

After the recording of the variety programme , Kai checked to see if Eun Hye was standing anywhere near the cameras. No where to be seen. He got pissed off for some reasons. Even though normally when Eun Hye watched everything he does , he hated it. But now..... he's starting to yearn for it. 

He stormed back to his waiting room and pushed the door open. He scanned the waiting room with his fierce eyes and he only saw Jaekyung and the other workers there. Eun Hye wasn't there. He walked towards Jaekyung , " Where the hell is Eun Hye? " He asked. 

" Mind your words in public. You're a star. " He heard someone said behind him and he turned around. Eun Hye looked pissed off as well. 

Kai walked towards her with his fierce eyes, " You are supposed to watch everything that I do. THATS YOUR JOB. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO TAKE CARE OF ME. WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU ? " Kai yelled even though there's someone else around them.

Eun Hye looked around and saw people whispering to each other , she sighed , " Let's talk about it later. " Eun Hye said firmly and then walked pass Kai. 

 The day went on with Kai and Eun Hye being in different cars. Not talking to each other. It was awkward for Jaekyung and Chanwoo  to just sit in the car and hear each other breath. 

It was around 12 something in the midnight,  Eun Hye allowed Jaekyung and Chanwoo to leave first. They are at the drama's  filming set again. They bid farewell and Eun Hye was left alone in the corner , behind all the cameras , watching Kai again. 

After some time , the director shouted , " OK ! GOD TAKE ! GOOD JOB EVERYONE!  "

The actors and actress bowed to each other and left. Eun Hye walked towards Kai , " Let's go. " Eun Hye said. 

Eun Hye helped Kai with packing his stuff since Jaekyung is away. They both got into the car and there was nothing but silence.  

Kai looked out of the windows as Eun Hye drove.  " Stop the car. " He said softly, he did not sound fierce. 

Eun Hye pulled over even though she didn't know what Kai wanted. Kai went out of the car and Eun Hye rushed out, " What are you doing? You're a celebrity. Get back in. " 

Kai just chuckle and ignored Eun Hye, " We are at Han river. Get out and inhale the air, the night view is good too. " He said and rested his arms on the bridge fencing while leaning over a little. 

The wind was blowing outside and it was cold. Eun Hye was dumbfounded , she didn't know Kai likes things like this. She got out of her car and went next to Kai, " Kai , what if someone see you and .... It's cold. " Eun Hye said and rubbed her arms with her own hands. Her eyes were fixated on Han river and she suddenly felt a something on her shoulders and she felt warm. She turned around and then she realised it was Kai's hoodie. 

She then looked at Kai that was just wearing his plain t-shirt and his hair was messy due to the wind that was blowing strong.  Eun Hye's heart softened. She looked at Kai with soft eyes and thought,  * Am I falling for you?  *  

Kai then realised that Eun Hye was looking at him , " Wae?  " He asked. 

Eun Hye snapped out of her thoughts and blushed a little since Kai caught her staring at him, " It's just really cold, I don't want you to catch a cold. " Eun Hye said and took of his jacket that was on her shoulders and returned it to him. 

" Thank you. " She said and turned away. She couldn't look at him straight in his eyes due to embarrassment. 

" Look at me . " Kai said while trying to peek at her face since her hair is covering her face. He pushed her hair to the other side. Eun Hye didn't know what was the feeling that she was feeling. 

Kai softly lifted her chin and turned her head to his direction, " Your nose is red. " He said and grinned , showing his white teeth.

Eun Hye chuckle , " Because it's cold and you wanted to be here. I have no choice. " 

" Red nose. " Kai teased and laughed. Eun Hye laughed together with him. " Let's go. " He finally said.

They got back into the car and Eun Hye continued driving. Kai's action replayed in her head and she grinned, " I hate you. " She said. 

Kai smiled , " Thank you. " 

They were getting closer and closer as they joked around with each other. Eun Hye stopped infront of his apartment, " Get off." She said and playfully pushed him. 

" No. I am going to sleep in your car. " Kai said pretended to be sleeping. 

Eun Hye laughed , " Stop it. " She pushed him harder. 

Kai snapped out of it and loosened his seat belt while grinning, " See you tomorrow. Drive me home tomorrow too. Bye. " He left before Eun Hye could say anything else.

Eun Hye looked at him as he walked into the building. " Please stop bring nice to me. I can't fall in love with you. "  She said softly. 

Kai walked into the building and waited for the elevator, * Why do I miss you already ? * He thought and sighed. 

Finally updated ! Sorry for making you guys wait. 





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HyeYoungFan #1
This story too interesting to stop dear ... wishing you have time to updates ... thank you
HyeYoungFan #2
Found this lovely story and read it marathon. .. dear author-nim more than half a year...update plizzz thank you
avisdawn #3
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 5: Decision made- I'm subbing to this.
Update soon. X) Hahaha
Chapter 4: I really like it so far! I'm looking forward to your next update!
Angela821 #6
Chapter 1: Looking forward to read it! ^^