

Eun Hye's alarm rang and she opened her eyes and looked for her phone , she feels so sleepy , they had only received an hour of sleep. She found her phone and she finally stopped the ringing alarm but Kai on the other hand was still sleeping despite the loud alarm. Eun Hye sat up and pushed her hair out of her face. She then let out a soft chuckle when she saw Kai still sleeping soundly. 

"Kai. " She said. No response from Kai. 

" Kai. " She called out again but she raised her voice a little for this time. Still no response from Kai.

She sat closer to Kai but there was still distance between them , she stretched her hand out and shook Kai's shoulder. Kai jerked a little and finally opened his eyes and graoned.

"Wake up. We are going to be late. I know it's hard , get up and you can sleep in the car later. " Eun Hye said as if she's convincing a child to get out of bed .

Kai let out a laughter after hearing that , he rubbed his eye , " I am not 3 years old. " He said then he sat up. 

Eun Hye let out a soft laughter too and Kai finally got out of bed. He walked towards the bathroom. "Follow me. " He said.

Eun Hye did. He led her into the bathroom and he stood in front of the basin , he then took a toothbrush, squeezed some toothpaste on it and started brushing his teeth while Eun Hye just stood there and watched.

After he gargled , he let the tap water run over his toothbrush and handed it over to Eun Hye. After that , he splashed some water km his face. 

Eun Hye looked at him with wide eyes , " Eh? " She said.

" Brush up. I don't have another toothbrush. " Kai said and walked away. He walked into his room and changed. 

Eun Hye brushed up using his toothbrush and it didn't feel weird or dirty at all . She splashed some water on her face but she didn't have a towel so she used tissues paper from the tissue box in the bathroom.

Eun Hye walked out of the bathroom and Kai was already all ready to go since his stylist will do his makeup for him and choose his clothes. So he just wore a really simple white tee with a pair of skinny jeans since he needs to change later anyway.

Eun Hye realised she hasn't applied her makeup yet and she looks pale due to the lack of sleep. She rushed over to her handbag to find her makeup products that she brings around to touch up her makeup throughout the day.

" What are you looking for ? " Kai asked.

" Makeup. " She said while searching .

But then she stopped and she pulled something out of her bag , "What's this ? " She asked Kai , confused.

"Residence pass of my apartment. " Kai answered . " You're my manager , you need this , so I placed it in your bag . " He added.

" Oh... Thank you. " She said. She doesn't know what else to say.

" You don't need makeup , let's go. " He stood up and headed to the door.

Eun Hye quickly took her bag and followed him , " But I look like a ghost. " She said as she slipped her feet into her shoes.

" You always do. " Kai teased as he locker his apartment's door and they both stood infront of the elevator.

Eun Hye shot him a look and he laughed. The elevator came , they both took it to the car park.

They went into the car and buckled their seat belts , " We are meeting up with Jaekyung-shi and Chan Woo-shi at the company. You will be able to sleep for around 20 minutes in the car. " Eun Hye said and started driving .

Kai nodded and closed his eyes. Trying to sleep. There was only silence in the car , the cool air from the air conditioner blew on Eun Hye's face and she felt refreshed by that. She took a deep breath and checked her bare face from the rear mirror while driving. She then focused on driving and everything replayed in her head again. Why as Kai so emotional yesterday ? And what's the reason behind Kai's split personality.

She then felt the air conditioner turned away from her face. She then looked at Kai that was sitting on the passenger seat . Kai turned it away from her face , her eyes were fixated on the road. She wanted to ask Kai but Kai spoke first , " It will dry your skin out. " Kai said and closed his eyes again. 

" Thanks. Eun Hye said and continued driving. Eun Hye felt warm and confused at the same time. Warm because he cares. Confused because she doesn't know if this is her way of getting girls. He's a womaniser after all. 

" You're not meeting up with Miss S anymore?" Eun Hye asked because she thought of the girls around him.

Kai let out a soft chuckle with his eyes still closed , " She's just a game. " He answered.

" Are all girls a game to you? " Eun Hye asked. Her heart broke a little after hearing Miss S was just a game because she was afraid that she's just one of his games too. She doesn't want to fall in his trap.

" Depends. " He said. 

" We are here. Let's go." Eun Hye said coldly and left the car. Kai opened his eyes and quickly rushed down and tried to catch up with Eun Hye. Eun Hye thought she was a fool for staying last night and thinking that he actually cares.

" What's wrong with you? You need to wait for me to get off and not leave me behind. " Kai raised his voice as he was behind Eun Hye.

Eun Hye walked without answering his question or saying a word. They are at the company's building carpark anyway so it doesn't matter.  She rushed to the  bathroom and put on her makeup. She thought she needs to be her, not the her that Kai told her to be. 

She left the bathroom and got ready to meet up with Jaekyung and Chanwoo at the 10th floor. She saw someone went into the elevator and the door was closing , " Excuse me, hold on!" She raised her voice as she ran to the elevator. The elevator door opened wide as she arrived infront of it and she was welcomed by a smiling Luhan.

" I recognised your voice. " He said as Eun Hye stepped in. 

Eun Hye greeted him and awkwardly greeted him, she felt awkward because her hair was messy, her clothes are messy , she just looks not so clean. She quickly fix her clothes and her hair a little.

" You are wearing the same clothes from yesterday. You must be really busy since Kai is having his comeback. Poor thing. " He said.

Eun Hye was shocked , " But we didn't see each other yesterday. How do you know what I wore?" She asked.

Luhan grinned , " I saw you at the broadcas station. " He said. 

" Ohhhh. " Eun Hye said and nodded. And the she realised she's at the 13th floor. " Oh mo." She said as she realised she forgot to press the button.

Luhan let out a soft chuckle and walked out of the elvator, " Pabo. " He said and left. 

Eun Hye pressed on the number 10 right after Luhan left.  

Eun Hye reached the 10th floor and she realised there's no one there after searching all over the place. She pulled out her phone from her handbag and dialed to Jaekyung.

" Yoboseyo? "Jaekyung said.

" Jaekyung-sii. It's me, Eun Hye. I am at the 10th floor but I don't see you and Chanwoo here." Eun Hye said as she continued looking around, hoping to see them.

" Ohh, Kai asked you to drive here so we left first. He didn't inform you? " Jaekyung asked.

" Wh-what? Why? " Eun Hye asked. 

" He said his schedule will end late too tonight. So you need to send him home. " Jaekyung said. She's so friendly that Eun Hye is treating her like a younger sister.

" Okay. Thank you. See you guys there. " Eun Hye said and hung up the call. * If he asks me to stay for the night again. There's no way that I am going to do it.* Eun Hye thought as she made her way to the carpark.

She arrived at the place and went to search for Kai. He is doing a variety show shooting for today. How is he going to be funny after a few hours of sleep? 

Eun Hye walked towards Kai that was getting his makeup done by Jaekyung. Jaekyung and Eun Hye greeted each other and Eun Hye left after Kai's makeup was done.

Eun Hye looked at Kai ,  " Do well. I know you are really tired. Hwaiting!" She said.

" I will do well. I am Kai after all." He said jokingly and smirked.

" Ohhh, I forgot you are a great actor. You are right. You are Kai after all. " Eun Hye said and walked away. Remembering his tears ,his words , his actions, she thought he's a really good actor. He deserves an award for all that acting.

But was it just an act? or was he sincere? 

Kai was dumbfounded . * What's wrong with her today? Did I say something wrong? It was a joke.* Kai thought. 

They don't know what's going on in each other's mind but they are trying hard. Trying hard to figure it out in their own minds. Their own assumptions , their own thoughts. It will drive them crazy. 


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HyeYoungFan #1
This story too interesting to stop dear ... wishing you have time to updates ... thank you
HyeYoungFan #2
Found this lovely story and read it marathon. .. dear author-nim more than half a year...update plizzz thank you
avisdawn #3
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 5: Decision made- I'm subbing to this.
Update soon. X) Hahaha
Chapter 4: I really like it so far! I'm looking forward to your next update!
Angela821 #6
Chapter 1: Looking forward to read it! ^^