

Why isn't Kai coming back yet? Eun Hye thought as she sat on a plastic chair in the pratice room. It's already 6:30 and the instructors and back up dancers are all here already. Eun Hye went up to  the dance instructor , " I am really sorry that Kai is late. Please hold on for a moment. ' Eun Hye said.

The dance instructor smirked and let out a soft chuckle , " It's okay. This is not the first time. I am used to it already. " He said. 

" Anyway, I am Kai's new manager and my name is Eun Hye. Please take care of me!" Eun Hye said and bowed.

" My name is Lay. " The dance instructor said and smiled.

Eun Hye nooded and went out of the practice room, she pulled out her smartphone and dialed Kai's number, no one picked up. She was so frustrated. She took a deep breath and tried again. the call got through and she scolded Kai striaght away , " Where are you right now? You promised to be back at the practice room at 6.30 and do you know what's the time now? All the instructors and back up dancers are all here. " Eun Hye scolded. But unexpectedly , she heard a female's voice , " Kai, I think it's your manager. " She then giggled. " Pass me the phone. " She heard Kai's voice. After a while , Kai picked up the phone , " I am rushing back. Just stop calling alright? " Kai said and hung up her before she could say anything. 

Eun Hye went back inside and some of them were taking pictures, some sleeping and so on. She sighed and shook her head. She sat on the plastic chair and looked at the wall clock , *7:15 already.* She thought and looked away and then one of the dancers whined while sitting on the floor, " Ahhhh, so hungry. When is he coming?"

Eun Hye heard and let out an awkward laughther , she stood up and spoke , " I'm sorry. Food and drinks on me today. " Eun Hye said and the dancers cheered after hearing.

Eun Hye went out of the practice room and sighed. She pulled out her smartphone and dialed to the food delivery place, she ordered food and drinks for the dancers and hung up. Just when she was about to go back into the practice room, she saw Luhan and Luhan walked towards her.

She bowed , " Ahnyeonghaseyo." She said with a bitter smile.

Luhan laughed looking at her reaction , " Seems like things are not going on well. " Luhan said.

" Yes. He was supposed to be back by 3:30 but he postponed it to 6:30 and I allowed him to, but I think he took it for granted. " Eun Hye said and sighed again. She was exhausted.

" You will get used to this soon. " Luhan said and patted her arm lighly. Eun Hye didn't know why but she felt so warm.

She smiled and nodded , " I will do well. " She said. " By the way, what are you doing here? " She added.

" Ohh, Crayon Pop is receiving their vocal training session. " Luhan said.

" But the vocal training studio is upstairs. " Eun Hye said. " Are you okay? You must be really tired."  She asked, concerned.

" I pressed the wrong button in the elevator. " Luhan said awkwardly. " I guess I will go now. See you!" Luhan said and walked away.

* I just wanted to see how are you doing.* Luhan thought as he stepped into the elevator.

When she was about to enter the practice room again . her phone rang , she picked it up and it was the delivery service. She went to the main entrance to pay for the food and bring it to the dancers. 

She carried those all by herself. She mummbled to herself while carrying the food , " Even delivery service is faster than Kai . " She said while waiting for the elevator. The elevator door opened and she saw her father , she panicked a little and smiled , " Good evening , Mr. Yoon."  She said as her father stepped out of the elevator, smirking a little.

She quickly went in after that went back to the practice room. " Food is here!" She said with a cheerful tone.

The dancers cheered and went to her, including the dance instructor. She placed the food on the floor and left. She looked at the wall clock again , it's already 8:00. 

" Come and eat with us!" One of the dancers said and the others followed. 

" No thank you. You guys go ahead and enjoy the meal. " She said. She lost her appetite thanks to Kai.

" Thanks for the meal! " They said together.

And then the door opened and Kai came in like nothing happened. Not greeting anyone. He walked towards Eun Hye , " I am back. " He said and smirked.

" It's 8:05 already. I wish this kind of things will never happen again in the future. And you promised to be back by 6:30. " Eun Hye said firmly.

" I had a little too much fun and forgot about the time. But I am sure, no pictures from paparazzi. Seems like everyone's having fun without me. " He said. The atmosphere in the pratice room was just so awful. The dancers was just eating without saying a thing. 

Eun Hye sighed and shook her head, she lost count of how many time she sighed and shook her head in just a day , " We all start after 5 minutes. Is it all right? " Eun Hye asked the dancers.

Everyone said yes but just this one person , Kai. " No." He said.

" So what do you want to do again this time? " Eun Hye asked.

" I want a 10 minutes break before dancing. " Kai said and smiled like an innocent child.

" This is ridiculous. You didn't even do anything. Why do you need a break? " She asked , annoyed. 

" To get into my dancing mood. " He said again.

" I won't believe you again. Please start after 5 minutes. That's it. " Eun Hye said.

" Fine then. If my dancing is crap and my next album turn out to be a flop. It's your fault. " Kai said and walked away.

Eun Hye ignored that. Because she learnt that being nice to him doesn't do any good. 

Everyone warmed up with some streching exercise and Kai did too. 

The dance instructor played the music when everyone's in their position already. The music started and the dancers wrer giving their all, Kai was just simply doing it. With an annoyed expression. 

The dance instructor stopped the music , " Kai, I think you need to concentrate more. " Lay said while looking at him.

He pouted , " I can't , I am not in the mood yet." He said and shot Eun Hye a look.

Eun Hye walked towards him , " We need to talk. " She said and walked out of the room and he followed behind her. He was driving her crazy.

" I know you're a big star. But I am your manager. I WAS supposed to make sure you follow all the rules and take care of you.But I broke the rules for you.  So please, listen to me , do your best. Make it easier for you and me. " Eun Hye said. 

Kai turned around and went in to practice without saying a word. Seems like his evil plan for scaring off the new manager just failed. *What a tough woman.* He thought as the music started playing and he tried his best to follow the cheograph. He wasn't giving in , he was wishing for the best for his next album too. Good sales = more money = more fun = more girls. That's Kai's logic.

Let's have a little throwback here. Kai started as one of those people with full of passion and dreams too. He worked his way into success. He walked around the streets with his guitar, going from one audition to another. And then he finally passed YBY Entertainment's audition. His trainee days weren't easy too, he worked hard, he gave up on sleep and everything else. Just for the dream that he was living. 

Everything seems to be going on quite well, his efforts were paid off when he debuted and won the Best New Artist of the year straight away. Receiving lots of love from the public and media. He thought he was the happiest person on earth. And then here comes the after work parties and learning the dark side of the industry

He tried to fit in , he did what other stars did. He lost his true self, while trying to fit in

Music wasn't his passion anymore , it was just some money-making job for him earn money and have more fun. Fun was sitting in a bar . holding his guitar and singing songs to the people in the bar before he debuted. Everything changed after he debuted , fun was going to the best clubs with Korea with the best entertainers and with lots of good looking girls surrounding him. A way to show his social class.

Friends? Oh course he has alot of friends. But ...true friends. Who will be there for him when he needs someone to talk to? Needs a shoulder to cry on? It's okay for a man to cry. When he needs a listener? No one.

The practice ended and Kai was sweating like crazy. 

" Good job, everyone!" Lay said and bowed. The others did too. So did Kai.

He walked over to Eun Hye , " Water. " He said while panting.

Eun Hye turned around to see if there's any water , she searched his bag and a picture of an pretty old lady fell off. Kai quickly went over and picked it up , " Why did you search my bag without my permission? " He asked angrily as he hid the picture behind him.

Eun Hye nodded , " I'm sorry. Here's your water." She then handed him his water bottle and he quickly put the picture back into his bag.

" Don't touch my bag without my permission." He warned Eun Hye.

" All right. Sorry." Eun Hye said. " Did you eat dinner already with Miss S? " She asked,

Kai shook his head , " No. Not posible with a crazy woman that kept calling me when we were in the middle of our BUSINESS. " Kai said.

Eun Hye let out a sarcastic laughed , " You should be thankful that the crazy woman broke the rules for you. But you proved her that her actions were wrong. " Eun Hye said.

" I was just being a human. Being me. I can't follow the company's crappy no relationships rule so please accept the fact. " Kai said . Eun Hye somehow finf it true. Everyone wants to be loved , so do celebrities,so do me and you.But she doesn't want to agree to it so that Kai will not take things granted.

" You're a celebrity. Rules are rules. " Eun Hye said. " Are you hungry since you skipped dinner? " Eun Hye asked.

" Very hungry." Kai asnwered while drinking water. The dancers all left already. Only Kai and Eun Hye was there. " Dinner on you. " Kai said and let out a soft chuckle.

" All right. Dinner on me. " Eun Hye said and smiled. " What do you want to eat? " Eun Hye asked.

" I want to eat in a fancy restaurant get caught by paparazzi because I am dining with a woman at this hour. " Kai said with sacarsm.

Eun Hye didn't know why but it made her laugh , " All right. Let's eat in a fancy restaurant then. " She replied with sacarsm too.  " And get you into another scandal. " She added while laughing.

Kai let out a soft chuckle and smacked her forehead , " Let's go. " 

Eun Hye was taken back  , what did he just do? " Yah, I am your noona. Two years older than you. Respect me. " Eun Hye said while walking behind him.

" You said you wanted us to work well together. So I am just trying to break the ice on the first day of your work. " Kai turned aroudn and said.

Eun Hye let out a soft chuckle , " All right , all right. Let's go. " 

Kai looked at her without turning around or saying anything, " What are you waiting for? " Eun Hye asked him while standing in a distance with him. 

" Stand next to me. Why are you following me? Are you a sasaeng fan or something? " He teased again. 

" I did this all day. I think I am used to it now. " Eun Hye said. She wasn't feeling very comfortable with Kai acting this way. For a moment , she thought he has split personalities. Kai when others are around and Kai when no one is around.

" You're really new. Let me teach you. " Kai walked towards her and grabbed her shoulders and pushed her foward lightly. " You are my manager and you are supposed to walk INFRONT of me and stylist behind of me. Understand? " Kai asked while standing behind her.

Eun Hye feels even more awkward now. Who is this man she's facing? Why is he acting like this?  " Don't walk behind me now. " Eun Hye said.

Kai walked next to her , " Let's go ." He said and they started walking side by side.

They went to the company's cafeteria because it was the saftest place for them to go. The cafeteria actually looks very fancy , just like a cafe. 

Eun Hye bought coffee and drank it while she was sitting across an eating Kai.

" Ugh,the smell of coffee. " Kai said while chewing his food.

" It's nice. " Eun Hye said.

" Why are drinking coffee? Not going to sleep? " Kai asked.

" I need to re-arrange your schedule again. I need to call the show producers and all. So tell me what is sleep now. " Eun Hye said firmly.

Kai looked at her and continued eating without saying a thing. After a while , he spoke , " I will just follow what Luhan arranged. ' He said.

Eun Hye's expression brighten up , " Really? Thank you so much. So we will start your day with a variety show at SBS tomorrow and then after that it's your drama filming and then- " Eun Hye was cut off by Kai.

" You're giving me stress by just reading it out. I feel tired already by just hearing. Stop reading. I will just follow whatever that's on the schedule all right ? " Kai said, annoyed.

" Okay. " Eun Hye grinned and took a sip of her coffee.

First day of being Kai's manager went on pretty well. She just couldn't understand the reason behind Kai's split personality. She went home at her dad wasn't asleep yet. He was reading the newspaper on the fancy couch.

" Dad, I am home! " She shouted as she wore the home slippers.

" How's your first day of work? " His dad asked without looking at her. 

" It was great. He's not that bad after all. " Eun Hye said and sat down next to her dad.

Her dad turned his head and looked at her with a serious face , " You're the first in our company's history to say that." 

" He is seriosuly not thad bad . I have faith that he will listen to me well. " Eun Hye said,

" Let's see then. " His dad let out a soft chuckle and cotinued on what he was doing. 

" I am going to shower and go to bed. Goodnight, dad! " Eun Hye stood up and went back to her room. She took a nice warm shower , removed her makeup, changed into comfortable clothes and sat on her bed. 

She thought of Kai's sacarstic jokes and she laughed by herself.  " What's wrong with me? " She aksed herself. She still couldn't figure out the reason behind Kai's multi personality. She started getting suspicious, * Is this boy planning something in his own head? * She thought to herself as she pulled her blanket over her body. 

So what do you guys think? 

What's the reason behind Kai's action?

Leave a comment and let me now! 

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HyeYoungFan #1
This story too interesting to stop dear ... wishing you have time to updates ... thank you
HyeYoungFan #2
Found this lovely story and read it marathon. .. dear author-nim more than half a year...update plizzz thank you
avisdawn #3
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 5: Decision made- I'm subbing to this.
Update soon. X) Hahaha
Chapter 4: I really like it so far! I'm looking forward to your next update!
Angela821 #6
Chapter 1: Looking forward to read it! ^^