
Something Else
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One more check. Yoongi thought. Kitchen clean. Floor clean. Fridge stocked. Pillows fluffed. Yoongi stopped his march in front of the couch, picked up a misshapen pillow and puffed up the edges. Again he paused.

"Aish!" He threw it back at the couch. "She doesn't care if the pillows are fluffy." His eyebrows furrowed in his frustration. However his eyes couldn't help but flicker back at the pillow he shunned. He quickly picked it up and squeezed each corner with the same pressure. "But Jimin does."

One more round trip checkup around the house and he'd be done. The time on the clock read 7:15 p.m. Yoongi's guests would be coming in thirty minutes, or at least that's what he planned. Yoongi stood in the middle of the living room and took his whole house in. He let out a sigh of satisfaction and ran his hand through his hair. Yoongi thought to take a power nap for maybe fifteen minutes before everyone arrived: he let his body fall onto his couch, crushing the pillow he had just fluffed under his head. His nap ended as soon as it started it seemed; the song of the doorbell flew through Yoongi's ears making him shift in a fetal position on the couch.

"Nggh," he groaned. Yoongi dragged his body off the couch and moved toward the door with his eyes half open.

"Didn't I say 7:45?" His tone couldn't help but be grumpy. A giggle brought his senses back to life and his sleepy eyes opened fully. Instead of one of his friends, it was someone else who disturbed Yoongi's nap: his girlfriend.

"Ha, sorry. My mom dropped me off early because my parents are going to a dinner party later." Yoongi remained speechless as Jaehwa spoke. She laughed again. "Were you sleeping?" She managed to tilt her head in the cutest way possible that made Yoongi turn more sheepish than he already had and colored the tips of his ears red. During this whole exchange Jaehwa was still standing on the welcome mat of Yoongi's door awkwardly waiting to be let in. When Yoongi finally realized this he let his hand off the door and stepped aside for Jaehwa to walk in. She did so shyly, her shoulders hunching up until she set foot in the house. Yoongi closed the door behind her and tried not to stare at Jaehwa's back as she moved further into the living room. He followed suit after her and saw she stood in the middle of the living room like Yoongi once was earlier. She spun on her toes slowly as she looked around. Yoongi took note of Jaehwa's expression and her body language. Something was off about her today: she was acting like she'd never been in his living room before. It wasn't long ago that she was tutoring him at the dining table...

Yoongi put his unsettling thought aside and walked up behind her. Before he was about to wrap his arms around Jaehwa's delicate waist, he stopped himself midway. Yoongi bit his lip and took one step back and off to the side.

"Why are you acting like you've never been here before? Sit down." He said in the most nonchalant way possible. But his words in the end came off as demanding which made him want to slap himself. Jaehwa laughed to herself when she noticed how obvious she was being and sat on the sofa without a word. As Yoongi was about to take a seat next to her, Jaehwa stood up again.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom really quick." She said. Yoongi could only nod and directed with a jerk of his head where it was, not that Jaehwa didn't know. When she disappeared into the hall, Yoongi shoved one of his hands into his pockets and went to the kitchen. He pulled out two water bottles. He leaned against his counter and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

What was that? He thought. Yoongi hung his head back to only see his bleak ceiling wall staring back at him. The past three weeks have only worried him. That's how long he and Jaehwa had been together. The day he asked her to be his girlfriend, his heart was racing and beating more erratically than he could have ever imagined. When Jaehwa said yes, he was so sure he'd faint. Nowhere in a million years did he think Jaehwa would like someone like him. But when Yoongi saw the look on Jaehwa's face when she did accept, his heart shook. Although he didn't want to believe it and only think it was his nerves screwing up his sight, the way Jaehwa smiled back at him that day was not the same one Yoongi felt across his own face. It was something else. Yoongi kept this feeling in his heart everyday they spent together. He believed as long as he worked harder every day to get her to like him, she'd soon see his heart more clearly. After what just happened, he wondered if his efforts were even coming across to her. Tonight had to be perfect, or else their relationship would be in danger.

Jaehwa's footsteps filled the sound of the room. Yoongi stepped out of the kitchen and his inner thoughts. Jaehwa wiped the in betweens of her fingers against her sweatpants then clapped her hands together repeatedly. Yoongi took notice of what Jaehwa was wearing. She was wearing gray, skinny sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt, and her socks were black with purple polka dots on them. Her outfit was far from revealing but Yoongi felt a lump in his throat when he looked at her. To Jaehwa, she was dressed like she was about to go to a dance practice but to Yoongi she looked...

He was worried she looked too y at this pajama party to be with his friends. Actually Yoongi was more worried his friends would do something stupid like show up in only their boxers. They knew Jaehwa was going to come but he doubted that would stop them from embarrassing Yoongi to the point of seclusion. Clearing his throat, Yoongi coolly held out one of the water bottles to Jaehwa. She took it with a smile, for it was just what she wanted. She took her seat back on the couch and opened the bottle to take a drink.

"The guys should be coming soon." Yoongi commented. Jaehwa nodded with cheeks filled with water. Yoongi had the urge to poke them just to annoy Jaehwa, but he worried that would make her like him less. The battle in Yoongi's head made him want to rip up something, anything. He'd never felt so restricted. To get rid of the feeling he just did what he wanted. Yoongi poked one of Jaehwa's cheeks and a spritz of water came out of . Yoongi burst out laughing while Jaehwa wiped . She kept her lips in a tight line to keep from drooling and kicked Yoongi in the shin (which only made him laugh more.) He was happy he took that risk.

The couple sa

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Ohcean712 #1
Chapter 3: Oh God... Suga, my bias wrecker!!!
Chapter 3: Reading this at 1am and smiling like an indiot. Yoongi never failed to amuse me.
dochanxing #3
Chapter 3: This ff was so so so cute...totally mesmerising. ..luv'd it....I hope u vil write some more Suga ff. ..cuz I luv him...anyway great work....*two thumbs up. .. :-)
Chapter 3: It's so sweeeeeeeet >//<
shininglikeoxygen #5
Chapter 3: I really like this fic!please make more smth like this thanks♡
Sarah694 #6
Chapter 3: Sorry it was " ^^ " not " &^" Haha sorry *^v^*
Sarah694 #7
Chapter 3: Aah Yoongi-ah~ hahahha so cute XD
Oh~ Jaehwa has feelings too~ >v<
I love it!!! <3 Thank you SO~ much author-nim ^^
This story made my day &^