Yixing was trying to burn his work place. Not, not today absolutely. Don’t worry. Yixing smiled reassuringly to her before padded to a table near the large glass window. Nice view, nice choice, of course. What could be he expected from his very cool buddy.


“Hi first ranked student.” Yixing gave his warmest greeting to the expressionless Kyungsoo once he stood behind his chair. No response, no problem. He slid into a chair beside the black haired boy, straighting his back as he placed his arms onto their table. “Ow it’s cloudy. I hate bad weather.” He mumbled, looking at the sky outside.


Still there was no response. Kyungsoo kept his eyes on the huge book in front of him, and sometimes writing on his note. And there was no some time glancing over the bored starting boy. He hated hostile mode with the narrow shouldered boy. Because Kyungsoo was too hard to be approached.


“I can see that you still mad at me.” He started, leaning on his arms to get a clearer view of Kyungsoo’s plain face. “We should make things up. I’m here because of that. I hate this place you know that, right? The library-“




Yixing rolled his eyes.

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Chapter 7: Hello is Authornim still active in this site. Please give us update.. I read it again. Please......
Mae1413 #2
Chapter 7: Pleease update~
Chapter 7: I need more;_;
Chapter 1: this is nice
pkan13 #5
every time i read yr story just can't help but wonder (in my own sad strange way) “ahh could this happen to me?”
(any chances) please update /\
allKlover #6
Chapter 7: It's been a long time since I've read this story. I liked it a lot and was waiting to know what would happen next. Is the story on hiatus? Or is there a chance of an update soon? I hope to read more of your story. Fighting!
Chapter 7: Omg, I need more of this magnificent! T^T
Wait so Yifan is lying or saying the truth? Because damn, he's not ruining this kaixing I love Kray but babe, lets be loyal

Okno, just joking xd please update soon! :3
Chapter 1: Poor Jongin! :c and Yixing cursing his life xd
YuanLu #9
Chapter 7: Please update~~~ I'm begging you!
ilangilang #10
Chapter 7: Ohmygod, I just can't wait for the next chapter.