

" Eun Hye , why are you packing ? Did boss fire you?" Eun Hye's colleague , Taeyeon whispered to her.

Eun Hye was packing her stuff at her table with a box. She looked over to Taeyeon and nodded , " Aigoo, when am I going to find a new job again? Life is tough! " Eun Hye said and sighed.

" What did you do? " Taeyeon asked and frowned. 

Eun Hye looked at her and burst into laugther. " Pabo, I was just joking. I am going to work as Kai's manager from today onwards. I will still see you often." She said and continued packing.

Taeyeon breathe a sigh of relief. 

Eun Hye took her box and put it in the car and a man walked to the car next to hers in the car park. And then she realized it was Luhan. She didn't know why but she was excited to see him. She grinned and bowed , " Ahnyeonghaseyo, I am Eun Hye." 

Luhan smiled , " Nice to meet you. I am Luhan." He said and walked over to Eun Hye's car and saw the box in Eun Hye's car boot. His eye widened , " You are quitting your job? " He asked.

Eun Hye let out a soft laugther and shook her head , " No. I am still working here. Just doing something different. I am taking over Kai's ex manager." She said and realized that Luhan was the ex manager she was talking about. She apologized for saying something so stupid, " I am sorry. I am really sorry. I didn't mean it. I am sorry." 

Luhan grinned , " It's okay. I am going to be Crayon Pop's manager from today onwards. Cute and lovely, so much better. I pity you now. Should I apologize? " Luhan joked around.

" Really? Crayon Pop? Congratulations. " Eun Hye said excitedly. 

" Do well. " Luhan said and patted Eun Hye's shoulder. " Oh , and remember not to buy him coffee. He hates coffee. " Luhan added.

" Thanks for telling. I am still new , there's going to be alot for me to learn from you, sunbae ( senior) ! " Eun Hye said.

" Pass me your phone. " Luhan said and streched out his hand.

Eun Hye was dumbfounded but she followed what he said and gave him her phone. 

Luhan took it and added his own number into her contacts, " Just ask me if there's anything that you don't understand. I need to go now. Bye. " Luhan handed her phone back to her and left. 

Eun Hye tidied up the things in her car and went into the building too. She then met Kai and his stylist at the entrance. Kai shot her a dead glare and she didn't know what she did wrongly. The stylist gave her a look and she still didn't get it.

" You're late and we couldn't find you anywhere. So we were about to leave without you. Such bad performance on your first day of work, I can't accept this. " Kai said.

Eun Hye bowed and apologized , ' I am sorry. I will do better in the future." 

The stylist is a young and pretty lady , she spoke , " Let's go. Let's go. We are really going to be late if we don't start moving. " She said. Eun Hye knew that she was trying to help her. 

Kai started walking to the car park and his stylist followed behind him, so Eun Hye went beside the stylist. " Thank you." She said softly. The stylist nodded and smiled . 

Kai then stood infront of this black van. For a moment , Eun Hye thought he was waiting for them but she was wrong. Kai turned around yelled at them , " Move faster. " He yelled. 

Eun Hye and his stylist hurried over and his stylist slide open the van's door to let him in. They went in together while Kai sat on first row with his legs wide open while Eun Hye and his stylist sat at the back stuffed with his clothes and makeup. 

The driver checked that everyone was there and started driving. There was only silence in the car while Kai scrolled through his phone. Eun Hye wasn't mad at him, she knew that she was wrong. And she's working as a normal employee, not CEO's daugther so she deserved to be scolded. " Ahnyeonghaseyo! My name is Eun Hye. I will be working as Kai's manager. Please take care of me!" Eun Hye said. Loud enough for the everyone to hear.

" I am Jaekyung. Nice to meet you. " His stylist said and smilled.

" I am Chan Woo. Nice to meet you, Eun Hye." The middle-aged driver said and looked at them through the read mirror.

Eun Hye was expecting Kai to say something but he didn't so Eun Hye approached him first , " Kai, I think you should warm up your voice for the music show now. " Eun Hye said with a polite tone and patted his shoulder from behind.

" I will warm up in the waiting room later. Don't make me warm up in the car just because you're late. " Kai said firmly without turning around.

Eun Hye felt bad for messing up on the first day so she just leaned back , " Sorry. " 

They reached their destination and rushed to the waiting room , the stylist fixed his clothes, did his makeup and all and Eun Hye realized he still hasn't warmed up yet. " Kai, it's your turn soon. Please warm up. " Eun Hye tried again.

Kai shot her a look, " Please mind your own business. " Kai said and looked into the mirror to check his hair.

Eun Hye was speechless. She let it go at last because she thought he just has his ways, he's an experienced singer but she's just a new manager. She took out a notebook and sat on the couch checked Kai's schedule,  he has an interview right after the music show. She nodded and closed notebook. Eun Hye then walked over to Kai as he was sitting infront of the mirror , checking his makeup , " Kai, you have an interview right after this show. So if we want to reach there on time , you need to hurry up abit after your performance. " Eun Hye said nicely and smiled. She's trying her best to be nice first.

" Did you arrange my schedule? " Kai asked coldly without looking at her.

" No. I got this from a staff from our company. I will be arranging your schedule from next week onwards. " She said.

Kai turned his head to his side and looked at her, " Cancel it. " 

" Cancel what? " She asked , confused.

" The interview right after this music show. " Kai said.

" No. But we promised to do it already. So let's go alright? " Eun Hye said, trying not to sound annoyed.

" I, Kai aka Kim Jong In , did not agree on doing that but my ex manager did. So I don't see why I need to do something that a manger that I fired arranged. " Kai explained.

Eun Hye was annoyed b. * We need someone fierce enough to tame him * Her father's word came into her mind. She's the manager. She's supposed to help him keep up his reputation and cancelling an interview last minute won't do it. She shot Kai a look , " Do it. " 

Kai smirked , " I don't want to. " 

" You must .  " Eun Hye said again.

" I won't " Kai said and turned around to face the mirror again. 

" Kai, get ready. It will be your turn in 10 minutes. " , the staff member shouted from afar.

" Yes." Kai said and then he stood up and left.

Eun Hye felt so helpless. She stood there and watched Kai walked out of the waiting room. She followed behind him with an annoyed expression and the corridor was filled with people, Eun Hye tried to hide her annoyed expression.

The juniors greeted Kai and Kai just nodded and walked passed them. Whispers could be heard right after he left. Eun Hye knew that his reputation is already not good among the entertainers. She shook her head in dissapoinment , trying to find a way to help keep his reputation up. 

" Ahnyeonghaseyo. I am Kai's new manager, Yoo Eun Hye, please take care of me!" Eun Hye said to other idol's manager at the backstage. 

" Ahnyeonghaseyo!" They replied together alongside with the idols. *How friendly , must be fun to work with them.* She thought.

She saw Kai whispering something to a girl and they giggled like crazy. She walked over to them and grabbed Kai's arm, " Be careful. You know there's alot of people watching you. There's cameras everywhere. " She said.

The girl walked away and Kai yanked her hands away , " Don't ruin my mood before this. Will you? " Kai shot him a dead glare. 

Before she could say anything else , it was his turn to perform already. He went up to the stage and smiled sweetly to his fans. Screams could be heard. Eun Hye watched him as he performed, she's not going to deny the fact that he's charming when he's performing on the stage.

His performance ended and Kai walked down the stage after bowing. " Good Job." Eun Hye said and smiled to him.

" Thanks. ' Kai said , surprisingly.

They walked back to the waiting room together and she asked Kai properly again , " Please do the interview, will you? " 

Kai looked at her and groaned , " You're so annoying. Yes yes yes. Stop bothering me. " Kai said fastened his pace.

Eun Hye smiled brightly behind him , " YES! " She said to herself. She has the confidence that they will work well together now.

She went to the drinks vending machine and bought Kai some orange juice since Luhan told her Kai doesn't like coffee.

She took it back the waiting room and handed it to Kai that was sitting on the coach , " Yours. " She said.

Kai looked at her and froze there for a few seconds. He snapped back and spoke , " You know I don't drink coffee? " He asked ,confused. Since he was expecting a new manager to buy him coffee instead of orange juice.

Eun Hye nodded , " I know. " She said and walked away.

* Is she my fan? * Kai thought while drinking the juice.

They rushed over to another place for the interview and Eun Hye watched as Kai did the interview. He answered every question humorously and clearly. 

" So I bet our viewers are really curious about this. Are you really dating Miss. S from Group B ? " The female host asked.

" Ahhh, that. It's a misunderstanding. We had been close friends since a long time ago. " Kai answered and smiled. 

" Do you hae anyone in mind right now? " The host asked.

" Not really. At this moment , I just want to work harder to show my fans a better performance. " Kai asnwered.

" That's it for today's interview with global star, Kai! Thanks for coming. We would like to see you again. " The host said.

" CUT! " The director shouted.

The female host  bowed to Kai and left . Kai bowed to her too and walked towards Eun Hye.

" Good job. We are going back to the company to let you practice for now. "  Eun Hye complimented him and told him about his following up schedule.

" I will be back at the company at ..." Kai said and looked at his wrist watch. It was 3.30 in the afternoon. " 6.30." He added.

" Where are you going? Why do you need 3 hours? " Eun Hye asked.

" To meet up with Miss. S from Group B." Kai smirked and left. Leaving Eun Hye behind.

Eun Hye caught up with him and grabbed his arm , " You can't do this. " She said firmly.

Kai turned around to face her , " Are you my fan? You get mad when you see me talking to a female idol, you get mad when I try to meet up with a female and you know I don't like coffee. How hard did you try to get this job? Do you know that I have the rights to change my manager? Mind your own business if you still want to see me everyday. " Kai said.

" First of all , I  am not your fan. Luhan told me that you don't like coffee. And second, I am just doing my job. Please understand. And Kai, I hope we will get along well in the future. " Eun Hye tried her best to be nice. Kai looked at her without speaking with an annoyed expression.

Eun Hye spoke again. " All right. All right. I will break my rules for you. Be sure to be back at the company's practice room at 6.30 as you promised. And becareful when you are hanging out with your Miss S. I don't want to see any photos taken by paparazzi. " She let out a soft chuckle. She's using the soft way. She hopes that Kai will soften up and listen to her a little bit more if she's nice.

" See you then. " Kai turned around and left. Eun Hye watched him as he walked away, * I will change you into someone else. You will be perfect without that cocky attitude of yours. * Eun Hye thought to herself and smiled.

Will Eun Hye be able to change the cocky Kai to someone better? 

So this is the boring first chapter! I hope you enjoyed reading this! Kekekke~


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HyeYoungFan #1
This story too interesting to stop dear ... wishing you have time to updates ... thank you
HyeYoungFan #2
Found this lovely story and read it marathon. .. dear author-nim more than half a year...update plizzz thank you
avisdawn #3
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 5: Decision made- I'm subbing to this.
Update soon. X) Hahaha
Chapter 4: I really like it so far! I'm looking forward to your next update!
Angela821 #6
Chapter 1: Looking forward to read it! ^^